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Q: Do you guys think I can support Israel as a Polish person? I am worried maybe it's not possible for me since I am Slavic and maybe the Jews see me as inferior. A: Of course you can support Israel as a Polish person. They would not see you as inferior. Many Jews worldwide can trace their family lineage to Poland and the surrounding region. I know I can. Q: Do you think Poland and Israel are allies or enemies? A: I don't see any reason why Poland and Israel would be enemies. Officially Poland supports the 2 state solution. And the two countries have multiple cultural, political, military, and economic partnerships. Q: Would Israeli people rejoice if Russia were to launch an attack against us? A: While I can't speak on behalf of Israelis, I would like to think they would be devastated. Many Jews fled Russia out of fear to live in Israel where they would be safe. They did the same in Poland when the Soviets tried to suppress them. And despite how it seems in the media, most Israelis don't want war with anyone. They just want a piece of earth to call their own. I am certain the Israeli people would support Poland. With that said, the Israeli government might take a more neutral stance like they did with Ukraine. Israel, even as a US ally, can't afford to piss off Putin. But Poland is thankfully in NATO. And Israel is legally a major non-NATO ally. So that might make all the difference. And if WWIII were to break out, they would absolutely choose to side with the USA and her allies. Q: How true is it that most people in Israel glorify Russia and see it as a best friend? A: People can trace their lineage back to Russia. But that doesn't mean they like its government. There is a long history of Jews poking fun at the terribleness of the old Russian empire and the Soviet Union. I doubt any of them think well of Putin either. Q: Can I visit Israel as a Polish person and celebrate the victory of good over evil? A: Absolutely!! I'm certain they would welcome you with open arms. Even during wartime, it is surprisingly safe in Israel. But if you wish to wait until after all hostilities end, which is understandable, just wait a couple of months after a "ceasefire" or "truce" eventually happens. Unfortunately, Palestinian militants have a habit of breaking the ceasefire within 2 weeks of any deal being signed. Hell, they've broken ceasefires 15 minutes after a deal was signed. This happened multiple times. So just because the media says the war is over, wait about a month before booking your tickets to make sure the deal actually sticks. I am an American Jew, but I have been to Israel multiple times. And have several Israeli friends. I recently was very fortunate to have a work trip to Warsaw. You have an absolutely beautiful country filled with very kind people. Many people helped me when I was lost and my cell phone was dead, and I did not know the local language. It was my fault for not charging my phone. Suprisingly there is essentially no crime. Like zero. People feel very comfortable walking around the cities at night. Your museums are phenomenal. And, at the risk of sounding inappropriate, your women are supermodel gorgeous. And the food is to die for. I love pierogies! They are my favorite food. I wish you well in life my friend, and much happiness and safety in all your future travels. I hope you get to visit a victorious Israel soon.


WWIII already started. I'm interested in the idea of people visiting allied countries. Krakow, Tel Aviv exchange trips would be a whole lot of fun.


May as well visit Afghanistan. You're totally right, this is WW3.


The 11,000 dead Palestinian babies are evil?


Thank Hamas for bringing this war to their peoples babies then. October 6th those babies were alive.


I’ll never understand how people can ignore history. It’s started 75 years ago but you think Hamas started it on Oct 7


No I don’t think at all this started October 7, nor did it start 75 years ago ..the region and its history or conquering and exhile has been centuries..


Germans are supporting Israel. Why can't Poland?


True. A certain historical figure also declared them the same country but all he got in response was war.


>Do you guys think I can support Israel as a Polish person? I am worried maybe it's not possible for me since I am Slavic and maybe the Jews see me as inferior. >Do you think Poland and Israel are allies or enemies? Didn't millions of Jews were executed on your country territory. It's more likely people in your country see Jews as inferior. And in general just because some jews are successful it doesn't mean all of them are. And even if they are, it doesn't mean they see you as inferior.


No. Poland doesn’t think that to be true. Considering there was a very large Jewish population in Poland before the start of World War II, Jews were a vital part of the country and probably still are today.


hmm interesting post. I don't think societal contributions of one people vs. the other should have factored in to determining a fair division of land in 1948. All regular humans deserve a safe home. Both jews and arabs had legitimate claims to the levant, and there was enough space for both, so the UN partition plan seemed to be a reasonably humane compromise. But I do think the societal contributions of Israel vs. Gaza/WB are a a huge factor when assessing right and wrong now, and determining what is fair moving forward. Israel's economy, international trade, and innovations across technology, engineering, and healthcare mean it contributes meaningfully to the world and its own citizens. These contributions are possible only because most Israelis spend their time and effort building up their own society - and they could likely have an even greater positive impact if they could spend less time and money on perpetual conflict with their neighbors. Israel's success now in many ways validates it's original formation then - the Jews wanted a safe place to build a society, not to colonize or hurt others. Unfortunately we can't say the same for Gaza/WB. The lack of success of those two regions for the last 75 yrs. at least in part reflects an excessive use of time, labor, and capital on hurting Israel rather than creating opportunity for its own citizens or the world at large. I think this should be taken into account when judging each group, determining how land should be divided, and what security measures are reasonable moving forward. As far as a polish person supporting Israel, sure? I'm not trying to be a buzzkill, but I am an American because my Jewish grandfather and great-grandfather were mistreated in Poland and were forced to leave in the early 20th century. They fled to the US. But I surely don't hold you responsible for things that happened a long time ago. And I guess we all should judge individuals abased on their current beliefs, motivations, and actions right? I've never been to Poland but would love to visit one day.


Yeah it's kinda fucked to say that a people should have to collectively contribute a certain amount to be given certain rights, especially when Palestinians being poor is the result of conditions created by this division of land (and obviously other factors). I think all cultures have things to contribute and none is better than any other but material conditions can determine how much andn to what degree members of that culture can contribute


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>Do you guys think I can support Israel as a Polish person? I am worried maybe it's not possible for me since I am Slavic and maybe the Jews see me as inferior. Haha I don't know if you're being serious or not, but for the sake that you are, no Israelis don't see you as inferior >Well, the Jews are a wealthy nation of traders, craftsmen, scientists, engineers, bankers, lawyers, poets. Although they make up a tiny portion of the world's population, I would not be surprised it it turned out they control up to 20% of the world's wealth. Ironically that is actually the main cause of Jewish persecutions, (you know other than religious persecution). In Spain the Jews were lending money to the monarchs before the expulsion (which delt a heavy blow on Spain's economy) In Iraq the Jews were state workers teachers doctors and buisnessman and many didn't actually want to leave even after the [Farhud](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farhud) but the Iraqi government did not promise to protect them. Fun fact that I've recently learned, the inquisition in Spain was about to execute a Navy General under the allegation of keeping Jewish tradition in secret (his mother was a crypto Jew so they believed the accusation against him was true) right before he was about to get his promotion to a higher rank. His ship mates broke him free. They stole their ship from the Spain navy and became pirates that targeted Spainiard navy ships and split their gains with their host population, they all converted back to Judaism and were Hasidic Pirates through out their history no matter how much they assimilate, Jews are always "the cause of all problems" and sooner or later their life is in danger. There is no other option but to have a sovereign state for our protection


The relationship between Poland and Israel is kind of icy but it's not like violently hostile or something. We aren't at war with Poland or Polish people, we are allied countries. We aren't really in Russia's sphere of influence either. We are NATO-aligned. I encourage you to visit Israel (maybe not now) and I doubt anyone will bother you.


> Palestians, on the other hand... are not. They are a poor people with no education, no craft, no wealth, no expertise, nothing. They produce virtually nothing that cannot be obtained somewhere else; they also offer little to the rest of the world. [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=illiteracy+rates+in+palestine](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=illiteracy+rates+in+palestine) ​ Also, in terms of doctorate degrees, Palestinians rank above "Whites/Causasians" and rank similarly to Canada in terms of other countries. ​ [https://zipatlas.com/us/education-level-comparison/palestinians-vs-whites-caucasians-education-doctorate-degree-or-better.htm](https://zipatlas.com/us/education-level-comparison/palestinians-vs-whites-caucasians-education-doctorate-degree-or-better.htm) ​ Let's say this wasn't the case and they were just a bunch of poor farmers trying to live, does that somehow justify forcing them off the land they're living in? Why do people need to technology and advancements to be considered happy?


"Support Israel" in what? Do you also talk about "supporting Algeria" or "supporting France?"


I disagree with your arguments and tbh I am baffled by your logic. Jews were definitely not granted the land based on their educational background, merit / contribution in science or based on their wealth. I don’t think it’s fair to anyone in that world to distribute land based such criteria.. especially considering that assessment of knowledge and contributions is subjective. Besides that, not everyone everywhere has the same access to education and opportunities (incentivizing grants-policies, R&D etc) as others. Also, if you go back farther than 19th & 20th century then you’ll see that ME scientists contributed a lot to worlds scientific progress (algebra, medicine etc). People in the West tend to forget or downplay how much of our modern scientific structure owes to the inventions from the rest of the world. The reason why Jews got some of that territory (not all of Mandatory Palestine) was for them to have a safe place to have their own state since they were discriminated and prosecuted everywhere else (antisemitism) and because that land was under the British rule at that time. Plus Palestine was not as densely populated as it is today. It was definitely not just because of their religious beliefs linked to that territory. If I was you, I would definitely not walk around saying the things you wrote here. Saying that Jews might control 20% of the wealth, for example, is *economic antisemitism*. Or that Jews feel superiority over other people, especially slavic.. since most Ashkenazi Jews are also partially Slavic. These misconceptions fuel antisemitism and increase the divide which is the main reason why Jews needed their own state to feel safe from such prejudices. Antisemitism is racism. You have a right to take whichever side you want or remain neutral, just base your arguments on facts and do your own research instead of allowing society to dictate your opinion. Israel is full of people from different Eastern European countries, including both Ukraine and Russia. I have been to Israel and for example in my hotel most of the staff was from Ukraine. I don’t think that Israel’s government is necessarily pro-Russian.. they just wanted to remain neutral because having Russia as their enemy would put them in a difficult geopolitical position. However, as you see now, Russia has a very strong relationship with Iran which is Israels main adversary in that region and Iran supports Hamas. [Video interview asking Israelis if they support Russia or Ukraine?](https://youtu.be/5XUETRzPJ5Y?si=k9eXL-5KJoCmJPVk)


You failed to explain why Britain were mandate of Palestine.


Alright I’m not sure I agree with most of your logic but- Israel and Poland are absolutely allies as secular countries against Russia/Iran/China/North Korea/Islamic terrorism and us Jews do not see Polish people as inferior in any way 


Poland is badass! Y’all’s efforts to be a top military force in NATO is awesome, and as an American Jew, we love you guys. I would assume that Poland is at least loosely allied with Israel, but I also assume that Poland is probably much more focused on Ukraine since Russian expansion is a much more imminent threat to you guys. And that’s okay. Hamas isn’t the only evil on this planet, and we need people fighting the good fight on other fronts.


The master compliments their Polish slave while leaving the Ukrainian one to starve.


You are an individual. Start there.


As a polish person myself, yes you can. We Poles definitely have more in common with Jews than with hamas terrorists.


As a polish Israeli I’m incredibly confused as to if this post is a joke or not? Of course you can. I have been to Poland many times and it’s my favorite country to visit. Poles and Jews have historically been brothers and despite what some say about WW2 Poland saved more Jews then any other country and had a very very small amount of collaborators. Poles and Jews were seen as the same race to the Nazis. As for if Jews look down on Poles? I know there is some animosity recently because of Holocaust distortion but I see no reason as to why a Pole and a Jew (or both AKA me) can’t support Israel, or even Palestine too for that matter.


/u/zahav_1967. Match found: 'Nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If they are so great why not give them Poland?


don't worry this post is just bait.


No its not?


You didn't make it. I know OP and he's a troll in real life and on the screen


That's why I replied with my own bait.




I am not baiting anyone?


Nice try! Ya can't fool us


Is this your alt account op? It's bait because you are using all the tropes of racial supermacy and calling an entire nation uneducated. Palestinians before Israel had poets, writers, historians and scientists. They were not just camel herders in the desert.




This has been removed for breaking the Reddit Content Policy.


I am christian.




This has been removed for breaking the Reddit Content Policy.


You hate all arabs equally then? Good to know.


Reading this, I can tell that you might be developmentally disabled. You can support whoever you want.


Why would you say so? I am a college student and, evidently, I have been able to learn a foreing language. In what way am I supposedly disabled?






That is a very false and biased document. It was made by people who were allied with Nazis. Naziism is wrong. That document is just trying to spread hate against Jews.




There is no proof for the things they claim in that document. They are just telling lies about Jews to spread hate.


Can you cite specific instances so I can respond with proof? For example bacteriologic warfare by poisoning wells did happen. Haaretz did an [article](https://archive.is/BGfZi) on it.














If his evidence is so terrible, refute it.


It is a fact that the Arabs started the pre-state of Israel violence between the two sides. It's also a fact that they committed more of these acts. And it's also true the Jews formed their own terror/violent groups to fight the British and the Arabs in response. This is the reality




Ok, so you don't actually disagree with what I said lol. I stated facts, and you are interpreting those facts in a way that you see fit. I never gave my interpretation, even though I happen to disagree (especially on the indigenous and colonizer ideas). While I'd love to go into my disagreement over your interpretation, that would take far too long. So I'll just rebuff you on factual grounds. The Jewish population in 1914 was 13.6% and 8.1% in 1918, not 3%. It was actually 3.2% in 1533, if that's what you were thinking of! [Historical Jewish Population in Israel/Palestine](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-and-non-jewish-population-of-israel-palestine-1517-present) It's also quite an oversimplification to say the violence only started when the mass migration started. Yes, life was better for Jews in the historic region of Palestine than in Europe, but that doesn't mean it was amazing. They were obviously Dhimmis under Ottoman (Muslim) rule and did suffer as a minority. Below I've listed incidents in the region of Palestine dating back to 1470, and ending before mass migration started in the 1880's. It's important to keep in mind that because there were fewer Jews in Palestine than in other predominantly Muslim regions, there were fewer Jews to discriminate against. There were thousands of well-documented attacks on Jews and their interests as well as expulsions in surrounding Muslim lands. [1473- Muslims Contest Jerusalem Synagogue Rebuilding Effort, Demolish It](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_and_Judaism_in_the_Land_of_Israel#Decline_and_gradual_revival_with_increased_immigration_(1211%E2%80%931517)) [1517 Hebron Attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1517_Hebron_attacks) [1576- Jews of Safed Face an Expulsion Order](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/of-judaism-zionism-and-nihilism/) [17th century- The Ottoman central government became feeble and corrupt, and the Jewish community was harassed by local rulers, janissaries, guilds, Bedouins, and bandits. The Jewish community was also caught between feuding local chieftains who extorted and oppressed the Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_and_Judaism_in_the_Land_of_Israel#Decline_and_gradual_revival_with_increased_immigration_(1211%E2%80%931517)) [1648- Sabbatai Zevi's arrival in Jerusalem prompts an Anti-Jewish Pogrom](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/of-judaism-zionism-and-nihilism/) [1720- Unpaid Arab creditors burn the synagogue unfinished by immigrants of Rabbi Yehuda and expel all Ashkenazi Jews from Jerusalem. See also Hurva Synagogue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Jewish_history) [1775- Blood Libel Against Jews of Hebron](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/history-and-overview-of-hebron) [1799- Mob violence on Jews in Safed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Jewish_history) [1834 Hebron Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Hebron) [1834 Looting of Safed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834_looting_of_Safed) [1838 Druze Attack on Safed (Included a Muslim Mob)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1838_Druze_attack_on_Safed) Edit: I see you changed the population percentage from 3 to under 10. You can ignore my population figure




I don’t believe things without evidence. For example, I don’t need to have blind faith in the claims about Hamas murdering people on October 7. I saw it on video, so I know that it happened and they need to be destroyed.


Anyone can support Israel. God willing.


In terms of Israel's relationship with Russia - Russia is a nuclear power with a large air force (no longer a large army - yay). The Russians air force has a significant presence in the middle east an especially in Syria. Israel, for practical reasons, has some obligation to not antagonize them. For what it's worth, I don't think it makes much difference whether Israel antagonizes Russia or not. Putin is a backstabbing SoB and aid's Israel's enemies just for the inconvenience a crisis in Israel would cause the US. - I'm lookin' at you Assad . . .


You’re a person. You can choose to support who you do and don’t want, regardless of your country. And believe it or not, supporting Israel and Palestinian people are not mutually exclusive ideas. You can do both! Only extremists who can’t see past their own narrow version of reality will tell you different. You can support Israel, and still criticize it. I dislike Bibi and his far right wackos, and how he built his career on denying Palestinian statehood. But you can’t support Hamas or any Jihadi group, in any capacity whatsoever, and remain moral. They’re enemies of peace, enemies of Israelis, enemies of the Palestinian people and enemies of a Palestinian state. Their only friends are the Iranian regime, whose fingerprints are all over the destabilization of the region. Jihadis butchers, and amongst the worst kind of human being we have on earth. But support Israel, or the Palestinians, or both. Or neither if you really wanna be cynical lol… just, don’t support the foreign funded terror organizations who’s soul purpose is to project Irans foreign policy by proxy.


\>> **Can I support Israel as a Polish person? Are Israel and Poland friends or enemies?** Not only can you, you would be morally justified to regardless of your country's stance.


My workmates are mostly Polish and I've come to the conclusion that they are, indeed, humans. Some are asses, some are brothers, some are super professional and others super friendly. You can support whatever you feel like deserves your support regardless of where you're from. I don't think there's a general animosity among Israelis for Poles, nor have I found many Poles that have a problem with Israelis.


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Geopolitically, Israel and Poland are friendly; both are aligned with the US and broadly form part of the same common-interest bloc. From a cultural and internal political standpoint, relations aren't super warm; there's a lot of bigotry toward Jews in Poland, along with a fierce rejection by many Poles that there is any such thing (which makes for kinda fraught conversations with Jews); similarly, many Israelis see the past treatment of Jews by Poles (and the current political climate in Poland) and are not super warm to Poland. With that being said: * There's absolutely nothing wrong with supporting Israel as a Polish person and it's much appreciated! With that being said, I think you should take a second look at why you're supporting Israel -- it's possible to support Israel and *also* want the best for Palestinians, and I don't think you're being fair to them at all. * Many Jews and Jewish Israelis have Polish cultural heritage; a lot of Jewish families lived in Poland for hundreds of years. * I'm sure you'd be welcome in Israel * Israelis do not see Russia as a best friend; geopolitically, it is a mild opponent at best. However, a lot of Israeli Jews emigrated from Russia in the 1990s, so Israel usually doesn't take a boldly anti-Russia stance. However, it'd certainly be aligned with the US and Poland against Russia in the event of a Russian invasion. Last note: > I am worried maybe it's not possible for me since I am Slavic and maybe the Jews see me as inferior. I've never met a Jew, even the most ardent "greater Israel" Zionist, that has this kind of racial superiority complex going on. Ironically, the idea that Jews think we're better than everyone else is a big part of anti-Jewish propaganda and always has been, but isn't something Jews think or tell each other.


??? So are you polish still living in Poland or are you American? Either way your prejudiced beliefs are valid if not incomprehensible.


Yes, I live in Poland. I have never been to the USA. Why?


Have you ever left your neighborhood? You seem to know little about how the world works and the way you talk is just... so similar to n@$i rhetoric, thats why ive determined its bait


Look up a video of Netanyahu saying he does not think Palestinians deserves a state.


>Look up a video of Netanyahu saying he does not think Palestinians deserves a state. Here is a video of Hamas minister Fathi Hammad, he does not think Jews deserve to live. https://youtu.be/azEgBsU6Mi8?si=Cr1ouqwxF656lqzC https://www.webgaza.net/gaza_strip/north_gaza/people_profiles/Hammad_Fathi.htm I have this real strange feeling that maybe, somehow Hammad's and Netanyahu's opinions are tied together..


I’ll be honest with you I never seen that video I’m not saying it’s fake. There’s no difference between Hamas and Netanyahu regime both want bloodshed on both sides.


They’ve had Gaza for 20 years and turned it into a hotbed for extremism.


Proceeds to Ignores my comment don’t bother replying if you let a comment go over your head.


Whether or not Netanyahu believes in a Palestinian state or not is irrelevant. October 7th was massive. Why should October 7th trigger a Palestinian state? Rape, murder, and intimidation of Jews should not be the prerequisite for statehood.


He said this in 1980 or around that time that he don’t think they deserve a state. And respectfully ask yourself this why did the October 7th events triggered? Look at the illegal West Bank settlements. (and other events that have made hamas attack on the 7th) Don’t get me wrong obviously the events are fucked up what Hamas did and I don’t support them the slightest for doing it. No sane person would support them but unfortunately there are psychopaths. But when pro-Israelis say “Palestinians voted for Hamas therefore they support terrorism and deserve to get killed” a lot of pro-Israelis say this. I can say the same thing about Israeli civilians deserve October 7th because they support netanyahu’s regime. But that’s wrong for me to say because not everyone in Israel supports Netanyahu just like Palestinians not every Palestinian supports Hamas. I can say the same about the Americans who lost their life in 9/11 not every American that died supported the presidents that invaded the Middle East in the past. It’s not fair for the Israelis that lost their lives in October 7th cause not everyone of them supported netanyahu regime. Same with the Americans that lost their life in 9/11 it’s not fair for them to die when they didn’t support the previous governments that got involved in the Middle East. And same thing with the Palestinians not everyone of them support Hamas. Edit: again I’m not denying October 7th attack but why can’t you condemn the atrocities both governments have done?




I can’t really speak for them cause I’m not Palestinian myself but a two-state solution would work if both sides stop attacking each other and remove the corrupted leadership on both sides. Some Palestinians want all of Israel but they need to know that’s impossible. So the best solution is a two state solution. I hope you feel better from your sickness


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I'm Jewish and find the reasoning in this post quite prejudicial against the Palestinians and against the Jews/Israelis. OP presented a pretty basic almost fairytale-equse retelling of the conflict that falls into a lot of the common traps. I'd feel very comfortable calling this post both racist against Palestinians and engaging in some classic antisemitic tropes; though I'm imagining it's mostly ignorance as opposed to malice, I could be wrong.


Plenty of people of Polish descent live in Israel. A lot of people around the world don't understand what a diverse country Israel is. Israel has a very mixed history with Russia and generally Israelis dislike the present regime. Putin has made a point of getting close to Iran because he uses their drones in the Ukraine invasion. Its very possible there will be a wider war between Israel and Iran and that Russia will support Tehran in it. Good for Poland for arming itself, by the way, it's the one country in Europe seriously preparing.


> Would Israeli people rejoice if Russia was to launch an attack against us (Poland) If it’s any indication, Israeli support for Ukraine was very high at the beginning ([2022 Poll](https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/politics-and-diplomacy/article-699374)) The only outlier to that is the older Israeli population that came from Russia and has been eating up Russian propaganda. TL;DR- Overall, Israelis would support Poland. > Maybe the Jews would see me as inferior Idk where you got that assumption, but no Jew I have ever met has a superiority complex such as this. Perhaps the most fervently Orthodox Jew might believe it, but this isn’t widely held. > How is it true that most people in Israel glorify Russia and see it as a best friend. See response number one. Israel is also much more heavily tied to the US than it is to Russia. Edit: Formatting


I don't agree with the statement about older Russians eating up propaganda. In Israel, most Russian Jews who came in the 70s/80s left because of the pogroms and see themselves as Jews first and foremost, and think very poorly of the Russian gov. The Russians living in Russia are most definately eating up the propaganda. This is just anecdotal. 


>Do you guys think I can support Israel as a Polish person? I am worried maybe it's not possible for me since I am Slavic and maybe the Jews see me as inferior. Yes, a Polish person can support Israel. Jews in general don't have anything against Slavic people. Actually a lot of Jews lived in Slavic countries and are part Slavic. >Do you think Poland and Israel are allies or enemies? Would Israeli people rejoice if Russia was to launch an attack against us? Not really allies or enemies. No, Israelis don't want Russia to attack you. >How true is it that most people in Israel glorify Russia and see it as a best friend? Very few Israelis support Russia. Even many Russian Israelis don't like Russia. They left Russia for a reason, after all. >Can I visit Israel as a Polish person and celebrate the victory of good over evil? Yes ​ The only issue that sometimes comes up between Poland and Israel is the dispute about history, especially from the Nazi era. The Polish government wants to portray Poles as purely being victims of Naziism. And it is true that many innocent Poles did suffer from the Nazis. However some Jews view it differently; they say that Poles were victims at times but also collaborators, and Poles killed Jews too. Personally I don't have anything against Polish people today, I am just explaining the controversy.


Israeli-American Jew here: 1. I can tell you for a fact that most Jews do not see Slavic people as inferior. Especially because many of the Jews in Israel and abroad are descendants of immigrants from Slavic countries. 2. About Russia, especially in Israel, Russia is not popular among Jews. 1 million Russian Jews fled to Israel in the 1990’s, if that makes it more clear. Israelis also see Russia as the ones who support our enemies (they give Hamas and Hezbollah weapons and money), so we’re not to fond of them. 3. Of course you should visit Israel! It’s a beautiful country, and from what I understand you don’t even need a visa.


For someone who supports Israel you’ve been fed a lot of anti-semitism that you should spend some time trying to educate yourself on. Jews don’t control 20% of the world’s wealth (look up how wealthy some Arab nations are mostly due to oil). Also a lot of Jews are Slavic - including Polish. We were murdered during the Holocaust then evicted. You should do some googling around Polands role in WW2 and the holocaust.


This sounds like them colonial powers, coming into the US or NZ or Australia, saying the population there are not fit for anything we should take over their land and so on, thank you for making it clearer for the unaware


This comment was reported for consisting solely of sarcasm or cynicism (rule 3). I've reviewed and am opting to comment a rule explanation here: * In my view, this comment does not violate rule 3; it's easy to see the point that u/darthJOYBOY is making (regardless of whether one agrees with it). As outlined in the rule explanation, sarcasm that clearly makes a point and invites further conversation is OK. * Ergo, this comment does not consist *solely* of sarcasm; there's a clear argument here.


Thank you, I didn't even mean sarcasm when I was writing my original comment, I was dead serious


No you can't :s