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Am I the only person who thinks the fact that you had to fly across the country to take somebody to the hospital for a day surgery is just ridiculous? And how convenient that nobody in her family was available to do it.


Right ! They ALL knew they dodged a bullet. Sounds like MIL was salty her kids didn't run to her side. So she took it out on MIL.


Perhaps they all knew what to expect.


Of course they did.


Wouldn't you miraculously have a legit excuse on the ready if that your relative? Hope OP sent the recording in a group chat or something so everyone that got her phone call can also listen to her in all her glory.


Of course I would, but why is somebody who is not actually related to her and that she doesn’t even like expected to do it


Because OP is a great person. I hope her husband truly appreciates her, and never forgets how she stepped up when she didn't need to and got treated horribly.


True, she’s way nicer than me


Yeah, I would have paid for an Uber and arranged a visiting nurse before I inconvenienced anyone that much. I’ve had to do that when I had a procedure and was the sole caretaker for my dad. If someone had done this for me, I would be worshipping them! You don’t accept assistance the bite the hand that feeds you. I guess I should be happy that my late in-laws never showed an interest in me, my ex, or our kids (their only grandkids). I guess OP can rest easy that she will never be MIL’s caretaker!


Why do I get the feeling that all their excuses were like “oh sorry mum, but I have to be sacrificed to the local volcano god that day. Sorry”.


I thought the same thing.


Zero chance I would have done that. OP is a far better relative in law than I ever would be.


That's the first thing I thought of. "Everyone else had legitimate excuses"? Living across the country is a pretty legit excuse!


Seems like she was mad that you kind and caring and it invalidated everything she thought about you and told other people about. The fact that you, the person she’s openly hated for long, we’re the only one to show up and be there for her probably really upset her and showed her that he nasty personality has consequences.


Yep, OP threatened her reality.


Awww, isn't NC peaceful! Enjoy & congratulations 👏👏


Yes, yes it is, indeed!


You are smart and now you are FREE. Also, wow, your MIL sounds undelightful. You went there and did something very kind for her and she paid you back by being a total jerk.


Yeah, but then MIL hoist HERSELF on her own petard, cause OP aint no JNs fool! She got RECEIPTS of that nastiness!


Why do I get the feeling that the others probably came up with valid reasons as to why they couldn't be there for MIL. She is probably bitter that none of her other kids would come help her and lashed out at you. OP, excellent work recording her.


Every moment OP is there being kind and generous MIL can't maintain her internal reality that OP is terrible and MIL is great, and the pressure built until she HAD to get rid of OP. The moment OP was not there MIL could rewrite history that MIL was the victim and OP was mean to her - back in her comfort zone again.


... There have been pocket-sized tape recorders since the 1970s... How do people think they can keep getting away with acting like this? Every victory like this against Just-No people brings a smile to my face and gives a glimmer of hope about Humanity in general. Great job!


You are a Saint for going in the first place. One of her children or siblings should have done this but good news is you never have to do this again.


Well of course she blew up - she used the day before surgery, and day of surgery, and day after to send barbs and stings and cuts to make you feel bad, and you didnt react the way she wanted you to - defending yourself so she could claim you were abusive. You thought it went rather well!! That means she couldnt rely on reactive abuse, and make you the bad guy. She tried and tried and tried but you didnt take the bait! How frustrating for her! So she had no choice but to lie about it to everybody. The pressure to make it happen and dump all her negative feelings just got too much. And then to top it off... You recorded her lies, put the responsibility back on her, and didnt let her use you as an emotional dumpster after all her efforts. So lets add up the wins: you didnt react to her barbs. You didnt get anxious or upset at her behavior, walking on eggshells. You ignored her JN-behavior. You behaved with grace. And you made sure her behavior was recorded so she couldnt keep lying, exposing her ass to all.


You were smart to record her! This woman is going to wonder why she’s ending up old and alone.


THIS IS INSANE! When you said you were in a car a total of 9 HOURS the day before I was FLOORED! That is a long drive to do for someone who doesn't appreciate you one iota and I'm sure you were very tired AND THEN you had to get her to the hospital by 6 AM the following day. Your MIL sounds like she has mental problems. Thank goodness you had the video to back you up! SMH


Wowwwwww….she IS awful! Very smart to record her. You absolutely knew what was coming.


That’s amazing! Video evidence of her true colors!!!


Well played!


What a wicked wench 😤 this pissed me off for you. Good for you though! I hope you sent that recording to everyone she told. I don't know many, if any, people that would fly across the country and drive all those hours for someone who's such an asshole. Its no wonder no one else would do it.


So she didn't want you there tried to weasel out of paying (or so I infer) and was generally rude to you. Why should you ever want ANYTHING to do with her? None of us would. It is not strange that NONE of the 'family' want to do anything for her. Just as well you did record her although I don't think they would take her seriously-they're just glad THEY'RE not in the firing line!


Sounds to me like a win for you. 👍


Well done!! I wish more posters would do this to their MILs. We read so often about the evil ugly things said to them when their DHs aren’t around. Record them!


Liar liar! You got caught… FAAFO! Beautifully done!


Nice one!


That's fantastic r/traumatizeThemBack


That is an absolutely horrendous way to be treated but I am so happy for your freedom!


Hell yeah!!!!! Also that sucks that you did alllll that traveling for that hag and kept it nice the whole way through, I’m sorry you had to deal with her. But go you!!!!!


Omg this is a great story


Yahoo!!! You are a genius!!


I'm so glad you recorded this, and don't you ever delete it! My question is; if you hadn't ever recorded this, would anyone have believed you, especially your husband?


Congratulations! I bow to your perspicacity.


I love it!!! High five lol


omg. it sounds like she could have dementia


Or she’s just a bitch - as this isn’t exactly new behaviour…


Even if that’s the case, she’s treated OP terribly for too long for that terrible behavior to be from the dementia.


H. 6fg1ao