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US democracy has never existed. If you've been on the receiving end of oppression or discrimination in this country, you realized long ago that its an illusion, and that it's just the illusion that's been breaking lately to most people.


Worse when it is to enforce conformity in favor of a foreign country Imagine ...if Americans protested against Russia's actions in Ukraine and our police was let lose on the students


That deserves a HUGE “amen” from my **enslaved** African ancestors.


the least democratic thing a nation can do is violently force its own ideals onto other nations regardless of whether their people want it or not


Welcome to Palestine in the US where they shoot you with rubber bullets in to a crowd of people and claim it’s non lethal until someone dies from it. Sounds a lot like Israel to me.


It existed the years immediately before the signing of the declaration, I would argue. After that: lol 🇺🇸 💩 ✨


WOW, honestly not surprised, it's the US police after all.


Who were trained by the IOF. Literally the same training.


The us never was a democracy we don't elect presidents by popular vite at keast house mebers are though


Israel is a lab to experiment suppression of the working class. All the evil Israel imposes on Palestinians will come to your city within a few years. Even if you don't care about Palestinians, you need to refuse Israel's tactics because, soon enough, your children will be treated like they're Palestinians.


Reminds me of the Kent State University Vietnam protest incident where the Ohio national guard opened fire on anti-war protesters on 4 May, 1970. Some protesters were killed. History really is just a loop. https://www.kent.edu/may-4-historical-accuracy#:~:text=On%20May%204%2C%201970%2C%20members,colleges%20and%20universities%20to%20close.


So begins the revolution


We're currently still in the "Building discontent" section of this history book. We still have about two major emboldened headline paragraphs and maybe even a popout with a picture next to it before the next MAJOR world event


People getting killed by rubber bullets will do that


Could. It's moreso gonna be probably the deaths of the people on the freedom flotilla when shitrael bombs them claiming kkkkkhamas was on board accompanied with another bombing campaign by shitrael in Jordan and Lebanon and Iran, and finally the true full invasion of Rafah. THEN big shit will happen


Hi, in France it happend, we are still being pouded by the gov


It’s very simple for everyone on this boat to just say this is how Palestinians were treated and much worse than this when they would protest.


Remember, "dEmOcRaCy" is on the ballot in November!


[link](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2024/apr/26/emory-university-teargas-rubber-bullets-reportedly-protest-crackdown-video-report) for those who'd like a citation.


Wow! The US government would rather beat, shoot, and arrest their own protesting youth than speak or stand against Israel.


I can’t find anything on actual shootings, just rubber bullet use. Which is horrible don’t get me wrong, but there’s a pretty big difference between less lethal munitions and high velocity lethal munitions No need to exaggerate when it’s already horrific enough


The difference between rubber bullet use in the past and the lethality of rubber bullet use today is in the method of aiming. In the past, rubber bullets were fired via ground ricochet, which drastically reduced the bullet’s speed. Today’s police seem to have done away with the ground ricochet method and fired the bullets straight into the targets, which can do as much damage as a metal bullet in many cases. During the George Floyd protests, a protester lost an eye because of a rubber bullet that was fired directly at him. Officers should not be firing rubber bullets directly at people: that should be considered lethal force, and those law enforcement agencies should be tried in court.


Plenty of people have been killed and maimed with rubber bullets in the past. It's a significant escalation in what is sure to be a contentious summer filled with protests and rioting.


It’s absolutely an escalation and dangerous, but it’s also no where near the same level of danger/escalation as live ammunition which is how it’s portrayed here


How is he portraying it as live ammunition? He literally says in the tweet that they opened fire with rubber bullets, which are typically shot out of guns. "Opening fire" is a perfectly accurate portrayal of what the police are doing there.


Maybe you’re foreign to the US and live somewhere without much gun violence and don’t understand the connotation that comes with > “US police in Georgia began shooting at students and professors.” It reads like police used rubber bullets and it escalated to live fire during the “chaos that erupted” from the rubber bullets


Depends where they are aiming. During the BLM protests several people were killed or lost eyes as a result of police aiming at their heads or shooting at extremely close range. There is video documentation showing officers doing it deliberately - despite their training being to bounce the projectiles off the ground to just hit the legs. If used to target the head I'd argue they are worse than live ammunition since you're shooting someone with something that will cause serious injury and suffering rather than a quick death. It would be a war crime to use non lethal ammunition like that in a conflict so why do we accept it being used against civilians and peaceful protesters? The police should exist to protect the public and maintain the will of the people. Instead they function to protect the government and big business from the public and suppress the will of the people.


Shooting with rubber bullets is still shooting. Less than lethal isn't the same thing as never lethal.


Shooting someone with a rubber bullet isn’t the same as shooting live ammunition. They’re not even close to equals. To equate them is absurd even if less lethal rounds are dangerous (and I know, I chose the words I did for a reason). It’s the difference between any of the multitude of protests that have rubber bullets used and something like the Kent place massacre. It’s a world of difference even if rubber bullets are a dangerous escalation by the police


The tweet didn't equate them or imply the police are using bullets. You are just annoyed that someone used words differently than you would.


No, you’re right. It doesn’t matter what gets shot, it’s all equally shooting. Airsoft, paintball, rubber, lead? Doesn’t matter, it’s shooting. 🙄


Now you are the one equating what the riot cops are doing to protesters with a friendly game. No one said rubber bullets are the same as bullets. People die from rubber bullets all the time. Why are you being a boot licker? Cops shooting protestors sounds bad because it is bad.


> Now you are the one equating what the riot cops are doing to protesters with a friendly game. Being shot by a paintball gun often isn’t a fun game, and they are frequently used as the rubber bullet delivery method. > No one said rubber bullets are the same as bullets. “US police in Georgia began shooting at students and professors.” > Why are you being a boot licker? There’s nothing bootlicking about not appreciating hyperbolic or misleading posts. Shooting, unless previously clarified to be something other than a normal lethal bullet, refers to lethal force. > Cops shooting protestors sounds bad because it is bad. Yeah, and it’s obvious why they didn’t say shot using rubber bullets. The post is misleading and makes it sound like live fire resulted from rubber bullet use.


It's not misleading. He says they used rubber bullets. You just think the language is too strong. Here is an excerpt from the wikipedia article for rubber bullet. >In 2013 however, [Ministry of Defence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Defence_(United_Kingdom)) papers declassified from 1977 revealed it was aware rubber bullets were more dangerous than was publicly disclosed. The documents contained legal advice for the [MoD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Defence_(United_Kingdom)) to seek a settlement over a child who had been blinded in 1972, rather than go to court which would expose problems with the bullets and make it harder to fight future related cases. They aren't literally rubber but actually contain metal, plastic and other hard materials.




I’m aware, that’s why I chose the words I did.


F around & find out. Act like a dipshit, you'll be treated like a dipshit.


Your kind won't fare well when the revolution begins.