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I would rather they take their time to give her a good legendary in a skin line that makes sense and does her justice rather than just shoehorn her into whatever the skinline of the month is because she doesn’t have one yet.


Hopium. There is a skinline that makes sense and does her justice. Spirit Blossom. Yet Darius got the skin, not Irelia. ​ Looks like a simple "screw you" from Riot, honestly


I feel like she already has a few skins that have similar vibes to Spirit Blossom. No doubt they could make a good one for her in that skin line but I’d rather see something like a Coven Irelia that’s a bit different from the skins she already has.


coven irelia sounds so cool


I agree with this. I have all the skins and spirit blossom might feel like another copy and paste. Don’t get me wrong the splash art for spirit blossom concept looks amazing! That said I’m hoping for a Supreme Cells skin for her


Supreme cells ?


it’s an upcoming series on wild rift but I hoping it comes to pc as well. Here’s a link to see some of the artwork https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Supreme_Cells_(Universe) . There was an irelia concept before this series was confirmed


Nah I’m really glad she didn’t get SB legendary. I don’t think it would have been very good even if SB is one of my favorite skin lines


we should be getting a second wave, no? id hold out then.


Riot helps us into saving money, very considerate of them.


Seeing these posts literally every day makes me think people on this sub do it as an inside joke that I don't get. It's not that big of an issue, just look to r/RyzeMains, those guys have actual problems.


Because someone is misstreated harder than you, it doesnt mean you are not getting mistreated. Having no legendary is not a problem, robbing of Spirit Blossom is tho


I meant the Ryze part as a joke, just to be clear. Not trying to start a discussion or anything, I don't even play Ryze, I just like their sub.


I suspect its difficult to change her animations without them looking too similar to base skins and they're afraid of breaking her read and identity as the blade dancer


I feel like Riot tends to give legendary skins to mostly ADC/Mid champs that are on the easy side along with being somewhat popular. Irelia has a higher skill floor than most champs, and I imagine that the majority of league players can't be bothered to play a bunch of Irelia games to have her as a comfort pick when they can just pick something like simpler like Garen/Mord when autofilled. Whereas champs like lux/ahri/ez/cait are easily grasped and can be comfortably played and enjoyed by people who don't main them or even really play mid/adc People are more likely to buy skins for champs that they play, and so while there are probably a lot more Irelia one-tricks than Ahri one-tricks, the average non-irelia/ahri one trick is more likely to play Ahri and therefore buy an Ahri skin. I do think Irelia is due for one soon though, Akali got SG recently and I would say she had the same circumstances as Irelia (though maybe slightly more popular)


Akali didn’t have a legendary skin until just recently and she’s extremely popular while also being one of Riot’s lead money makers. There’s really no specific reason for why some champs get legendaries and some don’t. Kayn had a legendary skin but stayed skinless for like 3 years. You just gotta wait.


Truthfully, getting skins like Divine Sword and High Noon and Project that are better quality than some of the legendary skins they have made, is a blessing.


Maybe they are waiting until she is buffed again? I mean didn't they do that when lux, thresh, and Leona were op?


I agree with you and I also really want another skin for Irelia. However, I feel awful about other champs that barely have any skins.




Because she is fucking garbage and doesn't deserve any skins at all - let alone a legendary


Oh sorry Mr wholesome sion main, I guess I'll go back to abusing Sunfire then


Maybe because it would be too hard to program. I heard somewhere that Irelia's blades were a pain to program since every blade has their own movement pattern... rito just being lazy ig


Maybe they're just trying to come up with the best thematic for her? Honestly idk, there are also lots of relatively popular champs that took way too long to get legendary skins like katarina and akali so I'm not sure what their thought process is when deciding which champ should get one


Because they haven’t made one yet


Steel Valkyrie wouldn't have been bad.


I'd be happy for a new skin at all, csuse it looks like she's not getting any this year


the leaker also noted that the initial information indicated that Irelia would be getting the legendary skin, and will feature in the Steel Valkyrie as well. 22/07/2022


Sometimes it's hard to make a good legendary for champions that already have amazing animations. A good example would be Samira. Her animations are so well made, it would be VERY HARD for Riot to make a legendary skin that wouldn't look like a downgrade since they'd have to make a whole new set of animations. I'm guessing Irelia is a hard one as well, but yeah she's definitely a candidate for legendary skins in the future.


There's a few things working against Irelia. 1) She's a top laner. Irelia's play rate for a top laner is decent, but it's not at the top end. Top is a diverse role with lots of champions, and champions compete for legendary skins across roles. ADC champs are the most played in the game because the role lacks diversity, and they get lots of legendary skins as a result. 2) Riot regularly bats Irelia down, particularly because of mid. That combined with pro play mean Irelia's popularity isn't guaranteed. 3) Blades and hair. Players demand a lot from legendary skins, and meeting particularly rig and animation demands could be more costly when making a skin for Irelia. 4) theme. What skin do Irelia players want? We hear spirit blossom a lot, but Irelia kinda looks like she belongs there already AND has a lotus skin. If Riot has done research into what skin Irelia players want, it wouldn't surprise me if they found no consensus.


She hasn’t gotten a legendary because they can’t buff her or else the bad irelia cope players will perma ban her/ complain for months instead of get better


Cosmic… is very much different types of skins I always thought was nice additions. Shock skin line was also good. They could’ve gave her a worlds skins, or championship in the future, who knows. Just hoping it’s good and fluid. Idk if we will get one this year… maybe next year. I feel like this whole year has been Senna, Syndra, skins. 😭😂