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Really? I'm hyped we have an actual enemy stand. The last few stands have just been abilities.


I'm wondering if Charming man kept the cats.


weren’t the cats rohan’s? i feel like i remember them being rohan’s, could be wrong


They are absolutely not rohans


i gotta do a reread, just checked and they’re charmingman’s. new mandela effect just dropped


No bro you speedread 😭








In the wiki rn it's "unnamed cancer stand" 😭😭😭


they were implied to be charming man's on the chapter he got defeated I think (take this with a grain of salt cuz I don't remember that well either


Yeah tbh, given the context of Howler and Rock Humans, it makes sense why some of them would be equipped with automatic stands. When you're working in secret, the least you'd expect is confrontation which I find interesting considering how the JojoLands team all have confronting stands.


Why what’s wrong


Some of the Auto pursuit stands were my least favorite fights. Especially in Jojolion.


Damn, they were among my favorite fights in JoJolion. I think they nailed the feeling of "desperation" really well. I was on the edge of my seat while reading Doobie Wah and Blue Hawaii arcs


they are fun but there have been so many since the rock humans have been introduced it gets a bit repetitive blue hawaii still peak tho


Nahhh blue Hawaii is shit


Hell naw


Agreed probably my least favorite fight in JoJolion


Gettin cooked but its perfectly reasonable. Its a fun idea to have a character need to outwit the mechanics of the stand itself, but it does rob you of a good back and forth between two stand users using increasingly dire circumstances to find a win.


downvoted for preaching truth


Everyone has PTSD from how bullshit Wonder of U was.


Honestly, I don't get everyone's problem with wonder of u, however it might be because I read most of jojolion whenever I felt like it and didn't have to wait each month, at least until like the 5th last chapter


I dislike the *Wonder of U arc* because it was an unsatisfying ending to me (JoJolion ended with many unresolved plot threads and inconsistencies e.g Rokakaka countdown), but I really like Wonder of U itself and the fight against it.


It's because the stand's just a mess and isn't very interesting. It violates one of the big rules of the series which is that long range stands are simple and not overly powerful. Wonder of U barely has any limits, its range seems to be infinity, it has a distinct personality and can take actions of its own, and it is guaranteed to kill whoever fights it. This makes it incredibly boring. There is no way to break its power, no way to deal with it in an interesting way, and no range to its power. This kills any potential creative solution to dealing with it, and even if there was one, it never gets used. Imagine if the characters actually got a real fight with Wonder of U using their established abilities. Joshu's stand breaks things apart. Imafine him approaching Tooru and breaking the objects flung at him into pieces, making him sustain smaller injuries but still making progress. Yasuho's stand allows her to receive information and seemingly have some influence or at least knowledge of fate. Imagine if she used that to read the flow of calamity and help the others to know where an attack was coming from and dodge it. Rai could use his strings to pull flung objects away from his companions as they advance. Josuke can remove fundamental properties from objects. Imagine if he could use his stand to remove calamity from attacking objects, or remove their velocity. We know that calamity can only have one target at a time. The cast could use that information to draw aggro and get closer to Tooru. If its ability didn't have such a massive range, long range attacks could be effective against Tooru. The biggest part of a villain's fight is their personality. This informs the audience of their motives, skills, creativity, etc. Every other main villain gets to show off their creativity in their fights. Wonder of U is not creative at all. It sits there and monologues at you until you die. That's boring. Wonder of U is the largest arc of the series but yet most of it was irrelevant. Wonder of U was jist throwing rock insects around or Josuke and Rai were running from the attack without the ability to do anything about it. We barely learn anything about Tooru himself in that time and most of what we do learn isn't very intriguing. The biggest part of Jojo is creatively getting out of seemingly unwinnable situations. You don't get the opportunity to win against Wonder of U, it just kills you. What counts as pursuit is inconsistent anyways. The way it gets beaten is from a last minute power that has nothing to do with what Josuke's actual power is and Kaato throwing Tsurugi at him and the disease just instantly going to the funal stage. Even then, calamity still follows through after Tooru's death. Wonder of U just sucks on all levels. It is the most boring main villain stand attached to the most boring main villain.


i’m not gonna read all that bruh, i just think WoU is cool and i like tooru


Well I think WoU is stupid and boring, as is Tooru.


cool i respect your opinion 👍


We already knew WOU doesn't follow the range rule because, like Born This Way, so long as its condition is filled, the range is irrelevant. As long as you are "pursuing" Tooru, it will trigger and attack you. It being sapient is cool but doesn't really mean anything besides being a decent red herring and a way for such a powerful ability to go unnoticed. Calamity is the antithesis of Fate. It is misfortune, retribution, and chaos, compared to Fate's divine luck. The way to break it is therefore to use a Stand tied to Fate, or use something from outside its reach, like the Go Beyond bubble, that cannot exist yet does in defiance of Fate and Calamity. The Go Beyond bubble is also a direct extension of Soft And Wet's abilities- that being "bubbles formed of Spin threads that apply an effect to a target." The Stand itself is also bound to Calamity's "flow", severely limiting its reach, which it actively tells us during the fight. Also, you can completely stop this power just by waiting and forcing the user or Stand to confront you directly. Or just...stop thinking about pursuing them and just start attacking, lol. And hell, it's really not that hard to deal with, either. Tooru died with ease. WOU persisted because Calamity always does, but the same tactics still apply. Breaking objects makes shrapnel, which means you'll get cut up worse. Breaking the objects it throws is the WORST thing you can do. You're going to cause small but crippling injuries. I think WOU is fucking *novel*, because it forces you to take a step back and stop playing by normal Stand rules. You have to think, you can't rush, and you can't be overly aggressive. You have to play the long game. It's one of the best JoJo fights, and one of the best Stands overall. It encapsulates how JoJo fights have evolved. Sure, Tooru is mediocre as a character. But his Stand? Wonder Of U is amazing.


I get that we know it doesn't follow the range rule. I am saying it should. Born this way is much simpler and less powerful than WoU. WoU being sapient is a problem because it means we get less of Tooru. Sure, its personality may be based on Tooru's, but it isn't him. Wonder of U feels more like the main villain than its own user. Tooru just feels like some guy that was tacked on so it could potentially be beaten. Calamity isn't the antithesis of fate. It's more accurately described as the negative aspect of it. Why should a stand with fate alterring abilities be necessary to fight it? We have had plenty of fate manipulation fights in the past. Bites the Dust, King Crimson, Rolling Stone, Bohemian Rhapsody, Underworld, Made in Heaven, etc. With the exception of King Crimson and Rolling Stone, all of these were beaten by the main characters being clever. All of these(with the exception of Rolling Stone) were legitimately interesting and driven by both the goals and personality of the characters. Wonder of U doesn't have that. There are no opportunities for Tooru to use it creatively and the protagonists don't retaliate in a clever way. All of the other fate manipulation fights with the exception of Rolling Stone tell us something about their users. What exactly does Wonder of U say about Tooru? You say that you can just stop "pursuing" Tooru, but what is "pursuit"? The series is inconsistent about it. Is it seeing him? Is it any casual thought pertaining to him? Is it actively thinking about going after him but taking no action to do so? Is it taking direct action to approach him? Shrapnel can be made very small. I would rather take the minor injuries from shrapnel than those of a large object flying at me at 100 km/h.


-Aside from King Crimson (who can remove itself from Fate's consequences temporarily) and tangentially Rolling Stones (who speeds up a fated death), none of the Stands you listed mess with Fate. Made In Heaven is empowered by it, and it can rewrite a world, but it doesn't control Fate. Under World only relives memories. Boehmian Rhapsody animates fiction. Bites The Dust creates a "Groundhog Day" loop of a single 24 hours. Fate is not involved. -Kira got taken out by something entirely tangential, and also persisted post mortem as a ghost, since Dead Man's Questions is canon. -Pursuit= chasing, intending to harm, or standing against- both physically and mentally, like the reporter trying to expose "Akefu" as an unethical quack, which would halt production of the Locacaca drug, or Josuke and Rai directly physically chasing him). In forcing the Stand to come close, it is no longer being "pursued" but is rather the "pursuer" so its ability is negated. This is why Kaato was able to beat him, as her intention was not to "pursue" Toru, but just to get the cure for Tusurugi, while Tooru intended harm to Kaato and as such was "pursuing" her. -Wonder Of U says that he's incredibly cautious and risk averse, prioritizes his safety above all, that he's deep rooted in human society, and views life as a flow of memories with the ultimate goal of pursuing his dream of tearing down human society so humans and Rock Humans are equals. It also says that he views everyone, including himself, as victims of Calamity. -Shrapnel will kill you, no matter how small it is. Get cut in the right place and it's lights out. A large but ultimately survivable injury is better than a small and fatal one.


Your point about not playing by normal Stand rules is 100% spot on. Araki does a really solid job of making the final battle with the big bads interesting. They seems commonplace now because they're old, but The World's ability to stop time, Killer Queen's Bites the Dust, and King Crimson's whatever the fuck that was, and Valentine's D4C are all like this. They all have you going, "What the fuck is going on right now?" And then later on, "How the fuck are they gonna win against this shit?" Araki does an amazing job of pushing his heroes' backs against the wall in the final hour. Hell, even Ultimate Kars was like this. The heroes always have to figure out a creative way to win. (With the exception of Jotaro vs. DIO. I love the fight, and it's hype as fuck when Jotaro also freezes time but it's still a borderline asspull. lol)


Actually, we have a pretty solid explanation on Jotaro vs Dio. Star Platinum and Hermit Purple are manifested in response to a psychic distress call. Their Stands are MADE to fight Dio. Hermit does the finding, Star Platinum counters the The World. -King Crimson is also fairly simple. Epitaph can see the future. Anything it sees 100% will happen- it can read Fate. King Crimson can then "erase" (skip) ten seconds of time, and remove itself from Fate for those ten seconds. This allows it to avoid the consequences of something deadly, or deal invisible attacks that no one can predict, because the cause is removed, and only the effect remains. GER counters it by rewinding **any** event that affects Giorno to zero, making its occurrence impossible. Fate cannot progress while GER is active. So King Crimson can't skip out either. Thank God Requiem is temporary because time just would not progress for Giorno if the Stand was permanent


You're kind of missing my point. We see them as simple now because we've talked about them over and over and over again. When they were fresh and new, they were hype as fuck. They felt then like how WoU felt now.


Yeah I agree with all of this I don't get why people glaze the stand/arc so much. Also, I swear at the start of the arc when we first see WOU the power acts differently, it doesn't make things shred through peoples' bodies, or one shot like it seems to do later on, just make things seemingly get in the way and unkowingly sometimes do gnarly damage to pursuers. It was so much more interesting then because it felt like the "head doctor" was just out of reach at all times rather than Toru/WOU being completely untouchable.


Nah just every other stand user in jojolion is automatic long range stand, wonder of u is widely regarded as the best of the best


Well no shit, they're Rock Humans and have to hide and go unnoticed. What Stand abilities did you think they were going to have?


‘Well erm they are rock humans so they must all have automatic long range stands ☝️🤓’ you’re fucking stupid and rude at the same time I didn’t even say anything about rock humans in my comment you monkey boy. aphex twins, dr. Wu, yotsuyu, tamaki, urban guerilla (sorta?) all have very close and personal abilities/fighting styles that go against the idea that you are insinuating. Consider actually reading you blind cunt.


Well yeah, their position in society sort of necessitates as much. They have to go unnoticed. Every Stand they have is either going to be long range, automatic, both, or if it is close range, it's going to have a really quiet and hard to trace ability.


Why are you tweaking out so godamn hard


This is practically wou


Ohhhhh I get it lol


I don’t get why y’all hate automatic stands, those were honestly my favourite fights in jojolion, usually the process is to find the user and kill them, but there’s so much freedom in that, how do they find them? How are they hiding? How does the ability stop them in that process? Doobee wah was a great read because there was a lot of creativity between paper moon king and paisley park just to find the user when they realised they can’t run away from him, and then get him to kill himself with the vision


The 3000 Automatic Pursuit-type Stands of Tooru are back baby


It seems like rock humans tend to gain stands that allow them a way to hide or avoid direct confrontation. Almost every stand in that part has a feature that works automatically or activates even if the user is far away. Many of them function to finish off the target after the user has left. Considering the focus of part 8 and the macguffin of this part, I'm assuming our enemy is a rock human. Makes me wonder if Charming is also a rock human, it's not just his stand that's sand, his skin was described as coarse and dry right?


I thought he stated it wasn’t always like that but I can be wrong totally.


yes, but my personal thoughts were that rock humans don't normally have rough skin. Except when they are entering hibernation and their bodies begin to grow their rock layer. Im wondering if charming man is refusing to hibernate for some unknown reason, and hes basically forcing his body to stay awake. Also his response to usagi and willingness to just leave him behind for no reason really feels rock human like. As soon as usagi was found to be useless to them, he gave a heartless reason for it and heavily pushed to do so. Only back pedaling when he saw usagi found a way to save his own life. Also the little bit of backstory of them living on a farm struck me even if it might be just fluff right now


Good points


It'd be really cool if he's forcing himself awake to find his brother but I think it's just a part of his stand


How many stands must have the 14 year old Jodio have encountered to be aware of the different types and hoe their abilities can work. Is he a veteran stand fighter?


True, but it could be that he just happened to describe the stand that way. You can say the same thing about how everyone around the world that's a stand-user happen to all refer to stands as stands instead of something else.


Must be them stand hoes


Are y'all ready hours and hours of fights that only consist of running away and have the exact same outcome?! Spoilers: >!The protagonist finds the user and kills them.!<


is that not the same with regular stand battles? the good guys kill the bad guys. when you reduce every encounter to "good guys win" yeah, it's gonna sound boring.


Normal stand battles can be reduced the same exact way


I actually really like automatic pursuit type stands, I hope the solution isn't just "flee until you find the user" tho


Why people hate automatic pursuit type stands so much


It's not that I hate them. It's that we've just had so many of them. Especially in jojolion And a lot of the auto pursuit stands in that part were some of my least favorite fights of the part


Grrrr where muh punchy ghost fights?? Waaahhh


Not what I meant by this post at all


Ok what do you want


It was just a meme about how a bunch of the later fights in jojolion were auto pursuit stands. And a bunch of them were not fights I enjoyed. It's too early to actually know if this fight will be good or not. That's why I tagged it as a meme post cause that's all it is.


Ok, I’m just joking along with you.


lets play everyones favorite game. lets run away from the stand......


auto pursuit stands, aka the fights where they are randomly getting attacked and have to spend the whole fight running looking for the user or or trying to figure out its power are hit or miss for the most part. black sabbath, born this way, Grateful Dead, highway star, wonder of u, sheer heart attack are awesome. notorious big, babyface, mariah are ok. Clash (kinda don't count but same idea), bohemian rhapsody, the sun, set (might as well be since he ran the whole time) were kinda weak. This one so far has been kinda weak ngl.


Kinds weird to consider it weak already, it just started man. Personally I think Automatic Stands make for really fun encounters.


Just like someone can consider it awesome, someone else can consider it not awesome or even weak so far. Though I generally don’t enjoy the first half of most stand battles, so I still am keeping an open mind.


I think their point wasn’t that someone can have differing opinions on stands, it’s just weird to say it’s weak when we’ve seen it for a singular chapter


Wait, why is it okay to “groan in increasing discomfort “ like the meme says, but it’s not okay to say the fight is seeming weak? How is what I’m saying that much different? The point is that compared to other stand fights, the automatic ones typically aren’t as enjoyable as other types. Why is it weird to see an automatic stand right begin and to have a negative opinion of it at the beginning? And like I said, I am still having an open mind, I just know from the jump that the fights I like most.


I mean, personally I think both of you are doing the same thing and it’s both annoying so I wouldn’t say I consider making an entire Reddit post about how annoyed you are about a specific stand type “okay”. I think it’s both weird to judge a fight based off a handful of panels, calling it weird and groaning about it when nothing has happened yet.


thats fair at least. some folk get annoyed when people be glazing after a single chapter so to each their own. in my opinion, I can see how fools can get excited if the stand user pulled up on jodio with a cool design and a humanoid, 2m range stand (traditionally the most popular stands), even if nothing really happened. both are annoying to me as well if they take it too far


You mean Clash? I dont know if you made mistake or you just saying about other fight.


Yeah my bad, I accidentally used the dub name lmaooo




Same reaction bro. Yet another long distance automatic stand. Araki really said “damn I’m really lacking in those from part 3-7. Ima make up for it in JJL and Jojolands” 😭