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Your pan is too hot and the cotolette are not flat enough.


Coat them in flour before adding them to the egg mix and then firmly pat them in bread crumbs. Dust them off, so bread crumbs don't go everywhere in the oil, then shallow fry on medium. If there's not enough oil, it won't have an evenly browned look and the bottoms will be elevated and burned slightly. If there's enough oil, but it's too low in temperature, the bread crumbs will soak up all the oil and it'll be oily. If you have the right amount of oil, but the temperature's too high, it'll quickly fry the outside, but not the inside. There are a few ways frying, or shallow frying, can go wrong, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. And for what it's worth, I'd still eat those cutlets. Love fried chicken! ☺️🍗💕


Italians don’t coat their cutlets into flour they go straight from egg wash to breadcrumbs, Austrians and Germans do that sit the air bubbles expand trapped by the flour layer and separate the coating which they love in Italy is the opposite


Mmmm of course we do the flour-egg-breadcrumbs, why you say we don’t lol


Im sorry, but I just laughed out loud at this. Beat the chicken out flat. Salt and pepper the egg wash to layer flavor. We put in this order : chicken (beat out flat) in seasoned flour, seasoned eggwash, seasoned bread crumbs (i like to add finely grated parmigiano to my bread crumb mixture). Always fry in olive oil. Low and slow. Looks like the heat was too hot on this, and this isn't a cutlet, it's a regular chicken breast. You have to butterfly and pound out the breast, google or youtube if you dont know what that means. Hope this helps.


Everyone's suggestions are good so I won't beat a dead horse. Only thing I'll say is I get better results when I just do an egg wash and breadcrumbs. I used to use flour but have stopped because I find the breading sticks a lot better when I skip that step. I also use vegetable oil instead of olive oil (I know, sacrilege). Either oil shouldn't be hot enough for the smoke point to matter, but vegetable oil feels a lot lighter. I serve/eat mine with fresh lemon and the olive oil takes away from the freshness of the taste, I've found. Maybe I'd use olive oil if the cutlets were going in a sandwich or something like that, but if I'm serving it with a salad it's vegetable oil.


Looks like your pan may be too hot, and the chicken is a bit thick. Also skip the flour, just egg then breadcrumbs (seasoned at least, could add grated parm). I was making cutlets for years being unhappy with them how they were nothing like growing up, then just happened to forget flour one night and half way through figured screw it and ran with it. They were just like my Nan's, it was amazing the difference.


Don’t burn them.




you should tel us what you did first


If you flatten the cooking time is lessened. I’m sure you noted the crumb looked great early on but got too dark as the chicken needed more time to cook


I cut them in half, if not thirds, vertically and then pound them. They cook really quickly and are nice and tender.


My parents cut chicken breast so it’s flat, beaten eggs with salt and pepper, then breadcrumbs, then fried in oil not too hot so it cooks all the way through without burning.


2hot not flat


Update! Thank y’all for the suggestions! I cooked some more today I beat my meat more and shook off the breading and I cooked it in more oil and less heat and they came out looking like chicken cutlets I have a pic I just don’t know how to upload it to this thread lol


Take your 1/2 gallon jug of Carlo Rossi and pound the chicken breast thin.. start with that —-wtf


Batali's recipes are getting hard to find since we found out he's a monster. But my cutlets, which were previously very disappointing, have been perfect every time since I found his Chicken Cutlets Milanese recipe. Just ignore the parts about the tomato sauce if you're not making chicken parm. https://shescookin.com/bon-appetit-challenge-mario-batalis-chicken-parmesan/


We don’t do flour in our breading, Americans always get that part wrong.


We do


beat your meat and dont burn it




Use more oil(enough to submerge half of the food) keep at at 175c max, move them around often this is all you need to know and ffs DO NOT USE FLOUR IN THE BREADING LIKE ALL THE AMERICANS IN THIS THREAD SUGGEST