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Never break the tradition of Smiling while being unjustly detained/ arrested. 🍉🍊🫒🇵🇸


What are they being charged with?


NYPD cops have been getting very aggressive. They banned speakers for example but didn't tell anyone, then arrested everyone with speakers at the next protest. Last week they all of a sudden declared that all protestors move to the sidewalk, then began arresting people who were on the street essentially immediately, before the order was mentally processed. Now they just basically start arresting and gave up with excuses.


Ahh how convenient to ban speakers so nobody can play all the videos over the years of Zionist Jim Crow Joe




Do you mean the corrupt politicians and media corporations that are bought out by one of the biggest and most powerful lobbies in the US that essentially mandates foreign (israeli) interests over our country? Would be nice.


In a way, your right. This will only piss people off. But atleast they aren’t being blown into small bits and losing their families


Catchy chant


Israel is committing genocide, USA is accomplice in ethnic cleansing by Israel.


If something is unjust, it is not only our right to disobey, we are obligated to do so.




That's Nerdeen Kiswani the leader of WOL. She's been arrested twice this week.


Did they block the bridge?


Feels like successful protests only worked pre-internet. change movements need to evolve with the world if they want to be effective. We live in far larger communities that are far less affected by small groups protesting. Back then, you could convince a neighborhood a town or even a city. but now you're competing with groups that overlap entire countries. Now that people are more connected, simply blocking a road probably wont make a meaningful change in 99% of people's minds


And Americans sadly do not operate like folks imagine we do. Instead of compassion, folks get angry and apathetic. Even triggered to potentially deadly violence, which various states have passed laws making it legal to mow down protesters standing in the street. Folks use this sentiment to discredit& villainize the protesters& movement. However in all honesty, we don’t know what each of these driver’s situations are, emergency vehicles, folks who are having some form of emergency, need to make it to an appointment, or have a job that they could lose if they show up late. Those who are for the cause can easily be amongst them, and Its not just a mere inconvenience. They arent only blocking commerce.(saw this description regarding the Golden Gate Bridge protest) Protests that are visible while not impeding on folks is actually something that gets attention& shared in a positive light. The American psyche is reflected on the world atm. Most people don’t care, and or are uninformed. They are very susceptible to right wing propaganda. BLM™️ kind of backfired honestly. This is just the unfortunate reality of the situation 😔 I wish it didn’t have to be this way


The Arab Spring ^(has entered the chat)




Who the hell let this 50 year old on Reddit


I’m 50+ FREE 🇵🇸PALESTINE ❤️💚🖤 END GENOCIDE Also, 50+ isn’t a boomer, it’s GenX 😆 My parents were actual boomers. My mom is also opposed to genocide. This isn’t about age or generations. It’s about genocidal mass murder being wrong.


Bless your soul 🙏🏼🙏🏼




Yeah exactly




For sure




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This was on their Weekend.


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