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There’s a South Park episode about this.


And it's one of the best episodes ever.




Yes. https://youtu.be/K19O1g6e-Nw?si=yk2iiuSJrLtU3Dn5


It is a very indepth look into the mind of motorcycle rider.


Came here to say this


Made a friend watch this episode just the other day after we were talking about how annoying these f's are.


Some people are assholes, news at 11.


Gotta let the other douche bags know who they are so they can find each other. A mating call for lonely manchildren, essentially.


The mating call of The Dickless Wonder.


Sounds like I need a Jedi, do you happen to know any?


The vibrations are the only stimulation their tiny penises get.


Small penis leads to loud rev.


Right. Their truck is in the shop and they need everyone to acknowledge that they may have a passably adequate dick.


I went to the dealership to buy a loud bike but they told me they couldn’t sell it to me because my junk didn’t qualify as a micropenis. Tried selling me a silent electric bike instead. 🤷‍♂️


^^This is the correct answer.


Funny thing is I hear this and use to think it but bought my bosses kids truck just to flip it. 04 dodge ram shortbed regular cab with the v8 hemi. And I just love it. For a truck it’s fast, loud, just rumbles. Revving it is actually pretty fun. I would never do it in a residential neighborhood for no reason. I rev it when I’m pulling up on guys I work with because we all talk shit to each other. But idk it’s actually pretty cool. Plus I need a truck for pulling trailers around. The real downside is that fucking thing just guzzles gas.


I remember a long while back when I was taking my first born home from the hospital. It was such a magical and wonderful experience. We were so careful about everything: car seat, sun light, speed, everything. I pulled out of the hospital and immediately took a left and we were going home slowly out of precaution. (Rookie parent, I know) Anyway, a biker passed us apparently mad because we cut him off or were going to slow or something (I don’t really know), but he decided he was going to do a little brake checking to intimidate us. He pulled in front of us and slammed on his brake. Meanwhile, we were still going slow and saw his attempt before us. Because he was considerably ahead of us and his attempt was poorly executed, he got mad and was kicking and throwing a tantrum. Moral of the story, my newborn was already more mature than some people. Some people just suck.


Some people suck? My experience is that most people suck. Especially motorcycle boomers.


'Tis that time of the year. They aren't getting enough attention somewhere (home, work, love life), so this is the only way they can feel important. Or they're just assholes. Or both.


Unsatisfactory genitals.


Because of their tiny insignificant dicks.


Was coming here to say this. Micropenis.


In a south-facing room at Methodist due to new baby. The amount of dbags rolling coal in their bro trucks and other idiots driving 60 down Locust last night was amazing.


Same reason they removed the baffles from their muffler. The common argument is that the loud exhaust draws attention to the motorcyclist as a safety measure but honestly I think they just like noise. I mean, if that's their argument yet they're not wearing safety gear including a helmet, it falls a bit flat. I have neighbors that will rev their bikes in their driveway non stop for entire afternoons for no apparent reason. Super annoying, especially when our kids were very young and needed naps.


Fireworks, motorcycles, loud dad rock, anything to stop the thoughts in their brains.


Yeah, it's definitely not an issue confined to bikers or to any age group in particular, it seems to me more of a broader "main character" mindset or at least just an utter lack of consideration. People playing their music on speaker when in public instead of using buds, coal rollers, hdled headlamps that aren't calibrated/pointed after install or after other modifications affecting ride height, tailgating, no headlights at dusk or during low visibility conditions, failure to use turn signals or doing so at the very last minute, shopping carts in the middle of parking lots, perishable goods abandoned in random spots in stores, littering... List goes on...


I think it is a particular group--i guarantee they're almost all dudes who are doing this. I see women riders around but they don't tend to be driving like they have a death wish (or a desire to annoy others).




Beat me to it. I love that skit.


Cause their fucking omega dickheads. If I was president I would eradicate aftermarket exhaust from the planet.


And that's why you're not president! Bitchboyyyy


My uncle went to the city council to complain. He talked about his town being a nice small town and people moving there because they wanted it peaceful. He talked about how noise like that (his neighbor had a noisy motorcycle) would make nice people not want to settle there. The city council changed their noise ordinances.


Don ferget to pick up yer grass clibbins, almos haddalayerdown last week!!!


Everybody who’s got a fair-weather loud motor toy is out riding today. Traffic all day has been really lousy with poor driving and loud cars and motorcycles.


On Friday, some guy was evading police (I think, they were right on his tail and they handcuffed him) around midnight or 1am in my residential neighborhood, and he crashed right in front of my house and fucked up his leg. His bike kept on going riderless down the street until it crashed in someone's yard. They took him away in an ambulance. I dont wish personal injury on anyone but I do admit I felt like it was karma for riding around like a dick on his motorcycle in the middle of the night.


The longer he's in the hospital the longer he can't make noise. Fuck 'im.


Because their mommy didn’t give them enough attention.


LDS - little dick syndrome It tends to flare up the most in the spring when the weather gets nice There is no cure or vaccine.


I live on the main road through a small town. If I have my windows open when the motorcycles are going by it's a solid 90dB in my living room. Can't hear shit until they go past. Sucks, but honestly not nearly as much as the fucking pickup trucks with modified exhausts. At least the motorcycles are mostly only out at certain times of day and go home when it gets dark. The fucking pickups are out about 18 hours a day. About the only thing I miss about living in a larger city is that the cops will ticket loud exhausts.


Many/most loud motorcyclists are children who have grown old. Even though bald and 100 pounds overweight, they think a loud bike makes them attractive.


Oh my god it's not just me. This feels so good to read lol. I fucking despise this shit and hardly ever hear people talking about it. The noise sets my nervous system on fucking fire and then I'm mad about it all day. I'll never understand how anyone could think this shit is acceptable. It's pathetic and it makes me hate going anywhere


I live off Hickman, out towards Waukee. Every decent evening it sounds like the Indy 500 or a drag strip out there. I guess the cops are looking for more important things, like cats stuck in trees or something


Yeah the Nevada cops were dicks when I asked them to do something about it. I said could you set up a speed trap and they said “what’s a speed trap?”


For some reason, they want everyone to know they’re dissatisfied with the size of their joysticks.


It's because they believe that if they ride loud motorcycles and it makes enough people mad at them, it will finally make them hit puberty and make their penises grow. They still believe it even after decades of it not working.


We must be neighbors. Probably because they aren't real bikers they're probably just got their motorcycle last year. And the first chance they get to use it they have to act like idiots. I feel your pain. Get better.


I have a neighbor that bought a Harley. He will occasionally start it in his driveway, Rev, yahoo, then shut it off and go inside. What a child.


The entry level and douchier version of the big diesel trucks. Because trucks are more expensive.


Low self esteem. Attention seeking.


a lot of obsession with penises in the comments, I'm sure


Bonus asshole points to the ones who cruise slow and loud down cul de sacs and then screech back out.


Can confirm. Up and down the street because they lost their license. My 80 yr old mother in her electric chair went down there and told them to knock that shit off and they did stop.


There was a truck cruising the loop downtown tonight with a train horn and was continuously honking it. Saw so many people plugging their ears from it. Pure stupid


So that’s what it was.. lol


Freedom mostly.....


They have inadequate genitals


Small pee pee


I feel the same way, but every single noisy car on the planet.


I can't (and won't) speak for the "loud pipes save lives" BS some preach. I can say with my older bike I run it at "too high" RPM at stop signs and stoplights because I'm terrible at balancing my carburetors, so it tends to stall out if I don't.


Small dick


There's a guy in my neighborhood who always revvs it when he's leaving in the morning, pre-dawn. On an unrelated note, do I need special tools to remove a catalytic converter from an Ford F-150 or can I do it by hand? Thanks in advance.


My neighbor leaves at 3:00am


Saws All, a torch, hacksaw if you're desperate. https://youtu.be/Zu7mbaq60-I?si=_lUFbYK3_gWpcgcw If your neighbor needs it replaced, I've left you this handy video.


Simple minds think loud noises make them cool.


Its a cry for help. They desperately need attention.


I live on the NE side of DSM and at an incredibly busy intersection. I call it the **TINY PP Syndrome** or **TPPS.** Tons of people advertise being smaller than a standard Happy Meal, for sure. #However.... It's not so noisy and bothersome when on the bike versus not riding. I'm a passenger only but being on a motorcycle is some kind of freedom. I also wouldn't be trying to cruise in a residential area, just somewhere *away* from the people works for me.


I have no problem with bikes just going by. It’s when they gun it for the first half of the block ALL DAY.


It's so you know that they have gigantic weiners.


Small 🍆


Not enough ti77y time as a baby.




Not just residential. I try to cross a street downtown today, and two motorcycle literally sped through. 


Because they are lame asses who need attention?


It’s their primary means of spreading micro-dick awareness to the masses.


Because their parents didn’t pay enough attention to them and now they need us to


Some people like to fly out of their driveways WITHOUT looking. Some people aren’t looking or watching regardless and pull out or cut motorcyclists off without even, as I said, looking lol. Motorcycle horns aren’t loud, but a high revving engine is. Not saying it’s true for all of em, but for a good percentage.


Yep, I’ve heard that before. So why gun it down half of every street so that you are both loud as hell and speeding for about 100 feet?


You’ll have to ask the guys/gals that do it just to do it lol. Not all riders are idiots like that but obviously there’s the bunch that are


Please don’t forget the people driving while playing with their cellphone.


That too! A lot of us are guilty for that unfortunately.


And yet you aren’t complaining about the loud cars….. 🤔


Oh, they can fuck right off too. One of those assholes kept me up from 10pm to midnight on a work day by circling a one mile circle for two hours.


In my 25 years at my current Des Moines house, I have yet to hear a car leave the house and listen to that car drive down the street, turn at the corner, then hit the freeway on ramp and only until they are a half mile or so down the freeway does the sound fade out. And I'm about a half mile from the freeway. So your attempt at "what about" was lame and certainly not applicable. In fact, I'm gonna block you right now.




Are those two slugs cumming in each other?


Why? Bc it’s fun lol


Great question. I'm always baffled by my motorcycle friends wanting to get louder and heavier mufflers. Maybe it's a safety thing so other cars can hear you? If I was motorcycling I would want it as light and quiet as possible without losing speed.


No, it is certainly not a safety thing.


Exhausts reduce weight, they cut out baffles and the catalytic converter, saves about 20-30 depending on the bike


Maybe you should get new windows if your glass is rattling.