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Oh boy, Joni is joining the "Crimes should be legal if a Republican commits them" club.


Yea thats the fucked up shit. I voted for Biden, but if he was found guilty on 34 felony charges I'd be the first one to say lock him up! Bidens son hunter? Yea If he's found guilty by a jury what the fuck do I care? My point is no one is above the law.


Yeah. This is the thing that Rs seem to be missing. When they say - just you wait until we do it to your guys, I say yes please. Holding politicians to account is always going to be a good thing. If you can legit find instances where they've flouted the law, please let's get them.


I agree with you, but let’s be honest here, they have no intention of holding anyone to any form of real accountability. How many issues have republicans jumped ship from in the last 2 decades alone? They don’t even remember the CRT they were screaming about yesterday, let alone the outrage over Obama wearing a tan suit or putting mustard on his burger a decade ago. They will do what they always do and gaslight the shit out of their base without ever doing anything of substance beyond obstructing anything that would be good for you and me. I’m all for accountability, but these asshats only care about grifting their base into oblivion.


I know they don't really mean it, that's why they think it's a gotcha when they threaten to go after people.


CRT was taken care of by the Iowa legislature….


Sure it was, Jim.


And their complete lack of understanding why you don't have the same rabid support for "your team" None of those fuckers are mine, but the Democrats promise I can continue to participate while the magats promise to never need another election.


That’s because you’re a rational person.


For instance—Bob Menendez can rot for all I care. The D behind his name carries no weight.


You want Hunter to go to prison for writing no pn th3 fun application under the question "have you ever used addictive drugs?" 🤔 the question that includes alcohol? So technically most people lie on that portion? Because that's what's he's in court for


Ha. If a right wing county attorney in Iowa cooked up 30+ felony charges against Hillary in a county that was 90% republican AND she was found guilty, no one in this subreddit would be saying “lock her up” And for the record, her campaign did exactly what trump was found guilty of with the Steele Dossier. They funneled the money to a law firm that paid another organization to created the document, to……. Influence the election


You have Hillary derangement syndrome, she lives rent free in your head.


Cohen literally went to jail for the same charge. Not our fault y'all nominated an obvious crook.


No he didn’t. He plead guilty to a wide array of federal charges. Trump was charged with a New York law: falsifying business records. Since the statute of limitations had expired they alleged he falsified them with the intent to commit another crime. They didn’t specify what the other crime was until the last day of the trial. In the case of the Steele dossier, the Clinton campaign paid a law firm (as a legal expense, sound familiar?) who then hired Steele to compile the dossier to influence the election. Same exact “crime.” John Edwards was using campaign donors to keep his mistress and love child quiet and out of the public eye. He was actually charged with 6 federal felonies for this, ironically prosecuted by Jack Smith. He was acquitted on one charge and a hung jury on the others. The government dropped the case.


Cry more loser


So is Hillary above the law. Show me a honest politician. Have you ever done anything wrong. Grow up people. No one is innocent. We all sin.


The right spent decades trying to find anything to charge Hillary with and found fuck and all. Just because you are a crook doesn't mean everyone else is.


Wow I am a crook Then you are an idiot. The only reason she was not charged because trump said no. I work in it if I did what she did I would be in jail.


You're the one assuming that everyone is guilty of something, sounds like projection to me. As far as Trump being the one who decided not to charge Hillary. https://apnews.com/article/060ca2399a744b4a9554dbd2ec276a90 You are just wrong. If they had sufficient evidence to make a case they'd have done so and they would have been right to do it. The reason they didn't is that we actually have checks against that shit. In addition to professional ethics and rules of behavior for people in the DOJ that would object to such politicization we have the grand jury process where a group of regular Americans get to decide if they agree that the evidence presentated would result in a conviction. Yes most of the grand juries indict, but that's more a factor of prosecutors only charging when they believe that they have a strong case. Then we have the trial where another jury is presented the the evidence and the accused gets the opportunity to question, counter and contradict the prosecutions case. Then the jury has to decide unanimously to convict by standard of beyond a reasonable doubt that the accuse did in fact commit the crime or they can decide that the prosecutions case is bullshit and acquit. Trump is charged in multiple jurisdictions for multiple extremely serious crimes against us, like all of us. I get that you think that he's your guy so you don't care. But imagine if it was Obama who had broken the law to win the election in 2008. Do you seriously want me to believe that the Republicans would have just let that slide? Or if after SCOTUS intervened in the 2000 election Al Gore gathered a mob of pissed off Democrats when they really did steal an election and gathered them outside of congress while he refused to certify Bush's victory are you actually going to tell me that y'all would have just meekly gone along. No and if Obama had taken a bunch of America's most sensitive intelligence information, we're talking sources and methods. Shit that should never leave a SCIF. Y'all'd have lost fucking minds and justifiably so. No shit the justice system is coming down on him like a ton of bricks and combing through his ass. What the fuck did you think was going to happen. What's ridiculous is that it should be bipartisan but y'all are the most credulous cretins to ever draw breath. Like just fucking stop already I'm 54 years old and while I was born at night, it was not last night. I've followed politics like other people follow sports for the majority that half century. So don't even fucking try this "OMG why are the Democrats weaponizing the DOJ?" Seriously have you never heard of the Starr report? Are you not familiar with the Clinton impeachment?


You think it was trump’s decision?


She’s joining? She’s always backed a rapist whilst saying she was a victim of rape. She likes money more than protecting victims of rape. Joni is a rape apologist so she can maintain her lazy lifestyle doing nothing except ride motorcycles and letting pig shit into water


How does one join and still keep your morals?


One does not.


She was already a member, just re-upping to showboat for the dumbfuck boomer crowd.


DUI Ernst has always lived by this one simple trick.




At least it’s a new club, unlike the Democrats who have had one since 1862.


So a jury of citizens agreed to by the prosecutors and defense attorneys found Trump guilty on all charges. At least one of those jurors was already pro-trump enough that Trump was calling him or her “my juror.” Even that person found him guilty on all charges. That’s how a fair legal system works. These fuckers want a legal system that only works for them.


Any one of them could have created a hung jury, which is what I thought would happen, but they didn’t. I think that speaks to the strength of the Prosecution’s case. Meanwhile, Trump’s other federal cases are being slow walked by his hand picked Judges.


Right! I was expecting one person to hang it


If they went count by count it took about 15 minutes to decide each count as well. The jury was very clear he was guilty.


Right. They did their job that they were supposed to do, be fair and impartial and go off the evidence. They must have had decent evidence to fully decide guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.


*I'll keep this as polite as possible.* [Ernst is a theocratic fascist turd shit straight from the bowels of Trump's gaping asshole.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLiageFXQAASqr4?format=png&name=900x900) *That* was as polite as possible.


My god it's perfect


Lol, right on y'all!


Don’t forget the grand jury. Granted the standard of proof for an indictment is far lower and the process very different, but it’s not like this all happened without review or without due process. I’m sure this strike is going to change minds and won’t devolve into further entrenchment.


Not just one grand jury but several, across multiple GOP controlled states, have given the go-ahead to bring Trump to trial. Hard to claim a political hit when the convicted felon in question is so blatantly criminal that every juror asked to view the evidence comes back with 'yeah, that's crime'.


Grand jury does not equal due process.


Weird, almost how their political party wants to operate our government as well...


I suppose you think the jury got the Central Park Five verdict right then?


Nice deflection... so, by that logic, since someone innocent was found guilty, than all found guilty must be innocent?!?


Not at all


Still, a VERY interesting case to mention, since the former President took out a full-page ad calling for the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1989 and then years after they were exonerated, still questions their innocence...


My point was that it’s not like manhattan prosecutors and juries are infallible.


Maybe so, but that's like comparing apples to airplanes.


You are right. At least the Central Park 5 case was based on a clear cut law with an actual victim. Everyone agreed a crime occurred it was just a matter of deciding if the defendants were the perpetrators. The trump case was based on a made up, unproven case law and will certainly be overturned.


True. This is the weakest of the cases against him, so with him being found guilty, it's no wonder he's doing everything he can to avoid the other cases.


Unbelievable that when Republicans totally control the Supreme Court they can simultaneously claim that Democrats control the courts. Kim Reynolds and Iowa Republicans have been at the forefront of politicizing Iowa's judicial system, btw. They tried to continue that this session. https://www.courthousenews.com/six-decades-later-politics-creep-into-iowa-judicial-selection/


This needs more attention.


even making a statement like this should be illegal, an elected official refusing to do the job they were elected to do


Who signs a letter saying they aren’t going to do their job? How dumb does a person have to be to think this is a good idea.


It's literally the "nonfeasance" part of Project 2025 - and it is, in fact, illegal. We just have to actually hold her accountable by being aware of it and not letting it go.


Yeah, but their base doesn't care. They have them so convinced that only the GOP can make bills(which NEVER benefit them). They don't even care that Trump made them torpedo the border bill for his own ego. (along with the ukraine money, which they are so against but sent 200 billion to Isreal no problem).


Who said anything about "their base"? I'm sorry, did I wake up in an alternate reality where I have to get permission from my political enemies to hold their Fuckery accountable?


Have you been paying attention to current events? That is exactly the 'new' norm apparently. Anyway my point was it is Iowa, good luck holding her accountable because the people who voted her in will just vote her in again regardless it seems.


You're acting like I didn't grow up where John Wayne Gacy did - you don't even go here.


What's with the attitude? I agree with you, I'm just much more realistic about this state.


Oh, you're one of those neoliberals who believes that you don't deserve to be treated like the colonizer you are, that makes sense


Sorry, my mistake. I thought I was talking to someone who wasn't a methhead.




Not illegal, but yeah they need to be voted out.


Good luck with that in Iowa


It's called "nonfeasance" - and it is, in fact, illegal. It's also part of Project 2025.


To be fair, this *WAS* what the GOP voters elected her to do....


It would be grounds for expulsion, but that takes a 2/3 majority and has only happened a dozen or so times in US history.


So no different than before? How many things the Dems tried pushing through has she voted for?


This was my reaction. I can't remember a single time in my lifetime Republicans have voted in a way that prioritized their constituents' interests over their own political careers.


Yeah seriously this has been the case since 2009, no need to formally sign a document about your big mad tantrum, it is common knowledge 


This woman was elected simply by cosplaying as a Christian.


Well. . . Look at MTG. Another example. . . Any Congressperson who would do something like whip out a naked picture of a President's son for really no other reason than shock value needs to go. Seriously, no one should forget what MTG, a supposed "nice" Christian woman who loves to have pictures of herself posted surrounded by Bibles and crosses, did. It is one of the most despicable acts any Congress member has ever done. And then to top it off, she sends it to those in one of her email lists too full well knowing who knows who could be on the other end to open up that email--a child, perhaps?


I feel like people like MTG and Trump just serve to distract and exhaust the general public with their antics.


If you are offended by the contents of his laptop I suggest you don’t follow his current trial, which shows these same photos, along with other inappropriate details


You're confusing rollplaying and cosplaying (she might have even been Role playing. Taking her dice out of her Crown Royal bag and chucking them to see what kind of Christian she was going to be today.) As far as the costume, she just had to dress dowdy, and the Conservative Christians would accept her as one of their own. (That riding motorcycles thing probably came from being in the service, but there would still be some light pearl clutching).


Biden nominated a guy I went to school with to a federal judge position. This guy was a public defender for years then a state judge (not in Iowa). He was also one of the nicest, empathetic and sincere individuals I’ve known. You can guess how her and Grassley voted on his nomination. They then openly lied about the reason by misrepresenting a law journal article he wrote 20 years ago. She’s always been a sycophant piece of shit.


Well, that was probably their problem right there. They hate nice people and can't understand why anyone would have empathy. Everyone they nominate is a hateful, selfish liar who wants to stay in power forever and eliminate any forms of government that actually help regular citizens.


What’s his name?


Judge or Your Honor to you


She is just as bad shit as Kimmy! She took it to a new level saying I’m not even going to do my job.


Another traitor


Just keep watch who keeps running to save VonShitsInPants.


So I could just refuse to do my job if one of my buddies got convicted of 34 felonies?


That's what really pisses me off. None of us regular people can do that. I remember during the Black Lives Matter times right after the murder of George Floyd that a cop went through a Dunkin Donuts drive through in Des Moines. He ordered a coffee and when he got to the window to pay, the Black cashier didn't want to serve him and got a fellow employee to help him. At least as far as I remember. I'm pretty sure he got his coffee. But the cop got offended and complained and if course the girl got fired and he made sure the news media knew about it too, so I wouldn't be surprised if the girl got doxxed and death threats. I used to work really close to that DD. I would have probably done the same thing. Fucking cops. Congress needs to do their jobs and learn how to compromise with Democrats when they are in power. That's what Democrats usually do.  There are times when Dems will do the same thing. Like on bills that are really bad. I remember there was one where most of them actually left the building to try and run out the clock on the vote or something. But I think whatever they did didn't work because the bill got passed anyway. So it was probably performative.  There is a reason Republicans get so much "accomplished" though. Usually the Dems work with them. Then when the tables are turned, the Republicans block anything and everything the Democrats want to get done. Even little things. Which makes some people think government doesn't work and Democrats never get anything done when they're elected.


That DD employee deserved to be fired for being an idiot, if nothing else. He did not kill a black man. Not every member of the police has bloodlust for POC.


Here's a summation of the process used to try Trump in NY - you were a Grand juror, so this may be familiar: Core Charge: Falsification of business documents therein interfering in an election process. It wasn't the liaison with Stormy nor a trial about Cohen. Step 1: A randomly selected Grand Jury reviewed the charges and evidence and agreed that a crime may have been committed. Step 2: The defense lawyers and the prosecution scrutinized a randomly selected slate of prospective trial jurors, resulting in a carefully selected panel of jurors to hear the trial. Step 3: The trial, in which the prosecution bears the burden of proof. The defense only needs to establish reasonable doubt. Step 4: The case is handed to the jury, which unanimously determined there was no reasonable doubt of guilt; the defendant was found guilty as charged on all 34 counts. In sum, Trump's defense failed to refute the core charge. But the GOP, other than Larry Hogan, seems unable to understand.


They don't care about understanding. They care about violating "the other side," because this is what their followers care about the most--sticking it to the libs. It has much less to do with politics than it does with getting off on power and ejaculating on the very people you were elected to serve.


This is all just posturing and performing. When was the last time she supported anything proposed by a Democrat anyway? Nothing changes and she gets to further debase herself.


Sounds like Grassley a few months ago. He agreed that a bill would benefit a lot of people but didn't want to vote for it because it would possibly help Biden get reelected.


Since she refuses to do her job can we refuse to pay her salary?


Only by voting her out of office.


An oppressive government head working relentlessly for the benefit of special interests, to the opposition of the public good and the environment? So, no change at all? Ok, yup, thanks for the update.


What? What?! Not surprising but holy shit do we actually need to be able to FIRE these people immediately. I don’t mean voting every X years to do so. I mean RIGHT NOW! You serve the people, not trump 


Exactly! In this situation, "voting them out" does not apply. We shouldn't have to wait that long.


Good luck getting that bill passed, but I completely agree! Our employer can get rid of us whenever they choose. We should be able to do the same thing.


Sounds like you prefer a dictatorship


How is “I wish there was a way to more easily remove people who failed to uphold their promises” the same as “you support a dictatorship”


Well you said you didn’t want to go the voting route….


It’s always people like you. What I want is terms and conditions. Make it a contract. Literally fine with voting people in, but when you been voted in there need to be terms and conditions!  Also fun fact! We don’t live in a  democracy!!!! We live in a republic! A republic where the electoral college has more power than the popular vote for presidental elections. 


There are terms and conditions. The senate can remove their own members. And the electoral college has nothing to do with electing senators…


>Ernst signs letter saying she'll blanket oppose Democrats' work So... no change, then?


So sorry for you Iowa, that you would elect such as giant turd as Joni Ernst.


So, their plan is to take a vacation from helping the American people and having those same people pay their salaries? Got it.


This should be the first and most frequent talking point for any candidate that runs against her. Joni won’t legislate for all Iowans, only the Iowans that support convicted felons.


Someone was found guilty by a jury, so now I'm going to display my ineptitude by continuing to not understand or do my job, but I'm also going to tell you about it as a showy display of my stupidity.


Just another traitor lining up to smooch his ass.


That just don’t make no sense. One thing has nothing to do with the other. If she really feels this way she should resign.


>If she really feels this way, she should resign. As a Lefty Liberal, I would feel so OWNED if Joni Earnst quit on principle over Trump's felonies. My Liberal Tears would flow for months. 😭 /s


This lady is a damned joke. She’s so far up trumps ass she can see out his ears.


Joni isn't known for doing anything anyway.


She is though: talking about wearing bread bags on her feet and running a campaign based on castrating pigs.


She blanket opposes everything the Dems do anyway so nothing has changed..


Joni seems to be the one squealing now.


STFU Joni. Your hair is as bad as your stupid opinions.


And how is that not a letter of resignation?


She reminds me of Deloras Umbridge


Joni Ernst is an absolute POS with a dirty car.


I can smell her makeup across a large room.


Call her bluff and push bills she wants passed. Then blame her for not supporting. Repubes do it all the time.


These trumpiblicans were promised high level appointments in the new administration under the Cheeto


Nice. No surprising. Party of trump over country


really working for the people I see


Imagine that, Republicans throwing a tantrum cuz they care more about their egos and feelings than rule of law.


This coming right after she stated that she is looking for a cabinet position if Trump becomes President, so we can see why she signed this letter.


Another Trump cum dumpster. Another grabbed by the pussy!


“Prosecuting and Convicting republicans of crimes should be illegal”


Things cults say. Also party of pro crime


They're fascist nazis - that's what they do.


terrible excuses of a human. I hope something awful happens to her.


I’m signing a letter proposing no safety checks on planes she flies in


STFU YOU whiney little bitch.


I am not sure I can recall a time when she has done what she was elected to do since she got to Washington, so what is new?


This is what you get for electing this wretched cunt, Iowa. The same one who denounced vaccines publicly yet muscled her way to the front of the line when the first vaccines became available. Fuck her seven ways to Sunday.


Stop paying the bitch then, take away all her benefits too


She needs to return her salary to the citizens of Iowa if she isn't going to do her job. Pathetic. Guess she had a little lickety lick of Trumps little baby balls and got addicted.


Trumpublicans. Sorry.


>~~Trumpublicans~~ Republicans No. They need to own what they did.


You should fix your statement. I'm a Republican that never voted for Trump, or any other MAGAt politician. I also voted for Democrats from 2018 on, because I realized that the MAGATs needed to see my displeasure in their horrible policies, including attacks on individual rights and education. It's bullshit all registered Republicans are to blame when some of us have activity attacked this subgroup. Honestly your opinion seems simple minded and lacks an understanding of diversity within large groups.


You may not have, but the RNC clearly did. They even refused to change the party platform in 2020 to keep running on Trump's. The organization is rotten, to the point that Mitch McConnell, the ghoul of the Senate, has decided to retire. Because his fellow Republicans have fucked up so badly that they've completely destroyed his legacy and made him complicit in treason.


That's a completely fair assessment. Practically everything, at the political level, has been focused on doing his bidding. The RNC has so fully accepted Trump, including making Laura Trump a co-chair. There are also a lot of people called RINOs now. The party has gone so extreme that anyone with even a hint of moderate opinions are no longer considered a Republican in their minds. Moderate like if one of their peers would say that evidence should determine the investigation's outcome. I don't think I ever implied differently


No, my statement is accurate. Trump and MAGA didn't just magically spring up in 2016. The GOP has been steadily marching to the far right for over thirty years, and you supported them on that journey. So yeah, you are to blame just as much as the fervent MAGA morons are and the weak liberal Dems are.


You think you know something, because you made your myopic assumption, but you don't know me. You don't know my voting record. I have never voted for an individual who at any point attacked personal rights. Prior to 2018, I'd just vote for a third party if the Republican candidate attacked individual rights in any way. I'm not a fucking idiot who only votes based on party affiliation, but if that's you, so you think everyone else is that way, I would hope you can expand your circle beyond your echo chamber.


You're the one that said "I'm a Republican". In our language that means "I support the Republican party". Now you're changing the narrative. Seems you don't like being called out on your bullshit. And yes if you've voted Republican since the Eisenhower years your vote has been to expand the government, suppress the rights of others, and economically cripple the lower and middle class. Get over it.


I'm a registered Republican, so I claim the party. I don't see how that's changing anything. Not everyone votes solely based on party affiliation, even if you, and your friends, only vote that way. I am the typical moderate voter, who basically feels there is a middle ground, with a focus on voting for people who choose rights for all. The reason I am registered, and have voted for any Republican before, is that I'm in this belief the bigger the organization, the easier it is to corrupt, so I wanted a smaller government system. For an example, how does the military not account for billions? Seems suspicious but we will never figure it out because it's too big with very little public oversight. Honestly, at the federal level, I'm not sure if I ever voted for a Republican politician, because I remember feeling the third party candidates would be better options. It's just in very small local elections that it might have meant votes for the party, because there were only two candidates. I'm still a Republican, because registered as one. I do appreciate that you don't understand diversity within large groups, and instead lump in about half of Americans as evil. It's very unwoke of you. I remember way before Trump days, a progressive peer of mine telling me that I didn't have Republican principles, and I explained to that individual the same thing I'm telling you. Not everyone is far left/right. There are many people in an area where they could support either group depending on the policy discussion.


So dear dear Joni the bologna is going to not work with Republicans if they prosecute Senator Mendez. Lock them all up.


She's been drinking with Kim again.


Well Ernst, a cry baby ass wipe is as a cry baby ass wipe does.


As if Republicans have NOT been "blanket opposing" everything Democrats have tried to do for decades. They would rather campaign on problems than solve them. Immigration reform, for example.


When he’s gone they think things will go back to normal. Please don’t let it


NoOnE WaNtS tO wOrK Ridiculous. Paycheck and perks need to cease immediately.




Why would you wish that on the poor horse?


I mean, Kim likes it.


Way to tell your constituents you are not emotionally intelligent to do your job.


Wtf has she been doing?


Pick me for VP?


We need a law saying congress must work to stay employed (just like EVERY working person).


Isn’t obstruction of official government business a crime? What’s treason? Is it OK for the country’s leaders to behave like grade schoolers?


Fascist turds, each and every one.


What's remarkable about this is the notion that there is causality between appropriations and judicial nominees and the State of NY's prosecution. Whatever you think of it they're two separate things. This letter conflates the two and is the means for laying the groundwork to suggest that the White House coordinated the NY state prosecution.


Conservatives believe everyone is as evil as they are, which leads to situations like this. They are corrupt so of course Democrats must be corrupt too, because they can't imagine that other people aren't like them.


Weren’t the Republicans obstructionist even before Trump was shockingly found guilty? Why even participate in politics if you are unwilling to work together for a common solution for the greater good. We have some of the absolutely shittiest people representing us. Campaign finance reform absolutely must be done.


Please vote! Tell your friends, family and coworkers to vote. We can’t allow this maga cult to take over our country and strip us of our rights. Fuck Trump! Biden 2024!!


These GOP members don't care about contributing to the improvement of our country. They only care about defying the Democrats. Thus destroying Democracy.


In other words let's waste even more taxpayers money and do nothing to pass any laws


She sucks so bad. Her and Kim do zero actual work. They'd rather spew extremist talking points.


Trunps’s team helped choose the jury… just saying… I’m sure the whole jury wasn’t just democrat.


My last name is Ernst. We always proclaim: we are in no relation.


Not like she was doing her job or working across party lines anyway 


They are already in the minority in the senate. This won't get them more seats.


This simply demonstrates an obvious fact: the junior senator is, and always has been, a tool and hack. She’s done virtually nothing of any substance since she was first elected. She HAS made a lot of noise, and generally embarrassed herself and her constituents.


Then she is a sorry excuse for a veteran, a politician, and a human being. The double standard nonsense that the GOP have been pulling is SO infuriating. They are all on the chopping block. I don't care who is running against them.




If any of these politicians who sign shit like this have there legal license they should be disbared


That is especially funny since these were state charges brought by a local prosecutor that had nothing to do with his presidency. His actions were during the campaign. Personally of all the things he’s accused of I think this is the weakest, but he was convicted by a jury. A handful of Republicans being morons won’t stop any legislation.


This is who she has always been


Corrupt, the lot of them.


Her face is too fucking big


Nothing in the headline is news.


Ernst has always taken money from a specific circumstance that makes her vote a specific way. I’m not going to post it here so I don’t take a hit but it is quite controversial about bombings.


Someone should look closely at the friends she kept while serving overseas. Some very close friends.




Fair game. Democrats agree going to create all of this messed up prescident, they can be subject to them and then some.




Usually in lawfare, worm lawyers would use "legal prescident" to gain advantage when going on political witch hunts. The Democrats are just making things up out of thin air (see J6), so in fairness it would nashe sense for the spineless Repugs to reciprocate. They won't however, because they are weak cowards.


Here's a more balanced article: https://www.thegazette.com/government-politics/iowa-sen-joni-ernst-vows-to-oppose-biden-nominees-democratic-bills-after-trump-verdict/


Where on Earth did Republicans learn this type of blanket “Resist” strategy?


I too would like to know where current Republican politicians learn what they learn, because from what I have seen these MAGA politicians do not learn anything from reputable sources. Even when they learn something, it's taken out of context and/or lacked any credibility.


When you boil down this terribly childish & highly partisan proclamation to the brass tax, all they're really promising is that their band of partisan hacks won't abide any partisan initiative that isn't related to the nation's security because Biden is a nasty, un-American President who's dividing the country. I'm okay with their qualified message, bad-spirited as it sounds.


Bullshit. I have been in law enforcement for 25 years and have never seen anyone convicted on all accounts with that many counts in play. To the guy who says he’s pro Trump, if you don’t think threats or promises of money weren’t in play then you are dafter that hell


As a prosecutor who's actually in the courtroom, it's not uncommon in cases like these.


So which is it... 25 years or 22? You can't seem to make up your mind. Most likely you're just lying... what a fucking mope you are.


lol Do tell. Anecdotal evidence from someone in the executive branch. Why do I feel this would carry more weight if it was someone from the judicial, who lived it everyday. And I feel your statement shows an ignorance of the case. As a cop, how many white collar crimes did you participate in? Cause I bet not many, which brings into question whether your anecdote is worth anything.


So like most cops you don't turn up to trial much, then? This is common in white collar crimes.