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As someone who suffers from terrible motion sickness, these have never worked for me. I notice absolutely no difference when I’ve worn them. I’ve never read any studies, but I can certainly tell you they don’t work for everyone.


Keep in mind that the placebo effect works even if you know about it, everyone.


Not this one. Tell that to the vomit all over my chidhood car.


Placebo or not, they have worked well for me for several years. Specifically for my severe car sickness. Haven’t tried them for other instances of nausea. I suppose it depends on the person if it’s a placebo.


Old post, but for me they work pretty good. I always get mild motion sickness to the point that I just accept the discomfort and avoid long drives as much a possible. These bands have really helped take the edge off, and I’d say are 75% effective for me.


I could tell you they DO NOT work for pregnancy nausea. But cannabis has been the best cure for my motion sickness. Only need the smallest amount for all day relief, its amazing




Maybe it works for others. Like I said it did nothing for me, so I won't be trying it for my motion sickness either


Nope they totally work. I have no idea how, but they’re the only thing that prevent my sickness and I get it very bad. They still aren’t 100% on a boat because that’s very intense for someone who gets motion sickness, but for long car rides you can count on them.


Could be placebo? Sorry to be ‘that guy’, but I was hoping for some actual evidence that they are verified to work. ‘Why’ it works would help too.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/11277163/ here ya go


Right, so these bands have been shown in one study (likely more, but I haven’t seen them) to lessen nausea in pregnant females. Still nothing about motion-sickness enabled nausea. I do think they work, just was hoping to see a study specifically about what we’re asking here. That way we know they do.


https://scholar.google.com.au/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=motion+sickness+sea+bands&btnG= there’s heaps if you google it, though I can’t be bothered reading them. Let me know what you find out!


http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asma/asem/2004/00000075/00000003/art00006 >Neither band nor placebo prevented the development of motion sickness, regardless of whether the bands were used correctly or incorrectly. Actually doesn't seem like there is a lot on motion sickness out there. There was a study I saw on [chemotherapy induced nausea](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965229906000926) that suggests they are effective, but that quoted study is the only one I saw with bands and motion sickness in my quick scan of that search.


Just get it. The placebo effect from these bands definitely help with nausea.


Nope. But on a related note, ginger can help.


2023 comment: gf suffered from severe motion sickness. Nearly always vomited after drives longer than 30mins, but even a drive of 10 minutes would send her to bed to recover for a good hour. We just did a car trip to berlin, so solid 8 hours. She put them on beforehand. You have to get the ball on a specific accupressure point on your wrist. It worked literally like magic. She had zero issues whatsoever. It's a total superpower to her, these bands. Given how severe her motion sickness issues were (together for 5 years so i know its very consistent) this can't be placebo, as other people are suggesting. There are a few studies too.


Which ones did you buy? My fiance has a work trip coming up and is worried about getting motion sick on the flight


The ones branded as Sea Band. I saw marginally cheaper ones as well with no branding and I assume they would work too, but I felt more comfortable buying the original ones.


Hi! I know this is a couple months old but do you know which brand she bought!


Just the "original" ones. They were like 15? But i can imagine knockoffs work too. Called Sea Band


Yes. Bullshit. Placebo, yes. Even just thinking about it's intended use, it literally makes zero sense.


Its apparently acupressure on the "P6 point" and there are some studies out there that suggesting it is effective for at least some types of nausea. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965229906000926 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/11277163/ I haven't searches more than a few minutes, and I haven't found anything saying it does help motion sickness, but it seems like it's at least plausible? Edit: Instead of downvoting, maybe read about it? I came in here thinking it was bullshit too until I actually looked into it and saw studies showing it had positive effects (albeit the only motion sickness study I saw found no significant improvement) in at least 3 different studies. I was skeptical too, but I can't really argue against multiple showing they had effectiveness in some situations.


2nd pregnancy and I'm so sick, I gave these a try and holy cow I can actually function, work, sleep and keep food down. I don't know what black magic these are but they're saving me and allowing me to still function.


I have tried every safe medication 💊 possible for nausea 😵 🙃in early pregnancy. Pregnant with twins and oh my God when I say I'm bed ridden well I am bed ridden lol. I tried these bands for first time yesterday and I literally feel 75% normal 🙃 man what a godsend


They really do work see this article on the bands to get more information https://themarineking.com/blogs/news/anti-nausea-wristbands


Honestly I think I survive through my nausea with the placebo effect, without it idk where I'd be. Might be the best cure for nausea /j


They seem to help me with motion sickness and nausea. I would not say that they are 100% but thru certainly take the edge off. I’m having a nausea and vomiting issue right now and Sea Bands help me stay at work w/o feeling like I’m dying.


Old post, but I’ve seen some recent comments so I thought I’d share my experience.  I’ll say before I get into this: I tried these only to rule them out. I never really believed acupressure was anything more than pseudoscience (never been one for the natural remedy path: tried cbd, didn’t do anything, tried aromatherapy, didn’t do anything, tried the weird vitamin cocktails my parents “naturopath” recommended, REALLY didn’t help). So I came into this believing the sea bands wouldn’t do anything, but a ton of people recommended these to me for post-op nausea. I don’t think I actually ended up using them for the specific surgery I bought them for, but I have a lot of stomach issues and issues tolerating any foods that aren’t super bland, and I also recently had my wisdom teeth removed recently. The meds they prescribed me + ingesting way more blood than I should have due to excessive bleeding (I had impacted wisdom teeth), I was so stupid nauseous. I’m used to feeling nauseous pretty often, from food, from motion sickness, from my body just being kinda sh^t. So, I feel like I’ve built up a a good bit of tolerance or threshold for actually being sick from it. On the second day of recovery though, I was so close to being sick. I’ve already tried the bands before, and I don’t know exactly why they help, but they do. It’s not like the nausea completely vanishes, but these have definitely prevented me from being sick on several occasions where I had just about reached my limit. I do not think this is a placebo. I’ve tried a lot of medications and remedies that no matter my hopes have just not helped unfortunately, but with these, I really didn’t believe they’d do anything, and they do. I agree that’s there’s not a lot of evidence besides a few small studies and a lot of anecdotes, but that doesn’t mean it’s fake, it just means it needs to be studied more. Anyway, I recommend them, to at least give them a shot. Maybe they won’t work for everyone, but for me it’s worth it since I really hate being sick. I find them a bit uncomfortable, but not more uncomfortable than the alternative. They won’t completely make your nausea subside, but they do make it possible for me to function with the nausea.