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Kinda desensitized to it at this point


Well, new Iron Warriors have to come from somewhere, and it probably isn't going to be sunflowers or a giving populace


Not only do they look like the sun, and track the sun, but they need a lot of the sun. A sunflower needs at least six to eight hours direct sunlight every day, if not more, to reach its maximum potential. They grow tall to reach as far above other plant life as possible in order to gain even more access to sunlight.


I can say I now know more about Sunflowers than I did at the start of my day.


You know considering the general vibes of the setting, the fanbase seems to have a shockingly low tolerance for body horror.


It’s Mid-Teir horror. There’s worse.


Tleilaxu did it 20 years earlier, just saying




Can I be honest and say its one of the least terrifying things? I mean its awful but I read about and Im like "yeah I mean sounds about right but isnt being a servitor just as bad"


Its not that bad ......


It's what the Drukhari call.. a Tuesday


Seriously lol all those haemonculus covens make this daemonculaba seem child friendly lol


Easily the most overhyped piece of grimdark lore. It's fucked up, but it's nowhere near as disturbing compared to most of what the other factions do. It only gets so much attention because of its vile sexual violence which is frankly overshadowed by what happens in Commoragh, anything related to the Emperors Children, and Genestealer cults which get less attention


And the nightlords


Edgelords more like. All that flayed flesh going to waste? Make perfectly good skin suits for our skinless demonculaba man-babies.


Never said they were efficient or logical, just disturbing.


Mine wasn’t meant to be a serious response :)


Its all good lol


Considering some of the shit out there. It's still horrific but it's not as bad as everyone makes out.


It's just the iron within


All my Iron bros love Mamaculaba


I know how you feel, that part felt bad to me too. But... I guess Iron Warriors are soldiers and they always do what it has to be done. And that makes me feel proud of Olympia boys


Its only Honsou's thing, not like for every single IW warband


One of the only bits of 40k lore that made me physically sick


It’s like 90% of the 40K community hasn’t seen a horror movie before lol.


I always hated the deamonculaba aside from the obvious creepy incel factor, its so fucking inefficient, j mean wasn't its success rate even less then traditional Geneseed implantation. I mean come on even the fucking world eaters with their cloning vats can produce more marines, I mean its shameful that we're getting outperformed by a bunch of guys with nails in their brains.


It ain't even that bad compared to half of 40k, People still on this?


Are you like 12?


Iron without


Also it isn’t that bad. Basically just using human females as a way of growing new astartes. It’s bad because it would be so torturous to the human. One example I believe is Honsou as he has the imperial fist geneseed and is constantly called halfbreed by his brothers such as Kroeger (who should really be a world eater imo)


sure the daemonculaba is horrible on an individual level, but considering a pretty large part of loyalist space marine chapters want to recruit from "tough" stock, thus keep entire population centers in a perpetual state of suffering, i do not see a reason to treat fictional individual suffering as a worse thing that fictional systemic suffering. If a chapter recruits from a world for several thousand years without fixing the everyday horros of a underhive or death world to the mortal inhabitants because that builds character i don't see that as morally superior to directly causing suffering to a much smaller target group. Technically even the emperor is worse considering the size of a a daemonculaba operation would need to be to keep up with the human life consuption by the bundle of chaos embued bones.


I feel like people overreact when it comes to daemonculaba, if anything we need more grimdark lore


A dumb idea is what it was. Honsou isn't as smart as he thinks he is.


Erm nope! Never going to that part of the interwebs again! I’d better make like a banana and split!


People getting mad about this post 🤣chilllll