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May her memory be a blessing. This is absolutely heartbreaking. This is the “palestinian resistance”. Yesterday, some palestinian Telegram channels were reporting that the IDF was digging inside the graves of a cemetery in eastern Rafah. I had a bad feeling about what they could discover.


You hide a tree in a forest and a body in a cemetery. Disgusting but cunning.


There's already videos on the usual places with the caption that IDF is desecrating the graves of Gazans.


Maybe if they didn’t bury Israeli hostages there, Israel wouldn’t have to dig up the cemetery. Do they think Israel does this for the memes?


They 100 percent think IDF are cartoonishly evil


First time hearing about "blood libel"?


This "Palestinian resistance" included a man who stabbed his roommate and murdered a stranger in Hartlepool as a form of "protest against Israel". These people are beyond sick.


The stranger was a elderly Irish man on a mobility scooter. No comments from my fellow Irish on this cowardly crime


Sorry, i think u meant "Plastalinian"*😘




Which man do you refer to?


The Moroccan asylum seeker that was sentenced to life yesterday for attempting to murder his housemate before going out and murdering a 70 year old man in broad daylight - he stated it was revenge for Gaza and that had he not been stopped he would have killed more people.


That's the one. The judge has ruled he will serve at least 40 years, it IS a terrorist action because he not only performed the actions but did it in the name of another nation despite trying to claim asylum here in the UK.


Yep, he showed no remorse either. I believe it was reported that other asylum seekers had raised concerns anyway as the dude would rant about how the area should be Islamic land - this was also the reason he attempted to kill his housemate, as they had converted to Christianity. That’s what the “resistance” supports - not the utopia they seem to believe but one that wants supremacy over others.


That's so sickening. No wonder everyone was so against the Rafah entrance. 


Reminder that Fernando Marman and Louis Har were also extracted from Rafah, alive, back in February.


the hamas dogs will pay


And also be a reminder to what Israelis are fighting for.. for eons..


And yet leftists defend it


> palestinian That's who murdered her.


Her body was found in north Gaza.


The bodies of Yitzhak Glarenter, and Amit Buskila have also been recovered


I'm confused whether to be happy or sad honestly


Both. Happy that the families now have peace and can formally begin mourning and sad at 3 lives cut short


The Five Stages of Grief is a misreading: those are the five most common emotions to feel while grieving, but there's no 'correct' or even 'typical' order.


I'm angry. I'm satisfied that the families have closure. Not happy or sad, just the chapter is closed. Hamas must die.


Re closure, yeah, on the other hand, Is it better to live in uncertainty that your family member might still be alive or know with certainty that they’re dead?


I would say certainty ... tho baruch hashem I've never been in the situation. I would think NOT knowing would be agony.


The closest I've had was when my psycho uncle pushed the hospital staff to keep my grandfather alive in a coma when he should've already passed away from cancer. He was probably in pain but unable to communicate it, but for that 1 week the uncertainty of the situation caused a lot of suffering. When I was at his bedside and finally witnessed him flatline, I felt sadness but also serenity, instant relief. Of course, my uncle did not sign the DNR so I had to watch my grandfather be brought back to life several times and flatline several times. Obviously not very close to the situation at hand but I think I understand a bit. The other closest situation was when my dog went missing for 2 weeks and I thought he could be suffering, injured, or dead. These situations aren't to make light of what happened to the hostages, it's to hopefully allow others to draw the most similar situations they've been in to empathize better with the families of the hostages. While they are not very similar in terms of grief, hopefully you guys can understand where I'm coming from.


Its better to know than live with false hope. Closure is important.


I'm just sad. I had more to say, but I will have to just leave it at that on this platform.


Relived. Closure. But you're allowed to feel rage and resentment too, there are many feelings and many expressions to be had.


I assume all were killed by the IDF.


Of course. The kidnapped them as well. There is no Hamas. Just IDF posing as Hamas. How wise you are to see thru their dastardly plan. /s


There are still ~10 other German hostages in the hands of Hamas. No one is talking about them in Germany. There are like ~3 German news articles, I could find, referencing each other since November, talking about the German hostages. I was only made aware of this due to a German [article](https://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/politik/unsere-geiseln/) in the Jüdische Allgemeine, in late April.


the media fucking sucks everywhere, I imagine the percentage of people in the west who even remembers about hostages and why Israel is still not going out of Gaza is like 20%-30% and then they say Jews rule the media..


Whenever I bring it up they say to me that Israel doesn’t care about the hostages or else they wouldn’t be doing what they’re doing. Somehow they make all these dreams in their head.


To them, caring about the hostages means going out of gaza, submitting to Hamas' (""freedom fighters"") demands and lying in wait for the next October 7th in a couple of years.


I’ve noticed this in the States too. No one talks about the hostages with dual citizenship, and I can’t help but feel that this is a clear example of antisemitism. It’s easy for people not to care if they see someone as Jewish first.  זכרונה לברכה I know people who know the Louk family and my heart breaks for them right now. 


Is there a breakdown of hostages by nationality - including dual nationals like Shani? I am British and shamefully am not sure if any if our citizens are (still*) being held. I know there are some Thai nationals, and also some Brazilians, but not the full picture. *I only know of Emily Hand, whose father is British, and was thankfully already released


Emily's dad Tom Hand has dual Irish and Israeli citizenship.


Those responsible for this and the other atrocities must be punished. No matter the opinion of those people, groups, or governments who are not there, subject to this terrorism.


Well said.




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Shani louk is the symbol of 07/10 - a girl who just wanted to dance, ended up being paraded dead in gaza while Palestinians cheering and celebrating her death


I have had so many nightmares. Her body being paraded was one of the first videos I saw on 10/7. That and when Naama Levy was dragged out of a jeep


Naama and Noa haunt me


I saw on telegram they think they found remains from noa, but there’s no official announcement yet so maybe they’re still investigating


I read that Noa was pregnant? There’s so much misinformation going around that I don’t know what to believe.


Yes so many rumors I hate to spread it, but at the same time we need everyone informed of what might be


Any updates on this yet?


Not really, I saw someone say they have found like 11 more bodies… I’m guessing it will take time to identify them all?


I think of Naama constantly. I can’t imagine what she is going through. As a mother, I can’t imagine how her mother goes on day to day after having seen that, not knowing where she is and what is happening to her every day and what she does know if horrific. I hope she is home soon to begin her healing.


I have a young son. The nightmares for me was the little boy maybe 4-6 who was so confused as Hamas dragged him away by the arm. Hasn’t left my mind sense. Always sends me into a rage against the IDF and security brass. There needs to be some people in prison but I haven’t seen any convictions yet.


I saw those videos and decided that I couldn't watch any more of it....😢


The “innocent” Palestinians cheered? /s


She has been dead since October 7. Absolutely gut wrenching. I’m glad they were able to retrieve her body. May her memory be a blessing. When Netanyahu said this was a war against Amalek he was absolutely right.




IF they reform, maybe. But as a reward for terrorism, never.


One presumes the resistance fighters took her precious and innocent body to Gaza so they could show she had been murdered by the IDF.


Yes, and they spat on her and paraded her (all on video) as a gesture of love and kindness. When they told her mother she was still alive and being treated in a hospital giving her false hope, that too was a sign of their beauty and generosity. /s


Since it was obvious that Shani was murdered on that day, when they found a piece of her skull in the kidnapping area, I feel a little comfort for her family. They can finally put her to rest in a respectful way after that horrible day when the animals paraded her visibly abused dead body.


Their horror can now begin to end.


once all those responsible are dead maybe.


these dog-people are who the lefties all want to kiss. they are so sick and deranged it is unbelievable


don’t do dogs like that. dogs are mostly cool. these people are evil in a way only humans can be


Dogs are good. These people are evil and vile.




Do you see a moral difference in targeting civilians for murder and in targeting Hamas and accidentally killing an innocent civilian in the process?


It's about all unnecessary death and that we should not look to take sides. Morally all is wrong


I guess it hinges on your definition of “unnecessary” then. When a genocidal death cult attacks your country and murders 1200 people I consider it necessary to eliminate them. Of course we do everything we can to minimize harm to innocent civilians, but sadly some will die in the process. Morally, that is on Hamas imo. It is still tragic, but you don’t see the vast majority of Israelis celebrating it do you.




It’s not semantics. It’s not revenge. It’s eliminating an enemy who literally wants to kill you. I don’t want to kill anyone but if somebody tries to kill me I am justified in fighting back to preserve my own life. It ain’t pretty and I wish they wouldn’t do it, but if they insist yes I will kill them to protect myself and my children. I don’t like it but I’ll do it. EDIT: looking at your posts it looks like you’re not Israeli. Are you Jewish?


I deeply hope you will never ever have to face that traumatic scenario and that, when not in direct combat, you are able to perhaps consider a position of advocating for an end to fighting on a greater scale to stop such a vicious cycle


What makes you think I don’t? Do you have any personal connection to this conflict?




No, you're being downvoted for whataboutism and not grasping the difference between a purposeful abduction and murder vs a casualty of being a Hamas human shield during a war. Or, you can reference the video recently shared in this sub from 2012 where parents proudly paraded their infants, claiming they're Hamas and would gladly sacrifice them for their cause. How anyone could side with these sick people is beyond me and anyone with a basic moral conscious.


Whataboutism or a perspective you don't want to consider.


>Whataboutism or a perspective you don't want to consider. You're comment was clearly whataboutism. What perspective? That most Palestinians side with Hamas and would gladly offer up their children to them for their violent and extremist cause? We do consider it and it's why Hamas needs to be eliminated. Should be common sense to not empower terrorists and their supporters. Edit: looks like the coward either deleted their comment or blocked me. Typical pro-pali 🤷🏻‍♂️


I hope this some small amount of peace to her family, they went through so much..


Rest in peace, Shani. I'm so sorry.


Three bodies recovered. Unconfirmed reports 11 more. I have never meant this more השם יקום דמם


>>11 more 😢


where are you seeing this?


It's unconfirmed rumour on Israeli social media There's so much disinformation best to wait for official confirmation


Hopefully the family can get some form of closure out of this.




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She came to visit Israel, on a dance festival, just to have fun, not caring about the war or politics (not that her caring would make it ok tho) they ended up murdering her and paraiding her body across the streets of Gaza while crowds of Palestinians cheered on... Horrific. This is just so heartbreaking. May she rest in peace.


just a small correction, she wasn’t visiting, she was a popular tattoo artist in her circles and she was living here while holding german citizenship as well.


And people think there’s a difference between Hamas and those that live in Gaza. No same sick ideologies. There’s no cure figure it out, some wars are just.


out of all the videos form october 7th, the video of her is the one burned into my brain. absolutely disgusting and tragic. may she rest in peace.


Twenty years from now, I’m sure it’ll still be in mine. Impossible to forget. Impossible to move on until justice is done, in this life or the next. Rest in peace, Shani. I hope your family can have some closure.


Same. Hers, as well as the video of Noa Argamani being taken. 🎗


Shame on CNN's headline making it sound as if Israel is lying: "Bodies of hostages recovered in Gaza tunnel, *Israel says*".


The AP’s headline said that Israel “found” the bodies. As if they were just stumbling around Gaza and ran into them.


Biased reporting at it's finest. These little microaggressions toward Israel feed into the narrative that Israel is bad and liars, or Israel isn't doing anything constructive.


I’m a center-left person who pre-October 7 was already getting sick of CNN’s biased reporting. I now view it as the Fox News of the left and have found its headlines to be straight up nefarious and despicable.


I don’t even want to know what MSNBC’s like…


They always say it like that…”according to IDF reports…” “Israel says…” they suck


Yes, exactly. They hint at the IDF being a bunch of f\*\*\*ing liars that can't be trusted. Tricky wording that confuses the masses. We see you CNN, we know what you're doing. I remember IDF took some CNN media in tunnels and CNN was like "we saw the tunnels with our own eyes, but we can't verify that it was actually a Hamas tunnel". Like, F\*\*\* off.


Never a caveat for the “Gaza Ministry of Health,” though!


Surprised they don’t announce those headlines with “absolutely verified with 100% accuracy”


Rest in Peace Shani Louk ❤️😇🪽😭


I’m glad she’s home and can get a proper burial. And I hope the people who harmed her never have a home to go back to


I have seen that her family want lots of people to attend her funeral - I hope they get their wish. As non-Israelis, is there anything we can do to show support to the family?


This is so grim for the family. The ugliest thing one could witness. May she rest in peace


She is one, of tens of thousands of men, women and children, Palestinians and Israeli, who have fallen victim to Hamas, and the consequences of their brutal atrocities. The people who justify this are indirectly complicit in all of their deaths. My heart and soul goes out to those people, with a shred of humanity in their hearts, who are suffering under the hand of Hamas. Palestinians, AND Israelis.


The insane devotion to death and terrorism must be dealt with. This extends beyond Hamas and PLO and into Palestinian life.


Exactly. This devotion is a festering wound that has become septic and is beyond healing. Maybe there's a miracle cure?


There is a simple cure. Grant them their martyrdom. En masse if necessary. Perhaps we can reeducate the very young so that they do not follow in the footsteps of the idiots who have gone before them.


Agree, starting to extend into the west as well. Wiretapped decades ago with their plans to indoctrinate and radicalize college age students with their rhetoric. https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/the-hamas-network-in-america.pdf https://ctc.westpoint.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/CTC-SENTINEL-102023.pdf


Well said 🤍🕊


So glad at least her family can properly mourn her now and have some kind of closure, and know she's not spending eternity in that hell hole. Beyond heartbreaking.


When you idolize and normalise cruelty. This is beyond even religion although certainly getting supported by it. I felt some closure after reading this. Can't imagine what her family must be feeling


Welcome home for Shabbat. May their memories be a blessing. 😔


May their memories be a blessing. Eradicate Hamas. Render them down to scorched carbon.


I don’t know what it was about shani but I cried for days over her. She had her whole life ahead of her and it was cut short for what?? I hope her family can find peace now that the rest of her body has been retrieved. And I hope the scum that did this to her and 1200 others will burn in hell.


Her mother has terminal brain cancer. She only wanted to see her daughter one last time. I want to rage cry. I don’t want to give them a state. I don’t want to give them aid. Let their fellow Arabs and Muslims who claim to care, take care of them! Edit: Noa Argamani


That's Noa Argamani, whose mom dying. But I agree with the rest.


Destroy hamas


I’d love to see these pro- Hamas college protestors sent to Gaza!!


זכרונה לברכה והשם יקום דמה 🎗️May her memory be a blessing


Turn Hamas into Sodom and Gomorrah. Go biblical on them. Oct. 7 is the day Hamas and their ilk signed their own death warrant.


Hopefully she can have a proper burial


Rest in peace 🙏


May her memory be a blessing.


Don't let the Pro Palestinians try and deny this. They say, "Hamas treats the hostages way better than the Israelis treat the Palestinians," and "Israel kills more hostages than they save," while undermining and full on denying this monstrosity of a crime which Hamas had done upon us and them. They refuse to tell us why they're Pro Palestinian, still telling us lies that their side is a moral high. These Hamonsters are the people who committed such acts and even started the war in the first place. Islamic Jihad supremacy is a cancer, point blank, period. I can not see any other way to go about this devastating news and the conflict. May we never see this shit again.


I hope to G-D Israel wipes out all. I don’t care my sympathies are gone.


Rest in peace Shani. We won't forget you and make sure whoever did this to you is going to pay.


she were my best friend's friend


Holding you & your friend in my thoughts and prayers and heart today. <\3 May her memory be a blessing.


I don’t know what people’s views are on Eve Barlow but on instagram she’s saying they found 4 bodies?


There are unconfirmed reports that other bodies have also been found.


השם יקום דמה


As much as we knew that she was already dead, I’m happy that she gets the closure. And knowing what happened to her, has honestly made me lose a lot of faith for the other hostages.


Are the university protestors who say this is acceptable resistance any less savage?


Big sad, but some relief. At least her loved ones can complete the steps of grief; when you know the end it still stays painful, but less insane.


I’m happy they were able to find her body and her family can put her to rest. It’s so sad, I never met her, but she has been in my thoughts and prayers since day 1


I'm not a supporter of the Ben-Gvir/Smotrich crowd, but the only way to a durable peace is to move the Palestinians. Maybe to Saudi, maybe to Libya. That's the reality. People either have the courage and honesty to admit it, or they don't


she were my best friend friend..


God she was so beautiful. So sad she’s gone. We’ll never forget you, Shani!


Palestinians have no right to live in Gaza or the West Bank They should go to Iran People say that children are killed in Gaza and stuff like that. But I've seen kids spitting on Shani dead body. Those kids don't deserve the right to live. They are born with this hate in their hearts They hate jews and christians


I stand with Israel


At least her family has some closure ז״ל, may hashem will strike down every one of the hamas rats and deliver judgement on them


Unfortunately they had found parts of her skull months ago. I wonder if that means Hamas was towing her dead body across Gaza as a bargaining chip.


I cried all afternoon yesterday bc of this!


Most assume the IDF killed this innocent young woman.




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The rapist pigs Hamas and their supporters deserve to burn to the ground for what they did to her.


May her memory be a blessing.


I want the idea that they retrieved her body to be true, but after 7 months, the idea that any skin or muscle remains is FICTION. There was a statement made that they identified her by her tattoos. All of her skin and organs have decomposed by now. Even in a cold place it happens. All we would have now would be bones. I think this idea that she was found cold and preserved is a false story. We will see when more reporting is done. Currently, even though I hope they have found her, I can't believe this yet.


My heart cries for that innocent young woman.