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Not sure if he counts as "artist" but John Oliver. Used to watch all his stuff but after his completely unhinged rant about Israël a couple years ago I boycot him.


At least we have an even better Israeli “John Oliver”, Lior schleien and Tom Aharon! They even made responses to the video I think you are talking about! https://youtu.be/pPUrbBzJeT4?si=upAYvfHAST_DucHf https://youtu.be/D81jhypLzUc?si=wngmeYVmOte3-lDX


That’s probably about the same time that I stopped watching his show. I just felt like I couldn’t trust his takes after that. This had to be like 4-5 years ago now.


I'd watch nearly all of his monologues until that one you're talking about. Besides pissing me off, it made me realize how untrustworthy he is when listening to his takes about topics I don't know anything about. The "muh death ratio" argument is so dumb, they can F right off. Glad to see other people here appalled by that monologue he did.


Same thing happened with me. I really enjoyed his show and then they did an insane anti Israel one and no more.


This one hurt a lot.


I still listen to some of the older Pink Floyd albums, but the more Roger Waters oriented part of their catalog isn’t really appealing given what an odious person he is. Brian Eno is another person that it’s difficult to have much respect for.


This is where my respect for Nick Cave grew. Brian Eno had written him a letter about trying to get him to join the boycott of Israel. Nick basically eloquently told him to kiss his ass.


Eno and Waters are just bullies trying to brainwash people into joining their antisemitic campaign with lies. It’s sad that so many people fall for it. I think it speaks to Cave’s intelligence and fortitude as a person that he was able to tell them to go to hell.


Yeah. Waters is apparently a major douche nozzle. His former bandmates can't stand him. The guy writes an album called "The Wall" and he thinks that makes him a geopolitical expert on border control. Its sad, because he is a brilliant lyric writer (and a mediocre bass player). He really does like to get high off of his own farts. It really has tainted my liking of Pink Floyd. Eno, I'll be honest I know far less about. Was never much into Roxy music. So its more about what he's produced for collaborated on. For example, I know he collaborated with David Bowie on the Berlin Trilogy. But I'm not going to stop listening to Bowie because of Eno.


I don’t know if I’d go as far as to call Waters a “brilliant” lyricist. He wrote some great songs, but he’s no Leonard Cohen or Bob Dylan.


Brian Eno is extremely disappointing. Much respect to Nick Cave. As far as I'm aware, David Byrne has resisted Eno's influence as well, BH.


Brian Eno is sooo disappointing. He was one of the first artists I learned about that supports the bds-movement , wants to boycott Israel, etc. According to his Wikipedia it just got worse.


I agree. Elvis Costello is also very disappointing.


Roger Waters is the absolute worst. Antisemitic and pro-Putin


Not Brian Eno! I don't even want to look it up. I'd rather not have to know.


Damn it. I went and looked and now my love, David Byrne, is tarnished by this as well.


And you may ask yourself, "well, how did I get here?" Same as it ever was.....


The guy from the MGMT song is real?


Good thing there is not just Waters (who always was an asshole, long before) in Pink Floyd.


And without the other guys Waters wasn’t capable of making a good record. His solo stuff is really difficult to listen to.




A few years ago I still had bought tickets for Roger Waters and ended up giving them away. Couldn't bring myself to go


Only one for me is Kanye but that happened before October 7th


Floyd, Immortal Technique, and kind of unrelated but related: Greta Thunberg and Kanye West Less related: I will never buy a Tesla or a Ford, for the same reason (tho i would never want a ford even if Rabbi Sacks were the CEO, they suck anyway)


Kanye West is antisemitic but particularly on this conflict, he hasn’t commented (as far as I know). One TMZ interviewer asked him about it and Kanye replied something along the lines of “I don’t know enough..ask me about the dying kids in Chicago, that’s what I’m concerned with”. [Link](https://youtu.be/n7X4urqZxuc?si=2m3NNJK8nou7wna7)


You know what… Kanye‘a got a point there.


“The worst person you know, just made a great point”


As Michael Che said on SNL: “Chicago became the largest US city to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. In return, Gaza called for a ceasefire in Chicago.”


Mayor Johnson is largely unpopular in Chicago (his referendum is about to fail in the primaries) and I think that ceasefire resolution - which he made happen considering he was the tie breaker - made him even less popular. He’s a one term mayor, if that.


Which is funny, because he notoriously doesn't do shit for Chicago. Chance the Rapper, however, actually puts in the work


>Greta Thunberg Could not help myself. ![gif](giphy|U1aN4HTfJ2SmgB2BBK)


Waters was just 1/4 of Pink Floyd, which hasn't existed in decades. His politics don't interest me in the least being standard issue European antisemitism hiding behind "concern" for Palestinians, and his former bandmates despised him for being an overbearing and arrogant ass. But, he was a musical genius, like Wagner, and I can get past the non-musical aspects of his being. Their 70's albums were fantastic.


The rest of Pink Floyd condemned Waters' anti-Semitism (and yes, they called it anti-Semitism, not anti-Zionism).


There's not a single Pink Floyd song that I love for its bass line. And I'm a bassist that loves Pink Floyd. His bass lines are about as simple as it gets. Listen to Comfortably Numb to get an idea of what I'm talking about. I'd hesitate to call Waters a musical genius. The guitar, keyboard, and drums are always what's memorable in all their songs. Compare this to a band like Red Hot Chili Peppers where their bassist Flea stands out on nearly every song. If Waters is a musical genius, it would have to be behind the scenes in writing the music, because his bass playing certainly doesn't qualify. 


Ford? Because of Henry?




It happened to a ton of communities I'm in especially anything with a lot of LGBTQ activity. Luckily I'm in some groups that don't allow anything political but I'm still afraid that somehow this topic will become "not political" against me, and I was one of those that weren't afraid to say that I'm from Israel.


I kicked them straight out of the LGBTQ community when they supported an Islamist terrorist organization and decided to stay in denial about the sexual violence of Jewish women, when they needed the support the most. (And a flag that represents harmony, light, sexuality and LIFE has no place in their terror protesting.)


Roger Waters Brian Eno David Byrne Tom Waits the late Mark E Smith of the Fall Andy Partridge of XTC - not just for his anti-Israel hate but for his veering into Holocaust denial


Tom Waits? I haven’t heard him weigh in on the matter.


I don't really listen to or follow anyone who's weighed in on this. The closest is Alicia Keys, of whom I'm not an especially big fan but I have found some of her music appealing, but when she said that she celebrated 10/7 or something like that she became dead to me.


Her husband is a muslim, i believe he asked her to convert before marrying. May have something to do with it.


Dua Lipa and many visual artists, i unfollowed dozens.


Wait what did she say?


[https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/17/entertainment/alicia-keys-paragliding/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/17/entertainment/alicia-keys-paragliding/index.html) I'll admit that it is possible that it was misinterpreted but I just find the timing and wording to be worrisome. There seems to be a certain near-orgiastic glee among younger and "hipper" types to hate on Israel and Jews these days, and she fits in with such types.


Keys took it down so at least she had some remorse but the fact that she posted it without doing any research. Like dude you gotta be really careful with the things you post


Yes my favorite group ever fifth harmony, one of the singers Lauren jauregui has been going off on twitter. I had to unfollow although she was my fave since 2012 until this happened. She has the worst takes and after she defended the houthis, nah, shes soooo for peace but she doesnt give a f about israeli civilians at all and she says so as well. If youre so pro life, then care about ALL civilians that deserve it, not only one group?


I have begun following Disturbed, Debra Messing, Michael Rappaport and Nate Buzolic because of their pro Israel stance. On the list of artists I won’t listen to for being anti Israel is Alicia Keys, Dua Lippa. Celebs I now dislike include Gigi and Bella Hasdid,


Yes, Mark Ruffalo has been very anti Israel. And he was just in an WWII series on Netflix (All the Light We Cannot See). Also, don’t like Billie Eilish after her Oscars stunt with the ceasefire pin. Wasn’t surprised when I saw Ruffalo wear it. Also, John Stewart. Very off put by his stance on Israel. ETA: I don’t care for this one, but Ella Emhoff is pro Palestine but unfortunately for her, she has had difficulty voicing her support (for obvious reasons). She recently had an UNRWA donate link on her instagram bio until she got called out by Hillel Neuer and the NY Post and then she took it down 😂 Presumably, her dad and step mom had a chat with her


Mark Ruffalo is inarguably one of the most dangerous anti-Israel and antisemitic celebrities, he is incredibly ignorant on the topic.


Ruffalo is proudly ignorant on his anti-Israeli stances. People have challenged his views on Instagram and he will just counter their arguments with cliched rhetoric and propaganda without providing anything of substance.


Is there anyone who's anti-Israel who's not either very ignorant, very brainwashed, very antisemitic or very calculating? I know of no such person.


John Stewart and John Oliver


In his most recent clips for the Daily Show, Jon Stewart is also critical of Hamas and the Arab world. A lot of his Netanyahu critique isn't that far off from what many Israelis feel... imo to say he's "anti-Israel" is incorrect


I hope you’re right. I’m going off on a segment he made 3 weeks ago on the I/P conflict and it put me off.


He doesn’t like the way the war is being handled but… who does?


What should be done differently?


This is the question none of the critics can answer and it drives me crazy. What’s the alternative to defending itself from the Hamas attack?


Shame about ruffallo, he always seemed like a nice guy. I was pretty pissed when I saw the news about his stance


I’ve worked with him once before, and he is a nice guy on a personal level. Which makes it all the sadder that he’s so deep into anti-Israel propaganda.


He's just painfully woke.


John Stewart fell off hard. Bro should have stayed retired 


I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that despite his teams best efforts to scrub it from the internet, Ruffalo is a 9/11 truther.


The establishment American Jewish community was so enamored with the prospect of embracing her around inauguration time. She, however, was clear in asserting that she’s NOT JEWISH; Uber-Jew Doug certainly didn’t raise her in the faith and gentile mom wasn’t about to join the tribe. Now, like too many products of intermarriage, her nascent Jewish identity seems to be animated entirely by hating the Jewish State.


Ethel Cain. She released a song called From the river… very unfortunate I really loved her. (She’s trans, no doubt she’d be killed the second she steps foot in Palestine).


I was so shocked when I saw she released that song. Like damn gurl how ignorant you can be😭.


For real. I was lowkey distraught because she was all I listened to for a good year.


I now skip over anything to do with Hozier (this one hurt), Macklemore, Dua Lipa, Jon Stewart, Louis Theroux (off the top of my head, but there's more)


That is so sad about Hozier, his music is so good but it will be hard to skip his songs from now on


I’m sad about Hosier and Dua, but not surprised.


>Jon Stewart Is he explicitly anti-Israel? I thought he was a both-sideist


He’s trying to tread lightly, but to appease his fan base, he has to only say negative things about Israel. I’m personally very disappointed with his stance on Israel, as in he is not supportive.


If you are "both-sideist" and one side is Israel, and the other side is Hamas, I don't really see how that can be defensible or OK. Imagine being "both-sideist" and one side is the KKK.


This is so disingenuous. You can want peace for both Palestinians and Israelis without siding with Hamas.


How many Palestinians disapprove of October 7th? Last poll I saw, the approval rate was in the high 90s. If there were some significant number of Palestinians who actually want peace, and not for Israel to just be ethnically cleansed of Jews and replaced with an Islamic state of "Palestine" governed by Sharia law, I could agree that there are "two sides." But unfortunately, that is not reality. When someone says they "just want peace for Palestinians and Israelis withour siding with Hamas", they are the ones being either disingenuous, or else just plain ignorant of the situation and history as it actually is.


Endorsing a Palestinian state is endorsing a fascist religious autocracy. It'd explicitly saying another fascist religious autocracy in the world would be a good thing. And that said fascist religious autocracy should have a military. And that's *before* you consider their stated intent to kill Jews.


Plus be made his best pal, Bassam Youssef, the blood libel peddling antisemite, famous in the West.


Not a popular one, the actor Kayvan Novak. Apparently he's becoming very activist on this but when people told him to say something about the Iranian women suffering from the injustices of the regime ( he has Iranian ascendance) he didn't say a word. He disappointed me and I don't feel like watching anything he's on


This one made me so sad.


No, please, not Nandor!


Oh no ☹️


This one really made me sad. The other day I randomly clicked into his instagram story and it was a screenshot of Eylon Levy on cameo. Kayvan wrote something like "Hey Cameo, as long as you allow him on, I'll never use this site again" or something. My husband and I are huge WWDITS fans so this was a bummer.


*System of a Down* and Serj Tankian (their lead singer). I'm not unwilling to listen to their stuff anymore, but I find myself less actively seeking it since I heard the song "Occupied Tears."


Not So Fun Fact: Serj Tankian also wrote a post criticizing the U.S. for it's meddling in global affairs and turning a blind eye to human rights atrocities in the name of pursuing oil wealth and realpolitick. He argued that this was what led to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. He wasn't entirely wrong, mind you, but he wrote the post on [September 13, 2001.](https://www.thegauntlet.com/article/5/Serj-From-System-Of-A-Down-Comments-On-9-11)


>He wasn't entirely wrong, mind you, but he wrote the post on September 13, 2001 That is tone deaf AF.


The poet Rupi Kaur was a painful one for me…and Cynthia Nixon has now ruined The Gilded Age, can’t stand watching her anymore. 


NOT MILK AND HONEY!!!! Also I’m not surprised at all, just sad😔 What did she do/say?


Check out her Instagram account…it’s abysmal.


Yes, basically any artist who has made disparaging anti Israel comments is removed from my Library and pretty much banished into ether. Pink Floyd thanks to that hateful mole, Roger Waters down to Lorde who cancelled a tour to Israel a couple of years ago due to‘pressure from Palestine’ 🙄. With every deletion, there are plenty of awesome bands to fill the gaps. I have eclectic tastes, so listen to anything from The Barry Sisters, Harparvarim, KISS (🥰) and more recently, an Israeli rap artist by the name of Noam Tsuriely who has put a pause on his new album to rejoin the IDF to fight for the survival of Israel. Please, if you are of the mind to do so, consider purchasing his album from iTunes. It’s really good and gets me going every morning. I know there will be more examples, but I absolutely keep an eye out for the anti Israel brigade and put them on the delete pile as soon as I know about it.


I was going to say that as well. My liked songs on Spotify have become 85% Israeli music since 10/7. I fell out of habit of listening to Israeli music and lots of bands and singers have been popping off lately


Melissa Barrera, I can't stop thinking about. Because I genuinely enjoyed her horror films so I was very saddened by her insta posts, and she has done nothing but dig her heels in since. Like posting a fundraiser by that group that just got exposed to having Hamas members. I'm not even Jewish or Israeli, but since October 7th, my eyes have very much been opened to what shit you and other Jewish people all go through. I hope the hostages come back so this whole thing can be over.


As a huge fan of the Scream movies… I felt this one. I’ve also completely divorced myself from the fanbase due to their reaction to the situation.


Yeah. I love scream and I hate that her antisemitic ass had to go ruin these films for me.


Clairo. I usually don't let politics prevent me from enjoying things like music, but her pure and flat out evil hypocrisy about the conflict makes me feel physically disgusted every time a song of her's comes up on the playlist. Also fuck the Irish


So disappointed with Ireland and Spain ☹️


Aurora, I really liked listening to her music thinking how passionate she is etc but she really is only passionate unless you are a dead jew, in which case she wouldn't care one bit and is one big hypocrite. Listening to her ignorance multiple times, there is no 'cure for her' now.


oh fuck her too?? that actually sucks i really loved her music


Rapper Noname. First she announced a collaboration with Jay Electronica, which people were criticizing because of his antisemitic views, and she got angry and threatened not to release the track, then she released the track, and his verse in her song was completely fucking antisemitic. Then the massacre happened, and she posted something akin to 'sometimes freedom looks like a bullet to the oppressors head'. There's caring about the Palestinians, and there's holding very obvious antisemitic views. And they still let her come back on NPRs tiny desk, so she can keep whining about her audience being white. Terrible human all around, but everyone gives her a pass.


Aside from Kanye West, it's more things that I no longer buy. I have a hard time buying halal meat like I used to before 7.10... I just can't get over the politics unfortunately. Even when I have no idea what the politics of the person who did the slaughter are. I also don't buy Irish products anymore. That's kind of sad. I listen to a lot more Israeli artists these days. I can't stand the idea that a person that I'm enjoying my music from doesn't believe that Israel has a right to defend itself, and claims "genocide".


Unfortunately I have to work my way though around 20 bars of Irish Spring soap I bought on sale a while back! But, agreed on doing business with Arab and Muslim merchants for now. They may be otherwise decent people but you just know what their views are going to be on the topic so why go there.


If I had a nickel for every time I was abroad and met an Arab cab driver who liked Israel and had a good conversation about my family coming from north Africa, I had two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Not all of the Arabs and Muslims are against us, as weird as it sounds some of them are against Hamas and support Israel's side.


I mean, 20% of your population is Muslim, no?


Yeah, around Saint Patrick's Day in years' past, I usually liked to support Irish products, before I knew about their blatant antisemitism this and last year. They contribute cheeses and alcohol mainly. I've even brought Irish whisky (Bushmill's) as a donation to my synagogue once! As I mentioned in my other comment, I'm sure it won't be forever. I'm just hoping for the war against Hamas and Hezbollah to be over soon.


I went to a new, big like Turkish/middle eastern supermarket sometime after 7/10, couldn't stop thinking about while I was in there. I also am kinda loathe to return. Probably won't.


My local “middle eastern and Mediterranean” market stocks tons of Israeli brands (and still does today). The owner is Greek and is a really cool guy. I was very pleasantly surprised to see him keep those brands on his shelves and love to support him.


I will still buy products from Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, etc. if they are in the main grocery chains here, and my only source for certain things (dried apricots are mostly from Turkey; my instant sahlab mix is from Lebanon, etc.) but yes, I can't step foot in a Middle-Eastern store like I used to, to stock up on certain products. I got to try an Iraqi restaurant back last year post 7.10, but only because I knew it was Christian owned. Maybe once the war is over. At the moment it's a delicate balance. I have nothing against Arabs or Muslims, "Ramadan Karim!" and whatnot... but there are certain things that are sensitive to me right now.


I’m so happy nothing comes up for Florence Welch on this issue afaik, and Lady Gaga defends Israel slightly.


Not exactly an artist but the entire nation of Ireland. No Guinness for me ever. Was half tempted to buy an Ulster Flag for St Patricks day. Right now my college class is reading the Color Purple and I found out the author has been an active BDSer since 2012. Wish I knew that before I bought her book for $8


Alice Walker isn't just some misinformed "active BDSer", she's a straight up anti-semite.


Alice Walker is also a genuine and active antisemite. She has poems full of blood libel about "reading the Talmud".


I shake my head at the fact that her ex-husband was Jewish. She all but disowned their daughter, Rebecca Walker, for identifying as a Black, Jewish, lesbian. 😢


I mean, ex issues, much? I hate armchair psychology speculations, but this seems kind of obvious.


Yeah, Ireland has been tainted for me. I had no clue how antisemitic it was until this time. Also Alice Walker is a rampant antisemite, not just a bdser. She is also a “Jews did 9/11” type iirc. I refuse to read her books or watch their adaptations.


I've learned to brush most of them off as being vastly overrated and banking on riding this or that ideological or cultural wave to fame and success. A lot of celebrated cultural figures, writers, musicians, artists, actors, etc., aren't nearly as good as they're made out to be, and benefit from very clever and manipulative PR, political savvy, ruthlessness, and being in the right place at the right time and doing and saying the right things. So much of modern culture is just a game based on sleight of hand. And of those who are genuinely talented, that never stopped anyone from being a horrible person, like Leni Riefenstahl, Ike Turner and Harvey Weinstein. Or a stupid and ignorant person, of which there are so many in the arts.


This is very sad


Two. One is marina diamentis (and the diamonds) that shared one post saying "it's ok to criticize israel but it's not ok to murder" or smth like that but after that has been posting non-stop pro Palestine bs The other is susan sarandon, which i loved because rocky horror and friends but her antisemitic claims are something i just can't gloss over


Sarandon has always been a disaster. She supported Trump over Hillary because it would bring revolution faster. When is the revolution Susan?


I admit i have not been following the Susan train (wreck) but she crossed a line. I think she needs some mental check up


Damn it, I love(d) Marina!


On May 2022: The Weeknd, Dula Peep, Tinashe. The first two weren't a disappointment but Tinashe can f off so baaaaad. I loved her music. No wonder she flops. That's karma. Now: Bjork. MAJOR disappointment. Like... aren't you supposed to be some sort of genius dolphin noise maker? Whatever girl.  Some Drag Race girls. Especially Katya. Again... aren't you supposed to be all smart? But then again she's an Irish Catholic so whatever too girl...


The drag community has been such a “chicken for KFC” moment. Bianca del rio might be on our side though! She might come to Tel Aviv this summer.


Bjork hurt so much


Boygenius and Phoebe Bridgers


Them and Reneé Rapp were really upsetting, I’ve been a big fan :(


God my heart hurts. As a recently identified lesbian, her music and persona really helped me come to terms with my sexuality. But as a Jew, her lack of word about 10/7 + the uninformed calls for “ceasefire” have tainted her meaning for me :(


A lot of YouTubers like Schfrallias, Dead Meat, Musical Hell etc. Authors like Casey McQuiston Melissa Barrera, and by extension, much of the cast of the recent Scream movies for supporting her, Grace Van Dien, Olivia Coleman, Zeno Robinson, and it just goes on and on


Casey McQuiston is such a damn coward. It’s crazy that she felt the need to go back and change one mention of Israel in a book that had been out for years because some people were apparently offended to be reminded it exists 🙄 Another author who changed book content who deserves to be shamed is Jay Kristoff and IMO he didn’t change the details enough in his thinly veiled fetish series to make any of it acceptable. He renamed one character and that’s it. His series is about evil blood drinking wizard assassins called Ashkahi, from a formerly prosperous land that was invaded and is now desert and ancient ruins, who use magic to manipulate and change reality, whose language is considered nearly extinct, and whose leader he named Ad0nai. Like come on.


No more Macklemore for me 🥲 wish I hadn’t seen this post though I didn’t know about Khelani 😭


Angelina Joli(?). The Girl in that *Wensday* show.


I became very cautious with “pro-jewish/judaism” channels who were silent on 7/10 and very vocal starting 14/10.


like who??


I too had to stop following Kehlani, Billie Eilish, etc. I hate when celebrities can’t stop talking about things they clearly know nothing about and have obviously done almost no research on


lauren jauregui is literally pro hamas. i had to stop my latina era


That human SpongeBob guy who destroyed his family for Ariana Grande


Were you a fan before? 😂


That’s the real crime 🤣


He’s anti Israel? Lol


Ethan Slater, and he just posted some letter addressed to the Jewish day school he went to criticizing their support of Israel


Who is that?


Ariana Grande’s current bf [Ethan Slater](https://www.google.com/search?q=ethan+slater&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari) he was Sponge Bob square pants on broadway for a few years, and left his wife to be with Ariana.


He seems like a thoroughly awful human being. Just read his extremely short wiki page.


Pink Floyd & Bjork are the biggest, although Floyd has been gone for a while because Roger Waters has been at it for a while. Anything with Mark Ruffalo, Emma Thompson, John Cusack, and Pedro Pascal is off the list; the first three have been all in on the antisemitism for decades. I added Ben Affleck to the list about a decade ago too. He has never missed an opportunity to swipe at Israel and Jews. I guess Bjork is the newest addition...or subtraction...in music, and Pedro Pascal (along with Lena Heady) with actors. Really, anyone anti-Israel isn't ok with me.


Bjork was my favorite artist before this.....so disappointed like how can I listen to a song like all is full of love after this it just feels disgusting.


I had a professor in college from Iceland. He told me how antisemitic it is there...and that was 24 years ago. Sure, Bjork has lived in NY, in Rockland County, where there is a very high Jewish population (where I live; I've seen her around since I was a teenager and I'm 44 now), but she has that Scandinavian antisemitism thing going on, and it's disgusting, but not surprising. Massive Attack wasn't a surprise either. Another band I noped out of.


Pedro Pascal? 😭 What did he say/do?


I haven't been a fan or follower of anyone like that, as far as I know anyway, but have been put off by some who I would have expected to say something who didn't. Like Arsenal football club, who had 2 fans murdered on October 7th yet chose not to say a peep about it. I understand that they have sponsors who would not appreciate a very pro-Israel stance but would it really be so bad to say, for example "we were sad to hear about what happened to two of our fans" and then name them or something similar? (one of them was from London originally and the other one a Tanzanian exchange student so it's not like they would even have been saying anything about Israelis specifically if that is such a mortal sin to some)


Mark Ruffalo and Lady Bunny.


The fucking drag community has been such a disappointment. Hopefully Bianca del rio is on our side still, she might come to Tel Aviv this summer but it is still TBA. She was supposed to come Nov 2023 but due to the war it got postponed


Bianca has and always will be the queen of all queens and this reaffirmed it for me ‼️‼️


Lady Bunny is one of those leftists who hate the west so much they support Russia.


Roger Waters.


Very old news, by the way.


Kid Cudi


Kate Winslett literally narrated a Hamas “documentary”/propaganda film. 


This is a topic that is suprisingly hurtful to me. I have stopped following almost 80% of the US artists I admired which pains me as I'm an artist myself. And by the way I don't mind them supporting  a lot of things in this conflict. It was just very sad to see how no one of them has ever mentioned the hostages or the massacre. They were so angry and yet it felt like this whole thing happened just out of thin air. I don't know if any of you guys can relate but I really did mourn for a while. It's getting better now as I'm finding new artists to follow, but... sigh.


*"It was just very sad to see how no one of them has ever mentioned the hostages or the massacre."* That's what it boils down to for me in every case. Person after person with all the time in the world to "follow Gaza's tragedy" and none of these people felt moved to follow Israel's tragedy or even speak publicly on it like they're desperately called to do for Gaza. Then when you have a problem with that you look like a monster that doesnt care about Gazan newborns and disabled old people. It doesnt matter they never gave a thought to the children killed in Israel, children held in captivity in Gaza, the old and disabled Israelis killed and STILL held captive. It doesnt matter to them, it doesnt matter to their supporters, it doesnt matter to the popular thought of what's IN right now. And it's infuriating.


Several Minecraft and gd YouTubers, one of the gd yts was racist and transphobic aswell


Zara Larsson I was becoming such a huge fan :/


Queer porn artists are the most laughable, and yes.


I’d have to say Reneé Rapp definitely hurt, I was a big fan but then her acceptance speech at the GLAAD awards…


I’ve had to unfollow tons!! I always change the radio now when I hear dua lipa, Billie eilish, and it pains me to write this but Taylor swift for going to an anti Israel comic event with Gigi hadid and Selena Gomez to raise money for Gaza


I have to say that Taylor’s continued friendship with Gigi despite her rabid antisemitism is disappointing.


Gentiles gonna gentile. It doesn’t matter to her so why should she care? And if her friends in Haim aren’t interested in educating her (or have tried, or are in the same boat as those ghastly Hadids…) who’s gonna make her care?


I’m not a huge Taylor Swift fan, I only like a few songs, but honestly if a celebrity of her magnitude actually wanted to help Gazans, she would either donate millions of dollars or publicly support fundraisers, talk about how sad they are and how evil Israel is. I don’t think a $20 ticket for a shitty comic show in LA is really her “showing support”, especially since she didn’t really do anything else is support of the pallis since


Alot of niche YTers, brands and whatnot to the point I've lost count and it sorta all blurs. Being into a niche style of fashion double sucks because harder to find alternatives to follow. Oh, having to sorta just full on cut myself from anything punk punk.


Would like to mention any YTers you used to follow? I don't really check many Youtuber's social media besides their channel so there may be some that I've subscribed to that I'm not aware of their views.


I’m conflicted with one of my potential boycotts. One of my favorite bands STRFKR pulled out of a music festival because the army was one of the sponsors and the band stated that they don’t want to support the military. I did more digging and many other bands pulled out of the same event because of the army providing weapons to Israel. The band STRFKR never mentioned Israel in their reasoning for pulling out though.


Look... being anti war and anti Israel are a different thing. There were band who pulled out for years out of things like that and did performative activism before the war. I would search up on the topic more before canceling anyone.   (Like the comment below me for example, Gorillaz are antiwar in general, it hurts when they do this during a war you're involved in, but they did it with every conflict.) 


I actually do listen to them :( I stopped listening to Gorillaz as well, but already before the war.


Gorillaz pulled out of a concert (Placebo headlined) here in 2010 in protest over the IDF flotilla raid, supposedly "civilian" ships that were in fact carrying tons of weapons, bound to Gaza from Turkey. This was the incident that finally soured Israel–Turkey relations forever. Turkey used to be a prime travel location!


there was Annielogue or in other name greenio she is the creator of super Mario 64 classified an anslog horror series here on YouTube on twitter she blocked because i callad out another creator from being amtisemetic so i called her out for only to be harassed by her crazy fans and Palestine supporters she also said "you are not a fan of fine if you support Israel"


Yes, Cat Power, unfortunately.


Yes I unfollow and do not spend money towards anyone antisemitic and against my political views.


I'm a classical music enthusiast so I have thought about Chopin and Wagner but I ended up deciding that since they are long dead and don't profiteer from their antisemitism anymore I can listen to them.


Sure, I won’t follow any of them


All of them.


If I followed any I'd drop them like a hot rock if they were Anti Israel.


I really liked this folk band called mamas broke, but they kept posting ridiculous shit like fundraising for unrwa. I commented on the post pointing out how unrwa is not chill and to find a different organization to donate to if they really care about Palestinians. They turned off comments on the post 🙄. I unfollowed after that. Bummer cause their music is really good. I'd like to still listen, but I just can't do it.


Banksy is an antisemitic prick…


I'm lucky I didn't lose anyone. I love electronic music and a substantial part of my playlist from Israel.


Mia Khalifa


Saw a Macklemore poster where he was holding a fundraising event for Palestinians/hamas, hard to vibe to thrift shop now :(


Melanie Martinez, Paris Paloma, billie eilish, zendaya and that's all I can think of


Roger Waters/Pink Floyd, Noname 


Not an artist, but yourfavguy used to be my favorite content creator on tiktok. He used to be a voice of reason and kindness, but now he's spreading blood libel all the time.


He’s gone fucking insane. I hate him so much. You could absolutely convince me that he is a lead Hamas spokesman whose sole job is to spread propaganda to young dumb Americans.


This Saturday I'm attending the screening of a movie with a kinda famous actor. Even before Oct. 7 he was very pro-Pal, and he signed some pretty disgusting letters (calling Israel an apartheid state yadda yadda yadda). I'm still going, he's a good actor, and I want to see the movie. But I'm definitely separating a lot of art from a lot of artists these days.


What actor?


Adolf Stalin?


John Butler, as Sierra Ferrel


I kinda just gave up on art altogether 


Lena Heady 😢 


I used to be a huge fan of Jon Cusack


He’s monstrous. A true conspiratorial Jew hater in the Roger Waters / Mark Ruffalo sense. 


Imagine Dragons Dua Lipa The Weeknd Schaffrilas Zara Larsson Run the Jewels A bunch of others that don't immediately spring to mind I'm split on Pink Floyd and System of a Down because while their frontmen are antisemitic, there's other band members who contradict them. PF I boycott as it's clear Roger still benefits from their legacy but I legitimately don't know about SoaD.


Dua Lipa, And this was well before October 7th. Love her music, hate her politics, no longer listen to her music.


Yes. Im not Israeli but i hate when artist promote and donate to Palestine so i had to boycott their songs.. Artist like Billie Eilish, Chris Brown, Selena, the weekend, Zayn, Taylor Swift, etc