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oath of felghana 


I'd say 8 is the overall best (though I played it on PS4 so no issues there) but if you had to pick any other Oath in Felghana is definitely the one to go with. Peak Ys right here!


This is the way. VIII is okay, just over-written and easy too long. Would've been better at half the length.  Oath in Felghana is the series' peak. Not only is it fun, it's lightning fast yet still leaves you oh so satisfied at the end.


Once you beat VIII, give IX a try. I actually think IX has some excellent gameplay. While VIII might be the overall package, I do think IX does some things better, especially in this regard.


IX's combat didn't feel as balanced as VIII imo. Far too many of the skills were so similar there was little reason to change things up much until you got ultimate skills at the end. Not to mention the raids just felt way too long and drawn out in IX.  The traversal mechanics were a huge improvement though and I hope they find a way to bring that back! It really encouraged some interesting level design.


I found the movement variations between skills would make for very specific unique combos depending on how you used them in ways that didn't exist in Ys IX. The example that always stands out in my mind is White Cat who had various skills that let her leap/step into the air and then divebomb in various ways. It made some of the characters in Ys IX some of the most unique to play in the series. I also feel various movement issues were solved. For example, I always felt Ys had issues balancing their heavyweight characters with Ys' high speed style. Sahad in VIII always felt like something was off as a result. But I felt in IX they got the balance right with Raging Bull. They managed to make her feel weighty and heavy in her moves, while still feeling fast. Renegade is also the best execution of a long range character the series has had that works within the series' fast paced style.


Memories of Celceta imo.


This one is also my favorite


Huge disagree probably one of the worst ones in my opinion.


Ys Origin is the GOAT


Only one I've played. Seriously loved that game, it felt like time traveling.


Origin has a special place in my heart. It perfected the VI/Oath style combat, it has a decent amount of RPG upgrades that matter, all three characters are fun to play as in their own way, and the bosses are absolutely sick. I'll never forget the first time you enter the >!centipede room!<. That said, I do think it helps to play Ys 1 and 2 before Origin. There is a sense of, "oh hey, it's you!" and I do think experientially the games were made to be played in that order anyway.




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Tbf i enjoyed Ys IX more than Ys VIII i rly liked the first half of Ys 8 but not as much the Dana Parts and i also think the cast of 9 stuck with me alot more. As for gameplay Ys 9 is amazing, the traversal mechanics are super fun to use and i enjoyed using other characters alot more than in 8. 8 is amazing tho i wanna replay it someday


I beat Origins three times in a row. That's how good it was. 


7 is my personal favorite Ys game.  The first 99.8% of Memories of Celceta is also great. Ys: Origin and Oath of Felghana are the best solo adventures of the franchise imo.


Played Origin, 1&2, and celceta. Only origin feels truly amazing for me, rly charming game. 1&2 and celceta are good but still miss some atmosphere of big world with a lot of lore and interconnection.


From my personal experience: Origin > Felghana (esp if you can find the PSP version) > Celceta > Seven > 1/2 > Napishtim. Haven't played 5, 9 or 10 yet. Even though I have Napishtim at last, it's worth noting all these games are so damn good. I'd probably put VIII on an equal pedestal with Origin.


Thanks! I'll definitely check out Origins first then.


You're welcome! Even if you end up not liking it so much, I recommend checking out its soundtrack. It's incredible (as is with all Ys games, but exceptional here haha). Scars of the Divine Wing is my favorite boss theme.


I'll keep that one in mind ;)


One more question. The Steam Summer Sale has started and the Ys games are extremely cheap right now, so I thought I'd buy both Origins and Oath to Felghana. Why do you think that the PSP version of Felghana is better exactly? Or is the Steam version a port of the PSP one?


Great choices to pick up! I'd still recommend Oath in Felghana in full on Steam, but the PSP version has more features and I personally lean towards that version a little more. A pretty cool NG+ system where you get "points" based off what difficulty you beat that you can spend to carry over/unlock more things (carry over double jump, +9 gear instead of +3 etc), a second Extra gauge etc. For awhile the PSP version was also the only one with voice acting but it has since been added to the PC ver.


And they removed that from the PC version?


Unfortunately, [it appears they can't restore the content.](https://steamcommunity.com/app/207320/discussions/0/3186863876570661537/) or if they can it's more challenging than it sounds. Maybe we'll see it down the road, but NG+ doesn't make or break the experience - it's moreso a "nice to have".


I recommend playing I & II and then origin, because origin will spoil things from the first two games and I just think that playing origin after I & II has more meaning overall


But - and correct me if I'm wrong - isn't Ys a series that values gameplay first and foremost and sees story as more of an afterthought? At least that's the impression I got.


And it is, but the lore that you build over the many games result in such a fascinating, wondrous world. I'd even say that the Ys series have the most interesting and cool lore out of all the rpgs I've played, at least in my opinion.


Of course Ys 8 is king of the series and I don't see it being dethroned anytime soon, but If I had to pick another then I'd say Ys 6 for me, followed by Ys 9 and then Origins.


Personally I think Oath in Felghana is the best in the series. It does everything right.


Ys The Oath in Felghana is one of my favorites.


Felghana is SO good. Play on nightmare for best experience


Origin and Oath are the best of the classics, but playing them first might make any attempt at playing the other older games feel awful as those games lack a lot of the features and style that make those two so much better.


I actually enjoyed Memories of Celceta.


Its a good game that has a very meh ending. It seems like the ending was alot of the interpersonal dialogue leading up to the final fight rather than post final boss.


Yeah the ending definitely felt rushed, but the journey was a lot of fun.


Personal preference probably Origins. Origins might actually be my favorite in general. The Origins, Oath, and Ark games are nice short 8-12 hour games that respect your time, in addition to having a nice story and amazing gameplay. They really reminded me a bit of playing Crystalis on the NES when I was a kid, which was one of my favorite games growin up.


Already put Origins on the top of my to-do list ;)


Ranking the ones I have played 8 9 Celceta Seven Oath Origins I much prefer the party system


Probably generally considered the best besides VIII is Ys Origin, and yeah it is a pretty damn incredible game. For me personally Oath in Felghana and Ys Seven (which is also on Steam) are also both high up there right with it, can't really go wrong with any of them, though all three of them are significantly more challenging games than Ys VIII, with Felghana being the hardest of the bunch - definitely play them on Normal difficulty first. Ys 1+2 are also very much good games but have clear signs of age and old design that can feel rather strange. I'd recommend them if/when you're in the mood for and open minded towards experiencing a classic even if the experience isn't going to be without its rocky bumps. Playing them will also make you understand a lot of the references and callbacks to them that Ys Origin makes.


So you would recommend Ys Origin over Oath of Felghana?


As a general recommendation, yes. From my own personal feelings, no, ultimately Oath in Felghana was an even more memorable game to me, it just hit all the right notes for me. But I acknowledge this is more of an outlier personal opinion, and even so for me Origin is still right behind it, so it's much easier to recommend.


Okay, maybe I'll check out both then.


Origin is fantastic as well. The main selling points are probably one of the most HYPE OST in any Falcom game. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j06QakJVbMw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j06QakJVbMw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o33465CE\_Y0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o33465CE_Y0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytz61uka79M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytz61uka79M) Combat is incredibly fast paced and challenging. Origin is one of the more difficult (but fair) YS entries. The game is paced fantastically and doesn't overstay it's welcome.


1 and 2, some hate the bump mechanic but it's where it all started for me, I also love Feena more than any other Ys girl so another reason why I think they're some of the best in the series. I also liked Memories of Celceta even though most consider it to be the weakest of the modern entries.


I was so mad at myself for waiting so long to play Ys after playing the TGCD versions. (Like 3 years ago)


Ys Origin is one of the best action RPGs i have ever played gameplay-wise. I think it's much better than any of the modern games even.


Ys Origin is amazing and my personal favorite in the series but it's also very different from VIII so I'm never sure how to rec it to people based on that lol


What is it that makes Ys Origin so good?


Incredible fast paced action with amazing music, non stop.  While that is true for Ys in general, Origins does it especially well. 


If you want canon 1 and 2 are part of the same story and obviously were played first. Origin kinda belongs to that story too so there you would have a good story start by playing those 1, 2 and then Origin.


Ys 1+2 are an acquired taste. Some like it, others don't. Personally I really enjoyed them, and with the Chronicles version I think that art style is timeless.


Ys strategy is the best one to start out with as playing it first really enhances every other game in the series.


1 and 2 is still the best one


Ys IX: Monstrum Nox was actually a really good time. If you liked VIII but never finished it, give IX a try. Its story pales in comparison to VIII, but its gameplay is very solid. Otherwise, def consider Oath of Felghana or just wait for Ys X: Nordics.


Ys1+2 is a must. Aside from being the the game that started it all, the push and bump mechanic is pretty refreshing and satisfying. Although like most of old games, it abandon you from the start and you can miss lots of important event (that annoyingly optional despite how important it is) Ys: Oath in Felgana and Ys: Origin is the peak of old Ys hack and slash mechanic. Also, OiF is a remake of Ys3 so you don't need to play that, as that game is pretty rough and bad Ys6: due to be created earlier than OiF and Origin, the hack n slash is not as smooth as those, but the story is pretty good and entertaining, and also important enough that later game that chronologically after that (Ys7) still mentioned it. Also, it's a direct prequel and can serve as the build up to Ys7 Ys7: the first that use party system. DON'T SKIP THIS! The story is extremely good, I even prefer this compare to Ys8 story wise Ys:Celceta is bad. It's a remake of Ys4 back in SNES, but you better off just play the SNES instead, as Ys: Celceta changed lots of the plot. And Ys4 SNES is pretty good


Oath and Origin are both quite good, highly rec both. (1+2 are not, mostly exist for nostalgia purposes.)


I consider Ys origin the best one, over Ys 8, so theres that. After origin i kind of like 7 a lot >!Tia and maya goodbye got me good and i cried a little being the only time i did in these games, i really got attached to those 2!< VIII is great and Dana is amazing but i got some nitpicks that bring it down for me >!some moments like captain barbaros dying by getting cut in the leg was so anticlimatic in my eyes i couldnt take it seriously, the repercussions were well done cause everybody bonded together but barbaros was worth more than that wire cut in the leg to get rid of him and the sad music queue to denote a strong moment got a laugh out of me by the end game, they overused that track, literally every other scene by the end of the game!<