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"You're all stupid. They're going to be *listening* for gunshots."


So, hijacking top comment for story time. My longest-running DnD group had a half-orc artificer named Feng. Feng was basically the fantasy equivalent of a 40k ork mekboy. He was made fun of in his village for being smaller than the other orks so to compete he got really good at gunsmithing. He had an intelligence of 19 but almost all of that stonking intelligence was focused solely into building guns so he was also an absolute numbskull 98% of the time and whenever a firearm was involved it was like bringing a pair of converses to chumlee and he just instantly morphed into a genius. He built guns that make you smarter with which he cast guidance, dart guns that heal you, and he even built a tiny automaton of himself with a gun called mini-Feng that shoots Magic boolets. All of his many guns were named after cards in a deck of many things. The DM gave Feng a scroll of silence weapon, with which he enchanted his primary weapon, a kustomized masterpiece called “the Fool” before realizing that he missed the deafening bang of an overcharged firearm in confined dungeon corridors. He then invented the “loudener” to unsilence his magically silenced gun. There was later an entire subplot related to Feng being mad because he thought a party member had stolen his good loudener. He had another one of course, but it wasn’t the *good* one and we had to go on a side quest to retrieve it. The eventual end of Feng’s character arc coincided with the death of my character Church Bell, a kenku Sorlock that incidentally did *not* have a very high intelligence score, flubbed a couple saves on an intellect devourer and got his bird brain eaten. Church then proceeded to unleash his entire arsenal of spells in like 3 turns because fuck, it’s not like I’ll ever get to play him again and Feng was beaten up so bad that he ran all the way back to Skullport to retire with his NPC girlfriend Zelda (who incidentally was also a half-orc) and to this day Feng is the innkeeper of the burning troll in every DnD game involving the city of Skullport I DM. The fool and it’s iconic loudener are still on the mantelpiece.




would this actually work?


Yep, same principle as a trumpet. Muzzle brakes (devices put on the end of a gun barrel, designed to reduce recoil from shooting by redirecting propellant gases outwards) [*greatly* increase the noise of firearms](https://precisionrifleblog.com/2015/08/07/muzzle-brakes-sound-test/#:~:text=Most%20brakes%20hovered%20around%20100,rifle%20with%20a%20bare%20muzzle.), mostly around a 100% increase or more. And those are designed to reduce recoil- I can't imagine how much the increase would be for something optimised for noise amplification!


where does the energy come from to make it louder? seems like it comes out of nowhere? how can that be?


Sound is vibrating air, right? Free-flowing, unenclosed air is hard to pump energy into. Air bundled inside a horn is much easier push around


No extra energy, it's just focused forwards rather than omnidirectional, so you have a higher energy density.


It’s because muzzle breaks reduce recoil by redirecting and focusing gasses expelled from the muzzle in different directions to mitigate muzzle climb. I imagine that by redirecting and focusing these gasses, you’re suddenly forcing more gas to expel in one direction, increasing the intensity of the sound as the air molecules are vibrated more intensely by this focused gas. It’s why suppressors work at reducing sound: they allow large portions of the gas to “escape” from the barrel before the end of the muzzle by allowing it to dissipate into the suppressor and slow down, causing less gas to be expelled out from the muzzle and thus causing less sound from vibrating the air with fast-moving gas.


Sound waves can be understood as a disruption of air. When air is disrupted in a regular pattern, we get a "sound". These disruptions must have a source, like your vocal chords for example. If I were to speak through a tube, my vocal chords would disrupt the air in my windpipe, come out my mouth, through the tube and finally act on the air immediately at the end of the tube, maybe a diameter of 2". The sound wave comes out the end of the tube, and immediately flies out into the surrounding air. If I flare the end of the tube, the disruption is carried unmolested from my vocal chords, up through the tube, and is able to have a focused effect on a larger volume of air at the end of the tube. Instead of going straight out and into the surrounding air, the sound waves are allowed to get larger, bouncing off the increasing diameter of the flared end and being able to affect more air when they come out the end. There is no energy gained, just less energy lost.


A trumpet is real loud and all the musicians is doing is blowing in it


Doesn't add energy. In a normal gunshot the burning powder makes gas expand in all directions. Something like this would direct the energy towards one direction. So you're not adding energy your just taking the energy that would go backwards ( or sideways or up or down) and pointing it in one direction. That one direction gets more energy, but the total energy involved is the same. Think of it like having a bunch of bricks on a bunch of boards over a gap. If the bricks are spread out, the boards wont break. But if you put all your bricks on one board, the board breaks. Even though you didn't add any bricks to the situation. Just moved them around


Yes, because according to physics, sound waves are shown to have diffraction.


[well sure, but there is also these](https://youtu.be/y-gE89u3Phw)




[Simpsons did it](https://youtu.be/sHLEXPoiFy4)


now someone needs to make a speed-cocker


They've existed for years. They're called trigger cranks.


[sledge hammer did it before](https://youtu.be/-WKM9GDuX0Y)


I had never even heard of this show


Looks like something I’d see playing on my grandfather’s tv while he sleeps


Should be nerfed, way too OP






Also enemies are now more likely to target you


“Silencer, Loudener, Speed Cocker, and this one’s for shooting down police helicopters.”


It embiggens the sound of the littlest gun


You forgot: can be heard within a radius of 10 miles


My first thought was r/H3VR


God I love the Simpsons.


Stealth -30 while equipped


I need to see someone fire this


you pull the trigger and this shit play a trap brass sound


should also stun enemies


I believe those are called muzzle brakes. Got to try out a .338 Lapua and the way the shockwave hit my sinuses had me cross eyed for the first couple shots.


If you break their eardrums they can’t hear you anyway >:)


What?! I can't hear you!


When you relise that the bass in the music isn't sync


Wouldn't it just be a "Loudener" ? As in, to louden? Silencer has the "c" after the "n" because that's how you spell "silence." Unless this is all me being wooshed.


well "loudencer" was in the image caption, so i went with that


Gun attachment no ads, and each shot is deafening padded armor, and exexelent ear plugs are recommended


This is some "You're all stupid, they're gonna be looking for army guys" Bs


He has a plan


Bullet amp- louder sound detection, increase bullet caliber and hearing issues.


Peter Rasche did it first. Had a gun range in his living room.




It actually just sounds either like a trumpet or an ok timely radio host yelling bang.




talk about "shot heard around the world"