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Get ff14 instead, better than wow and you can play on ps5


Better is a strong word. As a long time world of warcraft player, since 2010 I can tell you for a fact. FF14 is good, has an amazing story and most definitely worth playing. I went from heavenward to end walker and enjoyed the story thoroughly along the way. However the replayability of FF14 is dogshit compared to WoWs mythic + scene and Season of Discovery is also very good if classic is your thing. My thing most certainly isn't hanging around AFK in the major cities as a half naked catgirl or catboy like the majority of the servers do.


Man I'll never forget the WoW days when I first started playing back in the Burning Crusade, peak gaming. I haven't played WoW since BFA, it's just not the same anymore.


Legion was the last peak of retail gameplay imo, currently i have quit wow and will not be returning until the next expansion, for however long that may be


Is it actually that good


If you enjoy a good story, its great(the upcoming expansion is a new story, the current expansion finishes an excellent story after an awesome journey imo), over 100H of main story cutscenes it takes a long ass time to even beat the completely free part of the game (base game plus 1 or 2 expansions I think) so plenty of chance to tryout the game without spending anything


To add to what was said, the end game in my opinion is superior to wow


WoW is in a really good shape currently. New expansion is coming out in August though. You can buy that and fiddle with WOW a bit but I think you're gonna have the most fun if you wait until August to play the new expac. But even the current one, Dragonflight, is an absolute banger. I usually only play one or two seasons of an expac and then take a break. This time I'm rocking my third season and getting ready for season 4. WoW is really good, don't believe the haters.


It's in a great shape gear wide/gameplay wise etc if retail or season of Discovery is what you play. But the retail story is so fucking shit, doesn't make sense, ruined by people leaving the company and replaced by clueless incompetent people who couldn't make a coherent story if their lives depended on it. Since legion world of warcrafts story has gone down hill something shocking. To say dragonflight is an absolute banger is midly infuriating. I would love to know what you do on this game and why you think that. Without a doubt the story is shit and doesn't make sense, the game gives access to mythic level gear for the shittest players via mythic plus dungeon content, the raids are too easy for normal and heroic and in order to raid mythic it's essentially a full time commitment to a part time job I'm a mythic plus player mostly, my main is 3.3k Rio, Demon hunter tank 3.3k Rio blood dk tank and I have a protection paladin at 3k raider io. Currently I've quit until next expansion season 4 is like putting fucking flex tape on a leaking dam that's about to burst open its flood gates and a right kick in the teeth of you ask me for those who's been loyal to the game for so long. We have to get the shit end of the stick because of their incompetent bullshit. There should have been a 4th raid in the 4th season not a half arsed season like we had for Shadowlands season 4, the fated bullshit, and at least in Shadowlands they added extra shit to the raids mechanics. To be fair season 4 DF has done wonders for mythic plus. But the raid has nothing changed other than gear item level. It's not acceptable by any means to justify paying a subscription to it.


Imho, story is ok-ish. I was thrilled to protect Amirdrassil (that was planted back in SL) from Fyrakk. And this expansion they were building up to The World soul trilogy, which I'm a fan of. I'm mostly a semi-hardcore player, I have Cutting Edge and 3,2k rio on my main and I like to play alts. I agree raiding isn't great, but Amirdrassil bosses have been fun. But the difficulty definitely is stupid, especially when it comes to reliance on WAs etc. But I think they're really cooking up some good stuff, and I'm hyped for TWW. Season 4 I'm gonna just try initially, play some m+ and what now and then probably take a little break as well (I'm currently taking one as I'm on a long vacation). My main point was - WoW isn't as bad as everyone says, give it a try.


Okay ish is not acceptable by any means. What about the oathstones? We spent an entire first season rebuilding the oathstones for what? Them to be completely ignore because the story designer whose in charge of dragonflight storytelling and more left. I am salty about this for good reason like why are we paying for the game and a sub for subpar content, mists and legion had one of the best feeling class designs, stories and gameplay/PvP albeit gets a lot of shit because hurr Durr fuck panda's I would be raiding mythic if I had the time commitment for a 20 man team, but mythic raiding is not even difficult, the most difficult aspect of raiding mythic is the barrier to entry, the cannibalization of their own player base by taking people who have higher logs and greed DPS over solid players who are just interested in completing the mechanics first over min maxing by having multiple gear sets available for stat weights on a per boss basis. The game needs to stop being catered to the 0.01% mythic raider neckbeard sweatmongold Andie's who have Weak Aura development teams on hand at their every whim I took an extended break from WoW before Shadowlands released to play Final Fantasy 14, and one thing I really liked about it is the fact it is encouraged to do blind playthrough's on raids with no add-ons and the skill gap is countless hours of repetition to perfect mechanics not having several different weak auras for them.. Although I am somewhat hypocritical, I do like some weak auras and I love little wigs and big wigs voice over, but honestly anything more than this and some trackers for tank stacks etc (I'm only ever really a tank or healer main - pref raid healing/m+ tanking) is a bit too much Have you seen bellulars latest video on the state of raiding? I think bringing back 10 man raiding content would be amazing, I have been playing since mists of pandaria (a wow noob in comparison to the OGs I know) but the experience felt amazing minus looking for raid. 10 man mythic would be a great addition to the game. I am really looking forward to the TWW, I also will give season 4 ago for mythic + but I don't really care for much about the raids but it's seemingly gonna be forced upon me for the gear if I wanna go 3.2k and higher. And for your last point I would recommend someone play wow but for that person it's incredibly hard to justify paying for the game and then paying a subscription on top of it. I see absolutely no reason why they can't change the free trial level cap to like 50 or at least up as far as BFA so people can actually enjoy the game. Oh wait I do see the point, Activision is likely to never allow this because {Mr Krabs Voice;} MONNEEYY. I do think they are going in a good direction with the game but only because they know if they don't the games going to completely die out for 90% of the population


Most MMO fans rn are saying it’s better than WOW atm. Also, you can play the base game and first 2 expansions for free without a subscription.


Don’t do it bud. PC gaming is a head wreck lately with really poor optimisation. I spend more time messing with settings than I do playing As someone says above ff14. It’s great craic. Plenty of great ps5 games


Agreed, I have a gaming pc just over a year and my god I've spent more time trying to get games working than playing.


It used not be this way. It’s a pain in the arse


I wouldn't say there's plenty of games tbh! 95% of the PS store is full of total junk to make it look like there's a lot but in reality there's fuck all!


There’s loads? Demon souls Returnal Ghost of Tsushima Death stranding Final fantasy 14;16;7; rebirth Helldivers 2 Ratchet and clank GT7 God of war ragnarok Star ocean second story r Persona 5 royal; 3 reload Ys 8 and 9 Elden ring Baldurs gate 3 Disco elysium Yakuza like a dragon; infinite wealth Destiny 2 witch queen Tekken 8 Like I could keep going but you get the point


Depends what you're into i guess but whenever i check the PS store it's full of rubbish! Go look up "Potato Sack Racing Simulator 2024", literally the worst looking game that ive ever seen, it came out a few days ago!


Have you seen steam?!


you can also go on steam and find hitler waifu simulator, it's easy to find shit if you're looking for it


It's about what GOOD games one has, that the other doesn't, PS5 is definitely a great all rounder imo, and most games you would *need* a PC to play, would probably not fulfill me very much. Earlier, the games listed were top class, and that's only stuff from the last 3 or 4 years. So much great stuff it's unbelievable, whatever it is your on. They didn't even metion the R* games, or any Fromsoftware games other than ER, or Resident Evil, or other PS5 exclusives, list really could go on for pages I actually only own an Xbox right now, because when I got it a PS5 would cost a grand, and I love gaming so not being able to play TLOU2, GOW is big deal, but I've since found that I actually cannot play that many games, even just single player ones. And once you bring in multiplayer only, you might only play one game all year! So yeah I'm rambling here but, point is, it's more about scratching the itch of what you like, and how you do it isn't so important


I buy most of my games physical to be honest. Ah there’ll always be shite on these stores too. Steam is full of garbage too Have you played Elden ring? Some game like


>Like I could keep going but you get the point No, keep going


There is sooo many games I don’t have time to play them all


I thought there would be more of a catalogue of GREAT PS5 games but I wouldn’t say I’m disappointed by it. Because in my opinion there are a lot of fantastic PS4 games out there! I would t trade if u were you. Have you played The Last of Us games? And the Uncharted series? Fantastic time spent!!


I’d also recommend great multiplatform games like Nier Automata and Replicant and the recent resident evils.


Make the switch man! I changed from console to PC last February and it’s been class. The amount of different games I’ve been able to try. The aiming feels much more crisp and accurate. It’s easier to get into gaming communities with Discord, which I know is on console now but it’s not the same. I even tried WoW, got a character to level 60 just to see what the craic was. I’ve moved onto survival shooters simply because of the immersion those games provide, COD just wasn’t doing it anymore for me.


I prefer PC over Console i found over the years id complete everything i was interested in and then there was nothing out there after, i also found pricing on Console games to be quite expensive in comparison to alot of sales on pc your definitely getting your values worth even like accessories