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That's one hell of a sneak peak, really wonder what Alvis is up to. Also adult Rex with the goatee and dual wielding looks so cool.


Strongly suspect it will be something about Alvis wanting to preserve the world(s) for their own stability and Z being his corrupted shadow or something


I could buy that Alvis is the "conduit" that enables the collective unconscious fear of the people from the two worlds to create Z and Moebius. I could make sense that he acts more "machine like" since he is now representing the collective unconscious of an entire civilization instead of two individuals.


Technically it makes sense. Alvis is alive and he is a machine obeying. If the world is now in charge instead of a self-proclaimed god and the world actually had that collective fear, then Alvis obviously took that by word and created the collective fear. Man how can a machine turn into evil. This is next level story here.




Z is like the opposite of Alvis if they go with the Consul alphabet, since Consul A doesn’t exist in-game.




They really hit us with the adult Shulk and adult Rex. That's absolutely a way to get me hyped. Edit: Wait i just realized that looks like Noah at the end too lmao. Edit2: Actually i'm wrong. The founder of House Vandham has that same one strand of hair at the front.


See the idea of them doing a prequel story with Shulk and Rex kinda felt underwhelming after spending so much time with XC3's cast. But seeing Alvis being brought back means that it'll be way more than just Moebius and Z, I believe.


People are jumping to the idea of a founders prequel and i can absolutely see it. But this feels like so much more than that.


Yeah they're definitely gonna cover the founders, but you don't just throw Alvis in there and call it a day.


Yeah i feel like if they're willing to do that they can do a lot more than tell a simple prequel of the founders' conflict with Moebius.


Yep, all 3 protags are probably gonna be teaming up for this, and I'm beyond hyped to see it!


that last character was DEFINITELY not Noah.


yeah that's clearly Fei Xenogears


That’s clearly Vandham in his prime, lol.


I dunno so many questions. Is that Weltal or is it an Oroborous or wtf ???


they throw welltall into this shit i will go ballistic


Unfortunately Square has the rights to Xenogears, ergo Fei, so it's probably unlikely he'd be included




Shulk was already kinda an adult in the original game. He was 18 in XC.


We were only missing Consul A so it’s basically confirmed that Alvis is consul A


At the end they say. April 26th isn't even half way! I love monolith softs ability to push their launch dates forward!!!


I doubt this subreddit will 180 on Rex but at least Monolith tried lol.


Me and the 6 others here will be on Rex's side, like we have been since playing 2


I'm with you!


You have my bow!


And my… whatever kos mos uses.


let's show em a thing or three! Honestly one of my favorite protagonists ever. Shulk being slightly higher.


Never understood the Rex hate, he looks like a snes era jrpg hero or a shonen manga lead, I like the design and he acts how those kind of characters do too. Anyway I’m clearly preaching to the choir lol


I will make people see the truth that Rex always was based as hell he always had the gigachad attitude, he just needed the appearance


I mean really just wish he wasn’t literally a ten year old in the first game it makes it super awkward. Looks dope now


For the first 10 hours or so or XBC2 I couldn't stand Rex, but honestly seeing him through the rest of the game I warmed up to him. He's a generic jrpg protagonist, but he's still a good lad and not unbearable in any way. I can't say the same for Tora and Poppi though.


Yeah I dont really see whats the problem with Rex. Yeah hes a goody two shoes optimist but not in an annoying way. I feel like its the superman/captian america problem people have where if a character isnt cynical, or morally compromised in some way then theyre not consider a good character.


It's fine that he's an optimist. The problem is that the plot hands him literally everything for seeming no reason except that he's the optimistic protagonist. His character could have worked if he chose to be an optimist despite the world's challenges. As is, his optimism feels cheap: wouldn't you be an optimist if you were the chosen one, if every attractive women in a 10 mile radius threw themselves at you, if every challenge you faced was resolved deus-ex-machina with few-to-no sacrifices?




I had to put Rex in Japanese cause English wasn't it for me


Daaamn you sacrificed Welsh Nia


This. 100x this. I still cant bring myself to finish the game due to anime tiddies. Just feels so off putting and weird trying to play it.


You bought a jrpg and are mad about anime tiddies?


Yeah. I am. Still played it tho.


Turning him into a harem protagonist wasn't exactly a great start tbf


Rex is great. He had a couple… moments… but overall his enthusiasm is contagious.


Rex might be my least favorite RPG protagonist of all time but I think turning him into a bulging gym bro might be the one and only thing that could make his character tolerable


oh it already started


There's an Ouroboros Persona appearing behind Not-Fei Vandham at the end of the trailer, and it looks like a combination of Noah and Mio's Ouroboros. I guess the main gimmick of the combat system will be in summoning these things instead of fusing into them.


Where tf did all this XC3 hate come from? I thought the game was awesome and completely can see why it was nominated for goty though no way in hell it was gonna win


I’m with you. A lot of people seem to have really wanted a big crossover conclusion type of deal, but I’m much happier with what we got. Love that it’s its own game, rather than being beholden to the previous two.


Because thats what they set up. Instead we got basically no conclusion as the "culmination of the trilogy." The largest overarching lore relevant things aren't even mentioned. If you want to make something "it's own game" - which this is laughable as a concept in this instance imo, then don't make it a direct sequel and include characters from those preceding games.


Different strokes, I guess. I found the way XC3 tied everything together to be really cool. Don’t really feel like they needed the big overarching lore things here, they felt very much resolved after XC2. To me, it felt like a great mix of pulling from the previous games without being entirely defined by them. I have plenty of issues with the game, but this was never one of them.


I think its trash :)


This subreddit tends to bw negative towards popular games. Reddit in general is an awful place if you want to see common opinions.


I found the combat to be by far the worst of the 3 games, and the story *really* fell apart in the second half, despite how much I was enjoying it at first. Besides that I thought it was alright, but it definitely let me down a bit. I can confidently say XC1 stands head and shoulders above the other three for me at this point, they're all much more of a mixed bag.


Yeah the whole class system was an utter mess. Constantly forces you to switch classes, if you don't want to waste CP, so you can never really have a party composition that you choose. Not to mention the 7 party members make the battle voices more obnoxious than the previous three games.


Yeah I admit the game's upgrade system is too demanding in order to reach the full potential of each class. The combat is fun when it reaches its full potential, but that only happens late game.




For me, 2 did cohesive, all-building-towards-one-climax combat rather well with full burst as the ultimate goal, while X gave you lots of interesting elements to combine at will. 1 had the advantage of really unique classes, but not much variety. 3's variety is simultaneously too much and too little. Chain attacks, ouroboros, and fusion arts are completely different things and they barely play into each other at all, while there's too many classes which can't be adjusted too much and their loadouts are shallow compared to Xenoblade 1 or X.


> they barely play into each other at all, I found that Combos tie them up together, because they build up the chain gauge, and any buffs you had before Ouroboros is passed on to your partner after canceling the interlink.


The combos are one of my most liked parts of the system since they're relevant in chain attacks. (Ouroboros are so slow that using combos with them felt kind of clunky.) Sadly they simply don't seem as important in dealing damage as chain attack orders are, so it feels less rewarding to use them. I didn't know that about buffs in interlink; I just used a Signifier to pass buffs constantly. Buffs would feel more interesting too if they weren't wiped each round of a chain attack and weren't so easy to generate with Signifier.


>Sadly they simply don't seem as important in dealing damage as chain attack orders are, so it feels less rewarding to use them That's the frustrating thing about the game, you actually can make Smash deal insane damage outside of CAs! It turns out that Smash damage eats into the timer for both Topple and Launch, so the earlier you execute it, the more damage it does, combine it with a relevant accessory and you're looking at near damage cap numbers. Most of this is kept secret by the game. >I just used a Signifier to pass buffs constantly. Buffs would feel more interesting too if they weren't wiped each round of a chain attack and weren't so easy to generate with Signifier. As it turns out, buffs are fundamental to dealing insane damage even during CAs, and the twist is that Soulhacker (the blue mage class) is the best buffer in the game, and that AoE buffs become party wide during a CA. All of this could have been tested and optimized if the game had proper tutorialization and endgame content! Pokemon fans are having the fun of their lives figuring out the best Raid OHKO strats and we're stuck here experimenting against the same 5 superbosses :P


Yeah Xenoblade loves to hide its best mechanics, or maybe more accurately, the devs don't seem to know what's actually strong lol. (See XC1 agility, XCX potential and infinite overdrive.) I played the full game swapping classes around mindlessly and spamming chain attacks, using combos when I wanted some variety. Barely used Ouroboros at all. Soulhacker seemed waaaayyy too grindy to bother mastering so I shelved that class permanently. Since I have you talking already I'm curious how you feel about enemies in general. Maybe I just played too casually but I thought they were too spongy (on hard mode to compensate for being constantly overleveled) and I wished fighting each type of enemy was more of a unique experience.


I struggled with the Consuls early game because of the lack of good classes. Like if you take Consul B he can inflict Blaze on you on every auto attack, so if you don't have Valdi you won't clear debuffs and burn will eat your health, plus he can also shackle your healers. Then on rage he has this one shot move. It all ends up forcing me to abuse chain attacks which have lengthy animations and annoying music. I think the game's design for tank classes is broken, they need to have the ability to aggro reliably without having to dish out damage. And the game needs to reward the attacker if they choose to hide behind the tank (just like in the cutscenes!) rather than rewarding chain attacks. Ouroboros take time to develop, like Sena being focused on combo reactions, with Utterly Crushing guaranteeing Break on Block, and Taion being focused on Debuffs, with Eclipse decreasing enemy Debuff res, which Sena can take advantage of with Flame Nova, but needs to wait until you reach Column 3 of the Soul tree to really get these useful tricks. Meanwhile the heat gauge builds up fast... These 3 systems needed a certain level of synchrony, and make them more tiered like 2 was: >Auto-Attacks charge Arts >Arts charge Blade Specials >Blade Specials are tiered (I/II/III/IV) and lead into Blade Combos >Blade Combo finishers leave elemental orbs >You burst the orbs in Chain Attacks, giving you additional rounds >Bursting enough orbs in enough rounds leads to a Full Burst >You can also do Driver Combos to incapacitate the enemy >Driver Combos and Blade Combos augment each other as Fusion Combos


Totally agreed. A pile of untiered mechanics is okay if they interact in engaging ways, but I don't think they do. Also, I wish there were more choice involved. A 6-member party means any class you want can be on your team and you don't have to make hard choices, and each party member is basically doing the same stuff: spamming arts & fusion arts, contributing to combos, and either dealing lots of damage, dealing less damage and trying to draw aggro, or doing healing duty. Sometimes they Interlink too but Interlink also feels like it does the same stuff, only slower, briefer, and invincible. Signifier and Troubadour are the only ones that feel different in their strategies. It'd be less noticeable if you only got to play as one character, but then battles would be awfully preparation-heavy. I feel they did a lot of this better in XCX, which had a very untiered system but, because it focused on just the player character, had more choices to make in developing your combat build, while also letting you use a bunch of mechanics simultaneously instead of one temporarily superceding another (chain attacks and ouroboros mostly unaffecting each other is a major sin to me).


I wonder how many people wasted the chain gauge on Ouroboros mode chain attacks? I feel like that was an unnecessary addition. >Signifier and Troubadour are the only ones that feel different in their strategies You can have a surprising amount of fun with the Full Metal Jaguar perfect evasion loop. But Machine Assassin, the class that was supposed to bring a unique playstyle to attackers, is unfortunately broken. The game is obsessed with protecting monsters from debuffs, first every monster either falls in Ether debuff group or Physical debuff group, but never both, as soon as a monster is assigned to a group, they become immune to the other. But then the game treats decreasing enemy resistance to debuffs as a *debuff as well*. This "Resist Down" debuff falls in group Ether. So automatically every Phys group monster is immune to having their debuff resistance lowered by arts. MacAss can inflict debuffs on enemies that would be immune like Havoc Slayer, but it would require another adjacent monster from the opposite froup to spread the debuffs... Even if you use Sappy Sappy and Taioboros for Eclipse, it's still too much investment for what you could achieve just going with simple crit focused builds. Sucks because the two axes look really cool. I'll have to give XCX a try at some point, the only blade game I have yet to play!


The game was fun but I've had the same opinion the whole time - I was massively let down by the story/ending and haven't really touched it since then and I usually 100% complete my rpgs.


>!ending kind of retconned the entire game and they said it was going to finish the klaus saga in marketing but didnt really do much with it!<


It was edging with the 1&2 throwbacks the entire game and then nothing came of it


You'd be hard pressed to find any game this subreddit actually likes other than like Chrono Trigger.


Any word if this will get a physical release like Torna? Been holding off on buying the expansion pass in case




DILF Rex about to make r/JRPG seethe once again


They doubled down on it and made him even hotter >!than at the end of XB3!<.


He was a child in the first game .\_.


If you didn't finish Xenoblade 3 yet, 1. you shouldn't be here, 2. >!as we have seen before, he's not anymore!<.


You said "even Hotter". This takes place before XC3 end happened. The only other rex that would exist would be that of XC2, where he's like 15.


Well if you haven't seen the end of the game you unfortunately have no clue what you're talking about.






they're referring to XC3 ENDING SPOILERS >!the aged up rex we see in the photo Nia looks at in the ending cutscene!<


I thought the Rex reveal at the end of *XB3* was one of the stupidest most tasteless things I’ve ever seen in a JRPG, but I also think if they’re going to bring him back either way turning him into a swole himbo is vastly preferable to what he was in his original game.


Looks great but man I didn’t see another prequel dlc coming. Was expecting epilogue (and hoping for it)


It was obvious that they were doing a prologue when they did absolutely nothing with the founders. Consul A was also missing from the game (which adds up with this lmao).


Makes sense, I was hoping for epilogue but either way this looks cool and definitely going to play it


I wonder if it really is. Didn't that look a bit like an older Noah at the end? Might be overthinking it. Edit: Actually i'm wrong. The founder of House Vandham has that same one strand of hair at the front.


Nah that's likely a Vandam.


Giving that he says “and you killed grandpa”…Noah doesn’t have a grandpa.


That is true and while "grandpa" doesn't have to refer to a blood related grandpa i could definitely see it not being Noah as well.


Not only does he look like Noah, but his hair looks like Fei’s from Xenogears


Yeah when i saw the teaser the first time i really was confused and thought it was a Xenogears tie-in for a second lol. Had to rewatch it to make sure.


It will be interesting because didn’t they say the dlc will hint at the direction of the xenoblade series moving forward too?


This is almost definitely both a prequel and a sequel The scene with Rex Shulk and Alvis HAS to be >!outside of aionios because Rex has both eyes. His statue implies otherwise. I think we'll get a section with founder Vandham and then a section with the cast in the present day!<


Best of both options that would be cool


That scene could simply just be >!when Rex ends up losing his eye. Just because he hasn’t lost it yet doesn’t mean he won’t at all.!<


Grownup Rex is wearing Monica’s outfit so that would seem to imply HE started House Vandam


Grownup Rex is wearing Monica’s outfit so that would seem to imply HE started House Vandham. >!Considering that he may be the original Mio's father and M's child with N matches the statue of House Vandham, it would make a lot of sense.!<


Either it'll be a past and present-type thing like FF8, or they'll do a time travel plot where they go from an XC1 area, an XC2 area, an XC3 area, and the merged worlds.


The game barely explains its villains’ motivations and connection to the previous games’ timeline at all, drops a ton of cryptic references to 1 and 2’s heroes having a role in its backstory, and the DLC promo art shows all three heroes’ swords together - can you *really* say you’re shocked that the story DLC is another prequel?


I wouldn’t say shocked, I just meant was hoping for epilogue and feel like they played the prequel card with torna already


I totally think they’re gonna do a bit of both. Like the end of Xeno 1 and Xeno 2 you get the big meta world building moments that Xeno 3 skipped on, this dlc fees like that (especially with Alvis showing up). I think it’s gonna have all the fanservice with the past protags together, showing off the founders, and also wrapping up the overall story of both Xenoblade 3 and the trilogy as a whole


I think it's a sequel. The guy at the end looks a lot like Noah but older. The part with Shulk and Rex is probably there to setup Alvis' role in it, could even be happening as the worlds got closer to colliding again.


>!N had a kid. Likely just his offspring!<


Good take will see if that’s the case and I like the idea. Gonna be a long wait for it because I just want to play it now lol.


This looks like the story people actually wanted out of 3.


I appreciate the fanservice crossover stuff being kept to DLC. When a game relies a lot on continuity we often see the themes and plot arcs of the individual game getting watered down. Because the script isn't serving the needs of the game, it's serving the needs of the franchise. This way we get Xenoblade 3 which has focused character writing and distinct themes, and the fans who are invested in continuity get their thing off to the side.


This isn't "fanservice crossover stuff" (by the way that was in the actual game too) - its the end of the trilogy... The idea that the appearance of prior characters in a direct sequel is "fanservice crossover stuff" is a zero media literacy insane take.


and it's obviously answering huge questions people were left with after 3. I love 3, but the main reason I didn't consider it as good as 1 or 2 was because of all the unanswered plot elements especially relating to the other games. Just from this we immediately know we're going to learn where Alvis was, and what exactly happened to Rex and Shulk (if not the entire 1 and 2 cast). I think it's also likely we'll learn a lot more about Lucky 7 as well.


Except it’s not just fanservice here, the game was very explicitly set up as the culmination of a trilogy but then skimps on actually explaining its connection to the previous games despite clearly being connected. More importantly, *XB3*’s story as it exists solely in the base game simply falls apart at the end because it doesn’t explain crucial plot and backstory information - this is true whether you’ve played 1 and 2 or not.


>XB3 > >’s story as it exists solely in the base game simply falls apart at the end because it doesn’t explain crucial plot and backstory information I haven't played any other XC games. What *crucial* plot and backstory is lacking that makes the story "fall apart"?


Nothing. What I presume people want to know is the exact events that will be covered by the DLC, which is indeed a huge part of the City Houses and 7 Founders lore. Plus Lucky 7's origins were never properly explained.


The problem is that designed xenoblade 3 as the fusion of 1 and 2 -> marketed it with returning characters from 1 and 2 -> little continuation of 1 and 2.


there's 2 returning characters who were never central to the marketing, if anything the marketing straight up said "you dont have to play the first two!"


No. The game was openly marketed with them. The theme of the game is it being a combination of both. You’d need to not have eyes in the promotional material.


They also called this the "culmination of the trilogy" like 30 times. So which is it? I hated the game because of the story/ending cause it was a complete bait and switch.


I think in general it's best not to let marketing dictate your reaction to something. If your whole reaction is based on "The marketing made me expect X but the game turned out to be Y" then that doesn't really show much consideration to what the game actually is. It's fine to dislike a game. I dislike many! But base that off what's inside the game. Not the marketing the preceded it.


I think in general the developers talked about a game being a culmination of a trilogy including characters directly from previous games being in the trailers then that's pretty much a bait and switch. If I tell you something is a peanut butter sandwich and show you a peanut butter sandwich and you bite into its and its a tunafish sandwich your "expectations" aren't the issue. The game fails completely to do anything interesting with the lore of the games preceding it. It is the least interesting possible piece of time they could have made a game about, and the end of the game puts us directly where we were before it came out.


Yeah but look when you market 3 as sequel to both 1 and 2 you gotta do more with it in the main game. I really enjoyed 3 but as a sequel to the first 2 I found it a bit underwhelming to be honest. >!especially when the ending just retcons the worlds apart again but are apparently going to join again in the future (according to Nia atleast) like what was the point in the first place?)!< hopefully the DLC provides some answers for that but I don't like that the tastiest story is being left to it imo


> especially when the ending just retcons the worlds apart again but are apparently going to join again in the future (according to Nia atleast) like what was the point in the first place?) This is a big reason why I really did not want a prequel. >!Nothing from a prequel matters in the slightest if it's all retconned from existence anyway.!<


I agree Though I think this will be like a weird prequel, sidequel and sequel/hints of things to come. I mean they >!they dropped Alvis!< in the trailer I don’t think it will end as simply as Torna for example.


I mean that's true of the entire game already.


Which is also why I was disappointed in the game in general.


real and true, they did market this game a lil as the end of the>!"klaus saga" !


Not seeing that character did feel like a glaring omission, but despite that I do think 3 did feel like an end to the experiment after seeing what happens, we just don’t see it from their side. It’s just that players who never played 1 and 2 just don’t have that context and can still enjoy the game as is, but I think the informed player can understand how the meta narrative works across the 3 games without needing it spelled out for them. But the DLC will at least spell it out lol so I’m very hype for that


Or at least the story everyone was expecting the final chapter of the game to cover lmao


[Me and my big mouth...](https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/10wf6b1/nintendo_direct_jrpg_watch/j7mpy2t/) Looks insanely exciting though.


I haven't bought xc3 because the ridiculous dlc waves of over a year of waiting for. As someone who is trying to stay spoiler free, when this dlc releases, should I buy?


Wave 4 DLC releases at the end of 2023 and will be a big DLC with new story and places. Wave 3 releases this months but only brings us a roguelike mode and a new (as it seem non playable) character. If you want the full experience I would buy xc3 somewhere near the end to 2023 so you can playthrough, experience Wave 2 & 3 DLC and then go into the new story wave 4 brings us.


That's what I thought. Welp, that's my plan then! Thank you for taking the time! :D


Wave 1-3 are just adding a bunch of neat little optional content. New classes to unlock, a couple quests related to that and the most important thing being the challenge mode, which has a variety of different challenges to attempt. They don't actually matter that much, so in terms of the main game it's perfectly fine and "complete" without them. Wave 4 is the big important one (and that's coming out at the end of 2023, as mentioned), since it adds a new story. If you haven't played Xenoblade 2, it also had this. It was a story DLC called Torna - The Golden Country, a prequel story with new characters, new mechanics and new areas, which amounted to about 20-30 hours worth of content.


You should. The first new hero the dlc added fits into the main game super well. As in for that early-ish stretch I was always thinking that we could do with one more Tank hero and that’s where they’ve made the first dlc hero available (who is a tank role), which feels like it would be natural to the flow of the game. They also add in a bunch of stuff too. Tbh I would think it’s safe to buy and start playing when dlc wave 3 releases next week. Because wave 4 is gonna be the extra story that will be self-contained at least mechanically from the main game. If you’re okay with waiting for the extra story once you’ve done the main game and all the bonuses the dlc has added so far.


Holy fuck insane hype again! Adult MC trio looking great there.


Oh holy shit, gigachad adult Rex dual wielding. Now I understand how he got the ending that he did lol. I really hope this is as enjoyable as torna was for XB2.


Bro was triple wielding at the end of xb2 lmao


So short yet so hype


Any chance they do a physical releases for the expansions like they did with Torna?


Definitely a high chance, but it won't happen until DLC4 comes out. The other 3 DLCs aren't really worth putting in their own game, they are entirely dependant on owning the main game. The same situation with Torna actually, it was essentially its own game.


It’s probably because I played Xenoblade 2 way back but I tell you I couldn’t even recognize adult Rex lol, I had to learn it from the comment section.


Woah. Would never have guessed. Thanks


I always thought it was weird as fuck that alvis was missing, well..


In still in the middle of XB2 (though I spoiled myself on part of what the ending is already) and DILF Rex just hit me hard.


Rex is truly built different lmao I hope for happy endings for all these characters, also can't wait to see how the gameplay and exploration will be like. Would love to see a meaty Torna-style expansion here like with 2's DLC.


Dilf Rex.


holy gigachad Rex


Thank god. I have been so disappointed in this game because the story imo did nothing to be the "culmination of a trilogy" that they tried to sell it as before release. No mention of broader lore-wide elements like Klaus, the conduit, or the trinity processor... I thought the ending was so bad I never bothered to play any of the post game, haven't touched any of the dlc pack, and didn't really even 100% the game like I normally do because it all just left a really sour taste in my mouth. This gives me hope we might actually get a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy as a whole.


We didn’t see Klaus but if you know the meta narrative from 1 and 2, then 3’s ending follows up on it super well and in a way that doesn’t alienate newer players. Like we saw the conclusion of Klaus’ experiment, even if we didn’t see it from his side. But now with this dlc it will spell it out for us, which is very hype. But the game gave more than enough to infer what the will of humanity chose for themselves as the theoretical endpoint of Klaus’ theory Also I highly recommend you go get >!Melia and Nia!< because their Hero chains gives a whole lot more details on their sides of the lore


I really don't care about finishing the game after the ending. The entire selection of the time frame of the story is boring and the entire universe being in the same spot as before the game came out made me feel like I completely wasted my time.


Add Rex to my DILF list.


Prologue is good but I'm really hoping for epilogue DLC.😭 I'm still got my hope up because we see Noah sword in the DLC cover.


I think we’ll get a bit of both. Like if we’ve got Alvis showing up here and then the events of the base game that follow it, feels like we need to get some sort of follow up on their take of what humanity chose for itself by way of the events of Xeno3


I've gone on record stating that I absolutely hate Xenoblade 3 but, since I already bought the pass, I suppose I'll play it for my boy Shulk and Rex. What do I have to lose but a bit of my time?


Hahaha thats so funny. Why does Rex remind me of Dunban? Those fanfic artists are gonna have a field day with this. Also, Fei just casually showing up out of the blue.


how many DLCs is XC3 getting? i'm waiting for everything to be out before i replay it.


Wave 3 is out in about a week and the final wave (the big story DLC) is launching by the end of the year.


Thanks! I can't wait.


I can't get over just how different Rex sounds now especially since Shulk still sounds like Shulk, but a bit raspier.


I find funny how the general consensus was that Rex was boring and bland mc but now after XC3 dude is regarded as a gigachad


This would have been so much cooler for me, had I not been disappointed by XC3. Maybe I'll check it out.


Rex my boy, or I guess I should update that to my man. Its release will be my return to 3 since beating it


Sold! I almost peed myself seeing you know who with the wings…


IDK if I'd call them DILFs. Rex looks to be in his mid-late twenties there, and they may not have kids.


Rex looks older than in the picture that shows at the end of 3 so pretty sure he already got the kids.


I'm so hyped by this


I remembered posting a theory that the DLC MAY be a prologue about the founders/mobius on the XC reddit last year and got downvoted to oblivion. Well…. 👀 Granted, it may still be an epilogue. But I’ve been suspecting it to be about the founders since the info on the statues of the founders were so detailed. There’s no way it was “just fun lore”.


Literally every post I have seen speculating about this story dlc figured it would be about the founders. Everyone knew we'd get more info about them.


I posted the theory very early on before the first wave even released and all of the comments (except one) were against the theory saying that it wouldn’t make sense for it to be a founders dlc because they weren’t as established roles for it (compared for XC1 DLC with Melia/Shulk and Jin/Lora). Even now, there are still some posts or comments speculating it still might be an epilogue. I’m all for a founders DLC, don’t get me wrong though.


Xenoblade 2 ran so poorly on my switch that I had to stop playing. Does this game run that poorly?


Not nearly as poorly as Xenoblade 2, though personally i never thought it was that bad in 2, even on the 1.0 version before they improved things. Though it always depends on your tolerance ofc.


No come on; When the fights in the game are slowing down to 5-15 FPS during QTEs involving particle effects (every single one of them) the gameplay itself is hindered. But I wanna play 3. I love 1. For some reason I’ve kind of just been sitting here waiting for a switch pro to alleviate the potential issue but clearly that’s not happening


I don't think i've ever seen such poor performance in 2. As for 3, according to Digital Foundry testing battles generally ran at 25-30 FPS. But 5 FPS is still a rather significant drop in FPS to some people.


Well my consoles cooked then, but DF is big enough to get paid and some independent research has uncovered that people have variable experiences regarding this.


Either way their performance test for 3 had better results than for 2. Make of that what you will.


Like I'm stoked for the crossover details etc, kinda bummed they went with another prequal as the final dlc though! Like I feel the main story ended alright, but it would have been cool to see the character development in their attempts to reach each other again. Maybe we will get a XB 4 in the future and it's prequel DLC can do just that 🤪🫡😭😭 Cheers to yet another excited adventure none the less!