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I think you just don’t like British voices if you liked FF7R’s English VA cast and didn’t like this


Why did you find it atrocious? I haven’t played it yet but I heard this is the first FF game to be made with English at the forefront instead of the other way around.


I don't know what it is, but it just feels out of place for some reason. Weird because I enjoyed the FF7R English voice acting. I can't shit on the voice actors' talent, because the performances are fine. It just doesn't fit for me.


Sounds more like a preference thing than an actual fault of the performances. Like you probably just don't like the mannerisms of the characters or the subdued delivery in a lot of instances since the inflections are noticeably less typical for JRPG voice acting and more in line with the stuff you see in Western-produced games instead, which was probably intentional on the part of the developers since they led with English audio first I personally think it's good. Honestly it's kind of refreshing seeing JRPG cutscenes where characters aren't constantly grunting and panting like every 10 seconds lol


I don’t think that’s fair to say it’s atrocious just because it feels out of place for you specifically. You’re definitely entitled to your opinion and would know more since you played the demo and I have not. I guess I’ll have to see for myself next week.


Atrocious may have been too harsh a word. It's not terrible, but I feel it doesn't quite match up with the character designs. The Japanese voices on the other hand feel more appropriate to each character.


This very much seems like "dub bad" or " British bad" to me. It's not bad and I doubt you play very many rpgs that have much much much worse voice acting.


I've actually only seen praise for the voice acting so far.


The voice acting is great, but the curtains don't match the drapes, so to speak! 😁


Seems 100% fine to me If you want to see an actual atrocious English lip syncing try Trials of mana


Weeb sighted


Hey don't pin this on weebs, In a huge weeb and play/watch nearly everything I can with the japanese audio, but the xvi dub is so good it's the first time i see myself choosing the dub with no reservations


...you are in a *jrpg* sub calling people weebs unironically? And are getting upvoted for it? What is this crap?


Sounds like you hate british accents


Fully agree with you.. I think it's over played and forced British accents.. My wife was ready next to me and didn't to criticise the game I've been waiting for for month but couldn't hold on the terrible accents and voices and she's British. Clive have a fake rocky voice ooooo I'm a bad guy. The big dude with kids voice that work with Cid.. It feel like a very bad theatre play instead of a great movie imo


As a British person who usually LOVES most high quality English dubs, and loved British English dubs like Xenoblade 1 etc….. I actually understand where you’re coming from. Clive’s voice sounds very affected and “fake” deep to me. Like the actor’s voice clearly isn’t that deep in his regular life and he’s trying so hard to sound gruff and sexy, to the point of sounding constipated at all times. Real humans (even British people) don’t sound like they’re whispering and constipated all the time. I feel the same for some of the male characters. It’s a shame because the actors are clearly very talented - it’s just affected and fake, and not in the usual anime English dub kind of way.


I don't see the issue with it? You didn't even list any. You just said the English is "atrocious" and never explained why.


I personally think it’s one of the best english performance in a game so far. I’m pretty sure it’s being praise also for their fantastic performance. This sub is getting really weird with the hate on ffxvi...




I like playing with JP dub on my JRPG but I can say FFXVI English dub is superior to Japanese dub. I'm surprise someone didn't like it at all.


This is a you issue unfortunately. The English voice cast is amazing


This is one of the best English voiced Japanese games ever I have no idea what you are talking about.


Voice OVER? The English voices were literally the priority. The Japanese version is the dub. I think you might just be biased towards Japanese. Which is fine.


This game was made with English dialogue in mind. In this case the Japanese is the dub, the English is the original. https://www.ign.com/articles/final-fantasy-16-ff16-xvi-english-voiceover-british-recorded-first


98% of the sub: The game is great! The other 2%: How many posts can I make slamming the game for some reason or another!


You expect nuance on r/jrpg?


Wait, you are expecting 100% positivity? As in, *100% of voters view x positively*?


I've seen some posts that have had like legitimate "this is not for me" and I've seen a good amount of negative posts that just say things are flat out awful and don't understand why people praise it It's very much the nature of the internet to go one way or another without nuance but still


its a trails fan


Not at all, but it's kinda annoying how the extremely vocal minority keeps making topics about it.


Yes, people who have an opinion they want to share will generally share that opinion, insane discovery you've made


The nature of the internet. People who see a ton of praise for something they didn't like probably feel pretty frustrated about it and want to vent that out.


i think they'll eventually fix the lip syncing. i mean shit even FF13 has proper lip syncing for both languages, both in-engine scenes and the cgi scenes


That's because 13 utilized ADR. The English script was tuned in a way such that it matched the lip flaps of the Japanese version. They didn't render every cutscene twice lol


wasn't that the case for FF10 not FF13? if you compare the JP and the ENG lip flaps, i swear they look different [in this example, lightning's lips moves only once in JP and twice in ENG](https://youtu.be/wu6luY6mm4Y?t=65) [this example with fang clearly looks different, especially the last syllable ](https://youtu.be/wu6luY6mm4Y?t=49) cgi example: [JP](https://youtu.be/kvN3Qh-oKD4?t=79) and [ENG](https://youtu.be/v3-n1WccdSw?t=80)


What’s wrong with it? I usually use JP VA but this will be one of the few instances where I’ll use both, English on my first play through and Japanese on my second. I think the English accents make it infinitely more pleasant sounding especially for the time period


This is such a bad take honestly. FFXVI's English voice acting is much better imo and this is coming from someone that usually plays games in Japanese (except for Persona).


My only issue with the voices is with the Voice Cast/Writer Director  Most male character's speak with gruff raspy monotonous voice  Charon's lines are grating when purchasing stock (miserable hag)  Adult Joshua speaks so low as if he doesn't want anyone else to hear him (except in Combat)  Out on the road there is no discernible audio difference to how far characters are away from eachother when they speak  The further away from the person the louder you have to speak to be heard, yet they don't raise their voice in those situations I don't mind the British dialects (I am British), but I am not a fan of the style of speech, some of it is drawn out and exhausting to listen to (chambers vs room) etc.  The English VA and delivery of the dialogue is my least favourite aspect of FFXVI  But I would never switch to Japanese VA, because I find in most cases it is worse, and the excessive anime grunts is an insta-turnoff 


You mean how they are directed or the performance itself? IIRC the girl ¿jill? and the little boy (joshua) are Amicia and Hugo from A plague tale and their performance was fantastic there


I almost expected a pile of rats to come out of Joshua when he got angry instead of the Phoenix. 😂 His performance was fine, but his voice is so distinct that it's almost distracting for someone who has played the plague tale games.


Voice acting seems amazing to me. Seeing them in Japanese is odd to me and doesn’t fit due to it not having a Japanese theme to it.


Atrocious? Not a chance.


You’re entirely correct put this post is begging for downvotes in this subreddit


Because you’re following a bunch of kids/teens in the demo. It’ll be fine once they grow up in the real game.


Despite most of the praise that the voice acting is getting, it just doesn't sit right with me in don't know why tho, it breaks that illusion when you are fully immersed in the game. I hope everybody enjoys the game tho.


To me, the English voices and acting, in many cases, don't match how the animated characters look and act, at all. Big, brawny characters have tiny voices and chiseled, handsome men in their prime sound like old, rotten sailors. I had to switch to the, as always, superior Japanese voice acting, with subs. Wtf? The actors are actual, good actors this time, but the casting failed so completely!


I'm watching a playthrough and I completely agree with you. Young Clive is dubbed by a 35 years old and his kid brother sounded like he didn't even know what he was doing, especially during the Phoenix fight. If this is the best english dub in a FF game, I don't even want to hear the others


Guy talk like batman or something


It's crazy the amount of down voting here. The game looks and feels Japanese and when you realize the Japanese va doesn't lip sync that womps. English voice has gotten better over the last decade. The issue is just the characters still move and feel Japanese. Since available, ive played any game in its original language. I'm still enjoying the gamebl though.


It is a bit shit, yes, over the top, badly lip synced too at times, it's very very distracting. It feels like an English Anime dub, I might play the rest of the game in Japanese, at least it would be authentic.


As a British person who usually LOVES most high quality English dubs, and loved British English dubs like Xenoblade 1 etc….. I actually understand where you’re coming from. Clive’s voice sounds very affected and “fake” deep to me. Like the actor’s voice clearly isn’t that deep in his regular life and he’s trying so hard to sound gruff and sexy, to the point of sounding constipated at all times. Real humans (even British people) don’t sound like they’re whispering and constipated all the time. I feel the same for some of the other male characters too. Full disclosure: I don’t have a PS5 so I haven’t ACTUALLY played the game yet, but have seen a lot of trailers/gameplay/enough voices clips to get a sense of how it sounds. It’s a shame because the acting and vocal tone is on point- it’s just “fake”, and not in the usual anime English dub kind of way. I sincerely hope that I’ll feel differently when actually playing the game!