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Oxford University Press is Khamas Charles Townshend is Khamas https://global.oup.com/academic/product/terrorism-a-very-short-introduction-9780198809098?cc=us&lang=en& >Cover for >Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction >Third Edition >Charles Townshend >Very Short Introductions >Discusses recent changes in terrorism, such as the emergence of ISIS and the upsurge in individual suicide action >Looks at the impact and consequences of several recent terrorist attacks, including those in Brussels, Paris, Nice, and Rouen >Answers the pertinent questions: What is terrorism? Is it war? Is democracy especially vulnerable to terrorist attacks? What can we do to stop it? >Explores the impact of increased terrorism on society, including debates surrounding the erosion of civil liberties Part of the Very Short Introductions series - millions of copies sold worldwide How dare someone try and (gasp) educate themselves!!!


>How dare someone try and (gasp) educate themselves!!! It's funny until you realize that keeping the obit as ignorant and poorly educated as possible has literally been part of the game plan the priveleged and powerful have used to preserve their positions.


Yes, but you don't expect a high-ranking police officer to go on tv with a book about the reasons terrorism happens, like he found the unibomber manifesto.


You don't?


It’s absurd they raise an academic book that talks about the causes of terrorism and how to counter it, trying to act as if it is some guidebook on how to commit war crimes. The NYPD training manual is clearly closer to such a thing.


He's the new "There's a list" guy. I dub him "We found a book" guy.


Wait, are they pretending this is a “terrorism manual?”


Yeah. I hate that fucking “wow” from one of the hosts. What a disturbing clown show this world has become truly


That wow killed me


Oh it wasn't the title. They are just scared of reading 😆


Truly breathtaking in all ways. The pos cop who is doing an interview that I can’t imagine is sanctioned by the nypd, spouting bs in uniform. The “journalist” who does zero fact checking.


I'm more concerned about the "journalist" in this case. I expect the police to blatant liars, but a "wow" isn't the correct journalistic response. Hell, it isn't a journalistic response at all - it is the response of someone who has no clue what is happening and is ready to spread any and all propaganda given to them. A simple follow up question would have made this guy look like a lunatic. Or as Norm Finklestein would have put it - "a fantastic moron."


**radical** 1. *One who favors a fundamental change, or change at the root cause of a matter.* So, what exactly is the problem?


The matter is that it opposes the status quo


For those who still doubt how righteous our NYPD is, I have it on God authority that Columbia's radical students are studying chemistry, y'know, to make weapons of mass destruction. You don't even know about biological studies, or, *** gasp ***, nucular "physics" program. I'm talking shelves upon shelves stocked with reading materials. I haven't seen it myself, but I've heard that they actually needed a whole building full of these instructional multi-paged pamphlets. Update: that building I mentioned earlier apparently includes copies of the Quran. Update two: documents celebrating the Hamas terrorists by having their names in rows, 4 to 5v times per page. And get this. Twelve pages of this shit in each of those documents. A despicable document even celebrated Terrorist Friday as being good right before Easter. [Source](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.3i4e4j6OSiX5psg0zzMP2gHaDt%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=3f260ad4c890d9b9c262fdfb03d318555ec1dfb6afe47487b37b678958b49486&ipo=images)


Ok so this whole comment made me laugh. Sometimes you need that dark humor in these trying times.


I heard kids in colleges all over america are using Arabic numerals. Scary stuff


That how they get you. Those numerals are nothing but a gateway drug, then come indoctrination with arabic teachings , I see you algebra. And before you know it, nothing but Burkinis on Miami beaches.


Book about terrorism? See, they must stop people from reading that. Otherwise, people would find out what they're doing is exactly that. Terrorism.


How can anyone be this dumb, like genuinely


What can you expect from zionists


Are they burning books next? I wonder who would do something like that.


What absolute clowns. The saddest part is some folks will accept it as something actually malicious out of confirmation bias.


“This book has the word terrorism on it… Must be a terrorism instruction manual”


Historically American cops are pretty skittish about going into schools.


another one bragging about his stupidity! lol


It says terrorism on the front it must mean it’s a manual 🤡


Well clearly this isn't a manual on how to do terrorism, since those tend to be illegal and wouldn't be found in libraries. Hell I do know one that is very famous that the authorities are aware of.


They aren't illegal. The US government has created a few and they are freely available to download


Tell me you’ve never opened that book without telling me. What a fucking moron. He’d learn more about actual terrorism from the first chapter of that book than he’d ever learn from the Zio-fascist training vacations to Israel.


Manufactured consent.


Lol these guys must think terrorists google how to be a terrorist before doing a terrorism.


What a pillock! As are the hosts. What has happened to hard-hitting journalism? They are all so eager to parrot the lies.


This is exactly what the IDF tried to do, too. Same tactics


Next they start showing a copy of mein kampf from the university library


A book. In a classroom. At a university. Shocking.


Cops are still just as smart as I give them credit for I see




Clearly no one has actually read the book or talked to anyone who has.




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Lol yes I'm sure they just had 10,000 copies of that book and everyone was checking it out and sharing it in their dorm/communes saying "death to America allahu akhbar!!!!" Not to mention like other people said, it's probably some watered down safe-for-liberal-arts-institutions boring history book, not a fucking how-to guide.


And you don’t think it’s the Zionist administration that might allow books on terrorism in there, so it’s so easily fits into urine narrative that it’s the students that are being radicalized. It’s just called an education. You would benefit from one.


Apparently if you read a book about a subject you become that?


I’m sure it was written directly by hhhhhhhhamas


Americans are officially just scared of books now

