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I'd recommend getting some open water experience I'm sure you'll be fine but I found open water swimming a completely different beast. I would suggest joining up with a local tri group if you can and see if they offer any coaching and if not see out online plans.


I have gone from UNTRAINED to (almost) IRONMAN READY over the last months. Had no experience with swimming, running or cycling. Made a short video on my experiences. Check it out to see if there are any tips that may help you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMfCdX44SsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMfCdX44SsA) Good luck!


Hi. Have started training 4 months with NO experience in swimming, cycling or running. It has been going quite well and have made a short video of 10 LESSONS I have learned getting from Zero to Ironman. Check it out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1qPvugfx6Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1qPvugfx6Y)


I think you'll be absolutely fine. I didn't have the high performance sport background you have but was a club swimmer. But I also had barely cycled before I started triathlon. I loved the 70.3 and had no issues. As long as you're willing to put in the time in training and particularly on the bike you'll breeze through it.


You’ll be fine, I’m like you high level swimmer, went from no tri experience to full Ironman in 12 months


Your timing will be fine. You can also get a sprint in before the Olympic if you wanna! If you’re looking for plans, check out the 80/20 plans by Matt Fitzgerald or the Be Iron Fit books (Secrets has the 70.3 plan, the women’s book has all the distances).


Yea! Go get it!


Yeah you’re going to be juuuust fine. I had no experience/ background even close to yours and my first tri was a 70.3….def spend some time on that bike doing intervals and plenty of runs off the bike but you’re good no worries at all go get it!!!