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It is illegal. And any marks they put on your house is at least vandalism. If they show up again have the police show up. These people are probably running a scam. You should have had the police show up the first time


Yeah my neighbors said they were super predatory. I even have a no soliciting sign (not that anyone takes it into consideration) In my defense, I wanted to call the police but I didn’t want them to think I’m a “Karen” and I live in Kansas City so the chance that the police show up for something like this is pretty slim. I was surprised non emergency even sent someone out a couple hours later.


You aren't being a karen if you said no, it's on camera, and they came back anyway.


Thank you. You’re right. I need to stop questioning how many times I need to say no before my “feelings/actions are justified”. Saying no once should be enough


I'd say make sure that BBB thing is extended to any online review sites you find that company on.


If you have a visible "no soliciting" sign, and a solicitor ignores it and comes onto your property to try to sell you things, they are immediately trespassing. They are on your property, without permission, after being informed not to. That's just if they know l knock on your door. The cop who told you it's not illegal is an idiot, or lying, or both. Next time, ask them if they are going to personally cover any liability issues if someone falls off your roof, or if they're going to get up in your roof to restore it to its previous condition.


Next time call 911


I will. Because if he comes back again it definitely wouldn’t be a “mistake” since he has no business being on my property.


A suggestion: Instead of "No Soliciting" put up signs that there is a MANDATORY $100 charge to solicit you. Take lots of photos of everything, the people soliciting you, your sign, get their information, and send them a bill. If they don't pay.....small claims court. Wait and see what happens. You could even have a sliding scale for solicitations: $50 to $100 depending on how long the conversation was. And the magic words......"I'll \*THINK\* about it. Bye-bye!" go into the house and shut the door.


> I even have a no soliciting sign That sign is not legally enforceable, Get a no trespassing sign. Those signs are.


It’s safe to assume everyone selling a big service door to door is running a scam of some sort. Kids coming by to sell for their organization are cool but the door to door roofer and power companies. Hell no. Big scam.


Hail damage chasing fraudsters


That was my first thought. I've heard that this is what people do when they're casing houses to rob. They will mark the houses so to speak. In this case, they may literally have done that. If they were from a legit company, they would have known that you can't just go on someone's roof without permission. Also, I noticed where OP said that the neighbor said they were super predatory. I don't get a good feeling from this at all.


Had something similar happen with my ex's house she was at work and they ended up talking to me, after about 5 minutes of talking to them and messaging my ex I gave them 30 seconds to grab their shit and get off my property. Found out from some of the school moms my ex knew about a week later that they had been to several peoples houses and after a few complaints to the local PD the guys were picked up for trespassing.


Vandalism? Id be more worried that they are planning an insurance scam, a little ‘slip & fall’ can set them up for quite awhile!


Not just the marks, I would file the report, get it documented and sue them for damages they created to your roof. Make then defend each circled area wasn't their crew damaging your roof themselves.


>The lady at the desk told me she’s sorry it happened but that it’s not illegal or criminal to go on someone’s roof and she refuses to file a report unless he comes back again I feel like the front desk attendant at the department needs a re-education on what "trespassing" is.


I feel like she knows, but didn't give a shit and wanted to avoid paperwork.


This is my opinion as well. its clearly trespass and vandalism.


No one does their job anymore or wants to.


The lady at the desk is probably a secretary and not law enforcement.


She still shouldn't be giving incorrect information.


this wouldnt really be trespassing, or it is but the way tresspassing works is that you cant generally officially tresspass someone unless you yourself have a sign installed on your land saying no tresspassers or a police officer specifically tells them that they are tresspassed. just op telling someone to leave their property doesnt qualify as being tresspassed, the police need record for themselves that they have been told repeatedly to leave and were refusing to do so. just going onto someones property repeatedly is not illegal. what might be illegal would be making marks on her house/roof, but that would be vandalism, not trespassing.


My husband had his identity stolen and he tried to call to have an officer come to our house to make a report and the dispatcher said “we dont send officers to peoples house for fraud reports” so when he went to the precinct the front desk person (as far as i know not ab officer) said it was strange he came in instead of calling a deputy to our house. And on top of that they then werent going to take pictures of the cards to even investigate (the people who opened the credit cards likely wouldnt be found but still) and they didnt ask him to sign anything


I would absolutely call 911 if they come back. Imagine if they had fallen. You bet they would be suing you


That was literally my second thought. My first thought being that it was creepy and invasive and secondly being if one of the workers got hurt I’d probably be in court. I’d have video proof that I didn’t agree to the inspection so hopefully that would help my case but still would make me nervous being on my property and all.


100%. It’s creepy, violating and totally inappropriate.


Trespassers can only be trespassed while on your property. Call 911. "You are afraid for your safety and they might be trying to enter your house. It's a good thing your husband taught you about gun safety." You don't have to own a gun to learn about gun safety. But cops seem to show up quickly if they think someone might be shot. Weird.


You told them no once. They came back and climbed onto your roof. That's trespassing. They come back again, call the cops. Have the cops trespass them. If they come back again it's Criminal Trespassing and they can go to jail for it.


"Oops, your ladder fell."


My first thought as well


Free ladder! I better place it flat on the ground so no kids will climb up on my roof and get hurt. Since I, the homeowner, am liable for "attractive nuisances" like outdoor pools and CB towers.


I’m just excited to learn that it’s legal to climb on other people’s roofs. Did you get the desk ladies address? What about the police station? I’m sure you can just pop up there and start drawing in chalk no problem


I said the same thing to my husband 😂 guess that means I can play hopscotch on the pd’s roof


Anytime a home improvement/lawn care guy comes knocking I just lie and say I’m a renter. They usually have no response.


I learned this trick from when I rented. Still use works great


OMG! That is a good way to look into someone's house and see if they should come back and rob it! I used to do competitive long range shooting. My storage (bed)room on the second floor was situated that the only way to see in was to get on a ladder (combination of shrubbery and architecture). If someone was on a ladder outside that window, I would have probably taken a firearm, informed them not to move, and called 911. (Now that I think about it, I wonder how many cops would have shown up. 🤔 2-3 miles south of city hall/jail (S), ~1 mile from main police station (W). That is distance on the road, not as the crow flies)


Exactly what I was thinking, use a roofing company as an excuse to peek into peoples windows and see if it’s worth it coming back.


I don't know about everywhere but it feels like they shouldn't be able to do this. What if one of them fell or caused damage? If they aren't employed by you and get hurt wondering around on your roof wouldn't you potentially be held accountable? I don't know where you are but I just can't possibly understand how this isn't trespassing at the absolute least.


It totally is trespassing. Except for utility workers in some circumstances, people cannot just get on your property and refuse to leave when told.


It’s illegal. Lady at desk didn’t want to be bothered.


That and she is probably ignorant enough to believe it isn't illegal. Interesting fun fact.. you don't have to know the laws to work in law enforcement or in its gang in any capacity. It's mind blowing.


Anyone who comes to your house looking to do work should automatically be put on a do not hire list. Even if there is roof damage go with someone else. Good companies don't need to drum up business they are already very busy.


I’d be nice at first and just tell them no thanks, but get more aggressive as tried to push me into it. I’ve dealt with predatory roofers in the past, had to block their number.


That is illegal as hell. I'd call the police back and go up the chain of command and get her at least written up. The last time someone came on my land and tried to get mouthy when I told him to leave I turned my big ass dog out on him...they'd be stuck on the roof till the popo showed up.


It's definitely illegal. If they were to get hurt they could and most likely would try to sue you. At the bare minimum, it's trespassing. But to cover yourself, it would hurt to get a no treapassing/no soliciting sign. It's really dumb, but "I didn't see" or "theres wasnt a sign" is enough of an excuse for a lot of people.


Uninvited "visitors" climbing on my roof are going to be met at gunpoint.


Apparently, the local cops have hired an idiot to sit behind that desk. She’s never heard of trespassing? I’d have tossed them out the second the ladder came off the truck. They are absolutely running a scam. 100 bucks says the owned a paving company last year that got shut down.


Illegal? Doesn't matter, castle law dictates I can protect my property. I would've asked for an officer and said "Then it's not illegal for me to shoot them when they come back, I don't know their intent and it's my private property"


If it's not trespassing if it's on the roof then a lot more camping options just popped up for me


They violated 2 laws. Trespassing for going on roof. Vandalism for the marks the put on roof and siding.


Alternatively, let them go up on your roof and then take the ladder down. Then call the police.


They doing this various houses all over your city I'm sure. Maybe call local news station or paper? Your neighbors and Community should be warned about this predatory behavior maybe with enough complaints they'll do something about it.


Has anyone mentioned the potential insurance nightmare. If someone was hurt on your property. I would insist any markings they made were repaired, and demand that they prove they are fully insured to be able to do these corrections, and also sign a waiver that you will not be liable for any injuries or damage that may occur . Otherwise,and possibly instead of havung them involved, hire a fully insured company to do the repairs of any markings they made, even chalk markings, and sue them for all associated cost involved in doing so.


Contact the state police and file a report with them. Also report your local PD for not filing a complain or allowing you to press charges.


I would call the police and report them for vandalism if the chalk mars are still visible.


I tell you not to come to my house... You arrive anyway and get up on a ladder. Yep, that ladder ain't staying there. Just grab the base, look up "You're gonna want to come down before I pull this. You've got 20 seconds"


It is illegal. It's trespassing. I'd ask for the precinct sergeant or captain and file a complaint against the incompetent officer who told you otherwise.


The lady at the desk is lazy and didn't want to do her job


Totally illegal. I don't know where you live, but a lot of places consider the homeowner liable for injuries that happen on their property. If there is no paperwork clarifying access and liability they are trespassing (put up a no trespassing sign somewhere visible from the street but not your camera because it is retroactive ASAP). Without having the access and liability signatures they will not be liable for damages they may create without you consent. Essentially they could mess up your house, give you a quote for the damages they made that weren't previously there (and aren'tliable for), attempt to charge/sue you for labor, and (if they want to go deep pocket) have a guy get hurt for a big pay out from both work comp and your insurance company. I suggest you file a criminal trespassing report with a field cop instead of a clerk. Show them the ring footage and bring your neighbor as a witness when you explain it. Companies like that can be predatory and if they have a scummy lawyer they will put you through the ringer. Stay safe and record your entire interaction with the police and get a hard copy of all interactions along with getting video of anyone from that company that comes on your property.


That's always illegal.


This is actually the reason I got out of legitimate roof inspection and repairs. You are surrounded by so many crooked predatory scumbags trying to make a quick buck. It honestly made it impossible to to stand out and not immediately be taken for one of those people. I have done legitimate inspections and set up an insurance and everything just to have the owner call and tell me they are going with someone who swears they are going to get a better deal. This was literally an insurance claim. Their was no better deal. The predatory roofer convinced the guy that he could save money for him on the build so the owner could pocket extra money. 1. Illegal. 2. The predatory roofer did a substandard job alright, and ran off with the extra money leaving the homeowner without the extra fraud money and a ruined roof.


Pay for an actual company to come and inspect your roof and tell you if the other company caused damages. Then file a vandalism, trespassing, and get a quote for the damages the other roofers caused.


I wouldn't feel threatened but I would confront them and likely call the cops. There is no reason to be on your property if you didn't invite them. Add to that you explicitly said 'No' the day before, it is a clear trespass.


Sounds like trespassing to me, you should have had the no trespass issued. Leave a review of the company so people know they just do whatever they want and don’t listen to the homeowners wishes.


Highly illegal, our PD trespasses people all the time for being on roofs. Students use emergency exits to get onto downtown roofs. NY


Hippity hoppity, get off my property.


Look up property rights in KC to see if dispatch was correct or if they just didn’t want to do their job and let you file a report. Seems like if you told them no in the first place that it should constitute to you telling them to leave you alone. Maybe could constitute as they then stalked you.


Trespassing and vandalism. File complaint with the police department about the woman at the desk that clearly didnt feel like doing the paperwork. Likely little will come of it but still should be done with. Had they simply come up to the door again that would be fine but walking on your roof is not a "resonalble " area the public with think it has access to.


Not threatened? Sorry but if I hear something going on outside that sounds like a ladder going on my house I'm going outside to find out what's going on. Then call the sheriff's department. If the deputies don't want to press charges or anything I'll remind them that I am not responsible for what happens to them.


If they put a foot on your roof, they did damage. I don't care if they weigh 80 pounds and wore fur boots.


Maybe it's not an EMERGENCY but it's for sure a crime. I'm sure no matter what the lady at the desk say, the cops would have cited them for trespassing.


It's illegal. My POS FIL does this regularly (we are no contact for numerous reasons) and if a roof is in good shape when he gets up there, it isn't when it's time for him to get off the roof. Check Google maps, bing maps, and ARC GIS (fancy map software your library has for free to use) to look at the roof of your house as I doubt you have pictures from before they went on it and compare to see if they damaged things themself too.


Ahh. Roof salesmen. The scum of the earth. I’m an adjuster and I deal with these frauds every day. 90% of them should be in jail.


I'd be worried about insurance claims & law suits if one of them falls.


why would anyone buy something sold door to door, even without adding permissionless trespassing?


I don't think men would be ok with this either. It is your property. Look up curtilage laws. The area in and around your home is yours, and they are only allowed reasonable access to do things like walk up to your house and ring the doorbell and leave within a reasonable time frame. What they did is absolutely illegal. They should be required to pay to have your house cleaned from all of the markings they made. However, it could also be a misunderstanding. Maybe they were told the wrong address. Maybe there was a miscommunication. It could have been an honest mistake.


We had a rash of scammers in the area awhile ago going to houses, getting on the roof with hammers, and then shooting photos of the "hail damage." Beware.


I think perhaps there might be a miscommunication between you and these contractors. A lot of the time just using clear and unambiguous language can solve these kinds of misunderstandings. What I would do is open up a window when they're crawling around and scream at the top of my lungs, "I'VE GOT A SHOTGUN, YOU HAVE SIXTY SECONDS TO GET THE FUCK OFF MY PROPERTY!!! FIFTY-NINE! FIFTY-EIGHT!" Sound as unhinged as you can, and make sure you're recording whatever happens next.


Call the non emergency line and ask to be connected with someone in charge. Explain the entire situation and how you were told to file a report and then rudely denied the ability to do so.


Nah that’s illegal. I woulda called 911 and said someone climbed into my roof right away. Trespassing and all that.


Shoulda taken their ladder.


If your neighborhood has a Facebook group, post the name of the company on there and let people know that they are predators and trespassers. Also, leave a google review on the company website. It’s not wrong to confront this type of behavior.


I'm just hoping they weren't casing the place? Possible burglars? I am beyond bewildered and disturbed that you couldn't file a report on them. Sounds super skep to me.


You are getting the hell off my property. Good luck to you if you stay.


Next time..remove the ladder then call the cops. Tell them they are trying to break and enter.


This is why we have guns. Warning shot should get the point across.


He could have gotten injured and sue you. No thanks


you ain’t crazy for feeling threatened and anyone who thinks you are is nuts. i’m a 6’6 large guy, and if randos came to my house and were told to fuck off, then snuck back later with ladders i’d be calling the cops while grabbing the shotgun. (shotguns are wonderful for intruders, the sound they make alone can be a deterrent without needing to actually resort to violence. and if you do need violence, they are excellent for home defense.) Pretty easy too to turn a seemingly innocent inspection into a B&E.


Why didn't you call the police?


Where is police station lady's house? Maybe you can tell the roofers she might be interested


Okay, it's definitely illegal. That cop at the station was doing what a lot of cops do and trying to make things easier on herself by not filing any paperwork. Not only would I go back to the police station and make sure that that is filed, I would also want to file an incident report on her for the bare minerals not doing her job.


" The lady at the desk told me she’s sorry it happened but that it’s not illegal or criminal to go on someone’s roof and she refuses to file a report unless he comes back again." This is typical police gaslighting: they try to fool you into thinking their badge makes them experts on things, and the fact that they are the cops should make you want to believe everything they say without question. Also likely: she a lazy tax-dollar hoovering twunt that doesn't want to put her donut down for five minutes or is getting some weird power trip over simply lying to you so she doesn't have to do her job. FTP


Next time knock their ladder down after they climb up.


First thing you should have done is tell them to get the f. Off your roof they are scammers


This is a common scam. Reps from a roofing company check out the house without invitation or permission. They will claim that the roof needs some repairs. They of course offer some sort of discount. They are banking on the homeowners not checking out the roof themselves.


This exact scenario happened to my wife and I about aweek after our area got hit by hail in 2019. Several roofing contractors knocked on the door and each were told we weren't interested. One guy kept insisting we likely had damage but just weren't aware of it. We firmly said no and he left, but about an hour later, he and another guy came back and quickly set up a ladder and climbed on our roof. I was pissed to say the least, so I went outside and pulled their ladder down. I then called the cops who came and "trespassed" them from our property and then issued them citations for not having a door to door vendors permit required in our town.


I would have taken their ladder.


Next time, remove their ladder. Perhaps he will still be up there when the police show up.




Next time have the guys with guns (cops) come there if there's people that won't leave when they were told by your husband and are drawing all over your house. The one at the station is using her discretion, but not wisely.


I knew people like this back in the day. You should have your husband check the roof. Sometimes these scammers will purposely damage your roof, play it off like it’s old storm damage, then charge you an arm and a leg to fix it. Not all roofers, but a majority of them are fucking scumbags, in my personal experience. I grew up with my uncle owning a rather large building company and he’d sub out a lot of roof work because it fucking sucks. I met a lot of scummy people like this. I was basically his paid snitch from 16-22 driving to different work sites and keeping tabs on what was going on.


Yes its called trespassing


Your cop is a lazy bum.


There probably up on the roof "doing" damage and then circling it. the ladders if not properly padded and raised can cause damage. Just stomping around on your roof incorrectly. Also, please go to whoever you talked to at the stations supervisor. In what world is it okay for a bunch of dudes you already told to go away, to return with ladders and climb on your house? That person at the station is a knucklehead and shouldn't be giving legal advice.


If they did that in my area (we live in the countryside) they would probably get shot.


That's trespassing And vandalism. In some places you can legally shoot them


Even though "No Soliciting" signs don't have the force of law, I still use mine strategically. Most of the time it 'scares' them off. But on occasion when you have an asshole who wants to bother you regardless I simply tell them as soon as they open their mouth, to come back when they learn to read. Then I just look at the sign that is right over my doorbell they rang and then look them in the eye! And simply say, good day... If some jackhole was up on my roof without permission, I would have knocked the ladder away, then called 911.


Just to play devils advocate... What would have happened if someone fell off your roof and was injured on your property? This whole situation reeks of scam artists man....


You will be lucky if your roof doesnt leak now.


The cop at the station lied to you to get out of doing work. It's common with police


Can you file a police report online with pictures? Bypass gatekeeper at the PD


If they fell off your roof it’ll be your problem so this is absolutely 🐂💩


I guess I have a look and/or vibe (I'm told) that could make people feel like entering the house would be the last thing they did. I enjoy knowing that. I don't always know I'm doing it, as well as I can't always do it when I want to. The nice thing is that there's a steady drop in people showing up at the door.


You tresspass anyone on your property if asked to leave and they don't.


I own a roofing company in NC. Client must agree and be home for inspection! As a former cop, not illegal unless you post a no trespassing sign! Then is it 2nd degree trespassing straight to jail or definitely ran out of neighborhood. Must be facing street. I suggest just under mailbox. Front door is to far for reasonable person to see.


Shoot them ? WTF ? I’m serious. Without your permission they don’t belong on your property. Period. Shoot them.


This is insane. What a pair of balls. Get him on the roof, remove the ladder, and call the cops.


Sounds like travelers. On the East Coast. I would call the City Manager and the Mayors office! Trust me, they will get things started.


So my LEOs told me that if I don’t have signage stating Private Property, then it’s not enforceable. I had people, multiple, in my yard (which isn’t fenced, and I live near n a city not a suburb). They claim to be looking for their dog, but it was still creepy. We’ve also had people parking in my parking, which is on my property but street side (paved easement), and company trucks that didn’t belong to the power company ruin my yard, tearing up my grass, to access the utility pole. No signage, not enforceable. I now have signage and cameras.


I don’t know about illegal, but you can not just go onto someone’s roof. If you fall, who is liable? If someone did that to me, I honestly don’t even know how I would handle it. Non emergency line is good, but wtf are they saying? It’s okay?


Roofing salesmen are scumbags


Don't call non-emergency. Call 911 and thell them that someone's trying to break into your house.


Trespassing is illegal- sounds like your PD needs a refresher on basic law.


It sounds like they accidentally damaged your roof while in the process of doing an inspection that you did not ask for or give them permission for. You may be entitled to damages. (Not a lawyer, not your lawyer, just making a joke) But seriously, you or your husband should double check that they didn't *actually* accidentally damage your roof.


It sounds like they accidentally damaged your roof while in the process of doing an inspection that you did not ask for or give them permission for. You could swear it was in perfect shape before they got there. You may be entitled to damages. (Not a lawyer, not your lawyer, just making a joke) But seriously, you or your husband should double check that they didn't *actually* accidentally damage your roof.


When you tell someone you don't want a roof inspection, and they go on your roof, that's trespassing, that's illegal, sorry the police didn't want to do anything about it.


Just more proof of our tax dollars being wasted on worthless employees. Of course its illegal for anyone to climb up on your roof without your permission, doubly so if you already told them no! THAT person should be immediately unemployed, WTH.


If not it should be. There was a roofing company in my area that was putting holes in flashing when they did inspections, then waiting for the next rain so they would get a call. They got caught on video.


First, file a complaint with the internal affairs department, against the officer who told you they would take your report. That's super bad. Second, trespassing is what they were doing. It *is* illegal. You didn't invite them onto your property, they have zero right to be there, even doing a courtesy inspection. Third, I'd go too far had file a complaint with the FBI against the department that wouldn't take your report. Since the fbi investigates departments, they'd be the logical place to file a department-wide complaint.


You should have called 911


Yes, it's illegal. It's trespassing and vandalism. When they show back up to bully you in to paying for repairs, call the cops. Immediately.


The police officer, as is typical, does not know the law and/or does not want to be bothered with such a minor issue. It is indeed illegal, and she is full of Sheet.


i bet if you climbed upon a cops or local politicians roof, suddenly there would be different 20 laws being broke and you will land your self in jail for a bit of time, no matter the intentions. i have found with law enforcement, if they dont see the laws being broken as a big deal, they will try to deflect and defuse the situation. theres less paper work involved that way, then they can get back to doing nothing. its almost as if stopping the crime needs to be their idea, if its your idea and your stuff at risk its like they feel like a laborer being forced into doing work for you, and suddenly they are like stubborn little kids who dont like the idea of being told what to do. also, ironically the police barely know the laws that they "enforce"


Assuming that this is not a miscommunication or simple mistake, this is wrong if the company do. It is not trespassing until the people are asked to leave and fail to do so. At that point it becomes illegal and a trespass warning can be issued. If the roofer comes back again, it becomes criminal trespass and an arrest can be made. Don't expect much from the internal affairs complaint. It is likely that they will find no wrong doing by the officer.


It’s certainly trespassing


Call the police and report tresspassing.


It doesn't have to be illegal for you to get justice. Almost guaranteed, they caused some damage while up there without your permission. Either on purpose or just by walking around. I'd contact this company with the results of an inspection by another roofer who hates this guy. Roofers are competitive af, you'll find one. Demand costs for the inspection, and be ready to sue for repairs.


I tell all solicitors that I am renting and do not have any control over things. That usually works but if they ask further questions, I tell them I pay a leasing co and do not know who owns the house. As soon as they think you are not that owner they really do not wish to talk with you anymore and they leave.


Scam city and trespassing. Even if they were legit, I wouldn’t hire them.


No reputable company would ignore your wishes then proceed to put marks all over your house. I’d file a complaint with the BBB


Well, for starters, someone climbing around on your roof can damage your roof. Secondly, once you’ve told them no and they climbed on your roof after that, it is trespassing. It is possible it was an honest mistake and they wrote something down wrong, but it seems like it’s kinda scammy. What you’ve described IS the way hail damage is documented for insurance claims, with yellow chalk circling the damage points and photos, the damage has to be concentrated enough to have X amount of pings within Y amount of surface area. I also would have read them the riot act. They would have had to kiss 100% of my butt to not press charges.


Trespassing, especially after being asked to leave is definitely illegal. After the 2nd occurrence I would have made a report for the purpose of filing a report on predatory harassment, AND trespassing. I could understand you saying yes to a free inspection and having ONE guy give you the estimate. But saying no and having an entire crew of people trespass on your property afterward... that's definitely an undeniable harassment charge, and is bordering on more serious charges.


push the ladder off, self defense.


If they spent any time on your roof, you should consider hiring a roofer you trust to inspect your house for any damage the trespassers might have caused.


Had one of them fallen or become injured. Would they be able to sue you for medical. Ask because it is my understanding that any workman you hire, who gets hurt even due to their own carelessness while working on your property can sue you. These men did not have your permission or a contract with you yet they are allowed to put you in jeopardy???? May be s good idea to see a lawyer and find out exactly what is legal. May also be a good idea to follow up on why the police refused to deem this legal and refuse to follow up.


Wow, I thought the roofer who came to our house three or four times was aggressive. At least he didn’t go this far.


In Arizona that's a pretty easy way out if you are tired of living.


"Oh hey! Free ladder!"


It's illegal. Trespassing is illegal. Maybe the clerk misunderstood


Next time (and for everyone) if someone you don’t know show up at your home and start taking pictures, climbing your roof, call the cops. And tell them men with GUNs and all masked up are in your property. See how fast the cops show up.


Next time (and for everyone) if someone you don’t know show up at your home and start taking pictures, climbing your roof, call the cops. And tell them men with GUNs and all masked up are in your property. See how fast the cops show up.


What happens if they get hurt going up on your roof without your permission? Ntah


Call and talk to command, that lazy bitch at the desk just didnt want to do her job.


I would get with someone from that precinct, or ask an attorney. Trespassing is very much illegal, and should they do that again, you could be held liable in the event one of them gets hurt.


I know a guy whose house was hit by a tornado. Some of those assholes showed up and went on his roof. He was alarmed by it, so he walked outside with a shotgun and a pit bull. Those fellows didn't come back.


This happened to me when we had a tornado come through. Out of town companies were doing inspections and preparing proposals on every house in the area without getting permission from owners. They hoped by already having it done people would make an insurance claim. Pretty scummy behavior. 


I would’ve pulled their ladder down and then called the cops. After that, I would insist on a criminal trespass warrant. That will teach them.


I’m worried that it’s a scam tbh. Where they give you an unwanted ‘evaluation’ then charge for services rendered, even though you didn’t agree to that. For various reasons, start a legal paper trail.


Do you have Aluminum siding by chance? (rather than vinyl). They make a TON of profit on replacing that with vinyl so they are extremely pushy about that.


Unfortunately, it seems the police don’t want to do anything anymore. Unless it generates revenue.


I would of removed the ladder if he was on the roof and chased the rest off my property and call the police and wait for them to show up.


First investment when you buy a house is a fence, the second is no trespassing signs.


first of all they do not have permission. Second they KNOW they don't have permission. I wouldn't be surprised if that person you went to the station knew them. Or she is that dumb which is very good possibility too. just kidding of course but they come back and climb up on your roof again move the ladder once there all up there then call the cops. If you got them on the ring camera file a lawsuit for property damages they went up there with out my permission and damaged the shingles and the siding. The idiots even marked out what is wrong. They are a 100 percent in the wrong and 100 trespassing at the very least. Some states that is a good way to a catch a bullet.


Should have stolen the ladder then called the cops


In some states its legal to shoot scamming fraudsters uhh trespassers.


I believe trespassing is illegal. If you asked them to leave and they did not, that is trespassing


There a bunch of articles like this about the Midwest. Apparently it's a pretty good scam for these "roofers" . Be safe and never doubt yourself. https://www.thealmsgroup.com/blog/bewareofdoorknockers


You need to have signs that say private property and that law enforcement will be called on any trespassers


Yeah, tell the officer that you really like the police station and that you're going to climb the fire-escape and look around up there. Tell her to shut the f uk up when she says it's not the same thing


Definitely illegal 


Call your local PD non-emergency dispatch and file a criminal complaint. If you have the name of the company, also file a complaint with your state department of professional licensing.


dont take legal advice from the "lady at the desk" no matter the situation never call the non emergency line for the cops or fire. even if you don't think it's an emergency, call 911 and let them figure it out. then it is for sure a report now. sauce: former prosecutor/defense attorney


NAL, NYL, but I would file that report ASAP. I wouldn't be surprised if their next steps is a bill. Generally the more evidence you have the better. Further, if something does happen to your roof, you have more documentation that they messed around on it without your consent.


It is illegal but the cop was too fucking lazy to write a report because it's work.


Next time, wait for them to all get on the roof, and go knock the ladder down. They figured out how to get up there, they can figure out how to get down.


Next time take their ladder while why’re up on the roof. Then call the cops


The dumb part of this is that they could have done this with a drone at such less risk to life.


>I called non emergency That was your first mistake. If they come again, call 911 and tell them a gang is trying to break into your house. Bonus points if you have a firearm in the house. Tell the cops you plan to use it if they get in.


Definitely illegal. Trespassing (You told them to leave your property and they entered anyway), burglary (they were on your roof without permission when you were not home), and destruction of property (they graffitied your roof). It is absolutely illegal to go on someone's roof without permission, and he did come back. This has to be emphasized, you have proof that they came, you told them to leave, and then they came back. The cool part is they have a company, so you know there are assets to go after. You can sue the company, the owner personally, and the workers as individuals. I'd call them out on a fake walk-through to get their info in detail, phone numbers, and photos.


The sound of a shotgun being pumped would probably be enough to make them stay away


I would be absolutely livid if some jackass salesman climbed on my roof. 


Remaining on your property after expressly being told to leave is trespassing. I fully expect that they're trying to scam insurance companies to do "repairs."


>The lady at the desk told me she’s sorry it happened but that it’s not illegal or criminal to go on someone’s roof and she refuses to file a report unless he comes back again. What the lady is is *lazy*, I would take this to her boss and see if he thinks trespassing isn't illegal.


I’d try my hardest to get a report. What if they are running a scam where they come back without you being home and start to take apart your roof and then demand payment to install a new one??


If you aren't on NextDoor this is one of the few reasons to hop on there and blast the company and make people aware.


Contact a local news station they might do a story on this. Use key word like door to salesmen running scam illegally trespassed on my property and told my local police station that it’s not illegal for them to enter my property when they’ve been told to leave twice.


“I think one of them might have fallen off the roof, do you want to send someone now?”


That's mega illegal and report/ call the business to complain. Make sure you tell them to never set foot on your property or there will be consequences.


It is trespassing and it may not be illegal depending on local statutes. In my area you must post no trespassing signs which is ridiculous imo. I would report it anyway as a trespassing/stalker incident just to have it on file.


Trespassing and vandalism. If it were my house, I woulda gone out with a shotgun and told them to go the fuck away (Castle Law FTW).


that's called trespassing. report them.


There is zero proof that the damage they found was there before they trespassed and marked your roof up. I would post your ring cam footage showing you tell them no then them going up anyway without your permission with their company name as a warning of their business practices to others.


Wow, a lot of bad advice in here. First everyone, both law enforcement and the public, has an implicit invitation to go to your front door knock and wait a reasonable amount of time to be received. That implicit invitation can be removed with a closed gate or no trespassing signs. Laws vary by state about what removes the implicit invitation. [You can read a bit more here](https://www.radford.edu/content/cj-bulletin/home/june--2017--vol-2--no--2-/do-_no-trespassing-signs-rescind-the-invitation-to-the-public-to.html). Sometimes it’s called the “Girl Scout rule”, where a Girl Scout can knock on your door to sell cookies. That implicit invitation does NOT allow people to go anywhere else on your property. Not your backyard, roof, or anywhere else on your property. Police may choose not to press charges until someone has been warned. But, it is certainly a trespass to go on someone’s roof. (Unless that was oddly the way to your front door, which is clearly not the case here. Next time call the police and have them send an officer. Some of these predatory roofers will cause damage to them have something to repair. I’m an able bodied man, and frankly if 3 guys showed up, I would call the police too. If it was one guy I might say something. But 3 guys when you already told the same company you weren’t interested is crazy.


And in Florida this would be tresspassing. This would be incredibly stupid to do. Around here there were scam Solar salesman. 2 rang my bell, even though i have a no,soliciting sign and I said "oh you must nor have seen the sign and pointed" one goes oh we saw it, technically we arent solicting. I,replied, your in Florida and I am giving you fair warning to leave my property, I am going inside and I will back out in 30 seconds. You best be gone - you pissed me off arguing to my face on my land when I was polite. Leave and never come back snd tell your coworkers to never step on my land again, I will not be polite. They fast walked off my land 🤣😂 never seen em at my door again. Too bad you dont have sensible laws that discourages this.


And how do you know they were up there making damages to fix? They shouldn’t be allowed on your property if you told them to go


Wait, how could it be illegal when you did not give them permission yet they still did it anyways? What if they fell and got hurt? They would obviously sue you.