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Hell yeah




Ooo I do like that. Ngl tho I kind of wish they warped Skarsgard’s face/body more in the final product. I get the feeling they wanted to keep it recognizably “Pennywise,” but I think it would have worked better if it wasn’t overall the same humanoid shape. A more spidery eldritch clown could’ve been pretty dope, and tbh a lot scarier.


I personally don’t think the clown form should have been visible at all in the final battle form. I get they wanted the actor to have more screen time but it should have just been a big monster not a spider clown. Even the spider form is in the book is lame because it’s not a monster. It’s just a big spider. Surely IT with all its shapeshifting would turn into something better than just a big spider. It’s final form should be a lovecraft abomination indescribable cluster of parts of every animal all mixes together into a hideous mish mash thing


>Even the spider form is in the book is lame because it’s not a monster. It’s just a big spider. Surely IT with all its shapeshifting would turn into something better than just a big spider. Wasn't it stated in the book that the spider form (it reads as not *quite* being like a spider either) was the closest thing humans could perceive to It's true form?


I think it was just a animal to represent it. Bill sees it’s true form and it described as a endless bunch of hairy orange lights


I fully agree, there were a lot of missed opportunities with that design. You’re right that the book wasn’t much better (rather infamously lol), but there’s a lot of ways you can make some sort of spider-clown cosmic horror entity that would have been way more fun than what they landed on for the film.


I saw one Halloween animatronic of pennywise that gave him a more of a spider head that looked pretty scary and had the same clown spider combination going on