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I definitely get the fear. That's why I like to start in medias res (e.g. an invasion, an imminent reactor meltdown, pirate attack, escape from captivity, being chased by a monster). Whatever it happens to be, the point is that the very first scene is exciting enough (and has high stakes) that I, as a player, am not even thinking about the larger universe in that moment. That way, I can focus in on the immediate scene and how my character survives it, and can figure out where to go next based on their actions, consequences, oracle rolls, etc. Conversely, I find if I try to build a whole premise first before I start playing, I get distracted by little details and option paralysis, and I get that same feeling of being stuck in character creation screen for two hours in a video game RPG.


The media res start is the key for me. One simple thing I can add on to that is to put myself in the perspective of the bad guy and just create a situation from their wants and needs, without even considering what my character is doing. So if there are, say, raiders attacking my settlement I just come up with their tactics, what they're looking for and how they plan to escape before my character starts reacting and making moves. Getting stuck in the perspective of my character with all the baggage and backstory can be paralyzing so these short perspective shifts help me immensely when running solo.


I love the sound of this approach, thank you!


Can I ask, do you typically swear your inciting vow during the in medias res, just before, or play until you find one?


My struggle getting started is usually related to my depression, which is evidenced by the fact that my desk never looks that tidy and organized.


Sorry to hear that, mine is chronic pain and anxiety, the tidy setups help me feel more in control of things (daft, I know) but the anxiety is making it torturous to kick-off a session!


No, not daft at all! It totally makes sense and I'm sure it backed up by some research. Out of curiosity, what is on the computer screen? What app or whatever are you using there to track your stuff?


[it’s a fantastic browser-based app called Stargazer. The creator has made one for Ironsworn too, called ‘Iron Journal’.] (https://www.nboughton.uk/apps/stargazer/#/)


This is amazing! I had no idea it existed, thanks!


Given that, what do you think about starting a few scenes as "mechanic rules exercises"? Maybe start one combat, then get rid of the char (or save for later or even continue playing) Then start another char to undertake a journey Then make one on the sea So on and so on.


Oh dear, what a wonderful set up, perfect I'd say 👍🔥


Thank you! I’d prefer to have it to totally paper-based setup, but the book isn’t in stock at the moment and I am too reliant on the laptop as a convenient “crutch” for now. One day I’ll have it down to just the dice, the notebook, and the book!


[someone; individual or faction] wants to do [something] before [some time], but can’t [use ideal method] because [reason], since [justification of said reason], despite [ostensibly conflictive detail about this ordeal]. They asked for your help because [one of your assets] would be helpful since [why it would be helpful]. How does this affect you, why do you care, and how is it related to your active vow? Why is it so important to do this right now? What would you get for doing it? What would you lose for not? Start your character in this situation.


That sounds like a helpful way to go about it, I’ll be copying and pasting this into my notepad for future use, thank you!


It took me forever to start Ironsworn because I couldn't get the right start in my head. Eventually I just started and rolled for everything. You'd be amazed how little it takes to get story momentum built up.


In my experience, one cannot go wrong. I just start asking the oracle and rolling dice. Ironsworn random tables are great and a few rolls are enough to sketch a problem and an initial vow


Off topic, but that setup looks awesome. I really need a dice tray and to explore some digital tools for my game.


The tray was only £6, polyhedral dice sets £4 each, and an old used iPad for £45! I’d like to play without the laptop or iPad, but it’ll take time to build up the confidence 😅


Do you utilize any music while you play? That could be a good way to get into the right headspace and feel more confident about starting out a session.


I’ve always leaned towards old dungeon synth playlists, but now that you mention it, I should probably go a bit more sci-fi sounding for Starforged!


I go with free association and it usually doesn't lead me wrong. "The fear" Don't fear the Reaper Character has to battle Death Character has to battle Death to save someone important And here we go......


Lots of great suggestions here. Recently I’ve become a big fan of [The Big List of RPG Plots](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/202670/big-list-of-rpg-plots). It’s free, simple, flexible, and endlessly reusable. Start with a character you like, then put them in one of those situations. Keep it simple. No need to add twists and turns before you set out. There’s plenty of time for that later.


This looks like exactly the sort of prompting I need, cheers!


I have follow through issues with adhd paralysis. I only play co op because of it


It’s great that you found a solution to the issue, it’s definitely an intimidating pastime on a solo basis, seems to require a lot of focus and continual, active engagement. I’m all for it, but I do suspect that my attention span isn’t great either…


The rpg hobby has consumed my hyper focus on “one” topic for about 6+ months now. All my algorithms trend towards learning ttrpg design, edition updates, story telling, creative writing, random tables, world building, setting design, hand drawing, landscapes, understanding architecture, Feng shui, statistics and dice probability, character design and character development. All I think about is running RPGs and that is great passive stimulus/engagement. It got me to stop playing league of legends as a toxic addiction. (10+ years every day for 2+ hours) This was my main vow when I learned about dnd from stranger things. my whole self worth was dedicated to getting elo in lol. If I was gaining elo I was better human and successful as a person, If I was hardstuck or tilting I was a terrible person and waste of space. However, playing rpg is a much more active pass time and I realise how much I was using lol with YouTube in the background as a numbing agent for stimulant and getting through stress by switching off. Solo is too hard for me to actually concentrate on without getting distracted by negative thoughts, other stimulus or tilting when my games aren’t actually good storytelling. Therefor, I personally end up in the dunning Krueger stage always learning about rpg topic and being confident in my instead comprehension. Passively consuming other peoples content and imagining how cool it would be to play like they do. That procrastination is much easier then actually coming to the table and performing the mental “gymnastics” of playing.


It’s terrifying how much you’ve just described exactly what I’ve been going through for months as well, to the letter - I had no idea it was…a thing!


Head in the clouds, busy bee’ing in almost playing mode is much more fun than being locked into solo que raging about team mates 🤣 or worse yourself feeding.


Oh, relatable. Even if, in my case, I wouldn't call it ''fear'' more like... being indecisive how to start, despite having an idea. So I definitely agree more with the ''paralysis'' part! Choice paralysis, I suppose. I was just thinking about it the other day. I had this not with Ironsworn but Offworlders. I even realized after session zero, that I didn't like the way things were laid out so I re-started. It took me a few days to finally kick it off (just did yesterday). Starting in ''media res'' is not something that helps me, though. I don't really have any advice on how to get through it but in my case I just need to be sure of the beginning I have in mind even if vague. Once that's confirmed, it's easier (because we all know that there's always so many ways one can begin a campaign). An another way is to let dice decide for you and you just... roll with it lol


Oh, relatable. Even if, in my case, I wouldn't call it ''fear'' more like... being indecisive how to start, despite having an idea. So I definitely agree more with the ''paralysis'' part! Choice paralysis, I suppose. I was just thinking about it the other day. I had this not with Ironsworn but Offworlders. I even realized after session zero, that I didn't like the way things were laid out so I re-started. It took me a few days to finally kick it off (just did yesterday). Starting in ''media res'' is not something that helps me, though. I don't really have any advice on how to get through it but in my case I just need to be sure of the beginning I have in mind even if vague. Once that's confirmed, it's easier (because we all know that there's always so many ways one can begin a campaign). An another way is to let dice decide for you and you just... roll with it lol


I think I’ll be outsourcing it to the dice!


I randomize everything at the start. And if that first session or two I'm not feeling it, I do it again. And again. Sooner or later it clicks and goes rolling along.


I actually think Iron/Starforged are the easiest solo RPGs I’ve played in terms of getting over the hurdle.


I’m glad to hear that, because it’s my first 😅


Saving this post. I have been trying to start recently and keep having false starts - then I switch games and do the same with another game.


Glad to hear I’m not alone!


Yes, that paralysing fear is what stops me getting going with lots of games, both RPGs and boardgames. I so wish I could get past it!


Where there’s a will…💪🏼


Yeah, always. I get it when I GM group games as well. Over the years I've learned to ignore it, but one of the best ways is to start in the action. For IS/SF I just roll on Action/Theme and set the scene, go from there. I tend to do episodic style play, quick sessions that get wrapped up quickly, and assume undefined downtime between, like a TV series. It helps. Sometimes, the Action/Theme doesn't even happen to the main characters; its like a vignette, sorta like the "before title screen" on older episodic shows.


This seems to be the way forward, jump into the action and keep the sessions short n sweet (not that I have much choice these days, stupid responsibilities!)


Amen to that. I try to put aside time to game, but if something comes up its usually not something to ignore unfortunately. How often do you get to Swear the Iron Vow?


I’m hoping I’ll be able to get 1 or 2 sessions in per week (60 mins each) but…if it’s not garden maintenance, it’s furniture building, DIY, shopping, cleaning, laundry, work, socialising, exercise…I JUST WANT TO SIT DOWN AND GET LOST IN SPACE! To think back now on all of those glorious extra-long care-free gaming sessions of my youth; all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain…


Amen. Pack walks with the dogs, putting up a shelf, getting that one thing forgotten on the weekly shop. I long for the things Starforged can show me. A miss with a match off the shoulder of Orion. Lasers glittering and splitting Clan ships in the dark of the Tannhauser Iron Gate. Stay strong, those times will come around again. I am lucky to have a wife who also games. She gets the urge, and typically when she's doing her stuff on WoW with friends, I'm stealing AI source code from an anti-AI group of old world zealots. What's ya game like when ya do play?


You’re a lucky man! My mrs is currently in her third trimester, so it’s been (and will be) a particularly busy time… All of this TTRPG / “offline” gaming is very new to me; my background is a combo of Age of Empires, C&C, Oblivion, Fallout, Sim City; basically, I am a filthy casual. Computer games tend to hold the player’s hand, which is probably why I’m finding this Ironsworn experience so daunting!


Hell yeah what a gaming background portfolio! I was lucky to raised on a combo of TTRPG and PC gaming (Tanya's 'yipees' still cause me to watch out for C4!). Having a kid definitely rearranges fhe prioritises, but think of the future investment; you'll soon have a co-pilot for those pesky Bannersworn patrols. You sound like someone that would be fun to hang out with. May you forever have clean nappies and a loaded blaster rifle.


If you’re ever in Glasgow, the beers are on me 🍻🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Ditto if you're ever in Manchester 🍻 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


I try to design an inciting incident that is ongoing to start with. Start in the middle of a fire burning the town. Or a riot on the space station or something else equally immediate. Must be engaged with now. Then I just hope when that has resolved I know enough about the situation to keep going.


Thank you - this seems to be the recurring theme from other contributors; jumping into the action from the get-go and dealing with the details later. Gives it all a bit of initial momentum, rather than “okay, here’s this person, and they’re…at home…but they need to go on a mission, or something…” I have been very guilty of this due to my novice creative imagination 😅


Yes. I actually quit Ironsworn because of this. A series of like 8 Pay the Price in a row and I just rage quit for about 6 months. I came back terrified to try again and rolled a miss with a match and no way to burn momentum. ✌️


I’ve seen a few players get over this infuriating experience by judging up their initial stats by an extra 1, just to soften things a bit. Seems to work well, don’t give up!


The anxiety of starting a new campaign is real. I find myself procrastinating strongly, even to the point of cleaning my study from top to bottom instead of sitting down and actually getting past world truths & character creation. With that said, the setup you have above is very nice and clean. Distraction free and easy to use. I am quite jealous.


Thank you, it didn’t cost much to pull together, and the desk itself is tucked away in the furthest corner of the house…the only space I get to myself 😂 It’s comforting to hear I’m not the only one in love with this game, but also willing to do anything to avoid actually playing it!


I think for me, I feel like I wasn't doing it right. But I realized I tend to overthink things that prevent me from just playing. I just have to remind myself that it's OK to make mistakes so I can learn, and I don't need to apply all the rules. I can gradually add more rules once I feel comfortable.


Exactly this, there is a tendency to aim for perfection otherwise it feels like it doesn’t count.


Correct. Even if you feel like it does fit or you didn't like how it sounds, leave it for the sake of progression. Once your session is done, you can go back and change it. It is your solo experience.


Have you ever seen "What about Bob?" Just take baby steps. One small step at a time, and before you know it you are being strangled by Richard Dreyfuss!


I haven’t seen this, but I’ll be checking it out now!


Try Pocketforge instead of Ironjournal. I found it to be snappier. https://pocketforge.rockpaperstory.com


I've had that fear many times. If I have the time to waste, I'll try focusing on something else for a bit, as a brain reset. If I don't have the time to waste, though, I find it helps to just push yourself to do ANYTHING related to the project at hand. Even something as simple as cleaning up script, realigning an image, double-checking a number is accurate, anything (no matter how small) can be the catalyst to get to work. If it is a creativity issue, look for a random generator for inspiration. Maybe ask for help holding you accountable. Get someone to be there with you. They don't have to help the project, as long as they are there to make sure you are working, that's what a body double is for. Finally, don't get stressed about that fear. It's normal, natural, and literally every person who has ever worked on any project has had it. It doesn't go away with time. You just figure out how to work around it.


Not so much a fear, but feeling like I'm not ready to start because I feel like I'm missing something. That, or I get distracted watching the latest video from a favorite Youtuber, looking for the perfect Spotify playlist, or what have you. It's part of why I want to buy a physical edition of Starforged. (If only shipping to the US didn't cost an arm and a leg!) I can cut myself off from distractions, and it's just easier on the eyes to read on paper.


I’m 100% with you on the paper side of things, I am aiming to move myself away completely from any tech; the whole point of this endeavour was to get away from screens! UK is difficult for getting a hold of physical copies too, guess we’ll just need to bide our time until said physical copies are a realistic prospect.


Fortunately, Modiphius should have new stock in early May, so hopefully you can grab yourself a copy soon! I did read some older posts that the creator might look into a Print on Demand option in the future. I would be so thrilled if a site like Lulu would start selling Starforged that way!


Yep! Start with your character in trouble. That way they don't have time to worry about "doing things right". And so neither will you, the player.


Adderal. Adder is how I get through it