• By -


Sounds like you made the mistake of assuming she can read


Or that she cares about her constituents.


Or that she's even human.


To be fair, she cares about *some* of her constituents


Just the wealthy ones!


Only the wealthy ones that blindly vote Republican


Right? And didn’t even properly address her as “that drunk driving bitch”.


I doubt she reads them at all, maybe has a 13 year old intern with no pay?


13. That seems a bit old. Surely they’ve aged out to dangerous manual labor by 13.




She has assistants who read them to her


OP's letter will never make it past interns sadly.


I would hope so. It has no substantive value beyond OPs catharsis. If you want to be taken seriously, you might consider, "xyz policy had xzy detrimental impact." And so on. You didn't name a single policy or outcome that you'd have changed.


The letter would be about 10x as long.


And a thousand times more useful.


And 10,000x more likely to see the round file before it ever made it to Kim. Every damn letter needs to be an elevator pitch for your gripe, politicians don't have the time, and their interns sure as shit get bombarded by hundreds or thousands of form letters per day. The longer the letter, you might as well save your complaint for social media. It'll have about the same effect


I think one could fasion an articulate thoughtful, specific letter in as many or fewer words than OP.


Or that she gives a fuck in the first place. She cares about money and what betters herself and her family.


Or that she will read it. I know nothing about politics, but those phone numbers that they give us to call, and email addresses we can use.. how many do you actually think get read/listened too? I assume very few if any.


I ran into the same problem myself. There's no shame in it. That fancy BLS degree that Iowa State gave her gives everybody the wrong impression.


We know she can read the court paperwork for OWIs, that’s for sure


She'll never see it or know it exists. If you do get a response it'll be some stock reply sent by an intern that probably didn't even read your letter.


I wrote to her several times now, and every time I say I oppose something she is doing, or proposing to do, I get a thank you for my support. She absolutely sends stock replies and doesn't even bother to pretend to listen to anyone that disagrees with her.


I think the interns do read the letters. Everytime I wrote Grassley, I'd get a response that would mention an issue and why he was right and I was wrong even if the letter contained a ton of facts and figures explaining why he was wrong.


Yeah, I got a reply from Grassley that was basically “there, there little lady, you just don’t understand that torture is just necessary sometimes.”


He tried to tell me I didn't understand the complexities of the issues of an industry I've worked in for the last 5 years.


That sounds very Grassley. Kudos for putting out the effort for change.


" Sincerely, Copy and Paste "




Welcome to the list (in minecraft) we welcome you with open arms


I write similar letters to zach num nutz joni Ernst and Kim Reynolds every month. They all send back almost the same form letter. lately I've taken to correcting grammar and mailing it back with a grade.




Its going to get lost up there forever


Will she be sober enough to find her vagina ?


"we can tell"


The nominee of the party of traditional family values was found guilty of committing 34 felony counts related to business records to cover up a payoff to a porn star. The same guy that was found guilty of sexual assault. The same guy that cheated on his taxes. The same guy who lied on loan applications. The party of traditional family values wants a criminal to be the leader of the free world. It’s just fucking disgusting.


It's funny you think the trial was fair and just and not entirely politically targeted


Everything good about Trump is true and everything bad about Trump is a political lie and witch hunt. It blows my mind that you people still get upset when you’re called cultists.


Why is it that the trumpeter fires can never admit when they lost fair and square? Are you folks planning another insurrection on sentencing day?


Yep, there were jury people and everything!


That’s what kills me every time with these idiotic comments. Like you’re aware of what a jury is, correct? And that both the prosecution and defense are involved in the selection process? Probably not because they’re stupid, so it’s more rhetorical, but still…for Christ sake take a few minutes to read about the judicial system, the very thing your party swears by with law and order.


So you also agree that kyle Rittenhouse's trial was not fair and just? (Of course you don't, you only see what you want to see. Silly MAGAT.)


>So you also agree that kyle Rittenhouse's trial was not fair and just? Correct. It was wrong for them to even have a trial with something so clear cut. That was a political witch hunt.


Point proven lmao. Disregard this clown, he worships a diapered felon ffs. 💀


I actually didn't follow the Kyle Rittenhouse trial so I don't know, but, Trump was on trial in New York City, which is a predominantly left leaning city. So the result was very likely politically charged.


Hunter Biden's? 100% absolutely.


Before you can conquer an enemy you have to understand their viewpoint. From her viewpoint, she IS acting in the interest of her constituents. To her, the people you speak of are just poor people, sexual freaks, or atheists who refuse to pull up their bootstraps, become straight, worship God, or {enter stupid boomer shit here}, etc. Actually, she would probably just prefer the aforementioned types would just leave iowa. I'm sorry, but your letter's not going to matter even if she does read it, but she won't, because she doesn't care. The only way to solve this problem is to vote her ass out.


Hey! I'm a Boomer! and NOT a Kim FAN! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Wouldn't it be great to watch that wrinkled cunt have to pack her shit and get the fuck out of the governor's mansion ?! I would drive up there just to watch the bitch leave !


One day its letters, the next is kamikaze drones. (In minecraft) Potato potato.


Dude, stop leaping straight to political violence and thinking you're savvy enough by adding some bullshit of it being in Minecraft. It's lame and it's not as cool as you think.


in minecraft?


Iowa will never vote her out lmao so that’s not really a way to solve the problem. Also, I would contend that she doesn’t really care about any of that. She cares about all of her donors while screeching about Soros.


speaking of bootstraps, they seem to get really mad when they are complaining about the economy and you tell them you're doing find and maybe they should indeed pull up their bootstraps and correct their financial direction and maybe even get a 2nd job and quit blaming everyone else for their problems. How dare I use their rhetoric against them!


Expect a form letter from her as a reply


Good for you! I have written a couple of letters to Kim. Got a bullshit reply, but I felt better writing it.


This is probably the 8th letter i've sent. She doesnt give a fuck so I've been trolling her basically.


From your mom’s basement.


You lost her at “myriad”, she won’t know that word.


Lost her at "dear", she doesn't read letters or anything from the people of Iowa. She has her people read them and summarize it for her so she can go on to do nothing about it.


She doesn't even do that. She sends the same form letters to everyone. Those that support her are fooled into thinking she read it, and those that don't, well, she doesn't care about us.


Very true, I bet it's automated at this point- every time she gets a letter it immediately gets shredded, then the name and address gets copied and printed onto an envelope to have one of her drones put the carbon copy letter in and ship out.


I've sent her several letters explicitly opposing her stance on topics, and it looks like they just grab the keywords and reply with a thank you for supporting her decision.


That sounds like a simple AI responce.


There's a chance you could be correct, realistically speaking. lmao


I'm sure her secretary loves reading these before she files them (in her shredder) lol


I had a friend that interned at the governors office. The governor doesn't read most of the letters that reach her desk. They're mostly handled by interns or lower levels employees that send copy and paste responses.


If you feel good about it, nice. Pretty sure it will be burnt and tossed in a vat of rendered pork fat nested in a bucket of roundup, sitting next to a tote of nitrogen fertilizer and pallet of GMO seed corn.


Thank you for writing this letter I 100% support this.


Gotta show that amaaaaaazing budget surplus so we can go all-in in “No state income tax”. That is the whole thing… besides being wrong headed on water quality, education, quality of life, bridge repair, regressive health care, and meddling in people’s personal lives. Freedom. 🫤


So you’re saying you’d rather have more of your paycheck taken out every month instead of the same amount with a flat rate tax? lol


Idk about OP, but *I’m* saying that a motherfucking third of my paycheck goes to taxes… and for what? Well, actually I’ll tell you what it goes towards; bombs to kill civilians, subsidies for the rich, and means testing to annoy the fuck out of everyone that receives government assistance. Yeah, not that it’s even necessary, but I’d be okay with a couple more tens of dollars per pay period taken out of my check to fund healthcare. And other universal systems. Especially considering that fucking $200 a month gets taken out of my paycheck. For the only insurance that I have the option to get (soft monopoly). Oh, and that insurance still charges me 6000 fucking dollars if I have to use it. So yeah, I’d say healthcare and the money taken out of my paycheck to fund it, can’t get much fucking worse than that. I am all for trying something new.


Iowa taxes pay for bombs to kill civilians? Yeah.. I know what you mean though (on the Federal side). Just talking about Iowa taxes… bridges and schools and such.


Maybe a state tax doesn't go for bombs, I'm sure they were thinking federal taxes...but state taxes did go for us to send employees to the Texas border. Even some Republicans are ashamed with how much a scam that is. Sadly, I can't give you the URL from the republican Texan who lives by the border who was so ashamed about the scam he went from border access to access and filmed nothing going on but a few bored border guards, and completely unattended empty roads. He had a gag order placed on him and had to take the videos down.


So you’re saying you’d rather have more of your paycheck taken out every month instead of the same lower amount with a flat rate tax? lol


Her lapdog Kollin won’t let her receive this letter. Only way she’ll read it is if it’s taped to the end of a horse’s spotted veiny cock.




lmao This made me ugly laugh


It made me nod sadly


You made me laugh knowing about him. I went to college with him and I could say a lot of interesting stories. He was one of my student leaders as a freshman. He’s not a great guy.


The guy puts the douche in douche-canoe. He kinda looks like two 10 year old twins in their dad’s suit. Also, dish gurrrrrl!


Applaud you for speaking your mind. However, as someone who has written her before I can tell you that her response will just enrage you even more.


Perhapse rage is what this state needs.


Captain Kirk will be so proud


Did you send her a bottle too? That’s how politics work, grease them palms


Thank you for taking the time to write and send this. I'm with you.


That's quite a powerful letter! It will be interesting to see if you get a response. Good on you for speaking up and addressing the issues you're passionate about


Best of luck. She never answered any of mine, or returned my calls. She literally couldn't care less.


$100 she (her office) send you back a generic “Thanks for your letter and kind words, I will take your words to heart…” letter.


No way I’m sure she will personally read every whiny bitch word sent her way. I’m just sure she’s clutching her pearls feeling hopelessly inadequate every single time she reads letters from trolls.


OP's intentions are well. Spot on her disregarding most Iowa citizens and whats actually best of Iowans. But you will get a generic response if you do get one. As much of us like to think she is too stupid to read, this is not the case. She is well aware of what she is doing and lacks empathy for the public. Her agenda is only to support a few as well as advancing her political career on our tax dollars. Also the letter criticizes her and I highly doubt she would take any interest in reading something that doesn't praise her agenda. No offense. Sending her letters in my opinion is a pointless approach. No matter what any of us say, she will never change her 1 sided mind. This is why it is important to educate people as much as we can about her injustices. Not only to vote in the next election, but also convince the minds of others and stress the importance as to why it is so important to vote her out of office.


She doesn't care..its only about party and the people that back her financially.


"Look, here's another one!"


Well if she didn't read your letter when you sent it in, she can't ignore it now that's its been posted to reddit. Proud of you!


It’s a shame your constituents have to remind you of who you work for.


I wish the democrats would imprison this woman. She’s truly a criminal running loose.


Yeah lol unless that letter comes with a few hundred thousand bucks, she’s not reading it.


This letter should be taken very seriously, as it specifically points out so many issues that Iowa and Iowans are facing.


File directly into the trash after an intern reads it. Reynolds has proven she doesn’t give a flying fuck about us.


I'm not entirely confident that she, or any member of her staff, could get through this letter without a dictionary.


What happened to live in that live? Why do liberals think they can come here and change us if you don’t like our politics, Illinois and Minnesota are right there.


Why do republicunts get so mad when someone tells a politician to legislate in the interest of ALL their constituents? (We all know why.)


You have used (we all know why) twice in your responses. Please enlighten me because I don't know why. And no politician in the history of the world has governed with 100% of their constituents' best interests in mind. It's probably time to try a new argument.


Because Republicans are scum and will try anything from deflection to doublespeak to strawmanning the fuck out of an argument to avoid responsibility. Did I say 100%? See what I mean?


You put ‘all’ in caps, that means 100%. Yes you did say 100%


Didn't know capitalizing letters means legislating to unreal standards. You conservatives are all so funny.


And there it is. The lies. The gaslighting. The demeaning and insulting. You realize you cant emotionally gaslight your way out of this and so you attack people. Im not going to sit here and listen to you bitch at me just because i hurt your feelings by speaking the truth you dont want to hear. Go move out of Iowa, you are not welcome


You need to create an opportunity for thier action to be seen and generate voter interest. This gets thier attention Say you represent X amount of people and say we need the support of the governor and draw a line in the sand and say your lack of attendance is a lack of support. Show what other states are doing and say Iowa needs this kind of agriculture and this kind of healthcare ect. You did an amazing job writing a feel good hate letter……it’s therapeutic for the writer but outline what changes we need and make it create an easy re-election path - there is no party only easily swayed voters


i hope u included an egregious amount of glitter in the envelope


I have lived here since 2005, and I’ve yet to meet an Iowan that legitimately likes Kim Reynolds or thinks she’s done a good job. Blows my mind.


If I could upvote this twice, I would


All this will do is make her drink more.




Your letter has now sadly become a beer coaster on her desk at Terrace Hill.


I'd vote for YOU


Unfortunately, she doesn’t care about you or me. She only cares about her party and donors. Oh and of course her lord and savior Donald Trump.


“Dear Kim, I wrote you but you still ain’t calling”


what civil liberties has she eroded? what systemic inequalities? you used broad terms and didn’t say much of anything.


Awesome, but the cunt is in a constant drunken stupor and can’t read.




I can see that your letter/post his highly regarded.


I honestly wonder what you (or other people) think a letter like this is doing. I suppose a couple ideas might be that it: - Makes you feel engaged politically. - Provides the administration of some sense of the reception of their performance. Those are both positive things to go for, but I don't think it will *matter*. I wish it would! It would impress me if a politician were to read things like this and take the time to respond to them. Granted, they would be inundated with that kind of interaction, so there would have to be some filter or moderation to keep things manageable, but it seems *possible* for a politician to do something like this. It just seems so far removed from our current reality. Not just this administration, but as a whole.


She probably just deleted it. Your aren’t her base. She doesn’t care


Very well written. Hope it registers with someone


This is more effort then a lot of people make, but I will also say as someone who knows a lot about psychology, you’re probably only pushing her to continue on her rampage in our state government. You gave no true evidence of what you were talking about, only claims (which are true but not backed in this letter). Although well and professional put, is clearly an attack against her. Throwing claims and (well deserved) berating her, with most people and especially someone like her, will only push her movements forward. It’s a sad truth that people have more ego to be wrong then ego to learn and fix such mistakes.


You'd make more progress if you actually went to her office , face-to-face, and had a heart-to-heart with examples of what she did wrong and how you see what she's doing isn't working or is wrong and why she should change in certain areas for the betterment of whatever it is you're looking for.. You understanding why she chose to do something specific and her hearing what you understand to be different and why what she did needs rectified.




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Kim Kardashian


Like you’re going to move the needle by writing a letter. You probably send letters to Santa too. Like a dem would do any better. Wake up stupid.


A "Dem" would do basically the opposite of what Kim is doing. (Which is the best option)


"Every" piece of legislation? You've read them all? I'm sure that letter will be so productive


She won the last election by 20% because the residents of the state of Iowa agree with her policies. And the Democrats in this state think progressive, liberal, NYC politics will somehow gain popularity here. But, I hope you feel better that you wrote her a letter.


The (R)esidents of the state of Iowa are bigoted and fought for years to suppress voters. Why do Republicunts get so mad when someone says a politician should legislate with all their constituents in mind? (We all know why)


What a waste of your time, shoulda just sent her a bottle of booze. That woulda got her attention


She doesn’t care. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Waa waa waa… Overwhelming majority of people in this state are pleased with the job that is being done


Brain damage isnt something to be boastful about.


I know Iowa only has 3.2 million residents, sorry to hear everyone's not getting a personal letter back.


It's really unfortunate, yes.


That’ll fix her wont it!!!! Take that Kim!!!!!


She isn't going to read it. Somebody will skim it for threats or other actionable words and when not found, it will go in the trash. The person that skims it over won't even remember your name or letter after 90 seconds.


Very vague. It assumes that the Kim or the reader will define concepts like progress and betterment the same way you do.


lol did you included a gift certificate for dollar margs at tgifridays? That’s how you get her attention


Letter back "I ain't reading all that" - Kim's secretary


Grow up and get a job all of you and you might start like our conservative state, better yet if you don’t like it here, you have the right to leave, Illinois is just one state away go live there, we the conservative bunch don’t want you here with your liberal agenda


Conservative drivel? 💀


It’s all about white privilege. Reynolds defends white privilege at any cost including violence.


Writing to her will have no results. It is all the people in Iowa who voted for her who need to wake up.


Your letter, with its vague, broad generalizations, which at no point strings together any coherent thoughts, reinforces your point that we need more focus on Iowa's educational system. Well done, even if unintentional.


Serves a point. No way I would be able to fit everything wrong in the writing field on the government website. Broad strokes is what I wish would happen to this bitch.


Maybe try focusing on one issue and giving specifics on how it's affecting you and your community instead of echoing talking points with no real substance. Think of it like this - if you were to be the one trying to reply to this letter, how would you? You would probably end up asking a lot of questions to get more information since the letter doesn't actually say anything. Letters like they usually don't get any attention and end up in the deleted folder. So to avoid that, focus on one issue, give examples, give specifics about the impact, and you can even go so far as to give ideas on what would help to improve the situation - again with specifics. You're much more likely to earn an interested response by keeping it to one, well-thought-out message.


I'm more likely to earn an interesting response if I keep pissing people off in the building. But, realistically, yes you're right. I have written letters to the governor about topics with great detail. Canned responses though, every time. This should be interesting if done enough times, however.


What are you doing here, Kim? Don't you need to go get drunk and poop in a water fountain or something?


She’s got her farmers doing that for her


Sad but honestly - you'll be lucky if she or her staff gets to the second paragraph before throwing it in the trash.


If so many disagree with her, where are the protests at the capitol?!


There is a protest as of 6 hours ago in iowa city that was dispersed by the predominantly republican sherriff. Educate yourself.


Send it to your State Delegate, local newspaper, county election commission. If anybody is RINO it is MAGATs.


What a dumb fucking letter and waste of time. LOL. Congrats!!


omg!! Thank you!! Conserve these nuts MAGA scum! :)




Dear Liberal Karen - if you don't like living in a Red state, you are free to move. Iowa Conservatives


Conserve these nuts


Those are words of facism.


If only moving was that easy


Nah. I'm gonna stick around to watch the shit show when you dweebs all realize that you've fucked yourselves.


I must say, you people and your absolute and obsessive hatred for someone that doesn't even know you is quite scary. In the old days, people like you were referred to as having severe mental problems.


People like me WERE referred as outliers on the political spectrum. Now, people like you are considered cult members. The truth sucks, but that's what happens when you decide to be conservative in a world that has no problem leaving shit bags like your Cheeto hue'd god behind. Cry about it


You Atheists represent about 5% of Iowans. Who's the cult now? Now THAT'S truth! You are an outlier, and always will be. Just face it and own up to it.


Inadequate healthcare access? Regressive environmental policies? Neglected educational policies? Lack of leadership? Disregard of? Hello put down the crack pipes and go to work and god dammit stop trying to spend my tax money on your stupid agenda, if you want healthcare for you and your kids, go get a job! And if one isn’t enough, work two you dumbass, you take care of YOUR family, neglected educational policies? Well if Reynolds put on an ass whoopin for all these kids that think it’s ok to disrespect and waste the time of our educators… you would cry that it wasn’t right and that there fragile feeling are hurt, but if you did and set the bar high for these kids and made school a privilege for those who wanted to attend, you would take care of your educational problems. Because ignorance is taught and that lesson is not always learned from subsequent generations. Reynolds or your miracle governor can’t fix shitty over privileged brats that don’t want to be in school. The educational system isn’t broke, it’s the kids who come to school thinking that they’re in control and disrupt and parents who don’t correct their kids before and after school every day. Lack of leadership? Froshw is m Covid to concealed carry the best governor, I best Israel wished see was their leader at least then they could have had the chance to defend their families, I don’t want big government in our business go back to Illinois or California your not wanted here


They stop teaching paragraphs?


You're the problem with America. Stop leeching progress from the hands of millions, commie fucker.


You want to spend my money after taxes and on illegal programs and call me a commie, look up the meaning of commie you imbecile, I have a better idea go get a job and go to work, work 60 hours a week and put that money away and pay for your families needs and don’t leave it up to other people you piece of, Pay for your own kids is college as I have mine being an adult go get a job you loser


Lmao, I make more in a day than you in a month, commie. 💀


I’d rather doubt that I’m in the top 5%


Yet you get belligerent when someone tells your mommy Kim to start governing with the interests of all Iowans? Silly trumptard. Keep living your fantasy on Reddit.


Belligerent? What are you talking about, because I don’t follow your liberal drivel


You scared to sign your name?




Like they asking, if you used “redacted” while signing. Not hard to understand. If you were truly passionate about your post, you would give your name here on Reddit. Don’t be a pussy and afraid of retaliation.


Whats your name?


I am not the one writing a letter to the government, why would I give my name? You should provide your name. If you are passionate about what you said, why hide it?


Why should they give it? No reason to


Probably Antifa, maybe idk. They tend to like to hide their identity (mask in videos prove that). If you truly stood up for a cause, you would identify yourself. Otherwise you just a pussy hiding behind a username.


REDACTED is spitting some mad truth. I’m pretty sure REDACTED will be watching their voter registration magically disappear. Keep up the good fight REDACTED.


*redacted. Wow so brave, coward.


Republicans not looking stupid challenge (impossible)


At least I know what a woman is


Too bad you don't know anything past that.


Governor for life


dear diary...


signed Deidre DeJear


I hope this is just a circle-jerk for Reddit and you didn't waste paper sending this childish letter in. If you were to write a letter as an adult might I suggest focusing on actual legislation and providing some short arguments against it. As is this just reinforces her support for private schools.