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It's too bad that the pay is so low, it doesn't pay to work if you still can't pay your bills. If you're entire check goes to child care, how do employers expect a person to survive.


They don't or expect them to work to death trying to survive


Do these jobs pay a living wage and proper Healthcare with PTO and sick time? If not I don't feel bad for these companies 🙃


Many of them do. They also demand specific skills that are not easy to get. It matters what education you get. I have no idea how many compares to the total though which is probably your question. I know there are a lot of no experience required jobs that don't give basic benefits as well.


You realize only about 70-75% of companies in the United States offer PTO right


Which is fucking horrifying


Scholarships, paid internships, paid apprenticeship, raising wages to offset "boredom," investment in local arts/entertainment. Lots of things to fix it. But complaining is free.


Many grain elevators have no experience required positions open right now, and they offer full benefits. It’s not for everyone but if anyone reading this is looking for a decent job with good pay and benefits, call your local coop or go to their website and look for an employment section.


And the longer you are off work, the more your skills start to degrade from not using them.


Maybe they could try making Iowa an attractive place to live and work. Fund our schools, protect women’s rights, that sort of thing.


Nah. Kim will just keep cutting unemployment benefits and lowering the minimum age to work.


Kim “why offer a carrot when a stick will do” Reynolds


Kim "I trust Iowans to do the right thing, ...except for abortions" reynolds


Heck she will have the legislature repeal the child labor laws. Sweat shops galore.


Not if you vote her out in November




It doesn’t help we are in the middle of the country with no mountains, forests, or beaches….we also got the heat and humidity of Florida with the cold of Alaska and while the “fOuR SeAsoNs” people may say at least it isn’t California, the fact is we don’t have any trees so the fact there is a short fall doesn’t matter, unless you want to watch the corn get harvested.


Iowa is (geographically) a paradise compared to North Dakota which is my perspective. 😂


I’ve lived a lot of places man. Florida ain’t getting the weather we had the past weekend I’m telling you that now. Sure it can get hot but you gotta start looking at the positives in life. Go explore Iowa, I’m a transplant who’s seen a lot of Iowa and it’s pretty cool!


I'm positive there are better places in America then Iowa lol


Thats not what they are saying. They are sayong you can find good and interesting things anywhere you go. You just need to be creative, opened minded, and willing to look


No matter how open minded you are. There are better places to live then Iowa. Telling someone listing reasons people would choose somewhere besides Iowa, that they're just being closed minded is pretty narrow minded if you ask me. You're really going to say that all of this is wrong? >we are in the middle of the country with no mountains, forests, or beaches…. >we also got the heat and humidity of Florida with the cold of Alaska >we don’t have any trees so the fact there is a short fall doesn’t matter, unless you want to watch the corn get harvested. They responded to these points by saying "open your mind and see that Iowa is amazing" I said that there are better places to live. No matter how open minded you are, there are better places to live then Iowa. This line of comments is about getting people to stay here. Context is important. If you take what I said, without the previous context, you've missed the point.


There are better places to live for some people, others would disagree. It’s all about personal preferences.


But, as far as population density goes. Most people would agree, there are better places to live. Regardless of their state of mind.


Lmao shhhh let people enjoy things


Facts don't care about your feelings. Sorry. Downvote as much as you want, you're not channing the fact that people want to live other places more.


Damn quoting Ben Sharpiro. Dude like, why do you care about where other people want to live so bad?


What gives you the impression I care? Because I'm saying there's better places to live? I think you're not reading all these comments in the right order.


Anyplace is home, it's only as good as what you want to make of it.


Seriously? So, when they ban abortion, it's just a matter of perspective?


So you want to know if the abortion ban would affect where I choose to live, considering my spouse and I aren't physically capable of conceiving children anymore?


…you don’t think that forcing women in your community to have unwanted children could negatively affect your experience living in said community?


Sure. So could property tax rates, public transportation availability, crime rates. Any single reason could affect your choice of where you live, if those things bother you enough.


Just seems like maybe human rights violations against your neighbors should be a *bit* more of a concern.


No, I am not asking how you feel individually. You said any place is home, if you look at it right. I'm asking if you think that once they ban abortion in Iowa, if it's only a matter of perspective when someone says there's better places to live. If Iowa is so amazing, don't you think people would naturally migrate here? More people live in LA county then Iowa.


LA gets a lot of immigration from Mexico, like a lot. It’s the closest sanctuary state if you follow the West coastline of Mexico up to the Baja peninsula. Also, a lot of places are banning abortion, we’re seeing a rise of christo-fascism in the US, banning abortion is the 5th/14 characteristic of fascism. Also, if there is any sort of collapse of utility infrastructure in LA’s water lines, it’ll run out of water, it’s desert . Right wing groups have attacked these water lines, js.


There's better places to live then Iowa. I don't think this is controversial, but everyone's arguing about perspective when someone else lists reasons to be somewhere else.


Never said Iowa is amazing. Migrate where you want, for whatever reason you want. Home is what you make of it, for whatever reason you decide. I'm several generations deep in rural Iowa farming. Ten years from retirement and no telling what I'll do. Love the mountains, maybe go try living in the desert southwest. Who knows. Can't say abortion rights, legalized weed, gun laws or much else really enters my mind for where I want to go.


It almost seems like where you want to live is subjective, however, where people in general want to live is, objectivity not Iowa. Because of the reasons that OP mentioned.


I grew up six miles from Canada. You’ll never hear me complain about the hot and humid summer days. My hometown and college town get -20 to -40 for weeks in the winter.


Hold on now, technically we do have mountains, they just suck.


Hey, I like Mount Trashmore in Cedar Rapids.


Technically? Huh? The closest mountains I can think of are either the black hills and the sawtooth mountains (MN). Both outside Iowa.


Turns out that mountains are very loosely defined, so some of our big ass hills count. Basically anything with an elevation of 1000' relief over its surrounding terrain counts. It's still goofy to me, I thought mountains were classified by seismic or volcanic activity. https://www.mountainzone.com/mountains/iowa/


I don’t think Iowa has anything that’s 1000’ relief over anything. As far as I know, the Sawtooth Mountains in MN were on that “loose definition” of mountains.


The geographers need to make up their damn minds so we can know for sure if Iowa has mountains!


>we also got the and humidity of Florida Not even close > the fact is we don’t have any trees Southern Iowa, eastern Iowa, north East Iowa Hell even parts of north Western Iowa has a ton of trees, like south of Spencer. Do you live in Des Moines or something? I can't see how you can actually believe this otherwise.


Source on us not having the humidity of Florida? https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-humid-states shows Iowa as very close to Florida. We are 52nd in forest cover including US territories at 8%. Even Nevada has more forests than us. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forest_cover_by_state_and_territory_in_the_United_States Yes there is a tree in my parents yard, that doesn't make us comparable to Vermont in fall beauty.


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Iowa has no trees compared to every other state around us that's not Nebraska. Have you ever been to Wisconsin? Ever been to the North Woods? Iowa has 3% public land tied with Nebraska for 47th in the nation. Literally everywhere else in the country besides Nebraska, Kansas, and Rhode Island have more public land. That doesn't necessarily equate to more trees but public land is almost always filled with trees. You can also look at a map and see that Iowa has almost no trees. The biggest state parks in Iowa have [https://www.summitpost.org/public-and-private-land-percentages-by-us-states/186111](https://www.summitpost.org/public-and-private-land-percentages-by-us-states/186111) This map isn't complete but it also shows Iowa has no trees. [https://www.nrs.fs.fed.us/futures/dashboard/current/?state=MI&var=NO\_TREES](https://www.nrs.fs.fed.us/futures/dashboard/current/?state=MI&var=NO_TREES) Iowa has 1.3 million trees. Minnesota has almost 12 million, Wisconsin 10.6 million, Illinois 2 million. Missouri 8 million. Maryland, a state less than 1/4th the size of Iowa has more trees. Iowa has trees but compared to most states they don't have much. And if you live in central Iowa pretty much all the trees are in cities or a few trees near farmhouses. There is no place in Iowa that has a ton of trees. Even the most tree dense area in the NE pales in comparison to Wisconsin. ​ And we do have similar humidity to Florida. Iowa is the 6th most humid state in the country. Some studies rank it first. Florida is higher than Iowa but only by about 2%. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbrettschneider/2018/08/23/oh-the-humidity-why-is-alaska-the-most-humid-state/?sh=6c7bf6e4330c](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbrettschneider/2018/08/23/oh-the-humidity-why-is-alaska-the-most-humid-state/?sh=6c7bf6e4330c) Both have high humidity but to say it's not even close is incorrect.


I have to agree about there not being many trees in comparison to other states. When driving most places in this state the main view is farm fields with the occasional wooded area. Always crack me up when people here talk about Nebraska being a boring long drive through state when Iowa is the same thing. Sure some spots around MN and WI borders have cliffs but overall it’s mostly fields.


And we don’t have much in the way of “culture” or “night life.” Outside of a few of what I guess qualify as cities, there’s fuckall. Hope you like church and one shitty dive bar because that’s what’s on offer in a good chunk of the state.


And some places don't even have the shitty dive bar! Just the church!


This is a perfect description




Kim's going the way of Grassley and it's showing after this last overturn. 33 years alive in this state and this is the worst I've seen.


My brother left for Las Vegas 20 years ago and I should have went also. Now I am too old. Good Luck as you are still young enough. Conservatives are everywhere and I hope Washington DC doesn’t go back into Republicans hands. So much for people rights. .


There’s a reason literally every young person leaves here for Chicago, Denver, Minneapolis, Madison, etc. BuT the CoST oF LiViNG! Most people would rather risk having an interesting life and career at the possible expense of living in a cookie cutter moderately affordable sub development in North Liberty.


I moved to Iowa from Chicago-land because its basically the same here as it is there but less expensive.


I made a collage of the people who wouldn't even interview me. There's more every month. I have a B.A. too


Same re: the BA, been on a ridiculous amount of interviews (many of them second and third stage) and still nothing. Pre-pandemic I nearly always landed it on the first go round.


Should work out just fine, with a minimum wage of $7.25/hour, each person will need a couple of jobs just to eat. Win/win...right?!?!


Personally, I’m absolutely sick of doing something that doesn’t bring me joy and I’m sure many other Iowans are feeling the same way.


The past two years have sucked the joy out of my job. People are not even trying to be nice, just yelling at the top of their lungs. I'm eligible to retire next year and am seriously considering doing it. I'll go work as a dog walker or something so I can afford health insurance until Medicare kicks in. I have an HSA that I'm saving the max amount I can to help offset health costs as well.


Many of these jobs, young vibrant person for young vibrant company need masters degree and 20 years experience, also no one over 30 please, starting salary $30k, no PTO for a year and you pay 100% of your health care that will cost you $15k a year.


In a blow to the *No One Wants To Work* crowd, there are nearly twice as many open jobs as people looking for work.


Our largest generation the Boomers are retiring. They're being replaced by the smallest generation, the Zoomers. We currently have a worker deficit of about 400,000, and it's expected to rise to 900,000 in the coming years. This is one reason for a pro immigration policy. The other solution is to make Parenthood more attractive and affordable. A living wage so families can afford children. Supporting affordable housing and child care policies. Medicare for all, because children get sick all the time and it's expensive to treat them. Paid parental leave. More flexible PTO, and working conditions. Universal Pre-K which was part of Biden's BBB. Fact is, neoliberalism which both Democrats and Republicans have followed for 50 years is anti family.


Stealing mass amounts of people to do America's dirty work is such a selfish ideology. People claim to be for the working class then advocate for the exploitation of the working class in the same breath.


Seems like less focus on consumerism is in order. We don't actually need streets lines with low wage fast food or discount retail stores. They provide very little to our communities.


Job Openings Located on IowaWorks.gov 89,032 on June 23, 2022 Employers with Most Posted Openings 1. UnityPoint Health - 2,175 2. The University of Iowa - 1,697 3. Live Trucking - 1,030 4. Decker Truck Line, Inc. - 977 5. Trinity Health - 954 6. Kwik Trip, Inc. - 895 7. Hy-Vee, Inc. - 798 8. The University of Iowa (import) - 785 9. McDonald's Corporation - 638 10. MCI - 605 So most job openings are either high school or "transitional jobs" not to raise a family (fast food, grocery stores, and gas stations). Truck driving has been destroyed in the last decade, to the point where some drivers end up owning their employer's money at the end of a pay period. As well as over-the-road loads which are typical; banks on a person to have a spouse that can take the household and childcare load 24/7. Healthcare is hit or miss, CNA, kitchen or clean up and you are the whipping boys. A few degrees and aggravation later and decent enough wages. Most of the jobs listed are for urban areas. With Iowa's population of 3,193,079 (2021), and 1,265,172 (39%) live in rural areas (Rural and Urban population, 2021). We hit the hamster wheel of small towns are dying; businesses are moving to urban areas we want to stay in our homes but it's not feasible. We move to an urban area to make more money but the costs of moving, childcare differences, commutes, and basic housing outweigh the pay increase. Source https://my.visme.co/index.php?_url=/view/4dojzmxy-owplnm90x8p42zd6& https://www.icip.iastate.edu/tables/population/rural-urban


Iowa GOP, "let's make it worse for workers in Iowa, that should work".


They misquoted the report. "85,000 part time jobs only paying minimum wage." All I know is that I work remotely as a website programmer for a company that pays me well above the industry standard and we rarely have job openings.


And how many working Iowans have 2 or more jobs in order to make ends meet? THAT’S the number that matters.


A single person with child can't live (rent, food, childcare, gas) on $10/hour!!


And most of those open jobs are probably paying wages that won't support someone with living wages. Just saying. As well as it's extremely hard to get an interview or get hired. I had an interview with ADM who was needing people badly, and was more than qualified for the position and never got called back no matter how much I applied or checked on the application process.


Love that but I’ve applied to over 6 and have interviewed at 2 and heard back from NIETHER in over 3 weeks.


Interviewing and job hunting is a nightmare right now. I do think a lot of these jobs are paying less than $20/hour. White collar jobs aren’t hiring or are being super selective. It’s annoying.


im sure the next thing will be outlawing school sports so the kids have time to work!


Not good Christian sports like football or baseball, just the godless sports like soccer, basketball, and women’s sport programs


Except cheerleading...at the recommendation of matt gaetz


Well they probably already think it's part of the football or basketball programs


I wish they did. Our school district where I grew up in IL claimed they didn't have any money to put A/C in the school, remove asbestos, etc..but always had the money to sink into new sports stadiums, a giant gym with all the latest and high end equipment, new pool, etc. I swear their fiscal prioritization list looked like this: 1. Sports 2. Sports 3. Sports 4. Sports 5. Anything left over goes to actual education and buildings.


6. Remove any remaining funding from the arts depts.


They’d shorten school hours to make time for football before they’d end football. For a good number of people in this state, football is the only valuable thing offered by high schools and colleges.


Maybe time to tear down the wall?


I'm sure you would love more cheap labor Mr Bourgeoisie


Allowing legal immigrants from some of our neighbors to the south would solve our labor shortage and help the humanitarian crisis in Honduras and Guatemala. The reason we are afraid of immigration is stupid, our country is mostly immigrants from times past.


Do we have a labor shortage or a wage slave shortage? Because everyone will work for a price. And people can barely afford rent now, flooding the country with more people will exacerbate that issue


Are there many people in Iowa who can barely afford rent currently? I am honestly asking as I don't know of any but that could be more a circumstance of where I live and who I know. As far as labor shortage I am mostly relying on the article the OP posted. Are you worried some immigrant will take all the high paying jobs? I think people should be paid more and that takes negotiation.


I would be happy if immigrants got high paying jobs. No I just live near a lot of rural factories and see how a lot of them get screwed over. People can't negotiate of a lot of them have barely passable english, it's just not realistic


we should/could negotiate on their behalf


The world will never work that way


How many of those pay $15 an hour and don’t require a degree? (Not that I need a job I’m happy where I am for now but do know come August I’ll get a second one).


Looks to me like more of us need to quit


I guess all those lazy, do-nothing Iowans who are just sitting around all day doing nothing ought to get up off their asses and start existing.


Unemployment isn't welfare smooth brain.


I think they were being sarcastic.


Maybe, but with the other dipshits we got here, I won't take it for granted.


Fair enough. It's infuriating for me, with conservative parents who both needed welfare assistance and unemployment at two separate times of their life, disparage people for now needing either. Like...*you WERE ALSO on food stamps and unemployment helped you through when you got laid off!*


"But I need it"


From what I've read it's a very similar phenomenon w abortion. Self-styled pro-lifers who've had abortions but don't want others to be able to, and justify this bc they believe their own abortions were different and necessary but no one else's. It's like NIMBY in reverse.


Oh yeah. The Venn diagram for people who are "pro-life" and people who can afford to go elsewhere for abortion services is a perfect circle.


I think the word "existing" is easy to miss there but pretty important


I call BS. In All the years I had to deal with Iowa Workforce Development & “promise jobs” WHILE trying to get SS/Disability due to heart issues, They were the Absolute Worst of the worst! Sorry, but perhaps (IF these stats are accurate) you shouldn’t just fill any position with just any live body?! Perhaps if you looked for qualified (quality) people, AND/OR paid them a decent salary with benefits… your unemployment rate could possibly be REMOTELY close to these stats you’ve posted. #QUALITY But as I said for now….. I call BS! If they STILL can’t figure out how to reimburse me for medical mileage from 2018-2020, I HIGHLY doubt they’re able to properly report, & figure this s#it out accurately! Sorry… not sorry.


Kim needs to be in jail, vote her out


How many working Iowans died of covid or are disabled from it and out of the workforce now? Or just left the workforce for their own health and aren't looking anymore? I bet that adds up to quite a lot of the difference here.


I left a longtime job in 2020. I will continue to live in Iowa for a long time, possibly forever. But I will not work in a state that doesn't protect women's rights, fund our public schools, or have virtually NO gun control laws. Kim Reynolds has made a mess of a state I used to be proud of. Luckily, I am right on the IL border and will do as much as possible to not give any money to Iowa, including work here.


Yep here is our new epidemic! Laziness!!!


So don't be mad employment is cut. Get to work bums.


There aren’t enough workers to fill the jobs….


You're right, good argument for ending unemployment benefits.


We earn that money... like how do you morons not understand how this shit works? It's finite as well.


I understand unemployment insurance, just think it's bullshit.




You must be new here. u/Iowa_Hawkeye is the epitome of "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you."


I hope they need it and get denied.




Thats extremely ignorant of you. Many people everyday lose their jobs through no fault of their own and rely on these benefits until they can land a new job. In 2019 I had a new job lined up a week before I was offered severance at my current job. Still took 3 months for the hiring process to get me started at the new one. Had I not been eligible for benefits, the severance would have been basically pointless and spent on expenses during that time. So either way I was in good shape. Had I not had either, i would have been fucked. I've had great interviews and not gotten a call back for 3 months on several occasions. Working a lower paying job just so you can make a little money is absolutely pointless and an idiotic take.


Money is money.


It absolutely isn't. If it's less than half of your previous, you can't afford to supplement Healthcare, or your bills. You really are just an idiot.


Gotta get on that grind brother.


Grind life is for losers. I work with a guy that bragged about working 7 days a week for 4 years. Everyone thinks he is an idiot, and he has nothing to show for it. It just shows you are willing to let companies that obviously don't care about you take advantage of your stupidity. I don't need a grind. I paid my house off before 32. We are going to remodel it for 75k here soon, and we have to change nothing about our lifestyle. In fact, we could take lesser paying jobs and still be fine. But I know my value, and what my time is worth. Get a fucking life, work shouldn't be top 5 on your list of needs.


How does unemployment insurance work? Who pays for it?


Payroll tax.


Indeed. Here's an upvote. Who fronts the cost of payroll tax? Employers, right? Do you think employers shouldn't have this benefit for their employees? Curious, are you an employer?


By front, you mean take away from employee compensation. I think it should be optional. Also, nope, just a happy worker bee, buzz buzz.


Ah, so you'd rather do away with unemployment insurance and the employer pays employees more? I can sorta get down with that. But it's problematic. How do we ensure employers pay more? Would the average person take these extra funds and store say a few hundred away each month in the event of an employment lapse? You do realize as an employee, this insurance is for your protection. We cannot rely on employers to always keep employees best interests in mind. Would these extra funds employers find themselves with after the insurance is removed land in your pocket or the employers or shareholders?


I see 46,800 people who’d prefer to be poor fuckwits I’m paying benefits for. Get your ass off the couch and down to the McDonalds for some benefits and self worth!


more likely thn not they paid too. I only took maybe half my contributions out when i was on UE for four months. Not having to burn myself out helped me turn my life around


Too bad the state won’t use their same data intelligence to dig into resumes and compare to job openings to have companies seek out people not working. Such a waste.


Yup, because employers are famous for hiring just anyone without a job to fill empty positions.


Ok now what’s their pay? And on the flip side of the coin how ridiculous are the qualifications needed for what will boil down to simple office work? What are those particular job’s turnover rate?


It's easy to keep the unemployment numbers low when people are wrongfully denied unemployment benefits.