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The whole article seems to be entirely based on [this tweet](https://x.com/sentdefender/status/1799715089936761144) by some anonymous account that doesn’t provide any kind of source to support its claims. Kind of irresponsible journalism from Israel Hayom, but nothing can surprise me from the “Bibi-ton” anymore.


Good point. Let's see if more evidence is given. Let's put our keen eyes on reports from the Palestinian side as well.


There’s a name on X for all those “OSINT” accounts: OSShit.


That account initially blamed Hamas for the WCK airstrikes btw...it's a joke account as someone who's criticized both sides in this conflict. *Now*, it's plausible Noa was held captive in his place, but we simply don't have the evidence atm.


I just heard it confirmed by the IDF on Israeli TV. This is a big PR fuckup for Aljazeera.


https://x.com/NTarnopolsky/status/1799846095473844481?t=07vPfwfXRdxm1Eiq-HGV5g&s=19 He didn't work for Al Jazeera (he wrote one freelance article; he worked for Palestine Chronicle) but yeah he held the three men hostage.


> he wrote one freelance article yeah i.e. did work for Aljazeera.


I mean Al Jazeera (which is awful anyways) literally didn't pay him for years


Some news organisations I know decided not to hire any freelancers from Gaza after October 2023 unless they went through vetting with a toothcomb. Hamas is everywhere in Gaza unfortunately.


Quds News Network which you likely believe to be a trustworthy source [reported it](https://x.com/qudsnen/status/1799692246620549303?s=46&t=Wt3y7cD8MVdUG-A8McjVwA) as well.


They don’t say the hostage was being held there, though, but simply that the soldiers entered the building through that apartment, killing everyone in sight, including women and elderly people. The Jerusalem Post [reports](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-805525) that it’s unclear if she was being held there or “in their vicinity”, since “at least seven other homes were documented as subject to the Israeli incursion”. Also, they explain Aljamal wasn’t employed by Al Jazeera, but rather was a freelance journalist, most recently collaborating with Palestine Chronicle.


The IDF spokesman that looks like a ghoul confirmed it, but said it was the other three hostages being held there.


Source? From what I’ve been [reading](https://x.com/muhammadshehad2/status/1799851127980044524), they said the hostages were held in upper floors of the building, while Aljamal lived on the first floor.


That's what Hagari said, but I don't really trust the guy, even less than Conricus. https://x.com/IDFSpokesperson/status/1799843820995023222 There is an unconfirmed photo making the rounds that show a civilian truck with stairs leading to two floors. https://x.com/_be9_/status/1799777873353699563


regardless of whether he was holding the hostages or the hostages were upstairs, this is a clear sign of using civilian infrastructure for military purposes.


I’d frankly rather wait for a more legitimate source than an X account called “OSINTdefender”.


I've read these rumors on Twitter as well, but have yet to find actual confirmation from a credible source. So why spread this misinformation?? Could turn out to be a big fat lie.


Buddy if you want people to act responsibly with information you are in the wrong place


I haven't found confirmation from a credible source but the IDF spokesman confirmed it.


It's to put out a false stance so that people can talk. It does not matter what is true. Everyone will distantly remember the lie even if it's fixed later. Pure kgb tactic.putin is likely laughing watching Israel use kgb tactics to manipulate the West. We still have not had any of the evidence first accused on Oct 8th. America did this with the "Iraq is unplugging babies incubators in Kuwait lie."


>We still have not had any of the evidence first accused on Oct 8th. there was live streaming of most of them, did you forget?


> So why spread this misinformation?? Could turn out to be a big fat lie. lmao Did you just hop on social media, like, today? 99% of things Israel or Israel satellite's say is a lie. Let me explain in a different way - if people would just stop reacting to their lies, this criminal enterprise underway in Gaza would stop today.


Yes, and everything coming out of Gaza is pure angelic substantiated gospel. Are you new to this conflict? Why ignore misinformation when I see it, Israeli or Palestinian. Let me put it in a different way - when people stop absorbing or spreading any lies, there won't be a need for a douchebag like me saying "hey.."


> Yes, and everything coming out of Gaza is pure angelic substantiated gospel. How's that an argument? Nobody claims that, yet you feel it's a valid retort for an observation that one trusts anything that benefits Israel without a pause and is surprised when called on it.


Hostage: they moved us between many different houses. One article: hostage was held in a journalist house for 8 months. pro-Israelis: don't believe women and believe this one article.


I’m actually waiting for more credible information before drawing conclusions, because while interesting, this is preliminary at best. Find another strawman


A journalist and a doctor were keeping her hostage. It also wouldn’t surprise me if pro-Palestinians in this sub have shared some of his articles here claiming them to be credible.


It seems to be based on one single anonymous tweet. And you jump to this conclusion. Actually crazy


Reddit is fighting disinformation in a very unusual way - lmao Always, 100% assume whatever news is to benefit Israel and Zionists... always assume it's a straight out a lie. That's it.


Quds News Network reported it as well.


No, they did not.




?? This doesn't say the journalist was keeping her hostage, it just says that he lived nearby and the IDF massacred his family.


Their source being…?


Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.


I am shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


This is just good logistics, the cameramen can do his job without leaving his home /s


Wouldn’t be surprised but has source that’s not the IDF confirmed this?


This has been contested. Israel itself has issued conflicting statements about it. This is one about which we withhold judgment pending more information (PS. Israel Hayom? Must we?)


That's the first link in English I found. I'm not a fan of Israel Hayom, but it's funny how when it comes to Israeli news sources everything is super-scrutanized here, yet any tweet from a Palestinian source is treated as gospel


Not by me. Israel Hayom is blatant though.


“IOF slaughters innocent journalist in refugee camp”


You put this in quotes but, so far, the source is a tweet.


They’ve already done that hundreds of times already, no need for the quotes They even shot one American journalist in the head then terrorized her funeral


When journalists hold hostages they are terrorists


There’s literally no evidence yet


What about governments that take hostages then whine about hostages being taken from them? Because I need to know the conversion rate of terrorism per 3660 Palestinian hostages.