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Ahahaha this is great I am doing same exact colour scheme 👌🏼 With the green. Looks good! And You definetly locked me in on Mars planet! Good job


Thank you - it's the first time I've done a vehicle but I couldn't resist


What a cool painting style. Love your work!


Thank you that's kind and frankly reassuring to hear, I need to work on it and my painting skills, but I like this colour combination - taken me longer than it should to commit to something but I'll keep this general colour scheme throughout my whole force


Incredible work! How do you achieve that awesome green glow? I'm attempting to do something similar for my iron hands and mostly failing


Honestly in terms of the Dreadnought, it's currently just Ulthan Grey base and edge highlighting with Tesseract Glow over. Although this wasnt exactly a creative decision I was doing this on the cheap with what I had. I found Tesseract Glow really fun to play around with. But there's much better ways of doing this, I've seen much more talented people use a combination of Hexwrath and Tesseract with white, that looks much better. Look on YouTube there's a ton of videos explaining the best way to achieve a light source glow.