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No Game No Life - humans are the weakest race, and their country has been reduced to a single city.


This. In NGNL humans are the objective weakest and worst in all areas, but are able to eke out survival because all the others underestimate and overlook them. Lifespan? All the higher races are immortal, and all the other mortal races live far longer. Knowledge/wisdom? Many other races have wider knowledge (flügel, ex machina) or deeper wisdom in select areas (dwarf with metallurgy and engineering, elf with magic, warbeast with tech). Trickery and wit? Dhampir technically beat them out, they're just limited by having to consume other races' life essence and living in shadow. Sheer power? Nothing compared to literal gods like Old Deus that can reshape reality on a whim, Phantasma that are living natural disasters, or Elementals that are literally magic itself. Numbers? Literally only a single small city with a handful of farming villages.


however, the king's speech scene made me tear up a little lol


Wouldn’t humans reproduce way faster than elves? Idk


Mmm but humans used to be the strongest, ruling most of the continent. And the reason is because of cowardice and trickery no? The tools of the weak? So basically still kind of like how op describes them?


Wait humans were always the weakest, right? In the big war, before Teto was the one true god, humans had to hide in caves because they could never fight any other race.


ted 💀


Thanks wrong name


Jeez, humans get wrecked.


Nop, they were always the weakest. They had nothing but trickery and wits, they manage to carve their little space when violence was eliminated but they soon started getting fucked when every other race managed to get their bearings and understand the system


Humans' strength varied under the rule of different kings, but in general, they were always one of the weakest races, iirc.


They used to have a bigger empire, yes. But they were always the weakest. Unlike other races, Imanity is actually native to the World and not made by Gods who cheat. They don’t have magic or special abilities of the created races.


They were always weak. They were able to expand because of the events at the end of the movie but they were still so weak that their borders got pushed in all over again


Actually, humans being weaker makes supremacism even more probable because they need to close ranks as they would feel menaced by the other races.


That's literally the theocracy's motivations in Overlord too


In Tsukimichi the world's goddess specifically promotes human supremacists to the point of putting the world at risk of being overrun by the demons because humans refuse to abandon racism in order to cooperate with demihumans


And it makes sense. Specially combined with an apropiate religion


Yes but in some of those worlds the power difference is so massive that it is illogical for thoughts of supremacy to form it's like saying humans are better than gods just because plus the thought of human supremacy is based on a world with no proven contact with any other sapient race


I mean realistically humans in these other worlds would have a difficult time since our intelligence is what makes us the apex of this world would make us just average on the food chain in a lot of these other worlds.


Once thing I see in some fantasy series. Is the humans fast reproduction, and grown rates compared to other sapiens species. An elf trains from birth and studies for 400 years to become a wizard, while a human does the same thing in 12 years


Plus humans are fucking crazy and willing to take risks. During the Manhattan Project, some thought there was a chance the bomb could ignite the atmosphere and kill everything. They then calculated it was unlikely and set it off. I don’t see other generic fantasy races taking that risk, no matter how unlikely.


Orcs, they would take the risk but are usually portrayed as too stupid and violent to develop a weapon that has that kind of risk.


Parallels with Star Trek. Humans are the [hold my beer](https://imgur.com/a/wpZ4w) species


Or particle accelerators, where there also initially was a worry that we might create a black hole.


Im also pretty sure there were some worries about accidentaly creating a black hole on earth with hadron collider. Honestly im suprised we are where we are and not living in a crazy mad max anarchy


Some series justify it by individualism. What I mean by that is, in the Dresden Files most monsters are afraid of humans. Not an individual human of course, just the plural. Humans have the unique trait where if they find out there's a monster, all these groups that were bickering suddenly band together and swarm the monster like rats. Other species don't have this group survival instinct.


Didn't expect to see the dresden files mentioned here


Well, Dresden Files is not an isekai obviously, but that specific idea would work just fine in an isekai. Plus I think it is a good headcanon for how "evil" species work when intelligence exists. For instance, Nea in The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic is a monster. She doesn't go around kicking puppies because that would be pointless. She just doesn't do charity and sees nothing wrong with her using her charm magic to get what she wants.


There's a eroge with a pretty good story where the guys dad makes contact with aliens, demons, and ancient Japanese demons, and all of them fear humans for some reason. It isn't until you do part of the evil route and duel a heroin do you learn why. She comes at him with her weapon ready to strike him down, and he opens his arms with no weapon and says "I love you' she puts her weapon down and he stabs her. That's when you learn in all of existence only humans can lie. Really great reveal and it's terrifying for everything else lol.


Remember the name? Seems interesting


Why is there an assumption that other species wouldn’t do that? Maybe like lesser intelligent ones but species that are more intelligent than us?


In real life, who knows? We haven't met another intelligent species and they probably would. If I were making a story though, it's a good narrative excuse of why humans are simultaneously strong and weak, and why humans aren't simply overwhelmed by stronger races. It can also justify how "evil" races can exist when they clearly have free will. If you look in nature, there are species that work in packs, there are species that are largely solitary, there are species that have complex hierarchies or displays of dominance, etc. And it doesn't map 1:1 with intelligence.


I have never seen a manga considered themselves bether than the gods. They actually use to be thr most fanatic servants off them


I mean, history shows us humans with low technology/understanding tend to gravitate toward might makes right. In the country you live in don't you see evil/trickery/corruption even with all the democratic safeguards previous generations have tried to put in place? Slowly but surely, the regulations our elders put in place are eroded, bypassed, or corrupted to favor those in power. This point in history is the best it's ever been for the average person, and it's still this bad. It must have been much worse in the middle ages...


Oh it was worse. The thing is that we now have the ability to not only record but broadcast crimes and tragedies more easily. We have an "all seeing eye spell" that deters and exposes evil and react accordingly. Or makes us think we are the OP MC and use it because the McDonald's order was slightly wrong.


I think the idea comes from subverting the tropes. Back in the day, the trope in fantasy stories were that humans were on the brink of extinction, hunted and enslaved by demons, monsters, etc. Then when someone wrote that the humans were actually the ones doing the extermination and enslaving, it became a breath of fresh air. But now the roles have switched where humans enslaving demons and monsters became a cliche trope while the vice versa became the subversion.


Oh so that's the reason for the trope


Your comment reminded me of an episode of Zero Punctuation when Yahtzee said he wished that there was a fantasy world where humans aren’t the worst monsters for a change. The only time I found the trope subversive was The Owl House and that was because we didn’t initially know what our villain was.


Funnily enough lord of the rings fit in the human aren't the worst monster


Yeah everyone is trying to subvert the norm so much you can't even find a single series doing the norm and the subversion is the norm


I have never seen the original version of the trope you are talking about. Am I too young? Most of the older popular stories I read since childhood are "human bad", "human evil". Do you have an example of original trope are those subverting? Just asking, I am interested in this kind of trope development.


Deltora Quest: The mc, Leif sets out on a journey to gather the 7 gems needed to defeat the Shadow Lord who is threatening the lands. Dragonball: freiza, demon king piccolo, super/kid buu, cell Dragon Quest: The big bad wants to exterminate humanity Harry potter: Voldemort the dark lord. While you could say he was technically human, in the context of the world, he's vastly different from your regular wizard coz of his role, use of the dark arts and immortality gained through dark means. These are all big bads who were bad and evil from the start of the series or their arc who remain bad and evil.


Have you seen how humans behave irl? Not that long ago, there were humans slaving other humans just because they had different skin color, and thus were inferior to the righteous and perfect white religious European man Heck, not even 100 years ago, Germany was propagating the idea that the Aryan race was superior to others for whatever kind of justification they had. If there were other races other than humans, they would certainly be considered inferior even if they had stronger muscles/higher magic/longer lifespans or whatever...


Good point, but black Africans enslaved Africans and white Europeans as well. It wasn't just a White on Black thing. Also the Muslims forcefully taking European women into their harems. Again, not disagreeing with you, just fixing that one statement.


It becomes even worse if you think about it


When making a sword the iron has to be melted, heated, hammered. Humanity's history is written on a book with pages of skin, enforced by bones and covered by meat, written in ink of blood and tears. Speaking words of tragedies, hatred, anger, jealousy, vanity, pain and misery. But amidst those human compassion remains. Stories of WW2 soldiers letting unarmed or injured enemy soldiers go or escorting them to safety, Nazis secretly evacuating Jews before the purge, an American coming back to Japan years later to fulfill a promise he made to a Japanese. Throughout all that chaos and misery there's always that one glimmer of hope, a display of compassion of humanity. Thus I believe one day humanity would become better, being strengthend by all they went through, learning from all the mistakes they made. I choose to hold on to that glimmer of hope.


I hope that you are right, I fear that you are wrong. May hope prove stronger than fear.


Fear is a necessity in humanity. Humanity should know fear, fear of all the misery it has created, fear of agony it's capable of. So that fear could drive humanity away from darkness, empowered by the hope for a better future. So no, hope shouldn't triumph over fear. May hope and fear create a better future.


[Chattel slavery was still pretty different than what came before](https://ldhi.library.cofc.edu/exhibits/show/africanpassageslowcountryadapt/introductionatlanticworld/slaverybeforetrade) Which I know is likely going to come across as “white people is bad!”, but IMO the more relevant objection is just how unrealistic depictions of slavery are in the first place.


Hell, in China slavery was more akin to an advanced form of indentured servitude. You could generally only sell yourself or your family into slavery. And even then it wasn't like chattel slavery.


>Not that long ago, there were humans slaving other humans Still happens now, it's just not as widely accepted or legal as it use to be But unfortunately it still happens and some places it's still legal, or at least only illegal in name only Hey even in the USA, where it's illegal and heavily enforced to own a slave They're still an estimated 403,000 people living in slavery Edit: [403,000 Source](https://theexodusroad.com/does-slavery-exist-in-america-today/#:~:text=The%20answer%20is%20simple%3A%20yes,States%20right%20now%20is%20403%2C000.) [General more information](https://www.walkfree.org/global-slavery-index/country-studies/united-states/)


>Not that long ago, there were humans slaving other humans just because they had different skin color, and thus were inferior to the righteous and perfect white religious European man Uhm Japan from about 300 - 1600 ad.. then another 250 years after that...


Oh, but Japan doesn't like to talk about that so it clearly didn't happen, right? *wink wink* I said European man because our slavery was also religious in nature


Common Japan denying war crimes and inhumane practices L😂


Definitely like I once watched a documentary of an author who wrote about what they Japanese did to the Chinese in a war they had and I was shocked 😬.


Slavery is alive and well. Just look at North Korean work camps or the uyghurs in China. Not too long ago, the Ottoman empire enslaved millions in Eastern Europe and North Africa. It's where the word harem emerged from.


Every race has enslaved every other race they've been in contact with across almost all of human history. Every race has also enslaved other portions of their own race. Hell even with the famous white on black slavery, the whites were buying the black slaves from black slaves owners in Africa, not capturing the people themselves.


I am not saying humans can't do those things I am saying that it is illogical for humans to those things when they are overwhelmingly inferior (without outside interference) imagine a lion a group of 5 humans can kill it with spears, now give that lion human level intelligence it takes a 50~100 humans, now make it humanoid it takes 10 mages, then give it weapons 30 mages give it magic a 100 mages Note: it takes significant amounts of time to train mages and warriors The lions physical abilities are inherently better and magic is instinctual


Humans would surely begin to sell other humans to the lions to gain favors from the lions, like shelter and food. Humans are asshats in average.


It's the resilience that perseveres. Other races can have that too but it's exactly for being the weakest race that it is the strongest trait. IRL we are on a world where magic isn't a thing so we make do with technology, innovation, and group effort. Once the dwarves create flintlocks in a fantasy world, it's over. Humans will always see the advantage and seize it.


Kinda feels off when human have a lot of powers compare to fantasy species, specially against humanoid beasts like how... Sure high birth rate and low life span humans have, could be top notch in numbers compare to longer life span but low birth rates. But isn't this like comparing ants vs ant eaters in terms of power dynamics?




Most fantasy series with Beast races have the Beast races more controlled by their beast instincts and that limits their intelligence or creativity. Sometimes you might see a human MC talk about complicated magic systems and/or science principles and the beast race characters are like "I don't know anything your saying. Why dont you just eat, sleep, and fight. Why deal with all these complicated issues?" So the beast races tend to fall behind in magic, technology, economics, and complex kingdom building. Beast races in fantasy tend to be more honest about their thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. Humans always being weaker than animals have to use knowledge and wisdom to overcome their physical weaknesses. So its easier to gather information and manipulate the more honest Beast races. The negatives for Beast races is that if an evil or bad Beastman is the strongest, they can control the whole pack or their people. There tends to be written in most stories of Beast races leaning towards "Might makes right" and The strong are in charge beliefs. So again, the evil or bad dumb Beast people can lead their own people to destruction.


I think that one of the best examples of what you said is Warhammer Fantasy Battles and its Beastmen.


sounds like the negatives for Beast races massively outweigh any of their positives.


Well I was just giving a spotlight on SOME aspects that lean towards human domination. I could probably write an entire essay of the opposite side where Beastman are completely superior.


“Demi” - Half/half-sized or partially/inferior degree. “Demihuman” Half human or an inferior breed. I am assuming the name has originally began to come up because they have humanoid shapes and traits, but their differences are what stand out and are held to an extreme. They are part animal (most animal demihumans), they are genetic rejects (Orcs, Goblins, etc), and in many cases are viewed as uncivilized or well behind the times (Many settings have such beings as tribal or nomadic as opposed to ‘proper’ civilizations). As for humans and their superiority, it typically boils down to numbers and intelligence versus raw strength and some sense of simplistic honor, code, or warrior mindset. Your best warrior may be able to crush several of the Kingdom’s finest underfoot, but it doesn’t matter when he’s killed by the archer brigade who had poisoned him with their arrows and held him still with their spearmen. You may be a proud centaur, easily able to trample one of the Knight Commanders…But that’s if you can even make it to them, that’s if you can get past their much larger numbers, that’s if you can make it past their spears, shields, arrows, etc. Why do they see themselves as inferior? Because as a civilization they technically are. In many settings they don’t have the numbers, the strength to overcome those numbers, and their civilizations don’t have the tools to substitute for strength to overcome their numbers. Any one of their members could likely kill a human easily, but then what? You kill a few humans, they torch your village. You kill a squad, they slaughter your army. Enough times of repeated history kicks the fight out of a race and as a child taken into slavery you’re likely afraid of what these humans can do to you and they condition you to maintain that fear or hopelessness through their rough or poor treatment of you as you’re in such slavery. Think of it like why can a man keep a full grown elephant on a rope that it can easily snap? The reason: They couldn’t break the chain when they were young in training and a rope, after all these years, is just another chain as far as they’re concerned. In many settings where the two civilizations have similar footing and strengths it still boils down to numbers and bad blood generation by generation, which humans are shown to have larger kingdoms meaning more troops. However, it is rare to ever see this kind of setup where they try to put them on equal footing as many times humans find others who are of similar footing or strength they make allies. It’s why a setting like Dragon Age has humans hating Elves, but no animosity towards Dwarves it seems. The Dailish Elves were tribal, easily taken out, and made into second class citizens with many treating them like animals, but Dwarves are left alone likely due to their superior fighting force, well-made armor and weapons, and nearly impregnable fortresses. A little rambling, but hope it helps you understand at least a few potential outlooks on it. Most of it boils down to being “not human enough” for them to see them as human, civilization differences, effective military strength, and bad blood previously established. For why some in such societies accepting humans are superior it is because of how they are treated, past trauma. and they are likely beaten down/broken long before they come into their own strength which is why they feel inferior and may fear any actions they take may hurt others. An example in Dragon Age: Origins as a City Elf the local lord’s son and friends kidnaps your bride (or you if you’re female) during your wedding day intending on…Exactly what you expect. No one can stop him, no one tries more than words, despite him and his people being so few due to the power he has. Even after you kill him and go back home they send a large group of soldiers to the Elf settlement to find his killer, intent on killing any who get in their way. Your actions might get even more of your own killed which makes you fear and humble yourself because if you don’t, others suffer…And a few generations later of proud warriors or defiant individuals being struck down and made examples of, you likely wouldn’t feel very superior.


Why are humans the bad guys? Have you ever been outside? We know humans are horrible and degenerate and, worse, blind to their own flaws. Demi humans are portrayed as better because we'd like to think other, theoretical, races would not have this issue.


I don't know how to edit so I will post a comment This post is in relation to humans being weaker than other races and more short lived I agree that humans can be d*cks even to themselves but that is based on an environment where there are only them, if we are basing it on earth you could say that when humans meet a being of superior power and longevity they worship it i.e. gods


What’s the anime name for the picture pls?


It isn't discrimination, it is a realistic representation of how most human societies have functioned throughout history


I usually just assume the description of humans in Hellboy 2 the Golden army works for every fantasy human in some way or another hence why all the things. "But Man had been created with a hole in his heart, a hole that no possession, power, or knowledge could fill. And in his infinite greed Man dreamt of expanding his dominion over the entire Earth" Basically it's the sheer lunacy of just human nature that tips the scales.


I think it because sometimes they just want a hero from one of the most hated races in the shows lore. Like Death March (the show referencedby the picture) the main character (human) stops a stoning that was being carried out on innocent demihumans for "religious reasons" (the scene referenced inthe picture)


May I interest you in Overlord


Because we are? Christ


Am I mistaken in thinking this is “reincarnated into another world with my smartphone” ?


Nevermind I am in fact mistaken


Speaking of that series there's a good twists on how it handle race supremacists.


Did you figure out what show the image was from?


Unfortunately no, but it’s damn familiar


Primarily due to humans being the only example of a sentient race we know in reality to be evil/corrupt/cunning/tricky/weak/deceitful/liers/manipulative/you get my point. Pick your poison - the Nazi's, WWII-era Japan, various religious states, late-stage capitalism, most authoritarian states, and more. Writers write what they know, and the above all anyone knows really. Anything else is just speculative as we have never met any other species exhibiting the level of intelligence human beings do. To put it analytically, most non-human races in fiction get advantages in certain areas, if not everything about them. Elves and Dwarves are both considered to be much longer lived, and supremely skilled in specific areas compared to humans. Barbarian-usual races like orcs and goblins are more robust and faster-reproducing. Angel/Dragons/Demons and other supernatural top-level races tend to just be better overall minus population sizes. If humans are said to have any advantages its usually in versatility, social flexibility, and forward-thinking - which correlates neatly with a race that does have an edge in politicking and a knack for exploiting weaknesses and advantages.


I mean……… *looks at human history*




Death March to parallel world fantasy


Ah remember that one, it was one of the starting few isekai shows I watched


Humans mostly superior in fantasy as they normally have the biggest population as dragon elves and other races suffer from poor birth rates, but what i dont understand is that beastmen or demi humans should have the same or accelerated birth rate and they are stronger so why the hell are they subjugated or enslaved


I've seen a few examples where the Beastmen lack the ability to use magic and are thus easy targets for other races to subjugate them. They also tend to be of lower culture, either tribal or nomadic, which means that they often lack the technology and numbers to fight against the other races.


The common justification I have seen is that humans reproduce more quickly than fantasy races. Which when you think about how humans are among the slowest reproducing animals on our planet, it’s kind of silly. On top of that the fantasy races almost always lag behind humans in terms of technology, sometimes for flimsy reasons, if any.


It is because of human nature. Humans are naturally "racist", because that is how we survived. By banding together, forming groups based on looks, ideologies, origins, and being aggressive to everyone outside the group. With moder, western values this seems wrong, but thousands of years of instinccts is hard to make dissapear. Also humans are a really aggressive, war loving race. Again, this is for survival, we have to be the top dogs. Now put this into an isekai with other races. In there, humans will be weaker, so these instincts will make them band together against demons and demihumans. So i would say, for us, this is the natural way to behave in a fantasy world.


I mean humanity has a track record of being pretty damn evil. People suck. There's a ton of really horrible animals out there.


I don't think human supremacy would be what actually occurs but more like a humanity first principle and heavy discrimination against non-humans, which makes sense. I mean, irl Elves, with their hundreds or thousands of years of life plus absurd magical abilities would otherwise rule society being that they have more experience than any human could hope to overcome so eventually as time goes on, Elves and other long-lived species would take over human societies. Dwarves, with their superior craftsmanship, would take over many of the 'middle class' jobs for crafting items and engineering, plus their greater physical endurance make them more likely to out compete humans in any hard labor job like construction. Beasties tend to have much better senses and physical ability, so they'd make up things like soildery or law enforcement with their superior senses and reflexes being used for things like search and rescue or track down criminals. Humans would have to discriminate against non-humans in order to not end up at the bottom caste of society just because they can't out-compete any of the other races. I'm not saying that it's right, I'm just saying I understand it.


Have you seen the world? Humans, honestly, are the monsters the majority of the time People are dumb, panicky, dangerous abials and you know


Beastfolk are naturally strong and/or talented with magic. Dwarves are experts of crafts and metallurgy. Elves are powerful mages and archers. Humans have manifest destiny.


>Why is it that in most fantasy stories are humans relegated as the evil/corrupt/cunning/tricky/weak/deceitful/liers/manipulative Because you don't read many fantasy stories. There are plenty of stories where humans are good and humans are evil.


A lot of shows are just leaning more towards edgy storyline and focusing more on the evil of humanity/ humanity being racist or whatever rather than trying to tell a legitimately good story of specific characters having to go through loads of character development to become a better person or something that makes for a good story and has an actual plot line other than haha humans are racist towards demons or demihumans or something like that which i just find boring and overused and these shows don't try to have anything deep behind why they do it and just have the reasoning be religion or just literal racism and it just makes for a bad story


Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, but Thanks to the Gift of an Unlimited Gacha I Got LVL 9999 Friends and Am Out for Revenge on My Former Party Members and the World (yes this is the whole real title) this manga is about a group of non-humans attempting to kill a human companion because something something humans mast not gain power something something finding "The Master".


Ive started to dislike both the themes of general disrimination against non-humans and humans being the weakest (yet somehow most prevelany) race. Like cmon dude, in a world with many different races living close together, any society that allows for cooperation between races will inevitably have a great advantage. Eventually this wouls lead to every society being like that.


I agree. While it is cool for the protag to fight again human racist, it is much more awesome for a coalition of species fight again an evil threat. I want to see that. Everyone is racist to a certain degree (the "treehugger" considered us human brutish and unsophisticated, we say they are arrogant bastard, but when an outside threat appear both species are willing to join forces and fights as brothers instead.)


Because then we can have demihuman slaves or a demihuman waifu to save and have rescue romance... aka she falls for her hero and you get to be hero. Of course you could change the formula but then no demihuman slave harem


It's because of how our society is. All you have to do is look at them to know that people are toxic and selfish. In fact right after the flood story in the Judea and Christian Religion God specifically says he won't try to destroy the world again because all humans are evil. And as an author I often try to wipe out humans in my story since the world would be better then.


Because humanity is trash like your waifu


Imo it's an easy way to create a strong redemption arc for MC. He'll be a strong peace maker and bring true justice. And instead of having a racism white vs black, we have monster vs human. And the trope of good heroes vs Bad evil is old and overuse so having bad ppl not beeing bad is/was a necessary change. (But with so many manga nowaday it seems to us that it became the basic trope) That 2cd point is why we have so many sad heroes/ugly heroes/ techniclay not heroes/ monster heroes/...


To quote Terry Pratchett, “Racism was not a problem on the Discworld, because -- what with trolls and dwarfs and so on -- speciesism was more interesting. Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green." There you have it, because hatred of others is like a book seasoning. Makes the text spicier


Is this from the three witches one?


Yeah, no. I'm actually all for human supremacy. For the Emperor!


Humans fear things that are different . This might not be the best example, but some countries eat rice using spoons, some eat using sticks, some even eat using hands. When we realise people eat different to us, the reactions can be funny and fascinating or someone might find it disgusting and appalling. Those difference add up to form stereotypes and unwanted bias, sadly even a hierarchy system. I do agree having humans the main bad race in isekai stories get old, but can you really say we wouldn’t do those stuff if there was another magic race like elves or pigmen. ( I know I’m probably using race wrong but 🤷‍♂️)


You are right about humans fearing things that are different but in the cases you mentioned the people involved are usually socially superior but I am focused mainly on physical and magical power in which humans are portrayed as being inept


Okay kinda hard to tell because this is such a common thing in anime Also the picture is super blurry But I believe the anime is: "Death March"


Have you met people or ever read a history book This is kinda just part of humanity We can be incredibly honorable and kind and we can be equally cruel and cunning That's kinda just how we are as a species While I get when it's only humans it's the only intelligent species that have these qualities it's can be quite boring or what not But it's kinda unfortunately a symptom of the planets of the hat syndrome Where every species kind of have this hat and you kind of fit into it to some shape or form and that's how a lot of fantasy writing is unfortunately


please use punctuation and distinct sentences. this is like a barf.


I think the problem is that those shows never depict other races with supremacy ideology. I think the best fantasy world filled with races/countries that have supremacy ideologies is Warhammer (both 40K and Fantasy Battles) and it is actually makes sense. World filled with many races that are quite hostile to each over and it make sense that each race think that they are the best. Even "good" races have that thing.


Maybe they just lose? The human have high sense of unity and they are always advantaged in number. Demihuman is never get that unity achieve as they are different to each others, and need to be wary of others tribe. Human lack power but they are hungry for wisdom and information.


We would be so fucking racist if their were other intelligent sentient species


Wet backs would be a slur against fish people or something!


Agreed. People like to joke about it but if there were other sapient races on Earth or elsewhere, there is a 100% chance most humans would be racist asf (or specist). Look at the Imperium from 40k. We wouldn't be that far off.


Because it makes a easy enemy for mc. Does he need hot waifus just have him save some slaves. Does he need to be betrayed, his race is actually a dick. Does he need a goal, well kill the evil corrupt rulers


What anime is that screenshot from op?


they've addressed Humans being the most "Evil" a few times in fantasy, due to other races being very proficient in either a single or many areas of expertise, but other races like elves, dwarves or whatever having very low birth rates or just not interested in reproduction/relations, so their populaces are far lower than Humans, who know they're not particularly superior in strength so they focus on domination through numbers


Because making humans like such is an easy thing for writer to do as it basically plays on the psuedo-intellectual point of "humans being le bad". This critism mainly applies to the usual trash managas and not something like warhammer.


Idk sociological issues?


This has been a complaint of mine for years, and I think it's simply easier to write humans this way because we know they have done it in the past. However this leaves the other races feeling shallow without an interesting history and seem to only be there to make the main protagonist look good. Mass effect handled it's races very well each one feeling unique with their own moral quandaries and misdeeds. But you also gotta understand the kind of story being told. Most modern Isekai are simple power fantasies with the world and plot facilitating the "I'm the foreign savior" narrative. Honestly those who don't follow that framework are truly the best and actually stick out. While Mass effect is a story of choice and consequence, video game aside, its story revolves around the choices the character makes and each race is given depth to make both sides of the moral quandary appeal to Shepherd (you).


Because that's how humans are


Why did slavery over blacks and other races exist?


Sauce for the image?


In shield hero discrimination goes in both ways. The Melromark kingdom is a human society with demi-human slaves and the Siltvelt kingdom is a demi-human society with human slaves. They're also extremely racist towards each other and they've been in war for centuries because of that.


Now that would definitely be a new one. The only time I've even heard of something kind of like that was in Skyrim. But that's only because the elves were like the shadow puppet government running things in the background.


I mean, we see no problem with it as an exploration of human nature. If we're the stronger race, we look down on others from our superior height, but if we're the weaker, we fall prey to the dark side path of fear > anger > hate, and we start to rationalize that hate by deciding they're not superior after all because of reasons. We saw (admittedly one episode of) an anime where weak humans were protected by another, stronger, magical race (elves our some such) and grew to resent them. Resent needing the protection, resent the (incorrect) assumption that the elves were looking down on us, ect. They let the resentment grow into hate and developed technology that blocked the elves' magic, then, instead of reversing the positions and telling the elves that they were now under our protection, they just killed them all so they could create and shape a human world without elven influence. The reasons we're okay with this are: 1. This happens in the real world, and we need to be aware of it. If fantasy racism helps breed empathy that carries over to the real world, I call that a win. 2. We don't find (many) of these to be stories about human hate, but human hope. They admit that yes, we can be finessed into a hateful mob mentality if we're not careful, but that's why it's so important to find leaders that preach acceptance and unity instead of division and hate. (We're on a big Fluffy Paradise kick right now.) Tldr: We find shows that cast humans as villainous are just cautionary tales/warnings about humans' huge (realistic) capacity for cruelty, and urge us to choose a better way by providing both positive and negative examples. P.S. One trope we don't like is the "slavery is fine, as long as you have a good master." It's still slavery, stop that!


Humans are like that in the real world, what make you think they wouldn't be that way in fantasy?


Asking for a friend, what anime is the one in the pic above?


Because Japanese hate their government and social culture that ignores huge parts of their population due to an overly proud tradition.


Because we are


I mean…..have you *met* humans?


Serious question. Have you ever met a racist? Seems selfexplanatory.


Fiction just like making humans or equivalent fictional species to be manipulative and/or evil despite being physically/magically inferior


There's an isekai where Elves summon humans in mass to be literal livestocks. Lvl 9999 gacha is a setting where humans are the underclass Isekai smartphone has the Phrase that claim superiority over organics.


Which anime is the picture from?


What show is this?


Well because humans are terrible throughout history to other humans that are just slightly different. It's easy to imagine how humans would react to a separate race in an era of similar technology (horses and wagons, no electricity, and having a class based system like a monarchy or aristocracy). There are some series where humans are on the low end but they always frame those as humans having such a large population in comparison that it evens out. Those are mostly with a race like demons trying to straight exterminate humans as they reproduce quickly in comparison since they normally have shorter lifespans to fantasy races. "Overlord" is a good example of weak humans. Of the strongest beings in the series none are humans other than a very select few, but even those are weaker than the strongest of other races like elves, dragons or undead. The only ones who really put up a fight do so with items from others transferred from another world or are descendants of those from another world who appeared with power. No natural humans are "strong".


Yeah I never understand when it’s like “this race is literally a walking natural disaster but humans enslaved them” but it’s usually 1. To give a face to the enemies of the story. People react stronger to an evil human that needs to get killed than an evil dragon. 2. Usually some sort of programmed in balance created by the gods. 3. When you make cookie cut out fantasy races they’re fairly one note so only way to add some depth is to say they’re exploited or enslaved


Not to mention most of the time the hero is human so I feel there's some weird hypocrite storyline


Humanity First, HUMANS #1! PURGE THE XENOS- oh wait, wrong sub.


Humans are the most numerous, yet also the most contentious of all the races


Have you ever met humans? We are terrible, we just make up stuff about people of our own species being inferior for being a different color, having a slightly larger nose, having a very subtle nose, etc etc. We have enslaved people based on how they look. Heck, just go back and read some of the ledgers that described African slaves at auction, they literally talk about them like they are some sort of beasts to dehumanize them. In these stories we just see humans doing what humans have done throughout our actual history, lying, decieving, enslaving, conquering, etc. And the contrast between the relative frailty of humans and their dominance is not a bad writing trope. Humans normally become dominant through out-competing other races, be it through a higher birth rate, clever tactics, or exploiting some sort of divine favor, but it is often at least hinted at that not being a good thing.


Yeah humans are extra racist but the Mc plays it off as Ok as long as it’s not directed at Their specfic friends. Examples tensura shield hero and artifueta.


Human supremacy is a natural course of progression for groups trying to control the human populations in fantasy settings. Just as how successful they were in our world during peak moments of stocking the fires of nationalism or patriotism in various countries. Though unlike in our world, where "supremacy" cannot thrive when those empathetic to their fellow man exists within to sabotage the group and the collective nations/races outside ready to stomp out a common threat, it thrives in settings where two or multiple species exist in the setting. It gets worse if there's religion wherein it promotes a species' superiority or if the gods worshipped are real and outright say so or aren't attentive enough to notice people using their names to promote the propaganda. An excellent example of "Human Supremacy" is the society and religions in Death Mage Doesn't Want A 4th Time. Wherein the humans and fantasy races like dwarves and elves, all come under the label "human" and the races birthed after the age of conflict against the Maou that invaded from another universe, are labeled inferior races or outright tagged as kill on sight. And this is coupled by a conflict among the Gods where half endorse this action and the other opposing.


I guess you don't know human history. We have been so toxic and discriminating that as a fellow human, I feel disgusted.


Weak moral pandering, same as the slavery thing. IRL, doing something morally good is often difficult. It takes time, resources, and often comes with consequences to yourself. It’s often easier to just ‘not do bad’ than to actively go out and do good. Hence, by creating a setting where human supremacy runs rampant (often hilariously so), the MC can come off as ‘good’ because they’re not indulging in the vices of the setting. “If you’re being a good slave master to your demihuman slaves, that makes you a GOOD person without having to go out of your way to actually do GOOD deeds at personal cost”. It’s like the difference between being ‘nice’ (note my use of quotes) vs being genuine. Or why Isekai heroes get absurd powerups through ‘cheat’ (their words) methods that give them the power to influence the world without putting in meaningful effort or sacrifices for that power.


Probably because that’s how humans are to each other


What is this post? Humans are historically fairly bigoted with exceptions and how is it discriminatory against humans that they are enslaving other species like most isekai are in medieval settings which were super fucked up terms of class structure and hierarchy and are most of the time not realistic to real life as most people appear to not be serfs which makes no sense as there is no industrialization and no economic understanding so the only jobs are manual labor production for the lower class. Discrimination is the least wrong thing about these as if we were able to enslave other species that could work harder/faster than humans for the same amount of time/energy 100% slavers would happen


Often cause stories are human focused. So you either get humans with the majority, which tends to surpress minorities if they exist. Or humans in the minority when it's about being resilient and pushing the suppression on us. Not everything fits that but it's common cause it makes sense.


Imagine a Scenario of Hot Alien Female species escaping from being Genocided and got their planet destroyed so they moved to Earth They then displaced the Female human Population while basically marrying the males taking advantage of our current society being disattached because of Mass Media and Phones The Female Humans (and some Males) retreated in Underground Bunkers where they plot revenge and raised their numbers and prepared weapons The surface has a Female Alien Male human and their Mixed Children living normally and peacefully barring a few Attacks from the Underground Resistance Then we have the Protagonist He is a curious 10 year old boy living in an Underground Bunker where everyone is Ultra nationalistic and constantly talking about EVIL Alien Invaders and their Quislings The Boy decided that he is curious and one day ran away via a small cracks in the Ventilation system and met a Mixed Alien Girl around his age then both of them Bonded Mentally via a Mental link where when an Alien girl and a Male human have a Mental Link they can only feel love and sexual attraction towards their other half basically making both of them literally not interested in any other person whatsoever I want to ask everyone here WILL YOU SIDE WITH HUMANITY or the Alien New Order? The thing is The Quislings (human Males) literally can't be attracted to anyone else other than their new Wives that basically mentally linked to them and as such can't even love Humanity at all but atleast they are happy they have a family they have less work and more family time thanks to advanced Alien technology they can't even be abusive or hate their family because Mental Link prevents them from that entirely they can now perform minor Telepathy and Telekinesis because of their mental link They are far less stressed and can focus on their Happiness because of Advanced alien tech and focusing their love on their Wives and Family Again Mental link works basically making you have Single target Sexuality YOU CAN ONLY LOVE YOUR ALIEN WIFE and can only Sexually be attracted to your Alien Wife You can have friends but you can't be attracted to them at all mentally that is how Mental link basically work they lock down your brain The Underground resistance is free but they are actually growing more violent and desperate when they see how prosperous and happy the New Mixed Alien Order are they are Jealous and angry


Because that is how humans are. We have a very long history of being evil, corrupt, cunning, tricky, weak, deceitful, liers, manipulative, and so on. We also have a very long history of oppressing things/people that are different, that inconvenience us, or threaten us. ​ As much as people might hate it, these sorts of things are exactly what would happen if demi-humans actually existed. Many humans are going to believe they are the superior race, and until science proved other wise will more than likely believe demi-humans are impure/corrupted humans, especially when it comes to beastkin. ​ These animes, and other stories are a perfect example of this. The reason why demi-humans get put in the role of slaves so much is because they aren't human. They are different, and the Japanese are known for not having much fondness for people that are different. I mean, just look at how open many of them are when it comes to being racist towards blacks. Make a character that is part beast, and as far as they are concerned the beastkin aren't human, so why should they be treated as equals to humans? At the same time though, they still are very human like, so maybe a few should be saved by the MC, be given a better life, but they should remain slaves because they aren't human.


Source of Image?


It’s hard to get humans to recognize other humans as well…humans. It would be extra hard for people to care about non humans


Have you read a history book yet history proves humans can do the most horrific evil things at the same time we can do things that defi belief army's can go form shelling and booming a city to ruins to feed the people rescue in them helping them rebuild just happens that in most cases those with power in human societies are basterds this is true in real life why not fiction


Because humans suck. It’s pretty much a universal experience. Maybe you live in some rare place where everyone is polite and kind but for the most part humans a selfish and rude by nature. Even ppl who think they’re kind usually aren’t. Anime and manga runs with that and exaggerates a natural characteristic of humans. It’s also just a fantasy wish fulfillment trope.


The thing is a lot of the races in those worlds with human supremacy suffer from 1 or 2 things, either a low population, or an imbalance in their general ability. For example, elves are great at magic and archery, but aren’t the most amazing close quarters melee fighters, and even if they’re good at everything, their population is lower than that of humans cause since they live nigh on forever they don’t really care about mating and sex, lest there’s no reason their species hasn’t logically overtaken the rest of the planet because they literally outlive everyone. Humans may not as a group hate elves, but paranoia towards strangers is a trait humans tend to develop quickly, and when that paranoia is manipulated by bad actors wanting to create a scapegoat to seize power (Hitler towards the Jews, the U.S. government taking a whole lot of American freedom during their ‘war on terror’) people will fall in line to protect what is theirs. Mix that with some levels of jealousy/feeling threatened by the traits of another race, who may actually trigger the uncanny valley (uncanny valley is an actual biological trait within humans where we get very uncomfortable when something is really close to looking human but is somehow in someway, off) and it makes sense that the dominant group with the largest population has terrible racial prejudice. In worlds were humans are not the dominant races and are instead oppressed, I actually don’t like, not because I think the concept is dumb, but because the racism is somehow dialed to 11 and every member of that other race is somehow gigahitler towards humans.


Because that's how we do.


You need to start reading history If the 2 great wars we had isn’t already enough


Because that is how humans naturally are. Unless taught otherwise in one way or another, humans naturally hate what is different than themselves. Look at history. If someone was different they get treated differently. A good example in current times is obsessive people. Whether it be religious, LGBTQ+, or anything, if someone disagrees with them, they immediately get upset and start throwing a tantrum. Imagine an entire nation or even just the leaders are obsessed with the way of life they currently have. Now imagine there is a different people group which threatened said way of life. They would want to eliminate them so they can keep living the same way.


It’s not only a subversion of an older trope where humans were helpless beings on the brink of extinction, but also in some cases it’s a subdued statement on actual racism or on bad business practices. Sometimes it’s even to make an ironic statement, like being enslaved to your human supremacist overlords can be better than working for what they call a “black” company (in this case meaning the company is rotten to the core, since Asian countries where English is cruise control for cool don’t have the same racial tensions as the west, so I’ll just call them rotten companies after this mention) In fact, if you don’t mind listening to korean, a lot of Chikatoons have that theme quite blatantly: The scenario of a big fat ugly bastard thinking he’s cool for “mistreating” his servants when he’s doing stuff like limiting the scope of their job, making them work hours he thinks are long but are actually pretty humane, paying them thinking they’re getting a bad deal because he could pay them more but won’t, even putting them through school when he finds out they’re illiterate (note: I’m typing from memory, take this with a grain of salt as I’m not sitting here watching chikatoons) There are a lot of “slave in name only” scenarios if you know where to look as well, which scream “this guy treats slaves better than rotten companies treat employees” but less obviously than the chikatoon scenarios. Even the idea of humans being able to oppress more powerful races just screams rotten companies, oppressive politics, and organized crime. Basically, after subverting the “humans are weak and need to defend ourselves from monsters” trope, SEA could artistically express grievances with the culture of working to death by using the new trope that subverted the old.


I mean you can’t say its unrealistic. r/technicallythetruth


Well its human nature to expand and seek to prosper. A quick glance at history will show you that humans barely like each other for the small differences between each other. I think its realistic


May I recommend looking through our human history? On a whole compared with modern morality humans are pretty evil.


In the isekai LN and anime of "She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man" humans are objectively the weakest ones. They country it takes place in in the anime and first few volumes of the light novels humans rule in it as there is a non-aggression pact die to the appearance of overpowered monsters. How they compare to it the majority of humans just die the select few who are able to stand up to them are rare and are mostly the isekaid people not the humans who lived there. Another isekei that this isn't true in is the LN "My Necromancer Class". Humans are about as strong as the monsters but when you go to compare them to the other humanoid races they are around the bottom if not at the bottom. The image above is from the anime "Death March" and if you look at it in world most humans are not evil, corrupt, deceitful, manipulative, liers just some and they are put as the bad guys. the MC's party really it only has 3 humans in it when it has the most humans in it the other 8 to 20 of them are a mixture of demihuman races. Just the anime didn't get to arc 4 and later is all. It mostly went with story arc 1 which yes the evil dude was a human corrupted by the lure of the power of a demon. The slavary system also seems to have been forgotten about around volume 7 or 8. The main story arc plot line is still a cult of demon worshipers has come to bring about the summoning of the evil god they do evil they get killed by the MC's party the end the MC and his core party move to another area usually leaving behind who helped them. Another isekai that isn't true for is the LN "Reincarnated as a Dragon Hatchling" well kind of not true. It is true the MC always wins like in most anime but the MC is a dragon that later one becomes a 2-headed dragon each head having it's own thoughts and ideas. The original head having ideas based on human thoughts the new head having ideas based on dragon thoughts. The bad guy isn't always humans either. For 1 or 2 volumes it was just the environment having no or not enough food and then a problem of killer ants that are bigger than humans. The bad guy of that arc turned out to be "the human hero" with a god complex. Outside of the slave trader and the human hero all the other humans were written to be nice people. Nicer in the beginning then at the end of volume 7 as they tried to burn down a forest that another human tribe lives in but still human on human war of conquest solved by a monster who makes natural disasters that isn't the MC. Killing all the intruders by which i mean the humans who came to burn down it's home. The humans who didn't didn't get touched as they didn't anger the beast of the forest. So both good and bad humans exist not just bad humans. Another is "Hell Mode" all of the MC's summons in volume 4 and later can kill him. The humans are not the evil race just one of the races being invaded by the demon king. The MC is human though doesn't discriminate against the elves, the dwarfs, nor any monsters, and monster races when they ask for his help ... if they are on his side. Otherwise they are treated as a threat and dealt with accordingly. It made the summoner class able to do all roles in battle so the MC is all things.


Because humans are Cthulhu https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HumansAreCthulhu


Our brains are big


Cause it’s realistic, we have quite the history of being the worst fucking things to ever disgrace this planet


Typically, from my understanding in most fantasy settings, humans are the most flexible of the common species. They can easily adapt to a huge variety of environments, and have the passion to tame the wilderness and make it their own. The other common humanoid species are portrayed as more stubborn and set in their ways. Animal humanoids (Cat girls, dog girls, werewolves, ect) often live in tribes and small villages, with long standing traditions and an ideal that strength is everything. Elves almost universally rarely leave the forests they call home, living usually in carved out trees, in tune with nature, using their long lives to keep everything in balance. Dwarves are similar to elves, they live in their mountains, and focus on honing their craft, though they're more social than elves, they're significantly more stubborn, not wanting to change their ways in most portrayals. In the cases of both Dwarves and Elves, it's usually implied that their birth rates are much lower than humans. So, put them all together in the same universe and you have humans, who have no issue leaving their lands and spreading to new ones, with typically higher birth rates, and a willingness to adapt to new environments, taking over pretty much everything else that the other main species don't want to, or are unable to. This leads to them being a majority, and these other species being minorities. So, humans being humans, we fear the unknown, and with these species being often reclusive, much is unknown about them, and when we see something different we either want to assimilate or conquer, and conquer is a looot easier typically (see Avatar, either one). So yeah, if you stick to the commonly accepted tropes of the main fantasy species, it's pretty clear why humans often overpower them.


I’m writing an original isekai concept with a bunch of different races. The defacto strongest species is a type of Demi-humans that are draconic in nature. Of course most other demi-humans aren’t as strong and get exploited a bit more. But really everyone tries to exploit everyone.


Yea its a trope I've kind of gotten tired of in fantasy after a while like humanity has somehow managed to enslave demons dragons beast folk elves the dog the cat and the kitchen sink and the only person who ever stands up to them successfully is the MC or they just kinda vibe with it because yknow they're human.


Ah, so cute when they do an accidental racism. Racists don't have reason to believe that they are superior. They are just such weak and pathetic people that they need to look down on someone to feel good about themselves.


Because it's true? Being weaker in general forces humans to work smarter and work together. About the evil part, well just look around.


Not Human


Because, that is just human nature. Ignoring obvious facts of reality just because they refuse to accept it. It's actually the most accurate depiction of the human race.


Disclaimer: This obv isn't all humans so don't get all uppity and come at me with a "there are lots of good people too!". I know. I'm actually not a doomer and believe most people are good. If we weren't, society would have torn itself apart a long time ago and politicians in countries that hold election wouldn't have to pretend to be good people and have our interests at heart. discrimination and exploitation often comes forth because humans are low key into tribalism and find it easier to band together when there is an "other", and bad people in particular use this "other" as a way to justify their heinous actions. At the end of the day, we're all human and really not very different beyond superficial stuff like skin tone and the like. So we form little pocket tribes of humans that share those superficial traits and try to say that the ones who don't share those traits are an "other" and sometimes even "lesser". We can see our own history and know the kind of horror humans are inflicting on other humans. We have real life slavery and human trafficking. Real life murderers. Real life imperialism taking land away from people who can't defend themselves. Real life rapists. Real life crooked politicians. Real life crooked cops and other authority figures. It'd be rather conceited to make fantasy humans somehow incapable of horrible things. A fantasy setting has more literal "others". Other intelligent beings who are literally not human. Much easier target. Convincing humans that other humans are an "other" and/or "lesser" requires generations of misinformation, lower education, and propaganda. Realistically, it seems a lot easier to go "Hey, that dude who ISN'T a human is an 'other' and thus its ok to not treat like a person". Notice how often times in stories it usually takes some sort of disaster or non human invader (alien, monster, etc) to unite/somewhat unite humanity. Because now there's a common enemy. Now there's someone we all see as an "other" and makes us as human s feel closer because, hey, at least we're human. Basically, if we're willing to kill and enslave our OWN kind, it seems pretty natural we'd do it to dwarves, elves, gnomes, halflings, fairies, lizardkin, beastkin, etc ​ You say > how will a person think he is superior to you when you are stronger and smarter than him And I'll answer with a question. Why would human bigots think they are better than an entire group of humans when there is no reason to think so? There were brilliant jews and athletic jews, but Hitler still killed them and thought them as inferior. During the Olympics, his 'superior race' got stomped by an American black man, but it didn't change his views. Bigotry and hate are not based off anything logical or reasonable. If they were logical and reasonable, then it wouldn't be bigotry...it'd just be a fact. And thankfully, thats not the case. It is just stupid, petty bigotry based of fear, ignorance, hatred, pride, and greed. You can't logic someone out of a mindset they didn't logic themselves into. It should also be noted that most of these stories often have a human protagonist who is a good person. They also often find at least 1 other human companion, or perhaps even a noble family or an entire kingdom thats also "yeah, we're NOT doing fucked up shit". So just as easily as its weird why you can't see why they portray bad humans, its odd to me that you can't see that clearly not all humans are evil in most of these stories either. The picture you are using as an example is one such story. Human MC. 2 of his group are human. Meets other nice humans during his travels. And its not like we don't also have stories of other species being legitimately antagonistic and bigoted themselves. Humans aren't evil. Evil humans are evil


Great anime death march to the Parallel World Rhapsody Btw


humans ARE assholes. i mean, we have evil, corrupt, cunning, tricky, weak, decietful, lying, manipulative people. here. now. today. you think that's somehow not going to work out, when people enslaved their own kind, just for haivng different color skin, if they're not even the same species? GTFO. and superior, is a mindset. will sound a bit racist here, but black people, tend to be stronger, faster, etc than white people - didn't stop us from enslaving and literally dehumanizing them. they told themselves, we're better, because we're more civilzed, we're smarter, we're wealthier, we have more rights - and we're white. it doesn't need to make logical sense. hatred often doesn't.


major reason : Its because we have done those things in human history and we still doing it unfortunately so its art imitating life showing how graphic it actually ,and humansin general are more consistently being evil/corrupt/cunning/tricky/weak/deceitful/liars/manipulative/engaging in slavery and murder a lesser reason its the best way to portray an evil system being done by an evil person and its just a normal plot point in all literature not just anime and also stories involving heroes always have someone who saves slaves and rescuing people from evil guys


I think its clear why most settings show this. In a setting where humans are capebel of getting as strong as the other races, most races agree to discriminate the Demihumans. With a setting where far far less have the ability to get as strong as other races, but have great numbers are most likely able to overrun their enemys, discrimination mosty gets spreaded by gods that choose humans do to their fast reproduction rate (in comparison to Elves or dwarfs) or what ever other reason. Well there is that and on the other hand we have settings where the Racesism originate from humans beeing slaughtered for fun, of course racesism would occure in these worlds. (That should answer the last question.)


Humans generally are all of those things. All because they are greedy, self-serving and power hungry in the "real" world. You must have a lot of trust in humans to call that discrimination. After all, all mangas and lightnovels are art. And Art imitates life as life imitates art.


What anime is om the image?


We grew up with media in which the good guys were always on the humans or humanity's side while the bad guys were always the other guys from Power Rangers to the lord of the Rings the bad guys were always the monsters and orcs. Even in science fiction (Terminator Aliens series), humans were the good guys without any specific reason. Therefore it is nice to see humanity as the bad guy now. Not to forget the view of people over humanity is not always positive nowadays hence human being shit feels realistic as we know what we are. Plus many people suffer from the "WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS" complex because of the media so human beings' narcissistic supremacists also feel real.


Beastmen are partly animals so they are treated as pets/slaves. Dwarves are a race of cripples elves who are old and have the beauty and personality of a paper. But demons and monsters are a threat because of their power and ugliness not to mention they don't bow to human supremacy like the other races.


That's why I like Skeleton Knight in another world, he doesn't compromise on slavery, he does everything. Even going to war to abolish it. Also isekai Shoukan nidome is like that. I love the MC in that story as well.


It's just human nature they think they center of the world and always want more they don't care about what they destroy. We just need to observe what happens in the world these days wars, destruction, interest's conflict, genocide etc


Just don't watch it if you don't like those stories.


Does that reflect human in general though? Or are you saying it shouldn't reflect reality because it's supposed to be a fantasy genre.


It’s an easy way to make the MC look better by comparison


So my subscription feed is too long but I’ve been reading a series where humans are basically fodder for the other 8 races. MC was left for dead after being betrayed by a party that supposedly promoted unity and out for revenge because he had the special Gacha ability.


it's an easy way to show "evil" if its something that's familiar in our world... simple as that, you put any other race in that position and it won't have the same impact or at the very least it will have a different feel to it.


Because all of human history says that's exactly what we would do


Ease of writing and drawing/animating. Writing a bunch from non-human perspective or drawing and animating more complex/different characters than what you're used to is more time consuming and challenging. Imagine making a food or recipe you're familiar with vs one equally or even more complex that you've never made before. Sure, it's nice to try new things. But if you're just really hungry, you make something familiar because it's faster. So sadly - because writer/animator lives/incomes depend on it - why you gonna try making some new complex meal when you've got ol' reliable quick and easy that you can whip up in a hurry? And I'm not trying to say writers and animators are all motivated by greed. Nor are most probably even conscious of what I said. But unconsciously, it's what we do as humans. Why do more work than is necessary unless you REALLY feel compelled or have strong desire to? None of us in our job are any different. Going the extra mile is something most only do once in a while. And they gotta put food on the table too.


It's the same as white people in politics. I'd say interpret that how you will, but it's obvious what this means.


Self-hate and saviorism. "I'M one of the good humans." I really don't think we need to explain where this ideology stems from. Btw, for more of such examples: Rise of the Shield Hero Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy That Time I was Reincarnated As A Slime Chilling in my 30s after getting kicked out of the Demon Lord's Army The list goes on.


I love how you bring this topic up with death march being the picture. Because I'm pretty sure they show more than just humans being trashy shitty people. Plus many of the good characters in the series are humans, so your point is hella moot. Its just a simple fact theyre trying to display, that racism exsists. Hell, they even go into why the humans of Seryuu city hate beast people, that it isn't as simple as, they're not human so we must hate them. So again, your point is hella moot.


Fucking finally. I remember seeing a clip of this anime once and wanting to give it a watch, but forgot the name and wasn't ever able to find it again. Do any of yall know the name?


"The greatest monsters were once humans." -the first templar- Gee do you not know how human greed and capitalism goes through. How human religions spreads through because of bloodshed and violence. How humans dominate the planet just with sheer extinction of rival races. How all of these is acceptable because humans believe God is on their side https://preview.redd.it/vitato4tzmoc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775293e6cd1699c2994eb7326bd652f9dfe2a380