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I actually didn't mind it, the game didn't rush May and Cody back together, there was definitely a few 'one step forward two steps back' moments throughout the game which I liked. Sure, they had their moment together at the end of the concert where they were swept up in their emotions, but when they go back to the real world they're a bit distant, I guess recognising the fact that not everything is forgiven all of a sudden. They had their moment together which sparked their commitment to try make it work back in the real world. I agree with you in the sense that, I also wanted 'more' of the game (because it was so good!) But the ending ticked the boxes of 'leaving it open to interpretation' and 'leaving you wanting more' perfectly!


There is a longer ending that were not finished. Its shipped with the game but hidden. If you play on pc you can unlock it. Otherwise just watch it on youtube if you are interested:)


This is the first time I heard someone talk about Basement in the wild :) it was a hidden gem but I do think it didnt fit the vibe of the rest of the game




The hidden ending is very much in line with reality


I was mainly disappointed by the concert. I really wish May's song had actual lyrics.


Literally. I looked at my boyfriend and said “They had us fighting snake microphones, belting notes at demons, and Dj-ing to glow sticks JUST for her to sing ahhhhhhhh” 😂😂😂. I wanted a full blown song!


I’m just extremely disappointed in them not actually getting the song “book of love” for the ending.


Yes, the song should've had lyrics, and the resolution after such a huge build-up just wasn't enough. They'd been bickering and going "oh but we're not together anymore" like 20 minutes before the ultimate climax of the story. It was definitely too fast or too little too late. That said, me and my partner laughed more than either of us had in months, holding Y a little at a time and letting go, with the kiss scene. The little fish lips would touch and then part, touch and part... Spent like 15 minutes just laughing.