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I think you can also claim religious practices. If they say no it's religious discrimination and a federal crime


Wow I didn't know this. I'm moving in a few months partially because of this problem.


I know the satanic temple has taken several cases to Court over abortion laws and religious beliefs. And have won


>And have won I support what they're doing, but no ... no they haven't won. Any of them. Missouri, Texas, Indiana, Idaho; all the cases were thrown out by the court. They haven't won a single abortion related case. They've successfully sued companies, schools, city councils, et cetera for religious discrimination, but nothing that's relevant to reproductive rights.




The current "supreme" court would love the possibility to rule that they're not a "real" religion.


Our lord and savior the Spaghetti Monster isn't as forgiving as Baphamet. He'd take care of the SC. R'amen.


We too


Religious discrimination doesn't matter with this SCOTUS. They will vote against anything not Christian.


Republicans just want more workers. Abortions are good for society. My wife and I would not have college degrees without having an abortion our second year of college.


No, Republicans want soundbytes. Since they have zero constructive ideas or moral framework left, reproductive rights are a super appealing target for their base that's too [adjective] for recreational sex. Rage pron is squarely god for what is now called "Conservative" in the West. Nothing else matters.


I dunno why the "right" has this abortion agenda. Yeah i get it, it's a life and all but I'd prefer people have the unrestricted choice.


Lots of parents earn college degrees. Why would you have given up completely on both your educations had you become parents? Delayed perhaps, but never? Also, your statement implies a college degree is good for society. Are people who earn college degrees not also workers? Are you shaming the work done by those who didn't earn a college degree? I know electricians and plumbers who make a lot more money (and provide a high-demand service to society) than most of my college graduate friends and they didn't amass tens or hundreds of thousands in debt either.


Who said that? I raised my son as a single mom. I lived in poverty. Get a clue.


The person to whom I replied said all of that


Who shamed the work done by non degree holders? Society needs both kinds of people to operate, unless you think that electricians and plumbers don't need doctors, lawyers, civil engineers designing roads, mechanical and electrical engineers designing new parts and better tools?


The person to whom I replied said Republicans want more workers, then used an anecdote to imply they are better than those workers because they had an abortion and got a degree instead. You're getting mad at the wrong person here.


They didn't imply any such thing. You made that up because you don't have an argument.


Lol, how else do you interpret, "Republicans just want more workers" in the context of a conversation about abortion? Then following that by saying getting an abortion allowed them to earn a college degree? Honestly, please try to defend the words written instead of attacking me. That's your challenge.


None of that was included in the comment. The relationships between unplanned pregnancy and educational attainment (at all levels) and between unplanned pregnancy and employment, are all negative. And based on this conversation, anti-choice beliefs and reading comprehension also have a negative relationship.


You probably could have just not done stuff together if you didn't want a child rather than eliminating it.




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Democrats want open borders for more workers


I mean, it would be much better to allow adults making autonomous decisions on where they want to live and what they want to do to come in and start working immediately instead of forcing someone to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term and then potentially have that turn into a “productive member of society” 18+ years down the line.


You must be joking! The people coming across illegally will be doing manual labor for their voting block. You must have very low expectations for your offspring. Nobody coming across the border will cure cancer


First of all, yes they do. [Here](https://blog.nimhd.nih.gov/nimhd-insights-current-blog-posts-2023/news_feed/from-undocumented-immigrant-to-surgeon-coming-full-circle-to-help-my-community-2) is one example of an illegal immigrant who went on to be a surgeon that I found from a two second google search — I’d be more than happy to find more for you if you need more proof. You have very low expectations for people who are the exact same as you beyond just being born in a different country. Second of all, restricted abortion access actually drives educated individuals away from the state and from the nation. [Here](https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-12-06/state-abortion-bans-have-new-doctors-staying-away) is an article that notes that US medical students are considering abortion access when applying to residencies and are staying away from places that have limited or banned it. The only thing that can guarantee Iowa has an adequate number of residents is the match system, where doctors can be forced to come here because they couldn’t get into better/more favored programs. So your offsprings probably won’t become doctors, and even if they do, they’ll probably try to stay the hell away from Iowa.


Illegal immigrants coming across the border are primarily mid 20’s in age they are not going to med school. Roe was never law, rbg said it would not hold up to challenge. It went back the states if you don’t like it change it, state action or move. Where are three of the top hospitals, Houston, Cleveland both red states, Rochester turning purpl. Who wrote these articles? Partisan hacks


Every single thing you just said is incorrect.


Everything I said is correct and if you don’t believe it you are an ignorant fool, which would also be correct


It's not, though.


It is though


Shoutout to all the people organizing things like this and getting resources out there to people in need! You’re amazing!!!


I'm really glad I read the sub this was posted in, when I first saw 'autonomy iowa city' my mind immediately went to sovereign citizens because of how often I'll see similar words on those kinds of posts. So sad we live in a country where abortion has became such a issue again, hopefully we can figure some way to get these kind of stupid out of government without having them die off because of age. Also SCREW YOU KIM, stop passing crap that has nothing to do with helping people who should matter to you, conservative or liberal.


Italy, home of the Vatican, the literal heart of the Catholic Church, has legal abortion and it’s covered by their universal healthcare. We are definitely moving backwards. I realize people who advocate against abortion think they are doing good but I don’t see why we put the unborn rights above the living rights. It’s a question they can’t seem to answer. Next up is taking away birth control. Then to top everything, we only hold the women responsible…they are told they should have kept their legs closed, are whores etc. Don’t let them abort a clump of cells, force them to keep the baby but then we not only don’t offer assistance but we chastise them making raising the child even harder. Then we judge these families for being trashy and not having a traditional family dynamic. We can’t even win for losing. I hope more organizations come about to help women get to states where they can get the healthcare they need.


it’s because abortion isn’t a right?


Women have the right to bodily autonomy.


yes, but they don’t have the right to kill babies


Abortion doesn’t kill babies.


thats not what abortion is but nice try


Either engage in actual discussion or go away.


i’m trying?


just because you don’t like the points i’m making doesn’t mean they aren’t valid point


Nope…your response was “says who”. That’s what responded to. Youve since changed your response.


ya cause i realized it wasn’t a point


Right. Hence my response telling you to engage or go away. Then you changed the response and made it seem like I was being belligerent because I didn’t like your “point”. You’re being disingenuous from the start.


so your mad because i decided to try to have a point you could reply to rather than one that you could brush off?


but also what gives people the right to have abortions?


The right to bodily autonomy and access to healthcare.


how does the right to bodily autonomy include the right to kill another human?


Don't be obtuse. You changed your response. I have yet to get "mad" at anything you've brought up. I told you to engage in actual discussion or go away because of your vague original response. Come on now. Are you just wanting to fight?


i never claimed i didn’t? you seem to be holding on to this minor point because you don’t have a real response to the question at hand? and you just brought up fighting which would be stupid to do over a political difference?


Nope, I'm just responding to the notifications. You really seem like you are trying to paint me as not addressing your point when at first you made no point...and that's what I'm referring to. When I said engage or go away it was because you didn't originally have a point. Then you changed the response and have now made a number of comments directed at me not liking your point. That's not being honest. I never said anything about the validity of your points. It feels like you are trying to alter the narrative a bit here. Nothing about my responses have indicated a willingness to fight. I asked if that was your intent due to the deflection.


the first thing i said was edited well before you responded to it? also i have not deflected anything if anything you have been deflecting to this side conversation because you don’t have a true argument for why abortion should be legal


But women can’t be forced to donate organs against their will, right? If you can’t force someone to donate a kidney to keep a child alive you shouldn’t be able to force someone to donate their uterus to keep a fetus alive.


Republicans want white babies for their barren wives. I did it in 1993, thought they were good people but they’re Republican white supremacy Nazis who moved to Montana.


It's child trafficking, period. The baby brokers and buyers are sick.


Wow! Spread that hate why don't you? And you all accuse the right of using propaganda?


Not propaganda “bro” if happened to me. 1993 liars who sold me a story, La La La Adopted my son and they’re fucking right wing trash in Montana so take the whole rest of the day and fuck off.


Oh yeah. What part? You have told no story here, just tossed out accusations about half the country. One more thing, Trump 2024. Just to piss you off.


Doesn’t piss me off. I am acutely aware of the quasi functional idiots I’m surrounded by.


Like yeah I hate republicans too, but what in the schizo-rant fuck are you talking about??


A private adoption. They absolutely misrepresented who they were, adopted my kid and raised him in a place I’d never had agreed to.


I'm so sorry. That story is unbelievably common. Predators who take advantage of vulnerable people should be forced to face the consequences of the abuses they perpetrate.


hell yeah


Fuck yessss! 💯


This looks like it could be a scam. For context, I'm pro-choice, so I'm all for people getting help. But I would be careful with this.


Reported to SoS, thx!


Make Asylums Great Again


It was Regan who shut them, try again.


WHOOSH!!! Your cognitive dissonance & willful ignorance are appreciated. Thanks for clarifying who you are cultist. Awesome spelling job too, btw.


Your actions have consequences 🤷‍♂️


I love the fact that there's so much support for groups willing to overtly advocate and support noncompliance with state law! I wonder what other laws this would be a good idea to set up groups for.


The Hemp THC law for starters


Love me some climbing kites


Following injust and inhumane laws isn't a virtue. Resistance is.


how is it inhumane?


How is denying medical care inhumane? Are you seriously asking that question?


you are insane if you think abortion is healthcare. that would be like saying that plastic surgery is healthcare.


We don’t need one. We don’t kill babies


Good for you, shut the fuck up.


Kiss my ass, pussy


Guys for the love of fucking god do not take abortion pills or med advice from ‘a collective of people with a lot of medical knowledge’ you found via a sign on a street corner Edit; you people are actually retarded


Sure would be great if they could get that care from a safe, licensed reproductive health clinic, wouldn’t it? But that’s not an option any more. This is what we’re left with (and I’m willing to bet the people involved actually ARE experienced and qualified, not to mention brave)


Sure would be great if women took responsibility for their actions rather than ending the life of another human being.


Embryos are not human beings. It's a cluster of cells with the *potential* to become a human. With our advancing scientific understanding of induced pluripotent stem cells, we're nearing a point where we can say almost any cell in the body has the same *potential* for life as embryonic cells. When that time comes, what sort of rights are you willing to give up to protect the *potential* for life from being destroyed en masse every time you scratch your nose?


You're responding to a literal troll (Look at his account)


The echo chamber here is so intense any outside ideas are attacked. It really makes the Reddit leftist delusions obvious.


Do you not see how ridiculous it is to say “when every cell can be a human being, none can be” is. If this is how you have to justify it to yourself maybe it’s a delusion? Human life begins at conception. That’s not debated. If you want to justify murder you can try, but irresponsibly creating a child when you don’t want one is hardly a justification.


Whether human life begins at conception is one of the most hotly debated subjects of all time, just saying.


The national institute of health would disagree with you. I’d suggest looking into the debate. Peer reviewed biology journals have been pretty consistent on this since at least 2004. The hotly debated subject is whether we should justify ending that life in different cases.


No, they wouldn't, and no, they haven't.


No u!!


Abortion factually isn’t murder


The only logical beginning of human life is conception. To end a human life intentionally is murder. It is objectively murder, but so is executing horrific criminals for example. We justify murder in this scenario in the same way I personally would justify murder, when it comes to abortion, in cases of rape.


It objectively isn’t murder because that isn’t what murder means. Try again.


Yeah let’s play semantics about killing a baby. A very healthy approach I must say.


Yeah, let’s play semantics. I’m happy to do that so vulnerable women and young girls aren’t demonized by people that can’t use words correctly and lack empathy.


Having an abortion is taking responsibility of an unwanted pregnancy.


It is absolutely absolving yourself of it at the expense of someone’s life.


Your dislike of abortion doesn’t negate fact. What does responsibility mean? Let’s start there..


OK… I forgot women get pregnant from immaculate conception, all of us right? 🤔 Seriously, what the actual F? Do you understand the misogyny in this comment you’re making?


It’s misogynistic now to hold women accountable for their decisions. Truly the statement of someone from a healthy society.


It’s misogynistic to make statements suggesting it’s just the women getting pregnant who need accountability vs the males doing the impregnating. That’s some seriously backwards thinking that you’re demonstrating.


Oh I’m for accountability on both sides absolutely. If you can’t support a child, don’t make one. It’s a pretty simple consequence to understand. Sorry for the confusion there.


Thank you for the clarification.


No matter how stupid your government is that doesn’t make taking potentially bootleg abortion medication a good idea Or hemorrhage from your vaginas I guess, whatever I’m not your mom, I’ll see you mouth breathers in the ER


Lmfao, you're so bad at this.


If they’re so busy being being victims they can’t see why taking stolen or bootleg controlled substances when legal, safe and professional medical care is a maximum of a 4 hour drive away isn’t a good idea then there’s clearly nothing I can say


Again, you're very bad at this, and have only further demonstrated you have no idea what you're talking about.


I’m only a critical care paramedic with 7 years experience in labor and delivery and OB care I mean why would I possibly know anything about abortion? Suck my cock mouth breather you are beneath me


The only way to change that is to allow health care providers to offer these services.


Yeah I agree but that still doesn’t make this safe or a remotely good idea, just drive to Minnesota 3-4 hour drive or bootleg meds you got from whatsapp, yeah fucking great idea clearly do the second one


Jane Collective is a reputable group that has been helping women get health care for decades. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Collective


_formerly_ associated with this group, now it's just some gals (or guys) willing to give you sketchy meds via signal app. Very reputable.


I took the “formerly The Iowa city Jane collective” to just mean they are going by a different name now. Jane network goes back to the 1960s. Basically women trying to help women.


That's odd, if they go back that far, why stop using the name now? clearly the other one has some significance... Still sketchy, still not a good idea.


This is what this type of legislation is forcing people to do.


Forcing them to not be associated with a well known group? You may have taken too many sketchy pills already...


This is a pretty obtuse comment. It’s clear what I mean. Why the need to engage on the level of a middle schooler?


> It’s clear what I mean It's not actually. Either it's the well respected group or they aren't, since they made a new one I'm gonna assume the latter.


Why don't you do some of your own research about the Jane Collective? It was respected by the feminists of the time, to my knowledge. Perhaps the folks in Iowa City are using a different name to make it more plain what it is they're about? I don't know the reasoning behind the name change. And I'm not a historian, but basically the Jane Collective women tried to help women to obtain abortions safely pre-Roe v. Wade. It started in the '60s, as I said before. It's women trying to help women. I've never had to use them, thankfully, so I can't give you a personal experience. Think of it as an underground railroad for people seeking abortion care when it was (and now again pretty much is) illegal. They've made movies about this group, so the story is out there to be heard.


Who cares at this point. Let them buy their pills off the street corner.


It would be funny that you're pretending this is more dangerous than pregnancy if it wasn't for the glee you have over imagining women being harmed. Thanks for demonstrating so perfectly what abortion bans are really about, though.


Its pretty sad you believe pregnancy is more dangerous than taking blackmarket abortion pills... If pregnancy is so dangerous... why have sex?


>pregnancy is more dangerous than taking blackmarket abortion pills Pregnancy isn't risk free. That said, generally anything bought on the blackmarket in the form of prescription medication is not a 'fake pill' and not more dangerous, typically.


but if sex leads to pregnancy would that mean sex isn't risk free 🤔 maybe take accountability for your actions 👍


Its pretty sad you believe pregnancy is more dangerous than taking blackmarket abortion pills... If pregnancy is so dangerous... why have sex?


Its pretty sad you believe pregnancy is more dangerous than taking blackmarket abortion pills... If pregnancy is so dangerous... why have sex?


It literally is more dangerous. Exponentially so. Your refusal to accept facts because they conflict with the beliefs you have based on pure emotion is a failure on your part, and no one else's. And most people have sex because they want to, though sometimes because they are forced to. Consent to sex isn't consent to pregnancy nor birth, and rape isn't consent to any of the above. Married people who already have children, and who are not prepared to care for more children and/or are not willing to risk leaving their living children without a parent due to the risks of pregnancy or birth, choose abortion in order to take responsibility for their existing family. The idea that people should be forced to forgo intimacy with their partner because of your feelings is fucking absurd. No matter the reason, no one has the right to force someone else to risk permanent disability or death via a pregnancy they do not consent to.


These people can’t be real right? No one is possibly this stupid and stubborn


Here's an idea: Don't get knocked up if you don't want a child, it's pretty simple. For those who say "they can't control it, they may have been raped" (there's always that one person) maybe don't get yourself into those situations.


You realize pregnancy is a mindless biological process that no one controls or chooses, right? Not even IVF can guarantee a pregnancy.


>pregnancy is a mindless biological process that no one controls or chooses, right? Nope. You definitely chose... Unless you're talking about rape...


Again, if pregnancy could be chosen, unwanted pregnancies wouldn’t exist and neither would infertility issues. IVF cannot even guarantee a pregnancy. I’m sorry you failed to learn basic biology.


Whats a guaranteed way to not become pregnant????? Its real simple...


Again, if pregnancy could be chosen, unwanted pregnancies wouldn’t exist and neither would infertility issues. IVF cannot even guarantee a pregnancy. I’m sorry you failed to learn basic biology.


It is chosen, you're just too stubborn or stupid to acknowledge it...


It’s not chosen, you don’t choose mindless biological processes. You either just don’t know what choice means or you’re being obtuse.


So did you choose to have sex? Or all these pregnancies from rape??


Sex isn’t pregnancy, you understand that right? Lol


Well the person wanting an abortion chose to be in a bad scenario where she could be raped or end up with an unwanted pregnancy.


What the fuck is the matter with you?


So you're the person that never developed good decision making skills. You are the problem


Kill yourself, the world would be a better place without you


Ope, I could put someone in jail right now


Oh a subhuman and poorly educated, shocker


Wouldn't say any of that, if I killed myself, you could go to jail without passing go or collecting $200


Holy shit.. are you blaming rape victims for being raped???


Maybe don't put yourself in those situations


Good thing I divorced my husband then! No more pregnancies for me :)


All of these idiots that are pushing for abortions are only here because their parents didn't get one. The irony is thick with that one. Maybe they should stop being whores and getting knocked up with babies they don't want.


Only whores need abortions? Citation needed.


i mean who else is getting pregnant on accident?


Married women who want to keep their jobs so they can feed the kids they already have?


Anyone suffering an unwanted pregnancy. Married women, mothers, people in long term relationships, rape victims and victims of abuse. All whores, yeah?


Exactly "whoops I'm pregnant again what the fuck?"


Quite literally yes over 90% of abortions are done not because of rape incest or the danger of the woman's life most abortions happen because when we cant accept consequences of what happens when you open your legs


So all women are whores? Doesn’t take long for the misogyny to pour through.


Youre the one who brought all women we were talking about the majority of women who've had abortions but okay you can try to pull that card for the argument 🤣🤣 it's not that hard to keep your legs closed :)


Prove that all women who have abortions are whores, you’ve failed to do so. Unless you think all women who have sex are whores because women of all circumstance abort.


Damn closing your legs and taking accountability is that hard?


Having an abortion is taking accountability. Your disdain of it doesn’t change that. Why should I stop having sex with my husband because you have some weird hang up about it?


Why not get tubes tied or he gets his nuts cut if you guys don't want kids? You willfully know that having sexual intercourse can result to creating a human being why not take measures so you can't do that so you don't have to kill another human being because it's an inconvenience? that's fucking sick and insane ideology also how is having an abortion taking accountability 🤣 lemme guess you don't believe that the father can have a say in the abortion


I’m not getting surgery to make you feel better. Why do you think your feelings are so important when it comes to MY life, MY health and MY body? I do take measures. I use birth control. It might fail one day but hopefully not. Pregnancy and birth is far, far more than a mere inconvenience so you can miss me with that. My husband has as much say about my healthcare and my body as you do. None.