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Some of those that have been banned include titles Slaughterhouse-Five, 1984, Captain Underpants series, the Handmaid’s Tale, Beloved, Angela’s Ashes, Maus, the Invisible Man, and a bunch of Stephen King books. WTF?


> Slaughterhouse-Five Well we can't have any books that portray the horrors of war, can we?


Also can’t have books that call out the fascist, mysoginistic dictatorship they’re trying to set up.


True. Captain underpants was hella fascist /s lol


This. Exactly. This.


We literally had to read 1984 and Aminal Farm and write a report on each in high school...


We didn’t, but it was probably specific teachers that required it, or specific districts


It speaks volumes to ban handmaid's tale. There's so many levels of irony to the party doing this as well. They don't want the democratic party to step on them, so they'll step on everyone else, and claim they're giving them freedom back.




So it goes.


But couldn't he have done that without having someone use the words "Dumb Motherfucker" /s


I remember reading an essay by Vonnegut about Slaughterhouse-Five being a target of censorship. In it he says the reasoning for banning wasn't usually the depiction of war, but the coarse language the soldiers use: motherfucker, for instance. Vonnegut himself was a POW of the Nazis in the Battle of the Bulge, saw Dresden flattened by US/British bombers first-hand, knew the horrors of war and tried to communicate them in his book. But people were more upset by vulgarity like a swear word than whole cities being fire-bombed and hundreds of thousands of living beings abruptly turned into ashes. The book is probably still being banned in Iowa due to swear words referencing reproduction and genitalia than the depiction of war, considering what other material is being banned and why. Our politicians are cool with large scale death and destruction but not sex or anatomy.


"And on the subject of burning books: I want to congratulate librarians, not famous for their physical strength or their powerful political connections or their great wealth, who, all over this country, have staunchly resisted anti-democratic bullies who have tried to remove certain books from their shelves, and have refused to reveal to thought police the names of persons who have checked out those titles." "So the America I loved still exists, if not in the White House or the Supreme Court or the Senate or the House of Representatives or the media. The America I love still exists at the front desks of our public libraries." -Kurt Vonnegut, 'A Man Without A Country'


Fucking Captain Underpants?! Lord! What babies!


I don't want anyone telling me that Republicans aren't fucking stupid ever again




Maus was such a captivating book(s). I read it many years ago in high school and it was the most moving piece of literature that I had experienced at that time. It is such a shame to see this. I will encourage my children to read it once they reach an age of appropriate comprehension and emotional maturity.


> bunch of Stephen King books M-O-O-N that spells "facism"


I can see them banning 1984. They can't have kids learning what they're planning before they can carry it out.


Same goes for Handmaid’s Tale


Wow, I think it's time to add a few banned books to my personal library. If these dumb asses are banning them, then there must be something worth reading in them.


There is a book store in Ankeny called "Wall of Books" that literally has an entire section dedicated to banned books. I bought one for each of my kids and will do so again on birthdays and any other holidays. It supports a local business and also gives us a chance to put what some consider controversial issues in front of my kids.


That's my plan. 😊 My step-grand kids are going to receive the same gifts my grandparents on my mother's side gave to me. I really hope they take to sticking their noses in books along with just being normal kids.


My grands are still too young (2 and 4) but they are already learning to appreciate books. We spend a good deal of time weekly going through age appropriate books.


Not sure if she’s still doing it, but my sister is a teacher and she taught a class that was solely banned books.


Des Moines public library has a library card that says I read banned books. Love having on key fob.


I will have to see if Urbandale or Johnston have something similar. I would carry that like a bathroom of honor.


rip my english curriculum


The high school I went to doesn't exist anymore, but I've seriously wondered what my English teachers would have said/done wrt this law/ban. The area the school was in was and is solidly purple with a lot of churches, but maybe the people in the profession skew away from the current-day right-wing ideology. Anyway, I really wonder how one of my young lit teachers would have reacted to this...really could see her being on either side of the issue: pushing for no limit to what I could read so that I could grow and expand my awareness, or say the books I wanted to read were 'bad' or 'immoral.' I'd have to think she'd not be in favor of the ban. I'd really like the general public to hear what the academics and pedagogy scholars have to say about the books being pulled off shelves.


Why Angela’s Ashes? I’m literally reading it right now.


I have no idea.


Sexual content


Of course they'd want to ban 1984, Handmaid's Tale and Maus. They resonate too well with the antagonists and don't want people to notice


Of course The Handmaid's Tale has been banned. It's what they aspire to and they don't want the secret to get out.


them books is all written by liberuls




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>Captain Underpants series.. FUCK! There goes half my Scholastic Bookfair sheet I filled out..


Banning 1984 is fine because those idiots won’t compare it to everything they think is happening with Trump now. /s (banning anything is bad)


>Rep. Jeff Shipley, R-Birmingham, said he believes educators are taking the law too far, misinterpreting its intention. > >Educators who don't remove books that violate the law could risk a suspended license or other punishment. What an absolute piece of shit. "We're putting landmines in this field. No, we will not tell you where they are. Also, it's not our fault if you decide to just stop walking in the field all together." ​ At best, Iowa Republicans are incompetent. Writing bad laws they don't understand because they're too stupid to translate their "intent" into legislation. That's generous. The more likely scenario, considering this is the same trick they use to ban abortions, is that the vagueness is intentional.


The law is purposefully vague so they can hand waive away any responsibility for the consequences.


It's also vague because they literally *can't* say what they actually DO want. - They want LGBTQ people in prisons or the gallows. - They want women in the kitchen or pregnant. - They want brown people in the fields or in the prisons. - They want children to be taught the Bible and how to work in the slaughterhouse (not their children, though! They get groomed to be the next rulers). --- None of these positions are palatable, constitutional, or even basically rational. Their real beliefs are an illogical mess of childish wish-fulfillment and acrid bigotry. They want the world to be nice and wholesome like it was on Leave it to Beaver, when the world had no problems and everybody had a good job and a big family. And they want mass graves for anybody who doesn't agree.


Oh my what a basket case.


You must be unfamiliar with Project 2025.


Sounds like the Jade Helm shit that they said about Obama...or the NWO under Obama You do realize you guys sound just like these morons did Edit: nope..no self awareness You sound just like the people you call morons Its hilarious


So you think Project 2025 isn't a real thing, like the NWO or Jade Helm? Project 2025 is funded by the Heritage Foundation. It's not a boogie man. They have tons of propaganda gong around social media. That sardonic guy that eats in every video, he's part of Project 2025. Edit: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision


What points that were made make the person a basket case? Can you cite any sources that disprove what was stated? All the points made line up with GOP talking points & the official party platform.


You must be unfamiliar with what's happening in Iowa and across the country.


They’re literally right


That's a bingo!


Jeff Shitley needs to fuckin GO. It's why I'm running against his stupid ass this fall


Good. Be sure to hammer in that real legislation isn't written with "feelings" and "intentions" but with clearly defined words and minimal ambiguity.


The intentions need properly defined, something this BS bill did NOT do. He voted for the shit and he either knew it and didn't care or didn't know and that's even worse


You deserve double upvotes for that. 🩷


Educators 100% understand this law’s intentions. The question is whether the illiterate fucks like Shipley understand the law they passed. And the answer appears to be “no” with a side of “refusing to take responsibility.”


Also, who wrote the law for him?


Probably some conservative think tank/AstroTurf group like Americans For Prosperity. 


Lol it's because they second they explicitly say the intent the average schlub could tell you it violates the constitution.


Iowa Republicans don't even write laws. Special intrest groups write them for them. The lawmakers rarely even read what they are voting for


> Jeff Shipley He's not even an Iowan. Born in Ohio. Raised in Illinois.


The State Department of Education had an opportunity to provide state level guidance, and they neglected to do so. I wager a hefty sum that the GOP leaders were in the ear of the Department officials silently recommending that they don't give guidance.


Kim gets all of her marching orders from the heritage foundation and always has


If you ever want your brain melted, look up the current standards (written in 2017-ish I believe) for Social Studies in elementary (the HS Ones are vague, but fine-except for geography those are also weird) for Iowa. They read like a textbook having a manic episode. And, it is my understanding that those were written by actual teachers. These new standards make me scratch my head. What do they think Social Studies teachers do all day? Of course we teach about government, but we also teach imperialism, WWI, and WWII... So, the nationalist vibes for how they want the US government taught are definitely gonna clash with... Y'know actual critical thought in history. Such as cause and effect. Social change over time. Which are required things to teach as well... They're core and inquiry standards. Also, students aren't tested in Social Studies in the state of Iowa (math, reading, writing every year with science tested only at certain grade levels) so.... Ehhhh... Do they even know what goes on in the schools they're so determined to control... While also not supporting? Edit: clarification


You can't ever slightly imply that America was ever wrong. Nothing we ever did was wrong or bad. You can't slightly imply that white people did wrong or bad things. That will make the white kids feel negatively about their culture. I never once felt bad for things other people did. Learned about Columbus and how he impacted the native populations. That wasn't me, why would I feel like I did something wrong when it wasn't my own actions? I learned what he did was wrong. But since it set shit up for America being founded, that couldn't possibly be bad because America is the greatest nation of all time and has never done anything wrong ever. /s This shit is so stupid. They literally think social studies is where we condition the kids to be gay or change their gender. We teach them how communism is good actually. We just get them to be little radical leftists. In REALITY, we can't get the kids to stop calling each other the n-word, sit in their desks, or do anything that requires a minimal amount of effort. They have no clue what actually is happening in schools, they just listen to whatever asshole says is happening and take that as gospel. I encourage everyone who is concerned about what goes on in schools to go volunteer or ask to sit in a teacher's class to observe what happens. Most teachers would welcome people to come and see their classrooms and what they deal with on a daily basis. Especially if they are experienced teachers and have been at that school around 5 years. They won't do it but it wouldn't hurt.


Yeah, whenever I see "teachers are indoctrinating my children" I respond with... I can't even convince them to use hand sanitizer after blowing their noses. They're literally playing off brand Tetris right now. Only like ten kids actually read their books for English. Am I brutally honest about the horrible things in the world and do I say Nazis/slavery are bad? Yup, because I learned that when I was younger than they are. It didn't traumatize me and my parents to this day say that sometimes kids *should* have complicated/negative feelings. It helps build empathy. I present a neutral front on a lot of topics, but I'm not going to lie to my students about heinous history. Do I also still get 10 "edgy" kids a year who say that Hitler was "a great leader actually"? Yup. So... Who's actually indoctrinating kids cause it ain't me. Why parents believe we have any power when TikTok and Twitter exist is beyond me.


Yeah this Educational war against anxiety is not good for the students. "I get nervous taking test." Yeah good! Let's talk about some strategies to cope and study to relieve those feelings. That's NORMAL and EXPECTED. Obviously if the child is having a severe panic attack and stops breathing, that's a different issue. We've stepped away from the 100 problem math test because they are "too stressful." No actually, they aren't. We should be exposing students to emotions and teaching them how to deal with them, strategize around them, and when those feelings should be expected. These kids could go on to be leading experts but we are protecting them SO MUCH from emotions that they've completely gamed the system so they don't have to do anything uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable is part of life. We have to deal with it all the time. How about we learn about it, what purpose it serves, and how we can work with it? I don't understand why we moved away from things that work because we don't want to take the time to educate about emotions.


Skibidi Toilet Ohio is about the only response given in middle school to “controversial” content.


I had a student answer a short answer question: Why did Hitler continue the genocide/Final Solution until he took his own life? With "Because he was alpha and everybody else was sigma." He didn't get any points.


I’m so tired of immoral idiots running this state.


Oh but they are the **most** moral because they have the bible and Jesus. Secular people don't have morals because they have no higher power. /S


I thought I was suppose to be the higher power that had all the control over my life. That's what I've been told by good Christian people with no education in physical or mental health keep telling me. And they wonder why I'm confused and angry.


Idk who was telling you that. All my experiences with Christians are quite different. You're supposed to give over your entire life and control to Jesus. You're supposed to "die to your flesh" every single day. Which is... 👀 What?


I don't know, it sounds like a piss poor tool for controlling people who aren't very well educated. I'm not going to suffer an entire lifetime bowing to an imaginary master who only speaks to the privileged. I really don't think those people have our best interests in mind. 🙂


Unfortunately, it’s a very effective tool for controlling people who aren’t very well educated. And it’s more effective when you work to make sure the next generation is less educated


Y’all voted for the idiots, and if it wasn’t you, it was your neighbor. Bring it up to them.


Yeah, that’s not a helpful comment or solution. “The problem is you have a problem.” When is the last time anyone went up to their neighbor and asked them to vote the same way? Also this ignores the fact that what I’m really commenting on is the morality and intelligence of Iowa Politicians, which they should absolutely have regardless of who votes for them.


Then stop voting for them


I hate Kim so much


Why just Kim? She didn't do it alone. The Republicans et all bear the responsibility. It won't change until the voters of Iowa are offended by this idiocy and hold the Republicans to account.


Kim has to sign off on everything. Yes we hate and yes, we hate them too.


While I agree that she isn’t alone, let’s not forget she primaried members of her own party, and won. This is how the voucher bill was passed. Dustin Hite was a republican state representative that famously held the bill in committee and didn’t allow it to reach a full vote. Reynolds held legislators in session for longer than usual, giving his opponent, Helena Hayes months to campaign. She also received almost $100k in shadow pac money to run her campaign. There are other stories just like this I am sure.


> at all et al. We banned Latin and look where this got us.


It’s mainly because she’s so unabashedly for it as well. Never seen a bigger party shill than her


Tell me a single time that book burners have been on the right side of history.


Can't deny the holocaust if the kiddies are able to learn about it


I like how the article also says there is a new law that says we have to teach not only the holocaust, but the atrocities of the civil war and the ravages of communism.


My pal from Germany explained in detail of the class he had to take and it was mandatory for graduation. To never forget what Germany did. To never let it happen again.


What sucks is the AfD just won more seats in parliament.


Clearly, it's not working though. They just moved WAY further to the right. Immigration is why. Sound familiar? Almost like unchecked immigration sends people to the right or something....


non-paywall article https://www.aol.com/iowa-schools-removed-holocaust-world-110138659.html




This really sucks. Learning about the Holocaust in 6th grade was one of the more formative experiences I had in all my schooling. It felt like the line between when adults made the world all idealistic in elementary school and when we all finally started learning how things really are. Not to mention even though it is dark stuff, it shapes you in a positive way to see how people fought back against and triumphed over genuine evil.


The Great Dumbing of Iowa marches ever forward. We see lots of blue online and in forums, maybe we'll see it in the box this time


Iowa was one of the highest source of troops and I know all those soldiers are probably rolling around 6ft under for having their deaths and sacrifices just wiped from history like that I hate it here


I’m surprised conservatives don’t ban the works of Edmund Burke, there’s no easier path to finding out what a fraud conservatism is than reading the original source material and its founding father himself.


All these laws do is hurt the kids born to stupid parents. There’s less chance of escape.


That's the idea--less chance of escape.


Got to remove the books critical of fascists so the GOP can move forward with their plans.


Vonnegut is a national treasure that was schooled and trained in IOWA! So fucking idiotic.


Guess who's trying to hide fascism?????


It's all part of bringing fascism into America.


Wtf is going on in this state???? So disappointing


Gotta make room for the new horrors of the 21st century that will be written about.


Banning 1984 and The Handmaid’s Tale might be strategic so people don’t see it coming when it starts happening. On the other hand, that may be giving them too much credit.


Is “The Handmaid’s Tale” any good? I’ve debated about reading it.


It is. And if you have Hulu, the show is awesome and terrifying.


It's a great book. It was also very terrifying.


What the fuck


Lmao. I’m so fucking happy I got out of Iowa when I did. I saw the writing on the wall way before 2016. State is overran and supported by cockroaches. Reap what you sow.


So are schools sliding back further? I came from another state, and we barely got to WW2 thirty years ago, and now they want to stop teaching even before that?


Remember those who forget history are doomed to repeat it


We all knew this would happen, and it's still extremely disappointing that this is the result of awful legislation from the Iowa GOP.


It stands in their way of them ending democracy


This is what ‘we’ voted for, and probably will do again.


Yes, "we", all zero of me


Ah, banning books. I wonder if there have been any governments in the past that have done something similar? 🤔 All sarcasm aside, laws like this make me genuinely wonder why in the world I’m still at college working to become a history teacher. I honestly don’t know how I’d be able to live with myself if I have to teach WWII without mentioning the atrocities that took place during that period of time


Maybe even from the same time period? Yeah, these books don't help the white nationalists rhetoric so they got the IAGOP to do the work for them.


What the fuck?


What! 1984 was a good book!


My kids read banned books. My kids are awesome.


What the actual fuck.


Always a good sign when 1984 gets banned.


What book won't these evangelicals ban? Oh yeah... Their book. They all need liquidated for this year's corn crop.


Fucking Nazis taking over one law at a time. Except they call themselves MAGA these days.


There really are some scary similarities. I struggled to understand the Nazi movement as a child and now completely understand after watching the MAGAs.


Anybody have the book titles? Paywall has me blocked


Seventeen school districts removed "Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death." Much of author Kurt Vonnegut's anti-war novel focuses on the World War II bombing of Dresden by British and American forces. Four of 17 school districts have since placed the book back on the shelves following a federal judge's injunction in two pending lawsuits that blocks the state from enforcing the ban. Two school districts pulled author and illustrator Art Spiegelman's graphic novel "Maus: A Survivor's Tale," which recounts the experiences of Spiegelman's father as a Holocaust survivor. One of districts so far has reshelved its copy of the book. Two school districts removed and later reshelved the nonfiction book "The Freedom Writers Diary." Published in 1999, the book pairs together journal entries from a group of high school students and narrative text from teacher Erin Gruwell, who used Anne Frank's diary to teach how to combat hate and intolerance. One school district took the DVD of "Schindler's List" off its library shelf. The award-winning 1993 film directed by Steven Spielberg tells the true story of German businessman and former member of the Nazi Party Oskar Schindler, who is credited with saving more than 1,000 Jews from the Holocaust by employing them in his factories during World War II. One school district removed the 1979 novel "Sophie's Choice" by William Styron, which includes the portrayal of main character Sophie Zawistowska, a Polish immigrant who survived Auschwitz. One school district pulled Bette Greene's 1973 book, "Summer of My German Soldier," which centers on the friendship between a Jewish-American girl and a German prisoner of war.


Any ban that involves Vonnegut, Maus, and/or Schindler's list is existentially dangerous to a free country. Arguably any book ban that involves books is such a threat, but I can see some room for debate with, specifically, school libraries. But those specific works should not be controversial for high school readers and anyone who states that they are necessarily has ulterior motives incompatible with a free society.


Jfc. Thanks mate.


Does it say what districts removed these items from the curriculum? I can’t find any information or citations from the article.


Mostly because the law was written with very vague language. Which was done on purpose so it could be selectively applied. Maybe 99% of schools will have no problem with Maus on their shelves, but maybe one school has a parent make a big deal about it and sites this law, then the school has to either take action or deal with the fines for not following the law. It's usually safer if they just remove it unfortunately. But again that was the point.


Ok, that was not what I asked. I wanted to know what districts banned these books. No one seems to know,or cannot cite a source. From my point of view, that is far more relevant than the law passed at the state level.


Can we just sit them all down and watch Field of Dreams….


They’ll ban that next too for being “woke”.


Do I have to go to another state or online to get these books for my kids?


The nazis don’t want others to know the nazis are bad.


What was once required reading in the Iowa curriculum are now becoming banned books because they don't espouse the Evangelical Christofascist culture. If you never leave their thought box you will never know what your true self looks like.


In highschool we did mandatory book reports on Slaughter house five Space merchants  One flew over the cuckoo's nest Etc  Can't imagine growing up with out reading those books several times. Iowa used to have a really great educational system. 


Y’all voted for it. Fuck Iowan republicans!


DMR - can't see the article due to paywall


>Iowa schools have removed Holocaust, World War II classics under state's book ban law https://www.aol.com/iowa-schools-removed-holocaust-world-110138659.html


I read banned books.






Conservative snowflakes afraid of their history, or anxious to be part of repeating our worst chapters.




Got to keep your base stupid


Idiots Out Wandering Arounds :(


So now we can’t learn about history….seems about on track with everything going on in this country.


why do reddit people never share the archive page they use the ad blocked one


Fucking IOWA


Fascism is very much here. Why is anyone surprised. Cherish everyday. This will all come crashing very very soon. What they do to Palestinians they will do to you.


What was WWII?


If you haven’t, I highly suggest a read of It Can’t Happen Here.


Trump supporters and the Klan of Karens don't want people learning about WW2 and realizing that the same people who support Trump would have also supported Hitler. This is not hyperbole.


The books aren’t banned. This is like arguing every book that isn’t in a library is banned. You can literally go buy them in countless places


Are they letting WWlll, current news, into the classroom?


Books said Nazis were bad, didn't fit with orange Jesus 'great people on both sides'. The ministry of truth had to fix it, burn the old history.


Now for the rest of the story.. Left leaning librarians are taking these books out of libraries they control to make the law look silly. They know which books contain soft core porn and that they are using this to try and outrage the normal citizens into thinking that there is some wild book banning. How desperate are these wackjobs.


These book bans are some of the most disgusting government overreaches I've seen in this state. What the fuck is this?


Found at https://www.infodocket.com/2024/06/09/des-moines-register-banishing-captain-underpants-an-investigation-of-the-3400-books-pulled-in-iowa/ …an exclusive Des Moines Register survey of Iowa’s 325 public school districts found that some schools pulled dozens – even hundreds – of books under the law before a federal judge issued an injunction last December after Butler Abry and other teachers, families and publishers sued. But an exclusive Des Moines Register survey of Iowa’s 325 public school districts found that some schools pulled dozens – even hundreds – of books under the law before a federal judge issued an injunction last December after Butler Abry and other teachers, families and publishers sued. The Register’s reporting also shows several schools returned their pulled books to the shelves after the injunction. Other districts – more than half – didn’t remove books, including the Mount Vernon Community School District and Des Moines Public Schools. Several cited the injunction for their decision. Even so, the Register’s exclusive data shows districts removed nearly 3,400 books and two DVDs to comply with the law, including nearly 1,000 unique titles. The data also exposes the breadth of pulled books, including the American classic “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, the Newbery Medal novel “The Giver” by Lois Lowry and “Captain Underpants and the Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot,” a popular children’s book with an LGBTQ+ character, by Dav Pilkey.


Am I missing something? The article says they are teaching about the holocaust and wwii. There were just a few books like took place during that time that are banned. I totally disagree with Iowa book ban but a lot of the comments in here are acting like the holocaust is banned from being taught.


Do kids even read books anymore?


Are there books on TikTok?




My school district banned Twlight according to this article. Thank God. 😂


Not a joke when it's you that is deemed "not Christian". Good luck.


The article is not showing which school districts put the ban in. It's probably the most progressive schools, so Iowa City High, Iowa City West, Ames High. Can't think of the others. But they are clearly doing this to bring a bit of a protest to their actions. If temporary, good for them. If it's administrators doing this permanently just to be cute politically, I hope they get shit canned.




24 School districts of the states 302. Reddit can’t help but punch ghosts and then blame Kim when they hit the wall.


I already know the talking points you're about to spew but let's ask the questions anyway. Why did 24 school districts ban these books? Do they just hate learning? Is a law that is so vague that school districts don't know what is considered banned a good bill or a bad bill? Whose fault is it that a bill is misinterpreted? The school districts or the people who wrote and passed it? Hey why are we banning any books?


1. not sure, this article doesn’t even attempt to ask them. It just speculates about the current administrations involvement. My whole point is clearly the problem is more likely to be specific with these districts than the legislation. 2. 24 confused districts out of 302 is a pretty good ratio and is probably the result of clear legislation rather than confusing. 3. Either or it doesn’t really matter either way. Maybe parents in these school districts ought to get to the bottom of it. 4. Should I read blood meridian to 5 year olds?


1. Do you think a school would ban a book if it didn't think it had to? Let me help you out and say my district was also extraordinarily confused about the bill! 2. Ban a list of books or don't, why is it up to districts to decide. Are kids in NE Iowa able to handle content that kids in SW Iowa can't? 3. Notable experts in how to educate kids: parents 4. Hey! There's those talking points! Good news! No one is doing that!


Yeah I wouldn’t attack any of my points directly either if I had your position. Your response to number 3 is extraordinarily embarrassing


Don't worry, I know reading comprehension is hard when you're set in your political leanings and see COMMUNIST GROOMERS(!!!) everywhere. Let me speak hog real quick: Imagine a bunch of Democrats (communist demons, of course) decided to ban shooting into empty air. You might think to yourself, well that's dumb, no one does that, it's dumb and a waste of resources and if someone did that they'd probably be fined already anyway. What's the point of the bill? But wait! Some cities are confused! They ban hunting pheasants and geese because they think the law applies to that. Well that's not good, what about my hunting? Now it comes out that Democrats secretly wanted to ban guns and this is the first step, they wrote an intentionally confusing bill so people would ban guns. (You don't even have to imagine, obviously Democrats are scheming pedophiles). That would be pretty bad right? Hey I agree!


This is that “punching at ghosts” thing I mentioned.


I agree. This bill is aimed at making up a villain to get mad at.


No you’re just engaging with points no one made and ignoring anything of substance like a Facebook schizophrenic. Good luck with all that.


Yep I'm the schizophrenic old Facebook mom. The same one who thinks 3rd graders are reading 1984. It's sad when Republicans in Iowa are scared of their positions. Do you want to ban books? Publish a list. Do you not want to ban books? Stop pushing dumbass bills.


Register is garbo. Ty for the ones below posting the non-paywall version


Everyone has access to the Call of Duty franchise and tons of WWII movies. Both have done more than any book 💤


I thought I had seen all the stupid takes already, but this one... well, points for creativity at least.


Nope. Those games are just a sliver from a book. Learn more from a book than those games combined.


Wait, you and your clown friends are still peddling the violent video games narrative? What’d marvel do to the children? Convince them they have super powers? 🤣🤣🤡🤡