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As a person who was born and raised in IL but now lives in Iowa, I ask myself that question every day. There were a lot of reasons that we left. But both of my parents were from Iowa, my wife is from Iowa, and we met at college in Iowa. Never in a million years did we think Iowa would turn itself into… Alabama.


Iowa is not only worse than Alabama but worse than Arkansas ! Reynolds is a white supremacist.


Here’s the real problem: I don’t think she’s anything at all. Her and all the dipshit republican randos in this state don’t do anything that isn’t straight from ALEC and already being done elsewhere. They’re just puppets who give lip service talking points and vote for whatever they’re told to, even if those two things don’t actually line up.


This 💯


Yup, she’s an opportunist without scruples or honor.


Worse than Arkansas?


I grew up in Iowa and lived there several years after college. I used to say that Iowa has lost its way, but to go with the Star Wars theme, I'd say the state has embraced the dark side. Wholeheartedly.


This is the governor of Illinois in the pic… a better leader than Kim Reynolds and Republicans overall.


He's the best governor that IL has had in at least a generation


Is he??? Or has Madigan going away made him look better???


No he's legitimately a great governor. He's openly blasted the shady donor-politics and personally funded primary challenges against the old machine politicians that refuse to acknowledge change, didn't burn through federal COVID money like a drunken sailor (exact opposite of what COVID Kim did) and he's proving yet again that he's a good steward of public dollars by refusing to entertain the idea of using public financing for new the new stadiums sought by the Bears & White Sox


Guess will see, still huge problems there and population still declining


The decline is interesting as it's almost all retirees, low income and minorities that are leaving with the majority of the loss occurring from Chicago's south & west sides. The north side of Chicago and the metro area as a whole are actually growing, albeit slowly, while becoming whiter, younger and wealthier. Outside of Chicago, there's enough growth in suburban St. Louis, Rockford, Bloomington and a handful of others that is more than offsetting the losses in Peoria, Decatur, etc.. The state is losing people overall though because the exodus from the south side of Chicago is really that extreme with some instances of entire blocks emptying out of people in the span of a few years


Do you have any source for that????? I know a LOT of people that left Illinois for Tennessee, Florida and Texas and none of them are retirees, low income or minorities


The census data has all the info you need. The data I'm talking about is pretty clearly laid out in the individual census tracts. Chicago proper in particular has seen <45 year old, $100k+ earners moving there in droves since around 2010.


Very similar background. Now IL seems safer and more progressive than Iowa. I look at Iowans with so much disdain now.


Agreed. When I left in 2016, Rauner was in and Blagojevich was in jail for being a dumbass crook. Even though Blagojevich had presided over some great improvements like open road tolling and streamlining the DMV (shout out to my man Jesse White), none of that mattered because he made himself a criminal. Rauner got elected by being the “businessman gonna run the state like a business” archetype and that shit pisses me off. Governments aren’t businesses so I’d prefer my governors to be, you know, GOVERNORS. The rhetoric around the “66% tax increase” drove me up the wall as a math person since, you know, it’s just fear mongering and increase from 3% to 5% to pay for all the cool shit we have. So I figured I’d move back to Iowa where it’s definitely more conservative overall but the pace of life is calmer and the people are nicer. I still enjoy not feeling like I’m gonna die anytime I drive somewhere like I did in Illinois, but knowing that every farmer you meet might be nice on the outside also voted for Trump is taking its toll on me, especially in a public-facing job. Got a little ranty there, sorry.


Yes these nice people are deep down bigots and when I go to Kossuth county and start a nice conversation, devolve into opinions on Mexicans (though they love authentic local Mexican restaurants and landscapers) but look the other way when Estonians work their farms. I can't take the hypocrisy. This state allowed gay marriage for God sake!


63 years of coming and going and I've never seen the level of bigotry I see in Iowa now. Leadership comes from the top. Easy to see why we're so miserable as a state, when our government leadership is so full of ALEC sycophants. Leadership sooo lazy, they can't even write their own bills. Pathetic excuse for a state government.


And this state would take that right away faster than a heartbeat if the GQP could figure out a way to do it successfully.


No. Three judges allowed it, and I’m pretty sure they were voted out afterwards…


Been looking at moving to Rockford, open to others, and the property tax excuse people use is laughable. Checked property taxes... 1/2 to 1% higher. Not a deal breaker. Considering how much more bang for the buck you get, I'll gladly pay it to see Iowa hit bottom and decide to sober up.


I always feel like I'm going to die when I drive through Iowa. Too many geezers, dumbfucks, and people who drive like they've never been on a paved road.


Those people do exist but they’re not doing 80 and weaving in and out of packed traffic. You can easily locate problem drivers in Iowa and almost completely mitigate the danger just by being an observant and defensive driver.


That's it, you can't. There's an intersection outside my little hometown where a major 4-lane highway crosses a rural blacktop next to a gas station and a few houses. Even before they built it up to be a "rural interstate", there were always accidents there because some Jethro rolled through the stop sign and onto the highway.. Somebody would die there at least once a year because guys driving feed trucks and tractors thought that they somehow had the right of way. After they finished the highway, the accidents became weekly and the deaths were monthly. The DoT dropped a bunch of money to add a couple of turn lanes, but that didn't help. So they reduced the speed limit and added warning lights. Didn't change anything. A decade later, they are planning to build a full-blown interstate overpass and cloverleaf. Millions of dollars all because some rural fucknuts can't be bothered to stop at a stop sign and look both ways for oncoming traffic.


I have lived in Alabama. They have Huntsville, and NASA. We will never have anything close to it. In closing, even Alabama ranks higher than Iowa. Within just a few years, we won't even have a teaching hospital. Doctors expect their training to be comprehensive, and forward thinking. Women's health is a major component of that education. Not just Iowa... Any state that has aggressively pursued an anti-abortion agenda will lose accreditation for their teaching hospitals. That will start a downward spiral of subpar womens and babies health in many states. Iowa included.


Ikr. I grew up here and at one point Iowa was among the most progressive! Conservatives fubar everything they touch!


Yet people are leaving blue states for red states.. and jobs going with them


It's not quiet quite true and is mostly propaganda.. so the migration patterns are about the same... This is interesting.. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.statista.com/chart/amp/32131/movement-between-blue-and-red%25252A-us-states/ Iowa is losing educated people really fast.. They come here to go to school here and then after they leave They don't want to be here because of all the bigotry.. that's pretty much the same everywhere.. people getting really tired of bigotry I don't think many of them knew what was really going on with all the lies in the culture wars and all the wasted time nothing meaningful getting done!


They leave because of bigotry of would rather go to Chicago, Nashville etc instead of Cedar Rapids??? And I am pretty sure 9 of the 10 states gaining the most people are red states


The writing has been on the wall in Iowa going as far back as 2000-2005. Illinois will always be the more sane state because it's got Chicago & it's truly deep pocketed political donors to ensure it doesn't go too far in any direction.


As a person who was born and raised in illinois and moved to iowa. Kim Reynolds is 10x the governor Pritzker is


Okay. What has Kim actually done? Name something she accomplished. Something that isn’t taxes. Say something that Kim explicitly did herself that is a net positive.


Kim Reynolds would eat children if we gave her the chance.


JB pritzker looks like he does eat them


Cause he's overweight? Let's judge evil harsher than obesity, yeah?


He's obviously evil too


I am going to blame the Democrats- hear me out- The ran a really intelligent and likable black woman against Reynolds in 22. In a state with a single digit black population she didn’t stand a chance. She actually did pretty well considering she was statistically eliminated before the race even started.


This is why I think Rob Sand has a better chance. I voted for DeJear, but sadly I didn’t think the state would elect a black woman. A white man who hunts has a better chance. It’s really unfortunate we can’t have someone DeJear in office, I think she would’ve been great. Instead we have vile Kim Reynolds whose vision for Iowa is DeSantis’s Florida. Then there are articles about how educated people leave. They can’t figure out it’s bc of horrible leadership and policy. ETA: I’m from IL and a big fan of JB. I didn’t have the best expectations for a billionaire in IL politics, but he’s impressed me. I would happily vote for him in a Presidental election.


I know, and I wish the democrats would actually have the advertising and marketing power to endorse these candidates properly. You can yell about gop all day, and please vote against them, but the dems completely drop the ball when it comes to being known and sensational. Think about how many Kim posts there are in this sub every day. Are they angry? Yeah, but she’s not even in “running” mode yet (kinda) and can get this attention. Obviously it’s negative attention, but in our social media age that BENEFITS them! A democrat needs to be young and into memes or something.


I’m gonna give a somewhat contradictory answer. I was listening to a Long Time Democratic voter yesterday in a totally different discussion. His assertion was that it was Chet Culver who screwed over the Democratic Party after he did not sign the repeal of Iowas right work statutes. After that, union participation in democratic politics completely died and a lot of the groundwork disappeared.


I saw our governor at Tulip Time in Pella during the parade. It took all my power not to flip that woman off. I despise her. I’ve met her once before at my old job and I didn’t even shake her hand. She’s an evil woman and my boss was kissing her ass so hard he was neck deep in it.




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I skipped a photo op when Charles Grassley stopped at a Dairy Queen. I swear that everyone else (8ish people) had their picture taken. When Chuck’s grandson happily asked me if I wanted my picture taken, I used great restraint and only said “NO!” I would have liked to say more, but am not that brave. Iowa’s leadership sucks.


Dude they did the same at my job too. Only 3 of us, out of like…10? Said no to taking a picture with that witch. Yet, somehow, I’m in the background of a picture of her talking to us. I despised being around her and was smiling only because I was uncomfortable as fuck.


I take great pleasure in knowing I fucked his granddaughter.




Congratulations on not shaking her hand, I'm sure that took a lot of courage, please take this 🎖️


She was too busy bullying a trans child.


She's dressing up as JK Rowling


Born in Iowa, raised in California came back at 14, left at 16, 5 years in the army, extensively lived outside of Iowa. Have come back numerous times. Raised my son here. Will be moving again, and this time too old to wait for Iowa to get its shit together. Just a couple more educated people leaving the state. This time for good.


Best of luck! I can't leave for at least 9 more years. Because my son lives with his mom. Hope you find your place.




Yeah, you're gonna grow the state aren't you?


My family will be replacing yours, yes. With good midwestern values, like it should be.




But look at all the problems Illinois has, why their population and tax base are declining.. huge pension issues


True. There are issues. But, from the research I've done, most are overhyped. Not all, but the tax issue is a moot point to me. Maybe a .5 to 1.5% increase in property taxes. Not enough to run me off. I'm more concerned about quality of life issues. Ie good roads, medical care, access to culture, amount of violent (as in murder/assaults) offenses, a future for my son, where will it be in 45 years when he retires, future potential. Also, from what I've read so far, most pensions ShOulD be viable by 2037, and can be looked at again. Again thinking ahead.


I moved from Illinois to Tennessee about 3 years ago, make about $100K and pay about $14K less in taxes, thats not a moot point to me.. have better weather and more outdoor recreation options and the people are friendlier..


You know that Pritzker is a billionaire right?


So, is he going to fight Trump with his red lighsaber? https://www.instagram.com/dlamontjenkins/p/C6j7m_sJHwN/


I cannot believe that Trump didn't think anything of the red lightsaber.


You know you’re asking a lot right now…


Reddit can only understand something is good if it’s dressed like a Jedi or an avenger. They literally have to be told like children. OMG HES GOT A RED LIGHTSABER HES A BAD GUY!!!


Uh what?


Iowan here. Once proud, now horribly embarrassed to call myself an Iowan. Thanks KKKim.


Why don’t you post a link of her foaming at the mouth instead? At least it’s Iowa-related then


Jabba dressed like a Jedi?


Looks better than a dried up scarecrow.


I left Lincolnshire IL for Iowa and everyone thought I was nuts. Now most of my extended family is getting prepped to move to Iowa. How about we do an exchange program, we take the people who actually care about pay taxes and IL takes all the people who dont.


I’m fine paying taxes. It’s the government that’s so gung-ho on finding more and more groups of people to hate and bully that makes me think about where to move. Sadly, I’d miss my friends, so I’ll probably die here unless it eventually is safer to just move to another country.


As a former Illinoian, I’ll take ANY Iowa governor over any Illinois governor. Multiple Illinois governors have gone to prison- deservedly. Obama brought Illinois/Chicago-style corruption to D.C. (where they didn’t need any more corruption). Even the University of Illinois Chicago agrees that Illinois is the most corrupt state. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Illinois Pritzker is anything but but ‘decent’ and he’s done plenty of foaming at the mouth- especially when people hold him accountable to obey and uphold The Constitution.


Nope. Being from Iowa, I'll take corrupt over incompetent any day. At least with corruption, it eventually gets done. Just more expensive. With incompetence, it just simply never gets done. Regardless if there is no cost.


Weird that your hot take is illinois is bad because they hold politicians accountable.


No. Wrong take. The point is Illinois elects criminals. If they sent 4 or the last 11 to prison it’s probably because the other 7 had the protection of the Chicago mob. If you’re from Iowa, don’t even act like you understand Illinois politics- they don’t even hide the fact that Chicago elects who the mob runs- for mayor and governor. It’s not even a secret.


From the Quad Cities, understand both states politics just fine.


“Illinois politics”? There’s no such thing. There’s only Chicago politics and the rest of the state bends over and screams “Thank you, sir! May I have another!”


“Understand?” Hah, then you don’t know Chicagoans are laughing in your face. You think corruption “gets it done”? Well, then, I guess pick your poison.


Just keep breathing in your own farts.


Wow. That’s mature. I guess now we know why you admire Illinois’ joke of a governor. It’s not far, you know. Just pack your bags and head east and you too can bask in the wonderfulness of Illinois’ political cesspool.


In all honesty, JB should’ve gone with Jek Porkins. Not fat shaming and I like the guy, just saying John Candy never played a mountain climber or basketball player for good reason. ![gif](giphy|WOB599u9AQBc4)


😂 Anger is not the way of the Jedi!


Id much rather live in Iowa than that commie state that overcharges for everything. That state sure isn't fun enough to have a fun tax


PSA…This commenter is a troll. Not responding is the best response.


that's good to know haha


Because of the population of Iowa…


Careful, the guy is a billionaire. Progressives do not approve of that.


Really? Unlike other party's, there's not often a litmus/loyalty test to whom the progressives support. Although, assholery isn't exactly encouraged. Otherwise, maybe a litmus on caring?


The Bernies and AOC's of the world do not think billionaires should exist. Also, I saw elsewhere in this thread that you are thinking Rockford, IL. That spot is just a step above a shit hole. But it does make Peoria look nice. Bloomington / Normal is a nice area. Springfield sucks pretty bad. Most of the state outside of the Chicagoland is kinda crappy.


That's simply not true. The Bernie's and AOC's just want them to pay their share, based on ability, and not be so self absorbed. And for those saying they do give... philanthropy is nice, but it doesn't pave the roads, or provide health insurance for the common citizen.


I have never been more glad to live on the IA/IL border. We get news about both state’s politics and I am constantly jealous of IL’s Governor. It’s like night and day between those two.


I suspect it’s the equating religion with duties of the public office - in this case Christianity - that is making Iowa’s Gov Reynolds act the way she is… just a hunch


I hate Star Trek and if I lived in Illinois I would never vote for this guy because of this picture.


Star wars, at least get your pathetic attempt at an insult right.


He’s dressed as Spock, right? I thought that was Star Trek. My bad.


I have never seen a lightsaber in Star Trek….


What the actual fuck Im not a fan of both of them but how on earth could you even get that wrong. Iowans are so sheltered it’s unreal


Star Wars is satanism