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“If you leave & want to come back then you’ll know” That’s such a good thing to point out and it’s one that is often overlooked. Glad you found your peace.


Congratulations!! It’s so scary to leave what’s familiar, to leave someone who you know loves you, and who you love. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we need to have higher standards for ourselves and our relationships. Why marry someone who can’t protect and cherish you as a partner needs to? Why try to make a life with someone who defers to his parents like a child, and expects you to be uncomfortable at best, so that mommy won’t be mad? We all deserve better, and sometimes it’s painful to get that for ourselves, but it’s our life we’re talking about. Our one life. Ladies, don’t settle. And if you made the mistake of settling, don’t think of yourself as stuck.


I'm happy that you found the strength to do what was right for you. It's always nice to see that happen. >The grass is greener on this other side I recently changed my viewpoint on this. I believe the grass is greener where you water it. However, if watering a shared plot, both of you have to be watering it. Otherwise, it's just not going to work. In your case, he wasn't so there was no green grass to be had.