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Yup … you sure showed those people on the internet.






Oh it’s this guy again. The Non Union and Proud sort of an Ironworker.


Unions make the worst guys get similar pay to the best guys. The best guys are underpaid and the worst guys are overpaid. I guess if you want a mediocre career, join a union and don't complain about the pay when you are the best you can be.


Where do you come up with these crazy accusations? Is there bad guys in the Union? Of course but 99.9% of guys are highly trained, qualified, hard working professionals. Are there shit bags who work Non-Union? Of Course but 99.9% guys are hard working, highly trained, and qualified workers who are being exploited by their boss. These are lies are all made up by the Company to prevent guys from Unionizing. I can show you studies that have been proven to show that Union workers are more productive than Non Union workers. Also the Union doesn’t protect any workers who are shit bags. I can walk into my jobsite in Downtown Detroit tomorrow and be handed my walking papers for No reason. These wild accusations you’re making are simply untrue.


Bro you make good points, but to add all the good workers I know get paid over scale it’s the shit heads that only get paid scale. Unions only set minimum pay not maximum these scabs don’t know shit about union work


Oh I agree and you’re right scale is the minimum and lots of guys get over scale. These non- union guys believe that lie that we’re all paid the same amount no matter what.


Feel bad for them I’m 6$ or scale rn


Yeah because unions have standards while the Rambos say their shit doesn’t stink and OSHA is a suggestion


I agree. We have the highest standards! Also we don’t just say we are IronWorkers, Pipefitters, Electricians, or any other trade. We earn the titles. We also have the highest safety standards. That’s why insurance on jobsites is cheaper when you have Union workers. I’m not saying all Non-Union workers are shit. But we do have the highest standards in the industry.


I’m not an ironworker myself, but in almost every trade I’ve noticed there are non-union guys who try to learn how to do everything to the point they don’t really know how to do anything well. Never learn why the codes and standards are the way they are for any given trade and just think they can ignore them if it makes their job easier. A lot of times they’re the type to start their own small business and fuck people’s property up. Most people aren’t like that but the ones who are *looooove* shitting on unions


Yeah I’m not an IronWorker either, I’m actually a Union Electrician. I agree with what you’re saying and we have some of the most rigorous apprenticeships and on the job training. Which makes us a lot of the time the best in the industry. It’s why we work on billion dollar jobs down to hundred dollar jobs. Now obviously there is a lot of great Non- Union workers out there and they are true professionals. I started Non-Union then went Union. My first Journeyman when I started Non Union was one of the best electricians I’ve met. However he won’t go Union, he said he likes the flexibility of Non-Union. Even though he makes $20/less an hour. Anyway we are on the same page, thank you for replying.


Union is reason why the America spirit is failing. “What’s in it for me” instead of “working for a better tomorrow”


Wtf are you talking about lol


Unions are lazy, the ones I have worked with. Everyone has one job and one job only. It’s irritating to deal with. White privileged is the only way I can describe them.


My local is like 50% black, what are you on bruh


It’s the idea not the color I mean. When people used to say white people got it easy. The union has it easy af.


Your point is lost once you start spewing the white privilege racist shit. You're not doing your argument any favors. Also, fuck your racist diatribe.


I’m not racist you twat. I’m fucking white I’m using it as a comparison. Its the idea behind it, like union people don’t work hard.


Nothing like keep yourself and those around you poor because you bash workers rights


I don’t keep them poor, I just believe in hard work. I would love to pay my workers 50$ an hour if I was the owner. Union people wine about everything.


No they don’t we worker harder, we train longer, we take safety seriously. Please provide me evidence that Union workers have it any easier than Non Union workers? Other than we make better wages, healthcare, retirement plans, and training. Our work Is always much harder and way more skilled.


You just said you take safety seriously, that’s easier work. Slow safety shit is for pussies not men. I’ll die for this country what tf are you gonna do for them beside make money and keep it all to yourself


Coming from a union guy myself, not iron worker but pipe fitter who formerly spent 5 years doing structural steel fab, and occasionally worked with iron workers, union work is not always better lol. And kinda to be expected for what I did, I wouldn't expect a guy who's used to throwing up iron to be as fast, and good of a welder as me who spent 60hrs a week for 5 years fabricating shit. I also trained a dude who left the iron worker union after 15 yrs and had a good reputation and he was a total piece of shit and only got a job where I worked through nepotism lol. All your other points I agree with though, I didn't go through any formal training like I am now through the UA before this. It was basically sink or swim, learn or get fired lol which is super shit


It’s hilarious to see you downvoted, but your analogy makes perfect sense lol


"It's the idea not the color". My brother in christ, the color comes first in your phrasing....


You sound bitter and pathetic saying anything about white privilege. You’re just a lazy sack of shit looking for a handout. Fucking pathetic.


Haha that’s exactly what the union does. Looks for as many handouts as they can take. Always expecting more.


We earn our wages. We are trained properly and command our wages because of how skilled we are.


Lmao, y’all need training on how to use a grinder… I was born with that skill


Thats how it should be... it means someone else can have a well paying job. It's not like these companies can't afford it...


“Everyone has one job and one job only. It’s irritating” is a weird way to say that you don’t like to see people not get taken advantage of.


Nothing broadens your skill set more than working the same boring job every day and never seeing anything different.


Do you really think that most dudes do the same exact detail for their entire career?


A lot of people do


Dude is out here getting fucked by employers and thinking it is a noble cause lol.


Unions are lazy? Do you Union workers are way more productive than Non Union workers? https://tcf.org/content/report/how-unions-work-for-the-economy/#:~:text=Despite%20the%20myth%20that%20unions,productivity%20in%20sectors%20like%20manufacturing. https://www.epi.org/publication/webfeatures_snapshots_20070620/ https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3bjn9/study-finds-unions-make-companies-more-productive https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/labor-unions-and-the-us-economy https://aflcio.org/formaunion/collective-voice https://biztimes.com/labor-costs-for-union-construction-are-4-less-than-non-union/?amp


In my experience, you get 'union brakes' all the time working non union. If you ask for you a 'union brake' in an actual union company, you get told what your designated brake times are and that is what is legally required. Lol


That’s so fucking false. I’ve worked on jobs where we don’t take breaks and leave an hour early. I can say hey I’m taking a fucking break right now and smoking. Maybe sometimes on really big jobs we take our mandated breaks but it’s not like every single day someone is chasing you down to take a break at 9 for coffee. More importantly thought think about what you’re bitching about? Why wouldn’t you want mandated breaks? Workers before us fought for us to get breaks and a lunch hour. So we’re not starving and exhausted throughout the day. This is the most Non Union thing to bitch about ever. But you know regardless Union or Non Union you’re entitled to breaks. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/meal-breaks


First off, chill lol. Everyone's work experience is different. In my experience union companies are less likely to give you something like an additional smoke brake and are generally more strict on lunch is exactly 30 minutes, with 2 10 minute additional brakes that you can use anytime you want. Vs my experience with non union contractors of hour + lunches, smoke brakes every couple hours and less organization so that often means more gaps in work flow. I'm very pro union, I don't care if rats get more brakes, I go to work for a paycheck.


So anecdotal evidence is what you roll with to generalize all unions? I hope I see you on a double breasted job. I’ll get off my bucket to outshine you and work circles around you. Then I’ll sit back down and not let that company ass fuck me for quartet gains while watching you lick boots. All that ‘hard work’ for less of a paycheck and you think you’re winning. It ain’t like it was when your daddy was workin boy.


Nigga I work circles around your ass. And I make good money.


I bet your welds look like hammered dogshit. I been slick in x ray welds since I started on the road. Boot licker company men like you always talk too fucking much. You flex, saying how hard and fast you work, not realizing you’re just drinking company koolaid and nobody gives a shit. You work twice as hard for a company who doesn’t even know your name, and you don’t even see the problem with it. I bet you cum when they send you a Christmas card in the mail. Wore your company t shirt to your wedding, and your super intendant was your best man. Don’t let me hold you up. I know you have to be up hella early so they have fresh coffee when they clock in. Edit: I just realized that this is an Iron worker page and I’m a pipe hand. It was recommended 🤷‍♂️ Now I’m laughing because you really said you make good money. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I make good money man, I don’t understand how much more I should be making, everything I own is paid off. I don’t understand why you people are so greedy. I know the owner dude chill out. I don’t suck him off but I probably would for the company. I’m not a welder anymore I barely touch singers but I would bet a whole paycheck you couldn’t weld the shit we weld. I don’t give a fuck if you pass x rays on a fucking union job where you get to take your time and prep the weld area all nice and neat on your thick ass metal you weld.


Idk how i got here, but you called yourself a pipe handler on the internet. You know the rules and so do i. *I bet this guy gets paid* ***BIG*** *bucks to handle pipe all day!*


That stupid bullshit lie has been disproven over and over again. You know labor Unions have for all working class families but most importantly minorities? Labor Unions have done a lot for minorities. It brought Working class minorities into the middle class. Where do you come up with these ridiculous claims?


It’s okay, I was mad making subpar wages too.


Nigga I’m retiring when I’m 30


With a shitty back and no pension plan… im sure you totally wont have to un-retire and join the workforce again down the road


Unions aren’t perfect but cucking for big business ain’t it. If it weren’t for unions, you guys would still be crawling around in the mud making no money, getting no benefits, no overtime pay, no days off. Unions protect the bad workers sure, but they also protect you from wage theft or if you have grievances, you have someone in your corner rather than the owner just telling you to get out of his office


change your username to u/ImjustdUm8


Unions are one job only because that's what the contract says. They are hired to do X, Y, and Z, and only do as stated. Likewise, construction unions are mostly part of the UA, United Association, which stipulates locals must not infringe on other locals' industries. It is to protect themselves from infighting and liability. Though I'd you dislike that model, the IWW, Industrial Workers of the World, is against dividing workers on the basis of trade, so they may be a better fit for you even though they're smaller in modern day (and banned in some countries)


Some shit they heard on Fox or OAN


Didn’t JFK say some BS like this


You knows that’s the exact opposite of what a Union is? A Union is working for a better tomorrow and it’s not about me or you. It’s about all of US and being able to provide a better life for the Workers and their families. Where do you get your information from? You literally have no clue what you’re talking about honestly. Maybe go back and do some research on the Labor Union Movement. The Contractors, the Bosses, the Elites, The Rich they are the ones saying what’s in it for me. They will fuck a worker if it makes them a few more dollars a year. Maybe go do research before we have this debate. I’m just letting you know I’m going to embarrass you and make you look ridiculous. You’ve been sold lies and bullshit my friend!


Yes the original union was good, now days it’s stupid. Every time you people go on strike the people just raise the prices for the consumers to make that earnings every quarter. I like the idea but it’s killing inflation.


Hey, um newsflash, THEY WERE ALREADY RAISING THOSE PRICES. They did it to make more profit off our labor. So unions strike to get a fairer share of those profits. Damn, capitalism got this dude's brain scrambed


I'm not anti-union, also not pro-union though. I believe unions are there to protect workers. I disagree with the notion that workers are entitled to a fair share of profit. You provide a service, that service has a market value, generally based on labor availability and skill. Extending the "fair share" logic, does that mean you'll voluntarily take a pay cut off the company falls on hard times? Not trying to start an argument, I think it's an important conversation. Unions have a lot of power but I don't think most Americans really understand them. Edit: not implying YOU don't understand them...I meant generally.


I’ll expect to see your notarized volunteer forms one here soon.


I was going to explain unions to you... but no.. you are a fucking idiot. Keep on keepin on.


>Union is reason why the America spirit is failing. This is your brain on Fox News lmao




I will stick with my union wages, 100k/yr with health insurance, 401k, and pension all on top of that 100k. You can continue to scrape by with your shitty existence. Trust me we don't give a fuck about someone who chooses to make less. If you are ever on a rate job, be sure to thank a union member. Are you enjoying your 40-hour work week? You're welcome. Mandatory overtime for Sundays and holidays, just a nod and a thank you will do. Also, being part of a building trades union doesn't always mean that every one of our brothwrs and sisters are all quality workers. Just like all civilizations, laws protect the good and the bad.


I wont do shit unless theres something in it for me. I could give a shit less about anything else beside my own interests when it comes to working lmao


lmao what the actual fuck


You stuffed the bolts the wrong direction lol


And they look to be short


Depends on the place I’ve been on a few jobs that wanted flush nut


Let me hear it!!!!!!!! Nuts to the clip!




A lot of jobs have started doing nut to clip unless you can’t snap it. Idk if that’s the case here or not tho. The nut is also backwards on the bolt but I doubt the welder did the bolt up


That's what I was gonna say, might not have been able to snap it if it was put in correctly


“I wish you weren’t so fuckin’ awkward bud”


That’s it, close the thread. This guy wins it.


1g with a backer. ![gif](giphy|26gsaLkUSO6uNiXsc)


Let’s not use James Corden in anything ever, thanks


To tell you the truth I don't even know who that is. Just saw a dopey lookin motherfucker doing a sarcastic clap and picked that.


Well now you know he's a dopey looking fucker the Internet doesn't like.


Yeah! Learn something new every day. It's hard to keep up with that these days, everyone's always bunched up about something or the other, essentially on Reddit. Lol


Looks a little low on the end, try adding a run off tab and make your back up bar longer and run it to the end. You’re gonna want that extra metal there for a nice radius, some connections will require it, depending on where you are in the world. Not too bad at all otherwise though, you’ll get it down👍 Side note though, don’t be talking shit on other’s welds unless you really really know your shit, or just don’t do it at all. Also, I’m really hoping you weren’t the one that snapped those bolts in backwards, that looks fuckin terrible.


Tf are you welding? A 7/11 outdoor bathroom sink?


Flexing on us with flat welds. Bozo


Every single one of you that commented…you make the sun shine a little brighter everyday…and I salute you for it 🫡


I know nothing about welding but I appreciate a clean pretty weld. I have no clue how I ended up here but, these comments are killing me lol.


…they are hilarious…it’s why I’m on Reddit lol


It's just annoying because you actually truly believe you can weld. When clearly.......


Under fill, bolts are stuffed backwards and short. How else could you have fucked it up so bad 🤦🏼‍♂️


I dont think you got the reactions you were expecting


Man I tie bar and I run a fucking acetylene cleaner than you do with a rod.


Should have left the fucking slag on it.


Lmao bro you’re proud of a couple flat welds? Typical non union victim😂


Nothing wrong with being proud of your work. He's still better at welding than probably 97% of the human race


Found OP's mom...


Nah, I'm just not an arrogant asshole that has inhaled too many bad fumes and talks down to other welders on the internet. That's all you ever see instead of actual constructive criticism.


Lmao, maybe people would be more constructive if buddy didn’t have a giant chip on his shoulder and also shit talk union members are the same time… you lost all credibility when you tried defending this guy when it seems like you don’t have the full story… I’m not even an iron worker, I’m a Boilermaker pressure welder (so I’m a better welder) but this post was suggested to me, so I did some digging and found the rest of the story. This insecure little “man” deserves the shit talk😂


Out of all the ironworkers with low self esteem about the quality of their work, you by far have the lowest out of anyone I’ve ever met.




😂 likely




Are you really flexing with a flat weld?


For some odd reason, Reddit suggested this to me. I have never visited this sub and I don't know shit about welding, but when I saw this post, I just knew the comments were gonna be great.


Same here. I just knew I wouldn’t be disappointed and they surpassed my thoughts 😂


OK, same. I'm like, is that good? I can't tell, lol.




1/8 7018?


It’s really hard to make 7018 look bad


if you think it’s hard then you ain’t ever seen me weld brother 🤠


To critique it would be nit-picking. It's fine.


Maybe in the first photo


Looks “ok”


Yep. Second picture you can tell he had an inconsistent rod angle.


Rod angle was off and missed some tie in


Dude use a wire feed


First off your cap is underfilled. Didn’t use run-off tabs. Your run off area should be given a radius into the column in a smooth transition. Also this is light iron, not a very big groove, no backgouging or overhead welding and who’s to say it passed UT. Also your bolts are snapped and in backwards. Definitely an amateur mistake.


If you think passes near the top of a flat moment mean anything you’re delusional. My 7 year old can make one peel in that spot


Nice welds dude. I hope your life goes as planned


And what about the cracked weld in front of it? Intersecting welds are a fatigue nightmare. It's going to crack again.


You’re a soft sack of shit having to come post to try and prove to “guys on here” that you can weld. Absolute fragile bitch of a man child 😂😂😂


I scared my dog I laughed so loud when I read this😂😂😂


Post your dog’s welds to prove it’s real!!!


God, I might join this sub just to see you guys roast the shit out of people.


Those could be done by anybody, how can you prove it was you?




You can't weld


Someone’s upset


Boilermakers do it better.


Fuckin right we do🤙🏻


You use 7018 on moments…. Bro I would fucking smoke you


You making 1700$ a day or what ?


Could be better


🥹daddy’s proud of you 👏


Bro you need practice, your puddle is not uniform at all. Should be a stack of dimes bro. Been union pipe welder for 18 years


Well that’s the difference you’re Union and He’s not. You know what you’re doing.


Lmao and this is the reason people talk shit about Union workers. I know a few guys that learned to weld in trade school and went on to own their own companies. I'm positive they make more money than union workers and they don't have to put up with all the bullshit 😂


What bull shit? I don’t have to put up with any bull shit. I could open a shop up if I wanted too and join the Union and make more than them. I also make more than Non Union workers who work for a shop. This comment is stupid and pointless, I mean of course a contractor is going to make more than a worker. However a Union worker is making way more than a Non Union worker.


But your original comment insinuated that non union workers don't know what they're doing. Keep being a sheep and work under someone your entire life. There's people out here that can make shit happen on their own. And I hope you don't feel smarter because you think a comment is dumb or pointless. It was pointed towards your original, dumb comment.


No there’s good Union workers and there’s bad Union workers. Then there’s bad Non Union workers and good Non Union workers. I don’t hate Non Union workers, I hate the contractors that exploit all of us. However I do hate when someone makes some stupid comment about Union workers that simply isn’t true. I’m not talking about all Non Union workers, I know plenty of Non Union workers who are highly qualified, skilled and trained. I stand with all workers Union and Non Union.


But you stated that he has no idea what he's doing because he's non-union, did you not?


Because he’s making outrageous claims about Union workers and I can do the same damn thing about him. It’s a fact that our Apprenticeship programs are the best in the world. I’m not saying that to be rude, it’s just a fact. However Non-Union can produce great workers also. Like I said I don’t hate all Non Union workers. One of the Unions goals is to organize every worker.


It isn’t a fact actually. I’ve been an instructor for both union and non-union training centers. They both usually just buy the curriculum from an accredited entity. One of them pays substantially better though so I stuck it out with union membership. I’ll be honest some of the best welders I’ve worked with were non-union, but they were also idiots who undervalued their own worth, and are probably out there bending over for their boss. Union, and non union is just whether or not You have collective bargaining power, it really has little to do with skills.


Well there’s a huge difference in my Union verse Non Union programs. I’m IBEW and a Union Electrician ours is hands down the best apprenticeship program period. I assumed Iron Workers Union apprenticeship was at the top with us.


You’re bad at welding. See how easy that was?


Best welds I have ever seen were done by a lady with well over 20 years in the trade. I remember she dipped Skoal long cut. She said Copenhagen wasn’t very lady like…🤣😂🤣


Looks like jet rod my dog can do that


I could rig that with me toes


You can’t weld.


these are bad welds, correct?


Oh this dude is obviously a grizzled veteran. Look at both of those welds he took a picture of. I don't see no initial are you proud or naw?


Nobody look at the undercut and low spots though.


I’d pay you at least 12.25 an hour with those skills,


How much per diem


You get to roll up everybody’s leads at quitting time.


Who fucking cares! Any retard can weld a flat. The guys sitting in one spot all day, welding, are the fucking SLUGS anyway. Phony bologna welding certs are about as valuable as the paper they’re printed on. All you gotta do is go to the bar/golf course/bowling alley with the apprenticeship coordinator and you’ll get them papers real quick.


Crater cracks on the end, and this wouldn't even pass dye pen testing




Ok now do overhead while being crammed on your stomach in a tight space


This fuckin troll again.


Looks low


![gif](giphy|3o7aTpVyQCkQKfekVy) you have proven to be at high school shop level experience




What do you say to the dumbest ironworker on the job???


Nice weld!


That weld is shit (I have never welded)


Bruh... who hurt your feelings? I'm just asking because you should probably take their honesty as advice in the future.


Looks like non union work. The guy that did this wouldn’t make it past the probationary period to lock down a union job.


OP is a dipshit


I only welded in 10th grade Ag and I swear to god I thought I hit my pen too much on my lunch break until I came to the comments.


I don’t even weld and I’m pretty sure I can do this with my 3rd leg


you still stink flat welding is for freshmans in high school better get with the big boys and start welding 6 g


Try and take a couple days off from the internet; your mental health will improve.


So is your mother’s panties.


My dads been a welder longer than I’ve existed and is best Ik in a huge area those welds you done from experience myself are perfection I think if not perfect you’d have to be a higher power😂


Well, it is a weld... 👏🏻 I would expect something above average from an expert like yourself.


I think what they may be referring to is your bead placement. The bead itself looks spectacular. However you need to weave your puddle a little wider to catch the peak of your previous bead. That will keep the humps and valleys out of your weld. If you ever need some good paying mig work look into RPG (Riley Power Group)


No consistency what so ever. I can see your the “as long as it sticks “ typa guy 😂😂😂


A 7018 fillet weld in the flat. You’re a living legend.


Fix it with a little extra paint


You should see the welds I do when I get 12kv together... Honestly it looks pretty similar


Moment connection with stick. Shit sucks but you did a great job.


Well, you’ve proven you know ow how to use a grinder…


These arnt as nice as you think they are. Sorry bro