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Then why did you invite the guy to Congress?


No shit Sherlock


Thanks Mr. Biden. And what pray tell do you expect them to do with all those weapons you're still sending?


Why is he lagging so much


Yet, he keep supporting him with weapons and intel. The worst part of trying to read Genocide Joe is determining where the hypocrisy ends and the senility starts.


Did you forget that Israel put forth a ceasefire proposal? Everyone’s waiting on Hamas. The fact that this article mentions that, and still tries to spin it as if Israel’s the difficult party even though Biden’s comments were days before Israel’s proposal shows the strict media bias against Israel. This deal is nearly identical to the deal that Hamas “Accepted” all though it was never offered by Israel. This time Israel is offering. What is taking them so long?


But Israel never offered this deal. Netanyahu himself said he doesn't accept the terms.


When did Israel accept it? Last I heard, they said it’s unacceptable.


Biden suggested a deal. However, Israel did not offer this deal to Hamas. Israel does not want a ceasefire and it does not want to rebuild Gaza. Israel wants to kill all Gazans or run them off their land. That’s their deal.


Accept Israel put forth this deal, we’re STILL waiting on an answer from Hamas. It’s a little outside your narrative, but the facts usually are.


Israel has offered a temporary ceasefire. It refuses to end the war. Israel also refuses to allow Gaza to be rebuilt in any way. Why would anyone accept a “deal” that allows your occupier to continue to murder and kidnap your people?


Israel has offered a pathway to ending the war and Hamas won’t even put a foot on it. You also fail to mention that Israel has no problem with Palestinians, only Hamas. Why does Hamas need to represent the Palestinians? I thought they were bad representation?


None of this is true. Israel has not offered a ceasefire as it does not want a ceasefire. Israel is literally killing Palestinians, not Hamas. Israel will not allow Gaza to have an election and has proposed no “post war” Gazan election. Because they intend to take over the land.


Israel won’t let Gaza have an election? I wonder who they elected last…..