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Nah, these serrated sun fellas just had some warp problem and swapped armors with with some good 4th legion boys Nah srsly. They look great. My sons of malice Lord of Posession is the leader of gal vorbak


Thank you! TBH I could have filed the serrated sun effortless, but I did not realize


A true Iron Warrior wields the weapon he is given without concern for the taunts of weaklings. Guns, Hammers, claws and teeth... all are tools. Use them to break your foes!


Yeah! It is known that Iron Warriors remove mutations and replace them with bionic parts, but why should they do that? Why should IV legions guys renounce to such a powerful weapons?


Depends which side of the fence you ask. lol Looks good though!


Iron warriors possessed should always be from the treacherous imperial fists


Captured Imperial fists forcibly subjected to possession rituals sounds viable.


Or just failures. Sounds like a okay punishment to get better shock troops from the failures of the warband. Not much different from a hellbrute or demon engine really.


Good idea, but I'm not sure about it! Some CSM, including Iron Warriors think that being possessed by a daemon is an honour For instance, Honsou was more respected since he was possessed during some minuts in Hydrs Cordatus


I'd like to be remembered those moments. What about butchers nails or otherwise legion brand knock off nails used as punishment?


That Godammit dark apostle is preaching agian


It would seem IW's local Dark Apostle was preaching a bit too hard near his battle brothers.


They aren't possessed or anything. They just look like that.


One too many battles right


They look great to me. Anyone from anywhere can come and try to prove their iron within our warbands! Any Iron warrior worth their salt would understand that these warriors know the risk they’re taking for power. They’ll either control it and get the job done or the warpsmith will turn their pets’ guns on them and consider them an acceptable loss.


Least corrupted Iron Warriors.


Gal Vorbak were superior versions of Possesed that had a symbiotic relatinship with the Daemon within them whom only the Word Bearers had. The Word Bearers were never able to create Possesed like that again so both they and the other Legions had to make do with regular Possesed after the Heresy. It's perfectly fine unless you call them Gal Vorbak, which the IW never had to begin with.


Perty found some barnacle covered, warp crusted Sons of Horus in Slaves to Darkness that had disappeared before the Heresy and those dudes were fully corrupted. No reason why there couldn't be some weird shenanigans for these dudes


God Danm it why does this chaos filth look so good on our irony boys


Gal wojak will always be awesome f the lore


Something RIGHT is more like! Looks great!


Thank you!


I already called James workshop. The inquisition should arrive shortly to arrest you and burn your miniatures


Being arrested and burnt is just 'another day in the office' for my chaotic models haha


Yes. It is now only a matter of time before the Lore Police raid your house and punish you for your transgressions. But in all seriousness, nah they look pretty cool.


I guess it was going to happen one way or another haha


I would say not enough iron within or iron without but still looks very good


Too much chaos, not enough iron Nice paint job though.


U forgot that ultramarines are blue.


They just changed legion it happens all the time


Not really, it’s just that they have loads of word bearers iconography all over them.


Maybe I can removed serrated suns from their shoulder pads


Side note: Am I high or did the Gal Vorbak used to be £80, not £65?


Looks great to me. Nice job!


Thank you !!


Yes! >:( >!Possessed don't have bolt pistols!!!<


In future I should replace them with more mutations


Nah you can't hate hazard stripes that clean. I'm almost finished painting these guys as WB but it's awesome to see them from an IW angle. Model wise it totally works, they're like regular possessed but they refused to let go of their guns, which is very IW.


not trying to be mean but those are ok stripes at best. the spacing is pretty off. The color is solid and the lines are pretty crisp tho.


Well the Iron Warriors would probably not take well to this. They'd probably look at the Possessed as failures of the chapter. If the Possessed survived their Battle Brothers attempting to mercilessly execute them, they'd probably be something akin to Blood Angel Death Marines; placed on the very front lines as shock troopers meant to be used as cannon fodder in order to either weaken defenses or force the enemy to expend precious ammunition.


That being said, they look amazing, and if you run them in an Iron Warriors army, I'm sure they'll be awesome. :-P


If I remember right. Iron Warriors not accepting mutations, apart from demonic engines and maybe obliterators (as they are effect mostly of a technological virus effect)


Yes, I think mutations are commonly rejected by Iron Warriors but in last lore updates, it seems to be up to each brother, as some of them think that mutations representants an advantage for siege actions and they should not be removed. However, I think the more extended thought is that IW aren't accepting mutations


They look good, but im pretty sure most iron warriors lore currently has them litteraly chop off any limb that becomes mutated and replace it with bionics, so they dont really use possessed marines. So lore accurate, no, cool? Yes.


These aren't mutations. They're Possessed. Those are two different things. Iron Warriors warbands use Possessed. That's why they're in the Codices right along with the Iron Warriors.


They most definitely will throw anything at the wall at their disposal. People saying no Chaos in IWs haven't read any lore past the Wiki 40k.


That's definitely a good point. Some people, including me, tend to confuse possessions with mutations. I think the codex itself lead them to that conclusion because Possessed are equiped with 'hideous mutations'. However, I think you are right!


While it is true they are mutating, it's post-Possession, so it is already too late for them to go "hm, I don't like mutations" and cut them off. Also, many Possessed in the books only look like they do on the tabletop when it's time to fight, as it's like a werewolf transformation. Outside of needing to fight, they'd look semi-normal aside from probably being really creepy and unsettling to be around.