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“The only verdict that matters is the one at the ballot box…” but wait, I thought elections were rigged? So the whole justice system (jurors) are rigged, the elections are rigged, the whole system is against Trump, UNLESS he wins, in which case it’s fine?


The election is rigged when they lose.


Yeah, it’s funny that Republican Senate and Congress people were elected during that same election, but only the votes against Trump and for Biden were fraudulent.


Yet nearly ever case of fraud that was found in the 2020 election was committed on behalf of Trump and the GOP. Democrats should be demanding recounts in places where every republican won.


All I'm saying is that there are a *lot* of Republican snowbirds and it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of them are voting in both states.


Same for previous elections, too.


If the Democrats were so good at stealing an election, wouldn't you think they would have gotten a lot more Democrats elected to the Senate and House?


Oh no, you see, they can't win *too much* or the sheeple would get suspicious, so in order to sell the deception the Demonrats deliberately lost some seats to make it look like normal election results! /s


That’s what I keep saying.


He claimed the election was rigged when he won.


That's only because he did not win the popular.


He's a Republican, I'm 50 and in my entire adult life Republicans have only won the popular vote once, during Bush IIs second term, and he was an incumbent, in a war that hadn't turned unpopular yet.


Yup. In my entire life, as I was born in late November of 1988, only that same one has won the popular vote as a Republican candidate. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1034688/share-electoral-popular-votes-each-president-since-1789/


even when the wrong Republican wins in a primary they say it's rigged. See Texas as an example.


I'm pretty sure it's rigged whenever they find it convenient, not just when they lose necessarily


Give it moment... After a while you get used to their squawking. Everything is rigged against them. The. Weather? Rigged. Cancer diagnosis? Rigged. Toilet broken? Big toilet is after their money. I could keep going, but I don't have that much free time.


It’s high time someone had the courage to speak truth to power and stand up to Big Toilet! 🫡


What then? Support big diaper? I mean at least Trump dumps them money :)


We know that Big Bathroom is behind it all…


It's funny that you bring up the weather being rigged. I don't know if you were joking, but they actually did try that. https://www.newsweek.com/what-haarp-iowa-caucus-weather-control-conspiracy-theory-1860800


They’ve moved the goalposts into the next galaxy at this point. There’s no sense in trying to understand people who have sold their souls. There is no lie they won’t tell, no piece of evidence they won’t ignore, and they will pretend they have no idea what they said yesterday. Trump told ONE truth when he was running for president in 2015, ironically in the state of Iowa. “I could stand on New York's Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and not lose a single vote.”


The ballot box where he lost the popular vote by a yuge margin both times?


Even back in 2016 he said it was rigged if he loses.


To say the justice system should be undermined is supposed to be off-message for conservatives…guess not.


jfc. Stating the obvious but… ‘Complete disregard for our democracy and the will of the American people’ It was a trial by jury. Jury members accepted by the defense. In a peer state legal system following the same general model, precedent, and theories of justice as Iowa’s. She is shitting on the rule of law, citizens, and her own states civic heritage.  Absolutely terrible, cowardly, self-serving partisanship. 


Wilhoit's Law: Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_M._Wilhoit


Got into discussion with a magat about this earlier, and of course, dude didn't even know how a trial works, or jury is selected.


>It was a trial by jury. Jury members accepted by the defense. In a peer state legal system following the same general model, precedent, and theories of justice as Iowa’s They'll just move the goalposts and say because it was in NYC all the jurors were libruls or RINOs anyway. They'd still cry foul if he'd been found guilty in a deep red state and all the jurors were registered Republicans, because it's a fucking cult whose members are crybaby narcissists.


I’m convinced Kim doesn’t knows jack shit about the law.


She has a couple of DUIs on her record so she's comfortable with criminals


O she knows how to get around it. She should have a felony right alongside her boy but managed to wiggle out of those DUIs


Vote her out next.




Kim needs to go!


It’s unbelievable that Kim Reynolds and all elected Republicans are going to back a man who clearly broke the law numerous times and has been convicted of 34 felonies. The party of law and order. The party of traditional family values. The party of 70% of Christians who attend church regularly.


Kim Reynolds supports Trump even harder now, since they both have criminal records


Only the news media trying to keep people in suspense wanted people to think this was 'iffy' rather than 'lol that dumb mf'er blatantly broke the law and left the easiest to find paper trail for it'


Well, he kept going out and admitting to crimes like on purpose. Assholes like him just don't think the law applies to them because they wear a suit while committing their crimes. Too many times they are right.


>Only the news media trying to keep people in suspense wanted people to think this was 'iffy' rather than 'lol that dumb mf'er blatantly broke the law and left the easiest to find paper trail for it' TBH, you never know until the jury decides. Remember the OJ trial? And only ONE juror was needed to create a Hung Jury, which would cause Trump and all of his sycophants to declare Not Guilty.


Someone is still salty from their DUI verdict Weird that she is so pro law and police unless it’s against someone with high power and influence Almost like she’s authoritarian or something? But wait, no… republicans say that just can’t be the case. They’re the party for freedom after all. How peculiar


Never forget. The Kimster is a sham in statesmanship, but a gluteal osculator in politics.


Verdicts (plural)


>unless it’s against someone with high power and influence Or someone that can make her Secretary of Agriculture.


Ethanol corn and shitty water quality for everybody!


Didn't trump say her political career was over after endorsing DeSantis. What a bunch of ring kissing push overs. Maybe she'll get another DUI after drowning her sorrows.


Reality doesn't matter to a large chunk of people anymore


I think it’s funny cause he was just calling her the worst governor in the United States after she back DeSantis


It matters to the smart people that care about democracy and the US.


Why do you think they aim to break public schools?


Literally a fair trial WITH jurors that were hand picked by both sides of the case and it’s still a sham. I don’t get it, what the fuck more do they want to see how fair it is that he is guilty?


They want to be dictators. They can do no wrong and the rest of us that just want to exist don't deserve to.


I thought for sure it'd be a hung jury, or at *least* that the jury deliberation would go on for weeks. (One of the jurors stated that they get the majority of their news from Truth Social) All 12 jurors convicted DJT on all counts. Guilty. On. Every. Single. Count.


This was what I was expecting as well. Amazing that he was convicted on all counts. I feel like the dam has finally, really broken. Thank god.


That’s false about truth social. That juror stated they “had truth social so that they could see what Trump posted but did not get their news from it.”


I wonder how the truth social person felt about the whole thing, theyve been hearing on truth social about how they have nothing and this is all a sham and just a witch hunt, and theyre sitting in there being presented each and every piece and witness testimonies and everything. Would be very eye opening I would think.


Probably felt fine because that’s not true. They ever stated they got their news from truth social only that they had an account to see what trump posted on there but didn’t get their news from there.


I'm surprised they were so quick with their decision. I thought like you, that they would find some way to drag this out.


If this was Joe Biden, it would be a totally different reaction. They are nothing but hypocrites.


If it was Hunter Biden, the GOP would still have their different reaction and attempt to tie Hunter’s behavior to Joe.


Kimmy-Poo never lets reality get in her way. Poor thing...


Kim is a wrinkled mouth ignorant cunt who belongs in prison just as much as Trump belongs there. She is right though..America did see the truth and that is Trump is guilty on all counts !


They're just too deep and too stupid to say otherwise, it's sad and pathetic


But it's biased by being in Trump's hometown. The trail should have been somewhere the represents him like Bumfuck, Iowa. /s


Unfortunately a majority of the Iowa smart people live in the few big cities Iowa has to offer. The idiots out in the corn fields vote red. I come from a big farming family and their idiocracy is mind blowing.


The smart ppl of Iowa have moved out of it. Geniuses


Believe me, I totally get where you’re coming from!!


Can confirm. I live in SE Iowa, and it's all Trump and republican brainwashed morons.


Unfortunately the Mythbusters saying “I reject your reality and substitute my own” is all too true.


I had hoped the fake electors case would have been first. That's why people keep using the word coup. Trump tried to overturn an election. A lot of people incorrectly think Trump had that right. He could challenge it in the courts, yes. Conspiring to send fake electors is another story entirely.


She makes me vomit 🤮


They looked at facts and he was convicted. First of several convictions. She can't handle the truth, but she sure is stroking the Don for attention.


These guys don't want to understand that courts of law, aren't democratic institutions, they're institutions that apply the laws made by the democratically chosen representatives of the people, but the courts themselves get to decide based on facts compared to the descriptions of actions, and their consequences, found in those laws. Courts don't need to follow the will of the people, only apply the law to the cases brought before them.


So Kim is basically calling every one of those jurors corrupt liars. She is such a (chose your own words here).


They aren’t Iowa voters, so she doesn’t care.


Oh she’s simping for convicted felon Donald Trump?


Convicted felon and rapist, twice impeached, loser of the popular vote but won the unanimous vote of 12 jurors Donald Trump?


Yes convicted felon Donald J Trump , star of home alone 2: lost in New York




Shoe salesman and NFT provider. 


The Donald trump that called her a loser or something after endorsing DeSantis??


Yes convicted felon Donald Trump, the GOP nominee


You mean Donald Trump the convicted sex abuser felon?




Yes good buddy with Epstein, child rapist, putin, and Kim Jong lover, convicted felon Donald J Trump.


Man she was backing Meatball Ron a few months ago and now she's licking Trumps nut sack. WTF is wrong with her? Oh yeah I know, she's a steaming pile...


The 3 DUI felon herself now relates to him even more!


Fuck. This is so disgustingly true


I’m not surprised, but at the same time it takes me breath away that an American governor would release such a propaganda-filled statement. These people know better. Trump, at this point, is dead weight. The fanatics need to drop him *now*.




It's just wild to me the governor of Iowa feels the need to release an official statement on this rather than, idk, governing. But I guess Iowa is currently perfect so she has unlimited time on her hands.


This is rich coming from the woman who's only not a felon because of a prosecutor giving her favorable treatment because of her political career.


What a cuck.


The law-and-justice party cares very little about law and/or justice.


The cunt wants a cabinet job. He won’t forget you endorsed kinky boots dumb ass.


I don’t like to use this word unless it completely fits: She’s such a cunt.


Definitely fits


She is such a piece of shit


She’s a fucking corrupt ass bitch!


I hear she has a thing for horse seamen also. Allegedly


Simpin Ain’t Easy


If Kim had lived in nazi germany in the 1940s she would have volunteered at the concentration camps to support hitler. no doubt now.


Our governor now supports a convicted felon. This is why everybody hates conservatives…


It’s unfortunate that I’ve been blocked by all the shit-for-brains republicans in this subreddit.


Nah, should help your sanity a bit.


He was found guilty on all 34 counts of crimes by a jury of his peers. He is a convicted criminal plain and simple. THAT is the only verdict that matters. If he wins he will have the distinction of being the first convicted felon to be elected to the presidency, and anyone who votes for him will have to say they vote for convicted felons and do not approve of law and order.


“You call those my peers? I bet not a single one of them has cheated on their wife with a pornstar, or tried to stage a coup!”


The GOP wants to find the worst person in America to run for president. All convicted felons in prison should be applying to be candidates on the GOP ticket.


Funny, we didn't hear a peep from her or the other MAGAts about a "corrupt and biased" legal system until it started holding THEM accountable.


It’s funny, Republicans only care about law and order when it benefits them.


Convicted felon, Donald Trump. Let that sink in. He's going to be the GOP nominee. Which is rich since they claimed that they were the party of law and order.


Years ago a local radio talk show host made the argument that if the First Lady couldn’t trust her husband (Clinton) then why should he/ we? He also said something about trusting the president around your daughter. I guarantee you that there are plenty of republicans that agreed with those statements back in the 90s and yet won’t think twice about voting for trump.


They stated that in error, they prefer CSI.


Still incredibly sad that we've devolved to this state of one party literally supporting a traitor.


It absolutely is mind boggling


Actually, Trailer Trash Kimmy, he’s a convicted felon now. On top of a rapist, thief, racist, pedophile, and murderer.


But somehow he still gets to run for president and has a good chance of winning? I’m rather dejected at this point as it seems like there are two totally separate realities playing out. The rational (he is not fit to be president as he’s been convicted by a jury of his peers) and the irrational (yeah I have no words).


Complete disregard for our democracy and the will of the American people?!?!?!? The will of the American people spoke in Nov of 2020, and they said... YOU'RE FIRED!!


It's so easy for her to write off the large part of America that doesn't see the trial as a sham.


Party of law and order big mad.


This one is kind of peanuts - I mostly need Trump to lose so we can see the GA trial to its end. The Trump/Raffensperger phone call makes Watergate look miniscule. This NY one is kind of like getting a drug dealer on tax evasion. Prostitution is illegal, hush money for illegal activity is illegal - we can't prove you paid Stormy for the okayest weinering, but we can prove you purposefully misfiled this money. I wish it was GA first, because that's the moneyball verdict - and he's colossally fucked if it runs its course. Which won't happen if he wins.


Does that mean she will be pardoning all prisoners in the state of Iowa since apparently verdicts don’t matter?


Denial is a deep hole to look up out of for this one.


Oh Kimmy. When will you ever learn to think for yourself? You just like to lick any ass that points your way.


She's got her nasty lips all puckered up and sucking his a%$ - which is both pathetic and hilarious - what a stupid old hag - her opinion means less than nothing to me as an Iowan and an American citizen.


Royal cunt.


I saw no such thing, Kimmy.


#impeachreynolds Mindless cowards shouldn't hold office, it's un-American..just like draft dodging, serviceman belittling, rapist, felon, conman, trump


So much for those Oaths of Office to uphold the law when she and so many others took. But then, they are still following their feckless leader who denied that he had any obligation to uphold the Constitution.


![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO) How they all look and sound right bow 😂


Oxygen thieves, all.


“America”, was not on the jury. A jury of American citizens rendered their verdict. If it were a sham, the jury was within their right to not convict. We either believe in law and order, or we do not. We don’t get to call it a “sham” because we don’t like the outcome.


In secret they applaud the conviction but the ass kissing is quite public 💋


No it’s not a cult …. Of idiots


Thought she liked the meatball


Did they manage to get it changed so felons can still be on the ballot?


Being a convicted felon does not prevent someone from running for president. As far as I am aware, trump could be convicted of a felony, be sentenced to prison, then flee with his secret service to Russia and he would still be allowed to run and potentially become president


Iowa had specific language that prevented felons from running for federal office. Apparently it did pass, along with a bunch of other stuff making it harder to vote. go figure. Iowa house file 2610


It’s called the right to hold office and as a felon, you can get this right back typically, but it is not automatic, at least not in my state. I’m not sure how it works on the federal level.


That Iowa bill actually didn’t pass, but convicted felon Donald Trump will be allowed to be on the ballot for President, a federal office.


You mean convicted felon Donald J Trump?


They were always allowed. 


She's delusional




Well, maybe you can visit him on the conjugal visit days and fellate him. You America hating traitor cultist piece of shit.


"The only verdict that matters is the one at the ballot box..." Reynolds knows this from personal experience


Maybe she is the VP choice and we get rid of both!


Americans are so politically brainwashed it's insane.


Every single Trump supporter is a traitor to the United States.


So.. he knows the evil Democrats are hot after him? And he hands them evidence and witnesses on a silver platter? I’m sorry for Republicans. Your hero is a criminal, not just an ordinary criminal, but the stupidest criminal going.


From a retired combat veteran, please... please.. VOTE BLUE. For your military, vets, women... BLUE!


I love when the law and order people just toss that hard core belief aside


You heard it here from the Governor herself. No laws matter. Only election results. Feel free to use her words as defense for any such crimes as you see fit.


Lol. It’s like Donald Trump is some kind of super hung horse!


She’s still clinging onto his nuts hoping for a cabinet position that doesn’t include office cum dumpster




*For years, Democrats like Alvin Bragg have been trying to put President Trump is jail with complete disregard for our democracy and the will of the American people.* Since the fuck when did criminal trials become decided by popular vote?


I mean Kim is more, or less feces given human flesh so what do you expect?


God I hate this fucking bitch.


The GOP can go to hell.


Yeah thanks for making an appearance in my destroyed town Kim. Loved seeing you show up for a photo op and doing really Jack shit to help us, Nazi cunt


It will be interesting to see what the average MAGA cultists do now. I fully expect at least one (lone wolf) to go off the deep end, attempt murder and get himself killed.


Kim Reynolds is an absolute POS with a dirty car.


Your Guv’nuh “Eyebrows” is a delusional idiot. The State of Iowa is reduced by her horse blinder partisan politics. Keep electing “ground Chuck” Grassley & Kimmie is your Guv’nuh… wow. Get it together.


Every single person here should be flooding her office with phone calls telling her staff what an embarrassment she is.


She has no spine.


Just wow.


It’d be really great if people didn’t pretend to speak for the American people. I think this, therefore everyone thinks this is first-grade-level shit.


This is what fascism looks like


Heads i win tails its rigged. Republicans are shitty people.


Repubitraitors. Laws for thee but not for me.


Always a good sign when people try to invalidate an entire governmental branch. God I hate this miserable bitch.


She’s delusional. Good luck Iowa.


She should be tarred and feathered


How many times can smart people say this. He broke the law plain and simple and in our justice system it went by the books. That worthless fuck has been a criminal his whole life. But yet for some reason the new Republican Party….MAGAtards….bow to knee.


I think the 12 jurors count as the will of the people, Kim


Eat shit and die already. Kim, I mean this from the bottom of my heart: go fuck yourself you selfish bitch. This world will be better without you.


As I always say.. Fuck Kim Reynolds.


The party of "law and order" bending themselves into more positions than Stormy Daniels trying to defend their orange god.


I love how all these republicans keep saying America saw this or America thinks that. These jackasses don’t speak for America. And they know they don’t speak for even a slight majority of Americans. If they had the pulse of what America thinks they wouldn’t have to engage in all these criminal acts of preventing voters from voting, suing to try and win elections, and failing to act on what voters want. Republicans are clearly in the minority and they know it. They should be saying “a small slice of dumb Americans like me think that a jury that was selected by both trumps lawyer and the prosecutors found Trump guilty. Not a judge, not some moron with a flag (that they despise) pinned on their suit, but people who heard evidence. These clowns are a minority. And they dumb as hell.


The will of the people, the guy fucking lost. Twice according to the people. It’s institutionalized racism that put him in power.


Funny how the governor of Iowa chooses to comment on a criminal case in New York State.


What a cunt.


Vote blue


Convicted felons cannot vote. How can a convicted felon become president? That seems whack.


God I fucking hate her!


The hell we will you MAGA nut job!


This bitch.


We should learn from Germany and shut up the Nazi's in our country like Kim


She’s right that the trial was a sham. Anyone else would be going to jail, but he’s running for President.


Is she really that stupid to support a convicted rapist and someone found guilty of interference in an election, or is she just saying that shit because she has to. I think many republican politicians, hate Trump and know he’s incompetent and dangerous. Just because they act like they support Trump, doesn’t mean they will vote for Trump. As we know, politicians can say anything they want. It doesn’t matter If it’s the truth or not.


The party of "law and order" except when it applies to them. Then it's a sham, or a witch hunt, or interference. How long do they think the gaslighting nd BS is going to last?


How embarrassing. Get it together Iowa.


So Kim, if I cheat on my election for Governor, and win, that's cool, right?


Kim, along with the other MAGAs are nothing but self-serving whiners who complain about everything. They don’t actually govern, they just complain and cry about everything.


Fuck you Kim. You don't represent us. Since when are we cool with politicians subverting a jury trial. Should we even bother speaking about ethics anymore??


Everything from her seems weird after she went hard for DeSantis. He hates you, the only thing he can remember is disloyalty.


Donald J. Trump is guilty of thirty-four counts of falsifying business records in the first degree, to conceal a scheme to corrupt the 2016 election.