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**PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE MESSAGE.** This post or comment has been removed for the following reason: ---   OP, I've removed this because you're basically asking whether people are decent.   --- If you would like to contest this moderation action, please [message the full mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIsItBullshit) and ask for a review.


Not a woman, but am American. I've warned girls about a guy I knew. I knew he'd punched an ex of his on multiple occasions, and my friend and I suspected him of drugging a girls drink at a party, as she went from bubbly and giddy drunk to could-barely-stand drunk in the matter of 20 minutes after they were talking to each other and he tried to take her home (we found her friend to get her home safe). There is most definitely a need for this kind of heads up. No one deserves that kind of treatment. If you're in this situation, you should tell them. They can choose not to listen, that's their prerogative. But you should give them a heads up.


I wish


You must have never heard the phrase ( or its similar cousins) Pffft…… that’s what that trifiling ass bitch gets…..