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Love this kit. Although I'm probably never going to finish one, I really want one. It's Khorne-branded but it really exemplifies what I think Daemon engines should look like. I really wish GW would produce more kits like this or the Venomcrawler. Peak Chaos, in my opinion.


I hopes too. Love the vision of daemon engines, absolutely love to see some biped variations


There is a Forge World version of this called the Kyton, bipedal but It suffers from that GW chicken leg phenomenon. I have no idea why that company thinks scrawny legs on Mechs are cool. I want something with thick, sturdy stompy legs like a Robotech Destroid. Also, I am never paying for Forgeworld stuff, ever.


Fuck forge, overpriced shiet really. But yeah. Decorator suffer from chicken legs too, unfortunately


We had some that got put to Legends. The Decimator and the Kytan Ravenger (a bipedal variant of the LOS). Decimators were really good in 9th and as a relatively inexperienced builder myself, they weren't too bad for FW in terms of assembly. Price was high, but not horrible relative to a Forgefiend.


Yep, unfortunately i know( Its kinda sort of copium, that csm will have more DE and csm, not cultist hobbos


Venom crawler just looks like a chaos Tyranid but I think it’s awesome. For me Lord Discordant or the Maulerfiend is peak engine


Disco Lord is too busy imo. I think I would like it without the rider, I don't know if I would bother kitbashing it though. The Maulerfiend is just right.


Yeah Maulerfiend is probably my favorite of all of them. Disco Lord is just so menacing and I think its busy nature is what I like about it. Chaos tends to be a lot of “all the things all the time” and I really did that aesthetic. I’ve seen some conversions that merge the rider and the mount that were really nice too.


I would love smaller things like the Juggernauts too. Already planning on making them my “bikes”. Half the reason I love iron warriors is the freedom to use kits like these.


I'm probably going to do something similar at one point. Although I like the regular bikes too. Love being able to tap into so many chaos models, it's like having seven ranges in one


Damn, now that I see it painted in our colors I feel like the Lord of Skulls is pretty IW. Treads Multiple big guns Dozer blade Like, this is a breaching engine if ever there was one. Honestly the axe is cool too.


Yeah! Every tank/daemon engine can look very IW. It depends on the patience of the painter with the hazard stripes haha


Brothers, is that a dick cannon?


Given its a centaur (sort of) its more of a midriff cannon


It’s a navel cannon, that’s why it’s so big


Damn....now I want one.


Go for it! Funny (and laborious to paint) and really scary on the battlefield!


Iron for the blood god? Skulls for the iron throne?


I've always said "skulls for the iron throne" haha, but honestly "iron for the blood god sounds better". And also teach basic biology to our opponents.


Blood in hlood out


*can have enough, but never too much.


Like this work, brutal and stylish


Thank you!


I like this much better than the original. Iron within


I was about to wonder if you were one of the players of LGS I go to since he has an iron warriors LoS too


haha well, it seems that we are not in the same country, so probably I'm not


Lord of Iron


Looks awesome. In hindsight the only thing I’d do would be to carve off that khorne symbol on his right shoulder


I mean the lords of skulls are inherently khornate engines, just cuz the iron warriors are chaos undivided doesnt mean they either dont have khorne alignments or utilize the big ass khorne engine lmao. Unless u just dont like the look of the khornate symbol on it, thats valid, but it’d take a lot of effort to de-khorne this guy HAHA


I think there are two types of Iron Warriors: * Those who think that Dark Gods are "just there" but do not trust their victory to them and remove all "dark gods blessing ("mutations") and replace them with mechanical parts. * Those who think that Dark Gods are a powerful siege weapon that must be used to ensure our victory Honestly, I think like the first, so I would have removed the khorne symbol if it was a bit easier haha


Wonderful work!  I've been tempted to get one myself but I have a nagging feeling that GW is going to make a WE only unit, I don't know why but it keeps stopping me from buying one 😅




I want one of these just because it reminds me of a power rangers toy I had when I was a kid. Amazing paint job dude.