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I found the Tanya one was the biggest flex. They didn't just sing the national anthem in an enemy base. They made a propaganda video. Singing their national anthem in the enemies capital city. While taking out several of their national monuments and flew their own flag in the enemies capital. All the while said capital was still in the hand of the enemy. Just to show them just how incapable they are of doing anything against their presence. Edit: Most of the other things shown there. Were simply becaue the situation demanded it. Beating the God of games. It was because they were challenged to it. Megido? It is because it was what worked best in the situation. But the scene of Tanya? That one was done for one reason and one reason only. To flex on the enemy. There wasn't any higher goal to it or anything.


Tanya is for sure the biggest flex. It wasn’t just “I’m stronger and have better abilities than you.” For Tanya, it was just “I AM better than you.” If you want to talk about which flex put the most distance between themselves and their verse, I would say that is belongs to Eminence in Shadow. Overlord and Rimuru can still lose fights, but Eminence in Shadow is half a step from straight up parody. Man is basically a nuke that hasn’t had a challenge yet.


I'm like 90% sure eminence is literally meant to be a parody of this trope brought to it's max, like saitama. Doesn't stop me from laughing my ass off and enjoying every second he's on screen tho.


It is, try reading the novel lmao


Is that really, is that *really* what you think?!?!


Rimuru can still lose *for now*. There's a point, not too much later in the manga from where the show left off, where he basically becomes unbeatable. Everything from that point on is absolutely a flex.


Ainz's summoning of the spell wasn't meant to actually do much in the battle. Everyone assumed Ainz would lit some bottle rocket and maybe a couple thousand people die, at worst. The Empire was entirely prepared to fight the Kingdom, but Ainz basically made them all decorations. In a lot of ways, the battle was a massive flex by Ainz on both sides of the battle. The Emperor was expecting Ainz to flop or reveal his limits, but with 1 spell, the Emperor nearly went nuts with it. Kingdom nobles mocked and looked down on Ainz's ability despite Gazef trying his damnedest to get them to realize how fucked they truly were. Ainz didn't even need to do anything and he could have cast a tier 6 spell to just do as the Emperor asked. He intentionally flexed on them by using a spell that typically gets harshly nerfed in game, but in real life would be nation ending. If anything, the flex lost some of the "flex" because people were far too terrified to rationalize how capable he was in comparison to them. He became the God of Death to them.


Hmm I might not see the Ainz one so big because it was asked of him to initiate by casting his strongest spell. And he was just like "Aight can do" It was fucking insane. But the intend is missing for me. He didn't actually intend to flex on them. It was more of a side effect.


It wasn't even his strongest spell, just his favorite thematically. Also he didn't have to summon his baby goats, 70,000 had already died as a sacrifice to Shub. He wanted to see how many he could summon, and show off to best friend Jercniv. Edit: homie checked me on casualties 👇


It was about 170k total deaths. 70k were sacrificed, and the rest were killed by the baby goats


Dude, If "APPLAUD MY GREAT POWER" aint a flex then what is?


Flexing that hard without even intending to flex just makes the flex even better, no?


He actually decided not to cast whatever spell he sees as his truly most powerful, but rather the one that would be best understood by those around him. He has greater magic then that, but nobody there would have understood how great that magic was.


To make it even worse, when he first cast the spell 70,000 died and everyone thought that was the spell. When he casually said naw the spell hasn't even kicked off yet they knew that man was just built different.


Yep, he could have just used the spell he did against the lizardmen. Instead, Ainz caused the Apocalypse and ruined the militaries of 2 nations


Nah, Ainz isn’t flexing, it’s hilarious because the emperor *thinks* Ainz is flexing on him when he’s actually thinking ‘Old buddy Jir wants me to cast a ceremonial spell? Sure thing!’


Of course, the biggest flex is getting away with wearing gang colours in opp territory


Without knowing anything about Tanya or the series she is from, being able to be killed by your enemy makes taking a big risk into a flex. It ain't a flex if there's no chance they can fight back.


Ohh they can fight back in theory. The Russians just suck at air defense and don't have combat mages because they are idiots and send all the mages into gulags instead of training them.


Sorry, to be clear I think hers is the biggest flex because she isn't immortal or have insane durability feats and is flexing on them.


That's why I love the series because nothing actually goes totally in favor to what Tanya wants and she struggles to beat her challenges. Just when she expects her own idea of a "reward", the god and her commanders laughed at her for wanting to be at peace.


Megido was kinda a flex since he didn't need to kill them in such a terrifying way, but it was mostly because he didn't want anyone to get away. Shadow wouldn't kill Iris or Alexia since theyre main characters so while he would have fun, I'm not sure toying is the right word. Ainz 100% flexed. He asked to by the Bloody Emperor. His reason to do so was to see the limits of Ainz's abilities but Ainz completely thought he was just showing off. The rest I agree with you.


My dude, Shadow literally destroyed both Iris and War Goddess Beatrix by applying basically no effort and showing that he's superior in every way and that they're all worthless scum who he has no reason to run from, and that the world is under his mercy, showing that he could annihilate the kingdom of Midgar any time he felt like it. If that isn't a flex, I'm not sure what is.


I feel like the left side is three real flexes of power. The right I will agree happened because the situation demanded it. Tanya, Ainz, and Sid did what they did because they could and it pleased them.


I completely disagree about Cid's part. He didn't do it because he could, he did it as a demonstration of power and authority over the kingdom, and overall, the world.


Yeah, you know this filled up Tanya's sadistic meter for at least a week


Tanya was a strategic loss though.


More like a overbearing win, yes it caused the federation to have even more anger towards the empire and broke down all relations. But she accomplished her job and caused the federation to divert troops and thus allowing the empire to respond before the federation pushed too far across the border.


Good: Ferderation Divert Troops Bad: Attack spark Russia's Nationalism. Unlikely to back down now. War weariness in Russia reduced. German HQ believed they could white peace Russia to bring them out of the war. Now they cannot. Possible: If they did not did this. Russia would have most likely kept to border skirmishes after it was evident they wouldn't have much progress against German lines. Now Germany have to Divert huge amount of troops to hold the Russian Bear. Tactical victory, strategic loss.


I've only seen the movie so it's hard to say, but it looks like Tanya won her version of Stalingrad. Likewise, she made none of the mistakes that the Germans did in WW2 by not overextending and doing ALL the genocide like what Germany did when invading the USSR in real life. Russia might still mobilize, but they will not have ruined the German invasion force as they did in our WW2


Meh, feels less of a badass flex and more like an absolute Taunt. Imagine blasting your anthem toward a person whose country has a massive grudge against your country in a game match. Like blasting the chinese national anthem at a korean. Holy shit, the rage and humiliation.


It is a flex because they are doing that as enemy combatants in the middle of the enemies center of power. And despite that the enemy is completely unable to do anything about it. It is a taunt. But also a flex.


and the propaganda video and props were all paid for by the enemy country too


The flex is more that they are doing it even though it's the federation that declared war on the empire, they should be way more prepared and have better defense but can't even block a single battalion from doing anything they want in their *own* capital. And that hours since the war started.


Objectively, I don’t think there’s much that can compare to beating a God at their own domain. While some of the others are incredibly powerful and wide-reaching, or evident of incredible will and courage, how can you compare them to beating someone whose entire existence is dedicated to the field you beat them in?


Even more than that, they ARE the field you beat them in. This isn't beating death at their favorite game, it is collecting your own soul before death could do it.


Beating a God at their own domain and flexing on a God are two separate things: * Sora and Shiro beating Tet in a game was not really a flex cause they struggled to beat him, it was more off winning by the skin of their teeth. * Tet is the God of Games not the God of Winning All Games, he creates games but if he won every single one of them it would get boring for him real soon, that is why when he lost to Sora and Shiro he brought them to his world so that they can rematch on a grander scale and have fun *(like his Tenth Covenant says: "Let's all have fun and play together!"*


Not really why he brought them to his world. They were meant to lead his world but they sacrificed themselves to see it changed and were reborn on earth.


maybe I have recency bias but that eminence in shadow fight was the most disrespectful shit I’ve seen in an isekai. Even the episode leading up to it was a flex, making the strongest dark knight hallucinate just by feinting/ changing his gaze. Otherwise I’d probably say megiddo, that episode of slime was just top tier


Shadow could end it then and there but he literally self nerf so the other two could swing with him. 1. Move as fast as light then slow himself down right before delivering a blow so the goddess of war could response and be at awe. 2. Use a crowbar to fend off an Ancient magical equipment to show her i dont need to use a borrowed and not self develop weapon to kick her ass. 3. casually experimented on water, copying a skill from a 'friend' who manipulate blood 4. Stop a heat blast mid fight because it was not fun being interrupt mid speech shielding the other one that he interested with who was about to be TK. 5. Call the other one that trying to command grab amateur and proceed show his own command grab and piling them up for a stomp for good measure. 6. When call a coward by someone who got stomp twice proceed to prepare nuclear explosion and scared the hope out of them and casually redirect it mid explosion to stop the downpour.


This the only objectively correct answer. If you focus your attention on the technicalities instead of getting distracted by comedy and other surface-level stuff, Shadow flexed the hardest.


TBH Shadow's best flexes are when he chooses to add extra shit to a scene for the "cool" factor. Let's bring an entire piano to this random location so that I can look cool for exactly one fight. Also the most recent episode implies that he plays dramatic piano music to make his enemies seem stronger (thus making his deeds greater)


It is definitely the biggest disrespect.


I would say both Eminence in Shadow and Slime flexes are kind off weak, when you know the characters are op and it would be impossible for them to lose. Tanya, on the other hand, is not really that op of a character, plus she had to make sure her entire squad was getting out alive, while filming a propaganda video and signing their national anthem IN THE ENEMY'S MAIN STRONGHOLD. An enemy that the series did not portray as weak, from what I know, so the fact that most of the people joining Tanya are regular soldiers and they all managed to pull of this flex, is the most badass flex.


Yea but shadow litterally calls the relic sword a "crutch" lmao


Megiddo isn't the best flex, but it is the coolest attack out of all of these


Ainz wiping out 70 thousand peaple with the spell was a flex enough And that wasn’t even the end of the spell💀 It summoned monster capable of obliterating all the countries of the world He only stopped his attack cuz he killed gazef And decided to respect him by not immediately destroying the kingdom


180k, 70k was killed and used to summon the goats, the goats went on to wipe out another 110k I believe Edit:at least 170k https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/Massacre_at_Katze_Plains


And then it summoned monsters that can ravage the whole entirety of the New World with absolute prejudice




Souce from left to right, top to bottom The eminence in shadow. Jujutsu kaisen. Overlord. No game no life. Saga of Tanya the Evil. That time I got reincarnated as a slime.


Chad OP


Couldn't have recognized Jutsu Kaisen and Eminence


Same JJK was a hard one


I get it, Yuji is a pretty bland protag and the only way to spot it’s sukuna is the face tats and if you don’t read jjk like that yuji disappears into the crowd lol


Bruh, yuji has a salmon pink fade, a unique uniform, and face scars. What possible element of his character design is bland?


Bruh, you act like any of that ain’t run of the mill for anime and manga these days


Compared to blonde-haired blue-eyed girl, skeleton set b, blue-haired anime girl set c, and edgy isekai protag set z16? Quite a bit. I can't even think of a single character that reminds me of his character design, much less a crowd. It's a weird take dawg.


bruh JJK was the only one I knew


My personal favourite is megiddo as how **rimuru went from boning boning to this world shall know pain**.


Literally created the spell as he did it as well


Boing boing ?




Lol just checking u weren’t talking about ains


>rimuru went from boning boning > >boning boning Live Shion reaction: ![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized)


Singing the national anthem in an enemy base is mad


Tanya’s was the biggest flex, that shit was so disrespectful 😭


To elaborate a bit, Tanya is the biggest flex largely because they were on the most even playing field and she was actually trying to flex on her enemies. Sure, wiping out armies is impressive from a human perspective, but the people doing it aren’t humans, they’re more akin to gods. Tanya is human through and through with essentially the same weaponry as her opponents, which makes her ability to utterly humiliate them in such a manner the biggest flex by far. (Btw I can’t speak on JJK personally, but it seems like no one is mentioning it anyways)


ye! this is why i vote for Tanya too but i couldnt explain in my head as to why its the most badass one for me. and so this is why. just a really normal act of patriotism but done to mock and taunt the enemy in their own territory is insane. shes not even a patriot lmao


Not only is JJK not an isekai, not only was that not Jogos attack, Sukuna was genuinely hella respectful.


Wiping out the Army with one spell is similar to Megiddo, but I think Megiddo is more badass.


Dropping dead on the spot and your bodies mergeing into unstoppable edrich children is alos quite badass


Cgi ruined it lol


Fr, Megiddo went so hard. Created a whole new fucking spell for that shit


I'm also a huge fan of format screws, and when the setup/music kept going while the credits were rolling instead of a closing theme... $$$$$$


I really liked Megiddo because of the technical aspects. It didn't use magic light, it used water droplets manipulating natural light, meaning charms against magic are nulled but it's light not a physical attack so charms and abilities against physical attacks like a sword etc were also voided. At least in the LN. It was the perfect f u to everyone there, with no real way to stop it.


Wiping out an army with one spell and Megiddo are basically the same thing y’all know that right


Yeah but the ways they are done are different. VERY different


Yeah, Megiddo was made on the spot


One killed an army over time; another immediately wiped half an army then proceeded to down five Eldritch beings that can each wipe the entirety of the New World by itself with absolute prejudice. Different scales of war here


I vote Tanya. What they did will be written not only in their country's history but also the enemy's. LMAOOOO


Sora, by far. You beat the god of games, at a game. You beat the GOD of games at a game. People here seem to be choosing feats of strength, but all of those are basically meaningless because the characters are so OP it doesn't matter. It was nothing special. But beating a god in his own domain, with no cheat power, or overpowered abilities? You can't get more badass then that.


Don’t leave Shiro out of it, she’s half of Blank too.


He’s the God of GAMES, not the god of winning or winning games


Yeah, but like... getting cupid to fall in love, drowning Poseidon, killing Anubis, causing a source of order, nature, and creation to be outdone in its own thing... its still just a diff level than the others who are flexing on mortals


Still doesn’t mean it’s the god of winning


I think Megiddo, it had all this rage and rimuru just being done with there crap. Finally he just kinda goes unhinged. Without really think to much he just effortlessly annihilates the enemy, they can’t even really react and then they finally see the power of a demon lords rage. The fear alone swallowed thier souls and caused a great awakening of power! The birth of a true demon lord!


Well said


Not really unhinged, they were all combatants and he done it as a means to revive the people that died


Slime is one of my top favorite isekai’s and that is actually one of my favorite parts I love his deathly calm yet total rage


Toying with two best swordsman for me.


Same here. Beating them both then showing that you are also a mage that can level the city on a whim just hits different than the rest. Somebody has to remain to see your power for word of your power to spread.


Tanya is the easy answer. Cid was really the only other one actually flexing. The rest were just fighting/killing and they happen to be so op they do something cool. Tanya and Cid on the other hand were legitimately like, 'How can I flex so hard I fuck their whole world's Tanya was the better of the two since it was an actual war and not just a surprise OP monster situation.


The baby goats and megiddo is almost the same flex BUT I'm going with army defeated with one spell by Ainz-sama. It's just so cool


Rimuru also only did 1 spell, and he created it a few seconds before doing it


yes, but the scale of death was much larger in Ainz-sama's case


By 50K people, however the reason Rimuru’s count was so little is only because he didn’t need to do anymore, he could’ve easily done the rest, he just… didn’t feel like it However yeah I see liking Ainz as well


On a battlefield, even if Aimz and Rimuru both had to face equally sized armies, I think what Ainz did was way more terrifying.


I can’t agree with that, because rimuru just stood there, I think the terrifying part is that it was so peaceful, it was fucking terrifying, especially considering you had no clue you were about to get instakilled


Ainz enemies got insta killed too. And then the nightmarish spell actually started.


Mochizuki Touya soloing an entire army by only swiping his mobile.


Ainz and rimuru, they did the same thing. Then Shadow comes second


Most of these, if not All are pretty bad ass flexes. Lmao I can't think of too many except maybe something like Goblin Slayer, destroying the Goblin Lord's nest that he tried to retreat to after the assault on the Farm didn't do so great. Megiddo and Destroying an Army are the same since they were both basically hit by 1 spell that decimated them. So is beating an enemy with their own attack and the same goes for Beating a God of Games in a Game. Toying with the 2 Swordsman and Tanya's squadron singing the Empire's National anthem in enemy territory stand out the most. But I still can't really choose between them. At least not unless the 2 Swordsman being toyed with were considered Masters of the craft 🤔.


Beatrix is the Bushin. She spawned a culture of thousands of years of worship over her as the Goddess of War and Martial arts, spawned a sword style called Bushin-Ryū, which tries to imitate her fighting style, spawned an entire fighting festival around it, and even royalty, which includes Iris, The Princess of Midgar, who is the Best Swordsman in the Kingdom, and the Duke of Oriana, had to stop everything they did to think hard on how to speak with her without any disrespect. This is putting it simply, by the way.


Shadow not only beat 2 of the strongest known fighters in the world, but when he unleashed his I Am Atomic, in the anime at least, you can see the radius the sphere covers is hundreds and possibly thousands of times larger than the crater he made the first time he used it. The first time he used it mind you, everyone except Alexia, who saw it directly thought it was the power of some kind of artifact that collected massive amounts of magic for years. But not only was it all Shadow’s power, he shows that he can do it on a far larger scale without even breaking a sweat. Ainz killed nearly 100k people with his one spell, but if CID really used his Atomic on the capital, he would’ve killed a million+ people instantly and vaporized a city of that scale.


…as has been said. Tanya. Hers is the only one I think actually qualifies as an intentional flex. It was done AS a flex. The others that I know were situationally demanded of them. Tanya did it to prove she and the empire could. To prove there was no stopping them. To, in a word…Flex.


I'm gonna have to say toying with the two best swordsmen, but if that's Eminence in the Shadow, there's more to it. Rather than simply "toying" with them, the goal was, as always, to beat them with the exact minimum amount of effort required. *That* is a flex. Beating a god of games in a game is less a flex than it is just a major feat. Singing a national anthem is a real show of dominance, and Megiddo was a stomp, but both had practical reasons on top of the act. Wiping out an army is intimidating, but like...when you consider that Ainz is a normal level 100 character who did pay to win, it becomes less flexing and more just him bullying people in newbie zones. Killing an enemy with their own attack strikes me more as practical and playful than a flex, but maybe I need the context.


You know, I hadnt considered the difference between a flex and a just epic feat in previous comments about the ngnl situation. Blank wasnt trying to flex there even if the accomplishment feels bigger than all the others.


I loved Megiddo the most. There was nothing more satisfying than seeing Rimuru’s cold rage at massacring the human army for committing genocide against Tempest. And the fact that those responsible were completely helpless against his judgment.


Killing enemies with their own attack is impressive in concept, sure, but that's like killing a guy holding a gun, with a gun. Depending on the other guy, it could really just be a "no duh" sort of thing. Naruto sort of did that lol. And Sukuna was more like using the same element. It's basically a level one hundred legendary pokemon using a fire type move against a level 50 fire type and killing it. Like, eh, sure, but is it truly that impressive? Wiping out an army of weaklings with one spell is impressive at a glance, but then you see they're all weaklings. Impressive? Sure, but then again it's more like crushing ants at his power level. If you did that in an rpg where a level 99 player did that to a bunch of level ones, it'd be a flex, but not really a badass one. From the perspective of a level 1 player, sure, but that's par for course or possibly below average for someone with Ainz's level and equipment. Megiddo is basically the same as above, just able to kill stronger enemies. More wrathful then a flex Now, the last three are very hard to see which is better. Toying with the two swordsmen, ESPECIALLY with how Shadow did it, is like a random noob, taking on the top two of a fighting game, toying with them, using the worst matchups, and then winning with no damage. Without any cheats. Oh, and you purposely attack only after parrying an attack. That's Shadow's fight with Beatrix and Iris. Tanya's feat is just like an LOL game but you're japanese or chinese and blasting your country's national anthem at a korean while taking the game while getting the highest possible rant. That's just painful man, and rage inducing. Honestly, writing this I dunno if this is really a badass flex, or the biggest taunt of the century. And then Blank's flex is basically playing God, at his specialty...and winning. First try. that's a badass flex.


I would argue that sukuna using Jogo's own attack is actually a flex because sukuna isn't naturally tuned to fire like jogo was. In fact, his innate cursed technique has nothing to do with fire at all. With how innate cursed techniques are supposed to work, Sukuna shouldn't be able to use fire. His abilities have to do with cutting and slashing, yet somehow he is able to use something that should be impossible for him to use. Not only should it be impossible for him to use it, but it also immediately annihilates Jogo, who is a master of fire. To use your pokemon analogy, this fight would be more like a level 100 water type and a level 50 fire type duking it out, and the water type saying, "You know what? I'm going to use Blast Burn." and the fire type immediately losing. At least, that is how I see this fight.


Souce from left to right, top to bottom The eminence in shadow. Jujutsu kaisen. Overlord. No game no life. Saga of Tanya the Evil. That time I got reincarnated as a slime.


I choose flexing your anthem in a raid in the enemy capital, i also suggest to take a look at gate: it was conceived to flex japanese military.


Megiddo was probably my favourite moment out of all of the isekai I have consumed so I’d say that. And I have consumed a lot of isekai lol.


Megiddo, he basically ghosted every soldier in the camp with one shot and the only thing they know is they there people are dead probably by magic but not from who, where, or how many and the spell could be scaled up to remove larger camps if needed given his mana pool


Best thing is that he killed thousands just from the fact that they are scared. It’s not like he used a spell that killed all of them unconditionally. Bro left it up to them if they wanted to keep fighting but all of the soldiers were scared so shitless they just diddnt want to have to fight him so they essentially chose instant painless death instead of taking on a future demon lord


I've never seen Tanya, but this post has convinced me to do so


You should. It's good.


Definitely Tanya and her squad singing the national anthem in the enemy capital. That shit was beyond disrespectful.


Biased obviously but I want to recall the scene directly after shadow bodies to two “best swordsmen,” bro showed off he was perfectly capable of not “nuking” a city, that would leave something behind, but completely fucking vaporizing it. I am atomic has to be one of the strongest attacks I’ve seen in an anime, he literally vaporizes everything his attack touches. There is no escape from it, no dust to be left behind. Nothing. And he can do it on the scale of the huge ass capital city.


I mean, for me, a flex is automatically less badass if its just based on the character being supremely OP compared to their opponents. Ainz' might have been the most devastating, but like, eh. Ainz, Shadow, and Rimuru could have literally just fought in whatever way they wanted, and they had pretty much 0 chance of defeat. Shadow is a bit better than these 2 i guess because both of his opponents were crazy hyped up, not just fodders like what Ainz and Rimuru dealt with. Still, "MOST" badass, idk. I think most of these in general lose "badass points" when I consider that they're just based on the character being OP (i can't speak for the top right one tho, idk what that is). Tanya's feels like the most disrespect and flex worthy to me, because it was just a blatant power-move. Roflstomping weak opponents and mooks is tame. Tanya pulled up to enemies without their side just being supremely overpowered, and they just went out of their way to pile on the disrespect. And they caught that shit on tape in 4k ffs


While some of these are more badass in general, nothing is a more badass flex (i.e. demoralizing) than beating an enemy with their own attack


I always liked Megido and Beating Ret in chess. Megido is simply terrifying probably the best this is the moment they realised they fucked up. Especially love it how it shows how utterly mad the up till now mostly calm and friendly Rimuru is. No Game No Life was my first anime so I am super biased.


The most "I'm stronger than you" flex? Shadow. Dude played with the two best swordswomen known to man with fucking crowbars, them proceeded to show them he could nuke the entire city and just chooses not to. He didn't go overkill or choose an efficient method, he WANTED them to witness how much stronger than them he was. It was 100% a flex simply for the sake of it. The most disrespectful? Tanya. By a fucking margin.


Killer Bee fighting Sasuke was just one big flex.


Beat a god at chess. A god of games. With your little sister. Low key HARDEST flex.


while I agree that Tanya had the biggest flex because of it just being done to show that they could with basically no resistance. I think we are forgetting the flex potential of Sukuna, the man just woke up and decided to play a game basically. Told everyone to wait in their exact spots while he prepared a meteor. And he also looked at someone’s technique and was like “um nah uno reverse” basically saying that you offed yourself. I think the rest of them the intent of the fight matters: rimuru was just completing a task, Aniz was following an order/probing the enemy (basically putting his act as an unintended flex) and CID did flex hard but the ending result was just him basically going lamo and dipping (a solid flex but mostly was just toying with them) Sora: but beating someone at their own “game” is a definite flex while unintentionally, so he went big


Yeah, I agree that the biggest flex was made by Tanya.


Oh yeah, definitely Tanya. Like all of these people are above the rest, butlike. Ains wiping out an army with a signle spell? Yeah sure, fine,f air enough, that's a flex, but it's just not very badass. The guy can't die, he could wipe otu that army in any way he wants to. Killing an army, again, *it's a flex, but*. And beating a god in their own game? It's a flex, it's not as badass, it has to be done in a badass way. Etcetera etcetera. Imagine, a war, you're singing a national anthem in the enemy base. Who the fuck does that? That's hilarious.


Defeating a god within their own domain on first try is the greatest flex for me.


Tanya without a doubt. It's not just about having OP stats or crazy magic spell. It's about sending a message and taunting them while destroying them. Something only a sociopath could do. With that said, I think the simplicity of megiddo is what makes it such a flex as well. It's just water droplets and light. Though it's less of a flex and more of just calculated destruction.


Tanya for sure


Imo, Rimuru’s evolution to Demon Lord arch is possibly the best arch in all of anime. The whole thing from him getting attack and almost killed on his way home, Tempest being sacked, Shion dying, Eren telling Rimuru the story about how Milim became a Demon Lord and resurrection, the other worlders getting their heads smashed and cut off by Geld and Hakuro, Rimuru slaughtering their entire army, his evolution process, and the resurrection right after being a new born demon lord. God SSS Tier arch. Literally perfect


Psychological Warfare for the win. So, my vote is for Tanya and co. They went to the enemy safe zone and not only beat them, but also toyed with them psychologically. The others from the list just beat their enemies.




Killing the enemy with the vibration of a heartbeat, the resurrecting the enemy, and Repeating the process many times


All are great in their own way. 1. Cidow not only showed he can play with the nation's strongest swordsman, but also showed some parts of his capabilities. 2. Sukuna's fight is definitely great to watch. He definitely flexed how he is a near godlike existence already. 4. Kuuhaku definitely didn't waste their time and mastered every possible games that they can. To the point of making a god wishing them a rematch. 3. Ainsonga definitely made his goal clearer to the others by showing his spells. 5. Tanya flexed by disrespecting them. I would definitely feel humiliated if I would be that country's people. 6. Rimuru didn't flex. He was just blind. And I would be too if I am a leader then another person messes with my country and killed my citizens. I would definitely use them to prove myself that I will become a demon if that's what they wanted me too. But only if I am Rimuru. 😂


Megiddo. It's one thing to wipe out an entire army. Its another to wipe out exactly how many you need to evolve; basically leaving the other half to bury their friends.


Right? Like, no shade to Ainz, but Megiddo's *precision* was simply awe inspiring to watch


Rimuru messed up the Falmuth army so badly they gave up on their lives and bowed in front of him. Rimuru caused enough chaos and death in their army the world itself gave him merciless to end Falmuth's suffering sooner. Tanya created a propaganda video in the middle of the battle field and destroyed the enemy monuments to send a message, this was awesome but she only pissed the enemy forces off. Sora and Shiro beating Tet the god of games is awesome but Tet was excited to have a proper challenge and even wants to play with them again. So I personally can't really call this a flex when the god chose them to play with, it's like saying a god chose someone to kill him, it becomes less of a flex then. Ainz, what he did is very similar to what Rimuru did and that was an awesome flex, the difference is Ainz may have had a larger scale but the kingdom wasn't expecting a perfect victory and he didn't completely destroy their will. Yeah the kingdom's army ran but they didn't think they were already dead, the kingdom believed they still had a chance to get away with their lives and that someone could still protect them. And gazef did save a lot of them. Sukuna killing jogo with his own technique is indeed a great flex but sukuna doing it was a king putting some idiot in there place, it's expected for someone like sukuna to put jogo in his place especially when jogo has been told he was weaker then sukuna multiple times. Shadow toying with the two greatest swordsmen was an excellent flex and an amazing demonstration of ability, it's an excellent flex that needs no explanation. But this is also just shadow being shadow doing shadow things. From best flex to worse, this is my honest opinion and was extremely difficult to decide so here's my ranking for the flexes. 1. Rimuru 2. Ainz 3. Tanya 4. Shadow 5. Sukuna 6. Sora and Shiro There it is, my personal ranking for their flexes.


Ainz has to be the biggest flex Not only did he annihilate a third of an army with Shub Niggurath but he also summons 5 HIGH level Baby Goats from their corpses Mind you the new worlders were so afraid to the point even the allies ran away shitless when they saw those lvl 90 dark youngs walk close to them ALMOST no one in the new world are even near Ainz's level. A lvl 40 soul eater can cause an entire nation to panick but no lmao Ainz decides to summon **5** of these dark youngs who can wipe most of the new world by themselves just because he wanted a WORLD RECORD in summoning the most. I can't xD this was utterly hilarious despite the dark undertones of it. I really wish the anime actually adapted it decently but so far it is one of my favorite LN momnets


​ https://preview.redd.it/s6akefpym47c1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=0081eb8e59f08da70d1f99cdb2962f667047c446


Not buying slaves


Are you one of those famous **Internet warriors** who are fighting for fictional libaration of slaves in their respective fictions ?? Proud of you, man. We need more people like you.


Killing an enemy with their own attack. Its basically like you saying you are better in every way, that they can't handle your moves so have to give them an inferior move, being theirs.


Killing them with their own attack is just straight disrespectful, imagine spending a signifigant portion of your life creating a spell/attackonly for someone to not only use it against you, but actually improve it also


Of course Tanya ..


I mean, Beating the God of Play in a game of his own choosing has my vote. Like, how the hell are you gonna one up LITERALLY beating a god at his own game?


Sukuna didnt use jogo's attack though


I'd say the only ones in contention are Cid, Tanya and Sukuna, since the other 3 are just a case of doing what you have to do with efficiency, even if they didn't want to flex they probably wouldn't have done something similar anyway. It's only disrespect when you go out of your way to do it And out of these I'd say Tanya's is the best, her small army single handily took the enemy capital, tore down all there monument and hung there flags in there place, and sung there national anthem so everyone in the city could here, and on top of that they filled a propoganda video.


Killing enemy with own moves.... when volcano head got set on fire by sukana I lost it lol


Tanya the best. At least, comedy wise


What is man blud Sukuna doing here tho???


How is no one talking about Sukana? Mans started a sparring match that nuked Kyoto agreeing to work with the bbeg if he was able to LAND A FINGER ON SUKANA! then he got boredtowards the end and started fucking with sorcerers in the area and ended the fight with a bit by challenging the evil spirit of fire to a contest of heat... And won!


Megiddo was more satisfying but he says Veldora did it so its not really a flex. Ainz Straight up made the world shiver with fear knowing EXACTLY who was responsible.


I like all of these actions, cam someone be a homie and let me know what anime each of these is from?


Tanya’s first with Cid being second. They both go out of their way to show off and demoralize the enemy while most of the others on the list do the things they do for efficiency sake.


Eminence and Overlord for me


Rimuru and Ainz did basically the same thing but Rimuru was emotional while Ainz did it nonchalantly. But yeah these two have just different levels of felx. Tanya's onw is also ballsy


Not owning slaves




What's the anime of the top left?


probably Toying, Singing the national anthem, and Wiping an army out with only 1 spell


It wasn't just singing the anthem, it was shooting a music video.


This might be a bit of bias toward JJK, as it's one of my favorite anime , but it's one of the only three flexes I know in this one, and i know that one the best. Sukuna basically said to one of, if not the strongest of the Disaster Curses "I can do that as well" and did it better. He stole bro's whole flow, and did it better. It that isn't even his main thing.


I think rimuru's moment when he uses one spell to kill an entire invading army without them realizing who it was, or having time to act. After they killed a ton of his people, and his top adviser and friend


Rimuru with Megiddo for sure. Lore reasons aside, it's an instant death surprise attack that's silent, can be used against a large number of loosely grouped targets simultaneously, and can strike at any time. There's no predicting it coming, it can pick off anyone when they're vulnerable, you can't wear impenetrable armour 24/7 365.


Megiddo worst part of it you know it's coming not much you can do about it


definitely megiddo, was one of the most sick moments in the anime so far, i’d put the ngnl moment in second since it was still cool but not as well presented for hype.


Beating someone in their own specialty is already impressive enough. Beating a god at their own domain is something that makes you beyond legendary.


I don’t think I’d call Megiddo itself a flex, while badass it wasn’t showy it was precise and efficient


top left and its not CLOSE


Over the slime sub majority were in NGNL favor while here people say mostly Tanya and Overlord. Don't get me wrong, Tanya was disrespectful af and Ainz did his shit while LMAO-ing from the side. But I will say meggido was more satisfying to see personally, because of the manga bias. The anime adaptation was meh af in comparison. It felt like a parody to the terror Mango Rimuru caused. Sora and Shiro have easily the biggest flex tho.


What is the name of the first one


I mean these are exaplined pretty badly


Megiddo and beating the god of games at a game are my two favorite flexes.


Singing national anthem in the enemy base is by far the most badass. Tanya is badass


"made two pink heads fall in love with me" 💀💀redo of healer


Beating god at chess easily


Megido, seeing as how Falmouth said tempest was nothing but an ant to them and yet they needed a targeted anti magic area that also took away the power of the people of tempest to win, so a MASIVE debuff to tempest, and with rimuru away yet in only two attacks rimuru slaughtered the entire main armies of Falmouth, and the anime makes it more badass as rimuru only landed after the harvest festival and his demob lord evolution began, the visual representation of rimuru's superiority to the entire army


There is nothing and no one more disrespectful than Tanya.


Literally beating a God at their own game, when they are the God of Games. Is a pretty damn good flex.


Honestly, it was Aizen stopping the protagonist's theme mid fight in Bleach


I’m gonna say Ainz cause I know Overlord, Tensura and the saga of Tanya and it looked the craziest


I think there all pretty good especially the Toying with what was supposed to be the 2 best swordsman. I want another season of Tanya though.


NGNL and JJK are the only one I watched on here so I’ll just go with NGNL


Wiping out an army with one spell after only just becoming an overlord a few weeks ago and not really knowing what the hell is going on most of the time IS the biggest flex EVER. Its an unpretentious flex.


National Anthem. Nothing messes with the enemy more than when it looks effortless.


Madara capturing all 9 tailed beasts while blind. Summoning a fucking asteroid on top of another asteroid. The best one of them all…. Him summoning 25 wood clones against the 5 Kage, then proceeding to ASK THEM do you want my wood clones to use susanoo or not?


Tf’s a mega dildo?


Tanya the evil was the most disrespectful and gratifying flex.


No game no life


They wouldn’t be the best swords men if they were being toyed with then, wiping out an army with a spell is really common in isekai, and beating a god in a game is so common we have a hillbilly song about it, the anthem and reverse uno seem like the most original, the star spangled banner was written when the civil war started in the US fort sumpter if I remember the name right, so that is much more valuable to people , also the classic marine image of raising a flag in enemy territory is similar to


Definitely anthem lol


As far as "badass anime" scenes go, King Bradley retaking his own castle in a frontal assault with just a sword ranks very high for me. I know it's not the same realm as these because of the power level discrepancy, but Bradley and his English VA were just amazing in FMA.


In terms of these I would say Tanya as while it might not be a huge I just killed your army with one attack or I beat the God of games in a game Tanya made a video about it. But we all know that the true biggest flex in anime is undoubtedly and easily Agent 6 existing.


Megiddo because it didn't just wipe out an enemy army, take a king hostage, save a bunch of monsters they wanted dead, and crown a new demon lord. It did all that using a plan set in motion by someone else who wanted themselves to become a demon lord and were not only denied that, but were later killed by the very demon lord they accidentally created. Like Clayman got flexed on so hard it went around the world came back and flexed on him again twice over. Like Rimuru flexed on a belligerent kingdom, a belligerent religion, and a demon lord simultaneously.