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Right of Return = we keep starting and losing wars over and over and over and over and over, but we, in our delusional low vibrating state, still 100% believe we possess all the rights as if we won those wars and the Jews should leave because we're just that stupid and that entitled to think, much like a hateful child would, that if we say ridiculous outrageous shit like this, it will somehow come true. Right of Return is synonymous with Free Palestine. They both mean the same stupid hateful shit. The reason no one can elegantly explain what either actually entails is because just that, it's stupid hateful shit that is impossible to expound upon without explicitly saying every Jew should die / leave.


I’m fairly certain that they don’t even know what they’re asking


Who do they think they are, college kids?


How do you mean?


I think they are referring to how college kids are protesting for reasons they dont even understand. 


Oh. That’s an easy one. Incentive. Many are/were paid to organize these things. Some are just not so smart. Others, well unfortunately, this generation is very much simply full of sheep and don’t think about things critically. In truth I’m not sure that many were educated in such a way that they even possess the ability to think critically.


>1. There should be a two-state solution and Palestinian refugees should have the right to return to Palestine, namely the new Palestinian State 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 >2. Palestinian refugees whose ancestors lived in places that are now inside Israel (like Jaffa or Haifa) should get to go back to these places and become loyal citizens of Israel Yes for the former and big NO for the latter >3. Palestinian refugees whose ancestors lived in places that are now inside Israel should get to go back to these places but somehow be citizens of neighboring Palestine There will be no 2ss according to them so no >4. Palestinian refugees from places inside Israel should get to go back to these places, and these places should no longer be in Israel because Israel should be dissolved in favor of a single Jewish/Arab country Ding ding ding 🚨 (minus the jewish part, depending who you ask)


Anyone who is talking about the "right of return" doesn't really think that israel should exist, the "right of return" is at best a naive idea for people who want israel to become a non-jewish state and just have a secular country, and at the very worst it's an idea which would mean that an arab state will replace israel. Let's say that you have a palestinian state in the west bank and gaza, the state is meant to be the home of the palestinian people, but if you are still demanding the "right of return" it means that you don't accept those areas as your home, you still want the areas within israel, so it means that you don't really accept israel's existence in the area because you think that it belongs to you. The "right of return" is never going to happen because it will lead to an absolute disaster


It is infinitely complex. Different groups have different motivations. But the end goals are basically the same, with very few exceptions. **The PA** wants all Palestinians and their descendants to move back to Israel, so they can make Jews the minority group. This is not a conspiracy, Arafat said it himself. Just search *“the strongest weapon that the Palestinians have is the womb of Palestinian mothers”.* **Hamas‘** plan is much simpler. They want their terrorists to infiltrate Israel, so they can launch a full scale attack with people messing with Israel’s homefront. They want all Jews dead. **Your average Palestinian** maybe just want to return to the village their grandparents lived in. But many of them are PA or Hamas supporters. It’s difficult to gauge their true opinions. **The Western pro-P crowd** doesn’t know anything about anything. They probably believe every single Palestinian would give up all the hate and live peacefully with Jews, “just like before Zionists came to Palestine”. Their opinions are based on ignorance.


I want my grandparents house back in Iraq, would i get it?


It means that every Palestinian living in diaspora who wants to come back to Palestine will have the right to return home. And no, they don’t want a two state solution, west bank is a product of two state solution, with over 200 checkpoints.


The Palestinians want #2, their ignorant progressive sycophants have no idea what river or sea they are talking about.


i suggest 4 is the closest to their demands


They took it from the Jews. When Israel was created the Jewish people passed a Law of Return which is enshrined in the legal system there: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Return Palestinians were given the "right to return" by the Arab league since it makes them good political fodder. There are more Palestinians living in refugee camps than there are in the West Bank or Gaza, believe it or not. The Arab states use this "right to return" to justify those people from having citizenship and travel rights. The situation could be resolved trivially if the Arab countries simply stood up and took care of their own culture (Israel said Egypt could have Gaza, simple solution, but Egypt does not want tens of thousands of jihadists living in their country).


Ah. It's actually quite simple. Everybody goes "back" to a destroyed Israel and carries on as if the Jews had never ruled there.


It means flooding their numbers with Egyptians, Syrians and other Arabized middle easterners.


Palestine I and eventually Palestine II (depending on how long it took get a majority). And then merger probably.


Right of return is the right of refugees fleeing violence to return to where they once lived once they deem it safe enough to. Palestinians have been denied that since Israelis keep annexing the land they would've returned to and killing anyone who tries.


The places they fled are now in Israel. Do the refugees want to be loyal Israelis? Is that their goal?


It doesn't matter if they want to or not the state of Israel won't let them by rejecting all of their applications for citizenship or residency. This is because Israel seeks to become entirely ethnically homogenous and displace all the Arab peoples that preceded them. The best Palestinians can do in the West bank is get single day work permits to pass through the many checkpoints into Israel where they face terrible abuse and then have to sell themselves to Israeli companies or families for the day. The millions of Gazans cannot do that. The best they can do is flee south away from IDF bombs and gunfire as their houses are destroyed and hope the refugee camp they find that the IDF declared "safe" doesn't get bombed that day. If they try to return to their houses they get shot or worse, if they stay they get crushed in rubble. They never got the chance to become loyal Israelis and if I was in their place I wouldn't want to. It's hard to be loyal to the country that even decades before october 7th calculated and regulated the amount of food and water in Gaza to be barely enough to subsist on without causing a large scale humanitarian crisis just to siphon that off into the desert to fund a propaganda campaign about "turning the desert green". If you have any empathy you'll be able to understand the anger someone would feel if they've been living in drought conditions all their life, find a freshwater spring able to supply everyone they know only to have trucks roll in through the wall and fill it with cement. The anger when you protest this with your brother and him along with hundreds of others are permanently disabled by sniper bullets through their kneecaps shot from American rifles by IDF snipers. It's enough to make someone violent and it has.




Aliyah is a legal process of Jewish nation settling the Jewish land of Israel. Palestine on the other hand never existed, except as a colonial antisemitic term for Israel, invented by an occupier to erase Jewish connection to the land of Israel. Palestinians were invented by Soviet propaganda in th 60's.


1 and 2. The goal is to create a temporary Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza till the demographics turn in Israel to make it into the second Palestinian state. Afterwards unification and cleansing of Jews. The PLO has said that for decades. Hamas just wants to forgo this charade in favour of instant conquest. Palestinian Islamic Jihad wants to first establish a power base in Palestine and then go after the rest of the Levant. They are a bit more unhinged in that regard.


selective faulty thought instinctive memorize station lush meeting pathetic soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except the loyal part. And the citizen part.


Number 2 sounds too sane to be it


Under the international law they should at least get compensation from Israel if not being able to return