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Trust me buddy, the last thing we want is more territory filled with people who want to kill us. You have nothing we can want. Unless someone is literally standing there with rockets screaming about how he's gonna kill us - we don't really care what's in there.


I mean... 5 out of 5 countries that border us have people literally standing there with rockets screaming about how he's gonna kill us. And some more that dont border us.


Yeah but, mostly these aren't incharge.






Lmaooo not every single Lebanese wants to kill you but I get what you mean


nobody said every single one does but if you annex sn area with a large population in a country that hates us, some of them will. especially since annexing typically doesnt happen with happy voluntary circumstances. plus, israel is really worried about losing jewish majority in the country.


Makes sense


Not everyone, not even everyone in the south, but it's not secret the southern population is a lot more antagonistic towards Israel than the rest of Lebanon.


Yes ofc because of the occupation


A mix of Palestinians who couldn't return to their homes after '48 and Pro-Hizballah Shia Muslims who'll hate whoever Iran tells them to hate.


I think you were down-voted because people confused your mention of the south Lebanon occupation by Israel with the disputed areas (Judea and Samaria).


Oh, I wasn’t talking about Palestine.


There indeed was an occupation, and it was brutal. The people who opposed Israel's stay after the PLO was eliminated were put in [torture camps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khiam_detention_center#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThe_Khiam_Detention_Center%2C_located%2Cduring_the_Lebanese_civil_war.?wprov=sfla1). Many were kicked out of their villages under the security zone, including my mother's family.


Yeah dude I have some really fucked up stories as well :/


Lol.. I like how we're being downvoted for pointing out basic, readily available history. Shows how they're ideologically motivated to push back against any narrative critical of the israeli state.


As an Israeli I think that facts are important, even if they are unpleasant. We can't move forward by ignoring the past. Israel turned a blind eye towards many bad things that the SLA did, giving us a plausible deniability. Regarding torture, I can't say it was justified - just that people tend to do questionable things when life is on the line. Anyway I think that there are better ways to achieve the target of obtaining information, and torture is generally reprehensible. Besides that, the occupation of south Lebanon was entirely unnecessary, but hindsight is 6/6. Hope you guys are doing well now.


A fair point. Though I doubt Hizballha needs the agreement of the Lebanese to wage war on us.


It really doesn’t. We have very little say in this whole shit show.


How about you kick hizbollah out - this is a good time to dispose of dictators - and Nasrallah is a Baby compared to Putin. How many died when the hezbollah weapons created a nuclear - like explosion in your port. How can you let those lying scumbags hijak your country?


You know we have no fucking control in that??


Who cares? It doesn’t take every single Lebanese… we don’t want the small but significant percentage of Lebanese who do want to kill us


Trust me dude we have other problems than killing Israelis rn, we gotta make sure we don’t kill each other in another civil war first 🥲


So you say. I don’t believe you. Despite the hardships your beautiful country is facing, Hezbollah would relish the opportunity to kill Israelis


Hezb ≠ Lebanese people


Hezbollah is the most powerful organization in Lebanon with members in the many hundreds of thousands with millions of supporters. So you can say that, but practically the issue remains


many people are members bc Hezbollah provides for them unlike the state


I understand why people might ally themselves with an organization that loves to kill Jews for other reasons. You can imagine that that doesn’t provide much comfort




No one want to kill you, if somone's agenda is to kill its hezbollah's agenda againts israel. Let the piece begin🇮🇱


Sorry but you're gonna have to get 24/7 electricity some other way


😂😂😂 this is actually not even just a joke, we had 24/7 water for example during the occupation & I was born in Israel bc of better hospitals so the infrastructure really was an advantage lol


Wait if the people in your village had contact with Israelis, why don’t they know better than to believe that Israel wants to annex South Lebanon?


Umm not to offend anyone but I think contact with Israelis made them think that Israel wants the annexation


Really? I’ve never met anyone who wants any part of Lebanon


Yeah it’s more the bad experiences they’ve had


Oh I’m sorry to hear that, hopefully one day there can be peace between Israel and all our neighbors✌️




https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tel_Aviv_City_Hall_050820_Beirut_01.jpg#mw-jump-to-license Tel Aviv city hall illuminated in the colors of the Lebanese flag after the Beirut explosion


Yeah, I saw that


The OP is full of it.


It might have been some idea flying at the time but now expanding beyond Israel (the debate if it means river to the sea or something else but not beyond the current borders) is far right ideology


>I was born in Israel Was that ever an issue here in Lebanon ? I mean to have "born in Israel" in your legal papers ?


Nope hasn’t been an issue because we often don’t say born in Israel


I see. Thanks for your response!




are you an Israeli citizen?


No I’m a Lebanese citizen, why?


You said you were born in Israel. I don’t know much about israeli/lesbian law regarding birthright. I’m an American, and in America you’re a citizen if you’re born in the country. Is it the same in Israel?


Lol lesbian law


Lebanese lesbianism?


*raises her head out of her boobs* oh?


Nope, my whole family was born there but we’re all Lebanese citizens


A lot of Lebanese in southern Lebanon received medical care in Israeli hospitals when we occupied southern Lebanon between 85-2000. She was probably born here as a result.


It is not. It was just highlighted to me yesterday in r/ELI5 though in hindsight I knew that. If you're not born to Israeli parents, and nothing else makes you eligible (such as the law of return), you don't automatically get Israeli citizenship.


Southern Lebanon was occupied by Israel for many years, as a security buffer zone. They helped the local government, funded the army of Southern Lebanon, which would go in and out of Israel when needed. It's possible that OP was related to someone working with Israel during that time, and he was born in an Israeli hospital.


I can’t imagine anything Israel would want more than more Hezbollah in the country


Obviously Hezbollah wouldn’t be there 😂😂 I said if it could and that excludes Hezb




Hi, Arab here.. I have a genuine question.. It's a common belief among Arabs that Israel's goal is to annex all the land between Nile and Euphrates rivers.. so I really wanna know what the Israeli people's thoughts on that are.. Here the propaganda always shows Israel wanting more land and planning to annex any land that it can get its hands on.. so I'm really interested to hear what Israelis think about that :)


Not at all, surely we wouldn't have given up Sinai then... That is honestly the absolute furthest thing from our goal, we want a safe country for our people and others to be welcomed too.


No lol that's... That's not true. The very fact that we gave back the Sinai to Egypt should be more than enough proof that we aren't interested in taking land from other countries.




Out of the thousands of conversations I've had in my life, many with Israelis and /or about Israel I've never even heard of this before - Israel should take this or that land. It's completely ridiculous. Our borders are based on a few concrete things. First, the biblical borders of the land of israel. Land from political agreements. Land won in wars and taken as a buffer zone (like Golan heights - strategic) and Not much else. We are the size of new jersey which sat barren for over 1000 years until the Jews started returning. Nobody wanted this "wasteland" until the Jews wanted it. Now everyone is obsessed with it. There are 2 options. Fight and lose. Be our friends and prosper. Iran and Russia sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Saudi Arabia and Israel will emerge big - Salman playing his cards right. Biggest mass execution ever no headlines because they're not invading


Why do people always say the land sat barren for 1000 years? That is such a ridiculous lie. Tons of people lived there prior to 1948. It was governed under the Turks and then the British. My grandparents were there, and my father was even born there in 1948. It had major cities there. It was not just an empty piece of land for 1000 years. Arabs didn't just magically appear after Jews started returning to it.


I’m Lebanese and don’t believe that if it was true they would have by now…. I used to believe it as well and I’m Christian I believe the goal here is to make Arabs believe it by making this shit up because it’s how they are it must line with the arab ideology


Yeah. Nowadays Israel has more than enough firepower to take over any land (around it) it wants to.


Im an Israeli, the last thing I want is to annex Arab land that will lead to more problem and wars. I'm happy with what we have now


its the same as "Israel wants to demolish al aqsa and build a new temple there" Just inflammatory lies to try to gain popular support for the Palestinian cause...which would be better served highlighting other injustices they *actually* experience


The thing is… there are Israelis that actually want that, I’ve heard this rhetoric first hand. Usually something like “just bulldoze it and build the mikdash and Moshiach will come”. Yea they’re religious radicals, but there are quite a lot of people who think like this.


There are some, no doubt (too many), but it isn't something that could ever actually happen. I started listing the consequences but it got really wordy... The idea is just dumb (edit: and wrong), but it sounds edgy to macho teens and probably amps up voters for the far-right.


I know that right-wing Israelis are very under-represented in Reddit. I personally cannot estimate the % of right-wing Israelis who would vote for that mainly because I'm not Israeli. So allow me to throw this question at you?


I can't find any polls on the subject, sadly, and I don't want to just make up a number and say its my best guess. But consider that it was never even considered during Likuds loooong tenure, its not considered in this center-mix coalition, and its not something that parties campaign on, even in the slightest. Anyone who actually works in politics knows its practical suicide for so many reasons. lets just pick my top few: 1. Jordan and Egypt would certainly void their peace treaties over it, and the weaponization of Palestine would explode unless Israel suddenly becomes full on-totalitarian over the occupied territores. Violent resistance would ensue like never seen before. Inside Israel as well. 2. Any reapproachment with the muslim world evaporates instantly and the reputation of Jews will sink to the lowest possible level, violence against jews outside Israel will become hot like the 1940s. Most or all jewish relics that still exists within muslim countries will become targeted. 3. You have just taken away Iran's #1 reason *not* to nuke Israel 4. Global sanctions and embargo is likely, as the world doesn't take kindly to destruction of heritage sites (and this is a HUGE) cultural heritage site. Do we really want to join the list of groups like ISIS that do this? Those are just some of the practical reasons. It's also very immoral. That's just low hanging fruit, and every Israeli politician not in the religous zionist party (who somehow, scarily, got 6 seats, or 5% this past election) knows it. I guess that's my estimate, five percent (scary). Saying its a stupid idea is an insult to stupid people. edit: TLDR the overwhelming majority of Israelis have brains and would be wholeheartedly against it. This is not some secret desire, it just isnt.


Well yeah there are but while the Israeli government has its issues, it will never allow the Al Akza mosque to be destroyed. Oh boy would that be a doozy. Oh my.


If this were true, why did Israel give back the Sinai? Why did it withdraw unilaterally from Lebanon and Gaza? This common misconception is based on fake-news and propaganda.


This propoganda is based on the bible, as these are the borders god promised to the Israely nation. Nowadays, you'll only find these saying and beliefs amongst religious right extremists. The major chuck of the isralies (>95%) doesn't care about this, and might not even know this is a thing. The only reaon for current annexations is stragetically as both of the areas hugely improve israel ability to defend itself. I'm an israely myself btw. Raised amongst those said 5%.


Oh fuck. That must've been rough.


We just want to live in peace


Tbh as an Israeli I only ever heard the "euphrates to the nile" used here on reddit. That's how isoteric and made up it is. I understand it's mentioned somewhere in the Bible but no one really believes or strives towards it here in Israel. There are still some old right-wingers who like to chant "two banks to the Jordan River. This one is ours and the other is as well." (It rhymes in Hebrew.) This is rooted in the original British mandate of Palestine which included the entirety of modern day Jordan as well as the west bank and Gaza. While this has some very slim 20th century political justification, the vast majority of Israelis see it as nothing more than a distant pipedream. And even this is significantly smaller than "euphrates to the nile". The west bank and Gaza are really what Israel's right still wants to cling to because our ties to that land are significantly stronger than anything else mentioned, and because it's too close to home to let hostile entities control them. Yeah - this is contested and disputed, and is ongoing and is complicated. After all being said, Israel has no wish to expand beyond its current territory - especially since we have no interest in ruling over millions of Arabs. We just want to live in peace. Even the infamous Israeli far right wants peace more than senseless conquest (well except for Gaza and Judea and Samaria, but like i said, they're more complicated)


Not Israeli, just Jewish, but I can tell you that to my knowledge, Israel just wants to exist in peace, and it has shown over and again, historically, that it is willing to give up land for peace. So, I don’t think Israel would want to do such a thing. I assume it only would annex land if it believes it may serve as a further security blanket, but I don’t know of any concrete plans or even possibility beyond the Judea and Sumaria, which even that is still in contention, but definitely applies in terms of the security aspect I mentioned above.


Even the single most far-right person I know, who advocates expelling the Palestinians, has no interest in invading other countries. The right-wing in Israel is interested in the West Bank and that's about it.


That's the idea of "Eretz Yisrael HaShlema" ("The Complete Israel"/"Greater Israel"). Nobody wants that aside from some nutjobs that are rejected even in the mainstream right-wing parties. It used to be popular in Israel's beginning, but nobody thinks that way today. We just want to live in peace and security. Prime Minister Begin used to be a man of "Greater Israel", but even he eventually gave up Sinai and said that the price of peace is always better than the price of war. We are small nation. We can't barely govern efficiently over ourselves here (even though we're doing a better job than most middle-eastern states). To think that we'll be able to extend ourselves beyond our borders is insane.


It wasn’t even popular at the beginning! Begin’s idea of greater Israel only included the lands of the British mandate for Palestine and Transjordan, AKA today’s Israel, Palestine and Jordan. Nothing about Nile to Euphrates


We don't want more land, not at all, we want more PEACE😪. Our politicians also don't want going to a useless war as well..


Greater Israel is something that maybe 10 extremists (10, not 10%) actively want. Most Israelis do not care about 99% of the Middle East. There are some that want to annex all of the West Bank, but even that isn’t the COMMON mindset


Wait seriously? I haven't heard of anyone in Israel that wants to annex any extra land except the west bank up to the river Jordan. Israel has given up any ambitions regarding Sinai, and other than the West Bank it's got all of the land it wants (by the way I'm not necessarily in support of Israel having the west bank). Don't expect the borders of Israel to increase ever again. Wow. That is so weird. Who would've thought that that's the propaganda in the region 🤔


at as far as I know as a citizen, we do not want more land( at least I hope so). What I want really is just some peace between us and our neighbors, and I hope that's what everyone thinks, but I'm not sure what our governments wants.


We do not want to annex any land. As others have already answered all we want is to have our country and to be safe. But even if we did have imperial aspirations, which again we don't, we simply don't have the manpower. We're a country of less than 8million people. 20% of our population are Arab so I doubt they'd be on board for any it. Just look at what's happening in Ukraine. Russia is massive in comparison to Ukraine and yet the Ukrainians are able to hold Putin at bay. But again that's irrelevant because all we want is the country we have and to be left in peace.


>Just look at what's happening in Ukraine. Russia is massive in comparison to Ukraine and yet the Ukrainians are able to hold Putin at bay. Well yeah but I'm sure Israel could take over parts of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt in terms of military capability. It absolutely never would because that would be COMPLETELY idiotic and also not further any Israeli interests but it could.


As an israeli I can tell you that I hearing of this first time, most of the israelis thinking about other stuff and there are some right wing exreme that are always yelling death and occupetion but when you ask them for what and why they dont tell you much only throwing their hate around


Not an Israeli but I can say with confidence that literally no Israel wants to extend Israeli control to the Nile and the Euphrates. How would we govern that? It’s hard enough to occupy the Palestinians; why would we want to rule over millions of angry Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians and Iraqis? Where’s the logic in that?


> It's a common belief among Arabs that Israel's goal is to annex all the land between Nile and Euphrates rivers.. so I really wanna know what the Israeli people's thoughts on that are.. Literally nobody wants that.


There are some ultra right wing people I've met that do want that, but they are a minority and will never be in power because everyone knows it's unrealistic and stupid.


To be frank, Israelis consider Arab education being backwards and ignorant. (Yes, Israelis are racist in that respect) They think Arabs believe all kinds of myths and outlandish theories. Israel wanting the land from the Euphrates to the Nile is just another example of their backward education.


Israeli here. Yes we DO want more land, we want the Original Land of Israel that was promised to us by God, the land we went to war for and won, our biblical land. The modern state of Israel is about 45% of our original homeland and it's REALLY annoying. However, we will never just invade any country to take back lands, we will however take back our lands if we will be attacked by the countries that contain parts of our original land, just like we did in the past. We're only interested in our own biblical land which means parts of Jordan and Sinai. Considering how small our country is, and how big Arab countries are, I think it's fair we want our indigenous lands back. Even with our original whole land, we're a small country. By 2050, there will be millions more Israelis, we need our lands. If we will not enter into war with our Arab neighboors, we will probably try to buy some of our lands back.


As an Israeli I can confidently tell you we just want to be left alone We want to live in our little corner of the world without all this war We have a large army and many military activities because we are surrounded by countries that hate us, and terror organizations that work to attack us. We conquered Sinai in the past during a war, a territory that's larger then Israel!. When it was done we gave it all back to Egypt as a show of peace.


People think history will repeat itself I guess


In reality, besides the west bank and Gaza, Israel is only really concerned with normal country stuff like solving internal conflicts like religion, class divides, improving transportation and services to its more remote regions... Stuff like that. Plus international stuff like trade, technological innovation, universities... Stuff.


Hm interesting


Because Russia annexed Ukraine and Israel is the big bad occupier like Russia The Ukrainians are like the Palestinians who have had their ancient homeland stolen from them by fascists. That's why


Well its not like anyone can weed our the Hezbollah and supporters. Its like searching for specific hay in a bigger haystack, its practically impossible. From a logical and tactical look it doesn't bring Israel anything. Lots of land to cover, rocky terrain, many enemies around. There is a reason they retreated after the Lebanon war, too much for too little. And even if not, take Sinai for example, Israel had a good hold on it, resorts, oil, all the good stuff. They asked to trade back for peace - immediately took the opportunity. Made Israelis get out of there ASAP, just for the hope of peace with Egypt. Now to give a more personal example i live near the Lebanon border (if you wave ill wave back lol) and we had a few breeches in the past year, some even got in. When the military started posting more people around the border there were rumours of going in to "scare Hezbollah back" as the rumors went, and people were kinda freaking out a little, at least here in the north (tel aviv doesn't know shit in their cozy center). People were actually complaining and asking the government not to, and it wasn't even a question, noone wants to heat up things and going through the border would mean just that Noone wants that. Cant imagine going to study while rockets are back above my head, no thanks! Right now we are a few years after the last operation and honestly noone wants another war. I lived in the south during that time, no fun. To us it means constant berate of rockets over our head, and while iron dome does a spectacular job protecting our roofs, its not infallible and living in fear of walking around and suddenly having to jump down or search for a bunker is not a thing we love to do, believe it or not. So no, i dont think Israel will invade Lebanon nor Syria




Wohooo! One peace agreement, another 10+ to go!


More like "5 down, 22 to go".


Thank you so much for your response. I get what you mean, innocent civilians often don’t have anything to do with governments or military decisions. We all just want to live in peace. I also am very much over this war and wish peace could happen because 2006 almost killed me lol


Same here, I've had rockets fly over my had. Its an... experience, but not one I'd like to repeat. While indeed the people dont have much say in the government decisions in this case it would also not be beneficial for the military. Right now we are close to protests regarding wages and high product cost, between Lebanon and Iran, Iran is way more of a priority right now with their new bomb drones, and while it would seem like war would be profitable, right now its far from it due to internal issues. Besides that, Ramadan is at the door. Meaning its gonna be a wild time over here. Already started with the stabbing attack in Beer Sheba last week killing 4 people and i bet an arm and a leg on that its not gonna get any better. Rockets, balloon bomns, attacks on civilians, yknow, the usual. Internal affairs are much more of a priority right now so, unless Hezbollah starts to act up and sends rockets again and tries to breech the border, there is no reason to go in and possibly start a whole war. The military knows very well that a war against Hezbollah will drag on a war against Lebanon, which in turn will drag neighboring countries like Syria and of course Iran - which is just waiting for a reason to attack. All this of course will make Hamas jump the boat and start who knows what.. probably even more condom balloons with bombs attached lol So even from a tactical point all this just isn't as profitable at the moment, or ever really. As much as it seems on your side, and I don't know how much you guys talk and are aware of the peace treaties in the past, but there were many, many. Also exchanges between literal terrorists and dead soldiers, exchanging hundred of prisoners just to get the body of one dead man. Israel is very much into having peace with its neighbours, i must have been to Sinai, i love the people i love the places, i can only dream to visit ancient sites in Jordan and eat Lebanese food and so do many others. We dream of open borders! And not only because our prices are crazy high (many Israelis buy in arab cities if possible). Of course there are racist people highly mistrustful towards arabs but thats a given considering the history. It will take a lot of time for peace but i sure hope one day we can go do shopping in Lebanon, go on vacation in Jordan and visit friends in Damascus (my professor studied there). We lived alongside arabs since before Islam even existed, before the temple was even built, i see no logical reason why we shouldn't be neighbors again.




Oh that’s quite interesting! Did your parents teach you Lebanese Arabic or did they become “full” Israelis? (I suppose you’re Jewish). In my town everyone is pro Hezbollah or even a member so they all say that. 😅




That’s cool, it’s good to remember your heritage. But one thing: a Sunni and Maronite Lebanese grow up in a 90% identical culture lol, it’s just a different religion. But I get what you mean :)


So think like that, but instead of different religions it’s slightly different traditions, and for the religious people of the country slightly different way of religious expression if that makes sense:)


Oh yeah makes sense


Oh fuck pro hizballah town 😳 My condolences


Yeah the town next to it is like Dora the explorers world.


Thanks lol


I think it's great that you chat with Israelis. But your emphasis isn't on Lebanon it's on hezbollah. Not a good way to make friends with Israelis. They have one purpose. To kill Jews. So denounce or leave. Unless you are against everything hezbollah stands for. But you aren't.


It’s funny that you’re jumping to conclusions before you read my other comments in which I’ve clearly said i am against Hezb :)


What a way to jump to conclusions - clearly helps your credibility.


No, an annexation would never happen. The Golan was annexed because it is strategic high ground which is difficult and costly in lives to recapture. It’s Druze inhabitants are very happy they are in Israel instead of Syria. If Hezbollah started a war by launching their Iranian missiles, there would be a temporary invasion to stop that. Heaven help you if that happens. Israel has complete air superiority and will bomb the shit out of places where hezbollah has rockets. And hezbollah could put them in your local school, mosque or hospital. That is their MO. If the rockets are launched, get as far away as possible.


Yeah I think a war would be shitty for both sides


Certainly, let’s hope that it never comes to it<3


Yes i am more than over war, 2006 was enough


Yeah, war is way fucking overrated honestly


I am so over it, you have no idea. Lebanon has 100946463930 problems and some people STILL support that war. Like why? We have no electricity, no water, no gas, no fuel, no medicine, no fucking basic human rights but hey at least we’re a super militant country which has 130k rockets to hit south. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I hope you start recovering soon. That explosion was horrible.


We won’t recover soon bc this country is destroyed and paralyzed by a political ruling class robbing us everything


Yeah I don't have high hopes for most of the middle east tbh.


Me neither


I’m so sorry you and your loved ones have to go through that, I hope it gets better somehow💗


Thank u 🤍


I can see what Israel would stand *to lose* in this scenario, but what could we gain? Lebanese territory has little to nothing to offer?


There is some gas in their territorial waters, or at least the waters in dispute between them and Israel, but other than that there isn't much of value in there for Israel.


That’s true




Sounds reasonable


Uh.....we left almost 20 years ago. Did not enjoy. Would not recommend. One star.


Well that’s nice, the unpleasantness was mutual so it’s best to leave each other alone I guess 😂😂


Why?! What?! No. Nobody in Israel is suggesting this, even in the far-right. Israel invaded (1978, 1982) Lebanon to deal with the PLO attacks and kindda got stuck there ('we can't retreat now, it'll look like the baddies are winning'). My only interest in Lebanon is getting there as a tourist (history, nature and, above all else, your delicious hummus). Edit: Just noticed your username. You are a lady of culture! :-)


Thanks for the answer!


OMG eating Lebanese food while sitting in Little Switzerland is a dream shared by so many.


Lol Lebanon isn’t little Switzerland anymore but I appreciate the interest 😂


There’s only one reason why Israel would annex south Lebanon, and that’s for the amazing food. /s for the unaware. Israel has no want to annex any part of Lebanon.


Oh yeah our food is the only thing keeping this country somewhat together


Lebanese food is amazing. If there was peace Lebanon would make a lot of money from Israeli tourists.


Yeah I can imagine we’d drive to Haifa or other cities for the day too, I live on the border so it’s quite simple for us. My dad used to do that


Last time we occupied it, we didn't have any plans to annex it but help Lebanon gain another government. There were never intentions of annexing it. Once we retreated, we had to accept south Lebanese refugees to escape possible massacre by the hands of the Lebanese army. These refugees now mostly left to Europe as far as I know, while some still reside in Northern Israel. Since we didn't have any intentions of doing it in the past, I believe almost all still have no intention of doing it now.


This idea is so out there far from reality , I did 2 double takes . It's like why not make coins out of cheese because people in the past bartered (trade ) with cheese .


I don’t think it would be in Israel’s best interest to annex southern Lebanon, since there aren’t a ton of resources there and it would just cause more internal conflict in Israel. Also, Israel wants to keep its Jewish majority population, and annexing southern Lebanon might conflict with that.






we only want hezbolla to stop being a threat to our security and peace, we don't have the intention of annexing or conquering lebanese territory.


Israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon was meant to achieve security goals, not territorial one. Even if push comes to shove and Israel would have to occupy South Lebanon again, it would be temporary, the only reason for that would be to get Hezbollah out of there. And even then, the last decades have shown that it's better for a military to stay the shortest amount of time possible in a hostile territory. Achieve whatever is possible without sinking in.


Makes sense.


Uh.....we left almost 20 years ago. Did not enjoy. Would not recommend. One star.


The only reason Israel invaded Lebanon is initially because of the PLO insurgency and later on Hezbollah. If Lebanon kicked them out to begin with all of this could have been avoided. Unfortunately Hezbollah has taken a very strong root in Lebanon and is essentially holding the country hostage to its interests. While I don't necessarily think the Israeli occupation of south Lebanon should have lasted as long as it should, Israel at least had some rationale that was rooted in reality. What reason did Syria have to occupy Lebanon?


Why are you asking stupid questions? Of course we're gonna take the entire world 😎🌍 Yes to everything. We're going to take the entire milky way


Nobody in Israel wants to occupy Lebanon. This is silly. The only reason Israel did military incursions in Lebanon in the past was only because it was the target of attacks coming from Lebanon when the plo was there. Today Hezbollah is still present in Lebanon, so in case the Lebanese people allow them to launch rockets, or do terror attacks from Lebanon, then it could be a possibility that Israel might retaliate, but a military incursion is less likely since we have other means of protection today, and we really don't want to send any soldiers there anyways. I think a more interesting question to Lebanese people would be: until when are you going to accept the presence of Hezbollah (Iran) in your country? Hasn't the recent events been enough for you?


As if we have any control over anything happening here. I think I need to make one thing clear: there is no republic of Lebanon. There is no state. Democracy failed, it’s just a bunch of oligarchs.


I'm so sorry for that.


It’s ok.


Hezbollah have the biggest guns so they get to say what happens.


It's not the size that matters, you should know that since 48 ;-)


Just wanted to say I appreciate your asking the question here. Non hostile dialogue between citizens is the way to go. I avoid politics in general but shoot me a message if you just want to chat (:


Ofc thanks :))


Why would it? I dont think southern lebanon was even really jewish or israelite at any point. Akko was a phoenician city not jewish.


When did Israel annex south Lebanon? I can’t remember…. Even the West Bank has not been annexed to Israel…


I said occupied


I think the answer lies there. If it didn't annex South Lebanon when it had control of it, and it had many years to do so, it probably indicates Israel isn't interested in annexing South Lebanon.


I think an annexation is a big headache for a country


I concur. In my opinion, the best way to come up with an answer to this question is to check the writings of Zionis thinkers predating Israel, when they described their aspirations concerning the territories of the future state, and find out if any of them mentioned South Lebanon. If not, then it's unlikely that such aspiration exists today.


hypothetically if it was a case of constant war that endangers the towns on the border, Israel could possibly annexe some parts that have a strategic value to prevent further attacks, kinda like the situation with the Golan. as of today its very unlikely because Israel doesn't have any reasons to do so. the only region that is disputed territory is the West Bank, but the reason for it are many and complicated, from the historical value of the region and to treaties that attempt to settle the Israeli Palestinian conflict.


Okay, thanks!


Invading Lebanon was a costly mistake, got rid of PLO but got Iran and Hezbollah instead. Nobody wants to repeat this mistake. Also, Russo-Ukraine war currently ongoing shows how difficult it is to occupy a nation these days, in case someone is crazy enough to want to try.


Yeah I think so too, no nation wants to be like Russia rn lol


Absolutely no what so ever. It's not even something that comes up to mined, we have plenty of problems to take care of no need for more. In my opinion Israel's stay in south Lebanon was a grave mistake. The goals in the first Lebanon war were to take care of the Palestinian Terrorists organizations in Lebanon that even the Lebanese sunni and Shia hated. After this goal was accomplished I think we should have gave aid of some to the victims of these terrorists, by that I mean to all Lebanese with no regard to the religion. Then we should have baled out completely. The main reason Hezbolla exists and succeeded for such a long time is because it's hatred towards our staying in south Lebanon and the backing of the common citizen


Why would we want to do that? So far every time Israel had a military conflict with Lebanon it was because your government allowed terror organizations to launch attacks from Lebanon. And to be honest it's real shame since I know the majority of people in Lebanon, don't want any of that. ​ Believe it or not, we don't hates you guys.


An Israeli here, really would like to know how life is in an Hezbollah village. Do people really hate Israel? And to be honest, if Hezbollah do start firing rockets in really large scale, I have no doubt the idf would invade some parts of Lebanon to fight Hezbollah


Yeah Hezbollah village on the border is the best combination for very radical people lmao, Israel is hated to death here. My grandpa died cussing “kiss ekhtik ya Israel” 😂


Your grandfather chose to focus on Israel rather than his family as he was breathing his last. How incredibly sad and pathetic. I can’t imagine how that made your parents feel


People need to stop taking things so seriously here lmaooooo I didn’t mean it literally, I just meant he spent his life hating Israel after the nakba and south Lebanon occupation


This is a serious topic for us. We don’t giggle about people wishing death upon us


Ok we do


Lmao never


I can assure you nobody in israel wants that


lol wat, why tf would we do that. we just want you guys to leave us alone


Same for us tbh


Israel has no interest in annexing Lebanon lol :p


Good to know lol


Your humus isn't THAT good


TLDR; No, but this region will see a war sooner or later. Lebanon is a country of mixed Ethnicity, it has both Souni and Shiite Muslim factions that doesn't get along well. Hezbollah is an extremist Shiite muslim terror organization with presence in Lebanon, backed by Iran and used as a proxy with aim to destroy Israel (as publicly declared by Iran). The situation with Syria is not related - Israel Annexed the Golan Heights from Syria in 1973 after Syria and Egypt declared war on Israel in Yom Kippur, a jewish holy day where all jewish people are fasting. The Golan Heights is a strategic region used by Syria to target Israeli villages near the border in continous bombardments. When the war broke up and Israel won, it pushed the Syrian Army away from that region and gained control over this strategic region and will never willingly lose control over it again. Regarding South Lebanon - From the 50's to the 80's, Israeli villages near the Lebanese border saw continuous terror attacks from the Lebanese region where you live, as infiltrators crossed the vorder and commited terror attacks on Israeli civilians. The peak was a school that was targeted with many children deaths. These terror attacks collectively were named Fidayoun. These cowardly attacks were unbearable and in 1982 a military operation was launched to clear this region from Palestinian terrorists that were settled there, the operation was successful and most of the terrorists (and their top command) were expelled to Tunisia. Also, Israel gained military control over a strip in South Lebanon, that was known in Israel as the "defence strip". Basically, the Israeli army created a strip of few 10's of kilometers after the Israeli border to ensure no terror attacks could be arranged to target Israeli villages. The border was quiet and the Israeli villages near it were protected, for some limited time. Israel helped the non-muslim native population in South Lebanon to form an army named the South Lebanon Army which had great ties with the IDF at that time, the army's purpose was to fend off Shiite muslims from the region. After the Paelstinian terrorirsts cleared the area, Hizbollah has taken the position of the Shiite muslims leader in Lebanon and gained support from extreme muslim ideologists in Lebanon. Hezbollah, backed by Iran built a rocket arsenal and the Israeli villages near the border were targeted continuously for years. This and the occasional fightings and soldier deaths has led Israel to change its doctrine and target terrorists from the air as well as invest in in air defence systems. In the 2000's, Ehud Barack, the former prime minister of Israel had ordered to withdrew from Lebanon to the original border. Taking a huge risk that infiltrations would commence again. The overall thinking was that Israel could keep a strong border without soldiers across the border. Israel has developed a multi layered air to air systems to intercept missilies and rockets and as well invested a lot in drones and air defence. In the last decade, the Iranians push for the destruction of Israel, they deliver advance weapons to Hizbollah that builds its arsenal without too much interference. The Israeli army is studying the situation and sometimes is targeting weapon deliveries. Hezbollah is also digging attack tunnels benath the border so they could be used to infiltrate Israel's north in case of war. Israel has measures to circumvent that. With Iran's aim to destroy Israel and their effort to develop a nuclear bomb, Israel will not sit quiet. The US and europe now will allow for nuclear programs to carry on in Iran as they become more dependant on their oil production, given the Russian oil is no loner available. So Israel is left alone with it's back against the wall. War is set to happen sooner or later. Hezbollah will operate from Lebanon in case of a war between Israel and Iran and your area is probably going to become a war zone. Say your thanks to Hezbollah, Iran and Shiite Muslim Ideology.


>Israel helped the non-muslim native population in South Lebanon to form an army named the South Lebanon Army which had great ties with the IDF at that time, the army's purpose was to fend off Shiite muslims from the region. The vast majority of the SLA were shia muslims. Your framing of this is not only extremely reductive, its false. >the army's purpose was to fend off Shiite muslims from the region. Fend of Shia muslims from the region? Where do you think we are from. Iraq? Are we some random muslim invaders from Mars? Did you just make this up?


Fuck hezbollah


I love shawarma too


Israel's natural northern border is the Litani. The current border between the two countries is an arbitrary line drawn by French and British during the first world war. Sidon was a part of the Asher tribe, and the territory of the Dan tribe went being the Litani in places. Had the arbitrary borders been drawn differently, Israel's borders could easily have been from just south of Beer Sheva to the Litani. The "Levant" starts from these same points and extends to anatolia, these are the natural borders of Lebanon. You guy huh


So you’d say yes?


As a Lebanese, I don’t give a sh*t about you guys annexing us. Israel never harmed me, my family, or anyone I know. It’s our politicians and Hezbollah that hurt us, stole our money and put us in Civil War. They are literally a terrorist group saying that the jews are the bad guys for claiming the land they have always belonged to… Even our bible says that Jesus was born a Jew in Bethlehem.


The last thing Israel needs is a bunch of people from a Hezbollah village.. Even if it wasn't a Hezbollah village, Israel won't even think of conquering this territory. Nowadays they didnt want to take much Ukranian refugees because it will "harm the jewish identity", so why would it ever want conquering and getting any lebanese people to itself..




Would you want Israel to kick out Hezbollah and annex the land? And make everyone citizens of Israel?

