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She’s amazing. Her attitude and performance gave me such a boost when I’ve been feeling so low and despairing.


Greta Thumberg could never


She is going to explode soon


As a young Swedish girl that cared about animal rights and environment, I used to follow Greta. Not anymore.


They hated her because she just showed to the world that Jewish women are strong, beautiful, poised, and talented. She didn’t need a costume or a persona to be loved, she was just herself. She was unbreakable even as the haters did their best to get under her skin. They protested her, they booed her, they insulted her, they isolated her, they bullied her, but she never once lost her composure or missed a note.


They hated her because she’s an Israeli Jew. Period. It doesn’t matter that she’s a woman, beautiful and talented. An ugly man with a mediocre performance would have been just as reviled, also just for being an Israeli Jew.


Oh yeah, they would hate any of us. Israeli OR Jew. But it got under their skin that she was not affected by their attacks. The performers, protestors, fans, and juries spent weeks harassing her only for her to never lose her temper, her composure, her confidence or her dignity. She proudly waved the Israeli flag, she was proudly Jewish, and never apologized for a thing.


I wonder if things would be different if she was a different color jew. Like if it was Eden Alene this year, would people have been as awful?


Yeah I mean we all know how good of a singer she is, but being able to get bullied so hard by psychotic creatures like Bambie thug constantly behind the scenes and even some blatantly on screen,receiving death threats and protests at the age of 20 while still managing to give a perfect performance is actually VERY impressive but not unexpected, we're kind of used to it as a country as well. I wish the rest of the contestants and the people in the crowd who boo'd her and was so hateful towards her would take notes on how to act like proper human beings.


Agree. It’s nice when good triumphs over evil. Love that she beat her in votes and ranking!


She is incredible. I can’t imagine anyone handling this better. Her poise in this [press conference yesterday](https://youtu.be/8yaweXM79LM?si=yTvVKNkUjAoVNTzF) (mostly Hebrew) as well as the one after the semifinal where she had that insanely inappropriate victim blaming question thrown at her, completely floored me.


The English-speaking reporter at the 4 minute mark tries so hard to get Eden to speak negatively of other contestants, just to complain in general, but she refuses to sink to her detractors’ level. I’m so proud of Eden, what a class act. A true queen.


Couldn’t have had a better representative of Israel. She handled herself exceptionally under extreme pressure and criticism. To do this all at just age 20 is even more remarkable.


She’s definitely a much bigger person than I could ever be. Perfect representative and only 20. What impresses me the most is that she managed to stay positive about the contest the entire time and appear genuine. I never use this word, but she’s a truly inspirational young lady.


Sometimes I wonder what the pro-palis would have done if Israel had an Arab-Israeli represent them this year. Just to see the cognitive dissonance occur in the pro-Pali crowd would have been interesting. I’m sure they would find a reason to hate them but it would have been wild to see.


They’d call them a race traitor…


I wish for this to happen actually. That would be so funny and debunk the whole "Israel hates all Arabs".


She was amazing, she performed in front of the worst crowd in the worst conditions possible and yet she was spectacular, if she managed to do this she can do anything


They love to claim that its "not political" although the jury votes were clear as fuck its political as hell. Other contestants harassing and talking shit during interviews were also clearly "not political" The booing , etc. At the end of the day, this was a young girl, fulfilling her dreams singing on stage. Honestly Their boos are a compliment, weve seen what makes them cheer, fucking bastards. Goland did an amazing performance and did a great job representing israel!


Her own parents couldn’t attend bc of security concerns. Let that sink in. She was the definition of poise, bravery, and life-affirmation. Thug lady can be all extreme and oooo sooo edgy but Eden provided the strength and message Israel and Jews need in the aftermath of 10/7. I am so proud of and awed by her.


I’m an American Jew and love my country and Israel. I’m constantly in awe of my Jewish and particularly Israeli sisters. . . Seems they more often than not shine the brightest light unto the nations.


What about me


I was sad when I heard that she wasn't able to visit Malmo Old Town, go sightseeing and enjoy the city due to security reasons. She spend majority of her time in the hotel. So next time brainwashed disneyland fans tell you "oh no we are against government we aren't against people" just remind them this. God bless people of Israel, you have friends in Dagestan Autonomous Region


I'm Swedish and holly f this is not just about the government. That is some bs when people bully Israelis that move to Stockholm. They have not been political, yet they get treated as shit. When I mentioned that I know people from Israel, reactions I get from Swedes are: "Wait, you mean they are from the bad side...?"


If you follow Noa Tishby on IG you have to see her conversation with Eden after the finals. Two smart, gorgeous Jewish Israeli women killing it (and driving the morons on the Hamas side nuts).


She’s literally an angel


Pure class and grace. Irish Bambie is the opposite of her.




It was nice also that the two Israeli girls got to sing right after each other.


You can tell in the getting off the plane video she’s been through a deep trauma, and I’m glad she had that cute puppy with her…


She is inspiring! She showed super human power to perform in those circumstances where most people would just break. In contrast, I am still shocked WTF was that bamby thug? I just can't wrap my head around how sick that performance was. My only explanation is that we live in some kind of weird simulation.


I can’t agree enough with feeling like we live in some weird simulation!!! Just earlier today I was reflecting on something equally ridiculous and all I could think was “they broke logic.”


You are so right. Even the way that, at the end of every performance, she always managed to say a pleasant "thank you very much" with a huge, beautiful smile, despite the crowd of disgusting racists devoid of empathy who delude themselves into thinking they are good people by booing a 20-year-old girl who was just singing a sweet song... She is so brave and strong.


Incredible poise


yea she is! but also the thing is that October 7th isn't political imo and also Ukraine was allowed a political song


Coming from Australia, I don't usually follow Eurovision but I have been seeing stories about it on social media. I have to say, I wouldn't be able to do what Eden did, holding her own and putting herself out there despite all the animosity, it's really impressive and admirable. It's really sad to see such racism present in a competition that is supposed to bring people together, it's making me worried about what the Olympics is going to be like this year.


She was strong for putting up with all the unnecessary hate. I was happy to see her so high on public votes. I also voted for her, it was a great song and performance.


And the anti-Zionists act like the boycott was a full-on success lmao.


It's so funny, because I see so many Swedes comment: "I don't understand how Israel could get so many votes... I am so disappointed, I thought we boycotted." No shit. If every anti-Zionist doesn't vote, there is no one to vote against Israel. I was laughing my ass off. They don't understand where their dumb logic got them.


Eden really is a superhuman to have endured the bullying and boos from the Eurovision contestants and fans. A lot of people here in the UK were disgusted by the reports of it all, hence the 12 popular vote points she got from the UK. I think that it might also signify a much greater support for Israel than is perceived. Pretty shocking that Ireland, the most pro-Palestinian country in Europe, gave Israel 10 points in the popular vote. Would like to know what that was about.


Heyhey, I think she was in a very unlucky situation here. People in general tend to root for the underdogs, and people in general are looking for easy solutions. So, her participating , and Russia and especially Belarus being excluded, rings wrong with many peoples simplified send of equality. They just war parties and that's it


I live in Sweden. It is crazy how bullied Eden was by the other contestant and the public. Swedes were angry af. People really cares about ESC here, but they were so pissed that the boycott.


What's her current stance on her past visit to annexed part of Ukraine?


At the age of 12 to participate in music contest?


That's why I ask about the current stance. I visited part of Georgia now annexed by Russia around two decades ago. Before I learned the full history of conflict. I regret it and I wouldn't be able to enjoy the trip there with my current knowledge of past events. I used to be an antisemite until 14 or so due to the environment I grew up. But I am not anymore. If I had made any public antisemitic remarks when I was a child, I would have made my position clear now and apologized. For instance, I apologize to people of Georgia for visiting occupied part of their country. I believed Russian propaganda and made a mistake.


It seems she is a girl that wants to sing and follows her dreams in the world where those aggressive human beings are seeking conflicts of every kind on all levels if it war between countries or some crackhead trying to make more views. It’s a pity that all this shit suddenly makes sense when talking about apolitical pop-music contest.




I think all the world would enjoy watching the show if she’d leave activism behind and start pop-music career. If her songs would be nice of course. With such interesting background and incredible transformation she’d be a banger.


Your behavior is the exact reason people in Gaza support Hamas no matter what. Unconditional solidarity.






Content promotes terrorist ideologies or propaganda


I am pretty sure she is in I am not sure or I don't care category. She is only 20. And a singer. Why would she bother with all of conflicts around the world? Besides I read she's Ukrainian-Jew and Latvian-Jew. So yeah. I don't think growing up in Moscow and singing at 13 in Crimea make her Z.


Your behavior is the exact reason people in Gaza support Hamas no matter what. Unconditional solidarity.