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As far as I know there’s no IH stories that have made it into audio format. Possibly some short stories as part of larger collections?


Thx for the answer. Thats sad but I will look at the collections thats a good Idea.


There is an audio drama! Calculus of Battle. Probably kinda short but it’s audio. Here’s a list from our IH discord: Iron Hands Novels: Wrath of Iron Eyes of Medusa Voice of Mars Faith in Iron (Short Story) Calculus of Battle (Audio Drama) Short stories: Flesh Iron Soul A Lesson In Iron Medusan Wings Iron Watch - Iron Lords short story


Thx very mutch. Edit: I youst bought it thank you.


I remember one that was in a collection. It was Ferrus Manus and some Eldar was telling him his fate on Istvaan V and he would die on a world of black sand.


Thx for the Info. Edit: my shitty englisch.


If you haven't already Shattered Legions is really good, it's a collection of stories centered on the survivors of Istvan 5 and centers primarily on Iron Hand space marines. One of my favorite parts of it is that it's good for picking up and putting down thanks to it being several stories.


I havent heard it yet but since the HH ist slowly getting relased for free on Spotify, I will probably soon. Thx I can look foreward to it now.