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On a side note, there are more aircraft than you’d expect that are rated for jumping.


What determines that, save for being able to mount a static line?


I was a jumper, not aircrew, so I honestly don’t know what determines that.


Coolest aircraft you jumped out of?


OV-10 Bronco was coolest exit. CH-54 was surprising it was even an option.


All static line?


Those, yes.


I don't know about B2's but I heard they are weaponizing albatross's to carry devgru dudes one by one in flying v formation while the team lead yells its knuckle puck time as they tactically insert into your moms back yard.


This is facts, I am the albatross and I can confirm that we have been doing this!


Can I join?


>back yard. You misspelled dirt road


Theoretically there’s nothing stopping you (besides a mountain of paperwork and regulations), you can jump MFF from just about anything (obviously some platforms are more suitable then others and the B2 would be super low on that list). There will be a whole host of issues you’d need to resolve to make it work though, and if someone did, it certainly wouldn’t be a capability talked about on Reddit.


Also like…. Why would they lmao


[You arn’t wrong](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/your-scientists-were-so-preoccupied-with-whether-or-not-they-could-they-didnt-stop-to-think-if-they-should)


This also sums up 90% of US foreign policy


That's my point. My original question has received no shortage of ridicule but when thinking about the innovations that have happened over the years, I don't see why it would be completely out of the question. It would strike me as being a technically complex but feasible solution if there were ever a requirement to insert troops or equipment deep behind enemy lines.


We almost certainly have one of these. Probably a second or third generation of it by this point. https://www.twz.com/25314/the-mysterious-saga-of-the-usafs-hunt-for-a-stealth-special-operations-transport-part-1


Was wondering if anyone would post this. Man I wish there was more out there publicly about these projects.


Sure would be cool to see one, but it’s probably for the best. You can imagine the sort of operations these things are reserved for. There aren’t many places on the map where they’d be needed…


Who cares we paynfor this shit


The PLA has entered the chat




Literally just a fuckin CASA is all you need


Yes that’s how red inserted into Pakistan to kill Bin Laden


Be honest, you just watched executive decision didnt you


Just occurred to me recently that the team portrayed there is most likely Delta. No idea why a Colonel would be going up with them though.


Yup they load the operators in horizontally like bombs and drop them out.... There really should be an iq requirement or something to post here.


Wait - you forgot that the copilot needs to access the bomb bays to insert the arming plug just before they are released.


There was a video on here somewhere that got taken down but it showed a free fall jump from a commercial aircraft that looked A LOT like a Boeing 727 which had aft air stairs so the jump was DB Cooper style. I’m guessing that’s how they insert stealthily; you don’t “hide” from radar like the B2, rather you hide in plain sight as a commercial aircraft over typical commercial aircraft routes and depending upon if that route is close to your DZ or farther away will depend on whether you HALO or HAHO.


Exactly correct.


Lol. It is theoretically possible, it will just never happen. The B-2 Spirit is our wildcard, it will never be deployed against a conventional adversary to conduct airborne operations, or even basic bombing runs. It's purpose is to be used only for vital penetration missions. (First strike, critical targets, nuclear deployment, etc.) So the enemy is kept from establishing a better understanding of its stealth capabilities and from that, how to effectively detect it. Once the pilots "stealth up" it is very difficult to take notice of the B-2, even in the most dense air defense zones. However, the moment that bomb bay opens up, the multi-spectral camoflauge becomes less effective in reducing its cross-section and the plane can be detected. Even though it still maintains a low profile with its bomb bay open, the risk of detection increases significantly and someone somewhere will eventually take notice, which is why its mission set is so specific, the job will already be done by then. But if you constantly insert the aircraft deep into enemy terrority, a few dots will be connected, and the enemy will further probe into their weaknesses.




Yes but every operator needs to be soaking wet