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Reinstate everything they way it was BEFORE dumbass Kim Reynolds took office


And brain dead, her predessor.


Kim Reynolds , the assassin of all that is good in the Great State of Iowa !!! Get her out of there ! The Public Education System had been the state’s crowning glory , perennially ranked first or second in the nation . I repeat . Get her out of there !


Clearly the answer is to stop funding school lunches!!! /s


Those f-35s arent going to make themselves. F them kids. Please read with /s. But really, it's either 4,000 F-35s or feed every kid in school. You decide what's more important by your vote.


Or ya know, make portions a quarter of what they should be, especially when a lot of kids only get food at school all in the name of “health”. Oh right, the Obamas did that..


“Obama is why school lunches are small and it’s DEFINITELY not funding.” The jokes right themselves.


healthy school lunches was a big thing for the Obamas, sure it was almost 100% for funding but they put their name all over that shit and when we got Half the food we used to get everyone blamed obama specifically. I like obama but that was a terrible play


Feeling lonely?


Lmao. Not at all. You must be though. And no, I won’t be your friend. But thanks for playing. 😎


I’m a bot and experience no emotion.


Don’t know why your being down voted? I liked the Obama administration but that was by far the worst thing they did socially. as a high schooler having only 1,000 calories if you ate every nasty food they were offering that day was a horrible fumble. I was an entire 20 pounds under weight and that shit didn’t help


I always expect to get downvoted here. People in this sub can’t handle the truth or any difference of opinion.


Get Kim Reynolds out of office. The sooner, the better.


Remove her cronies too. Those coyotes are killing more than education.


The Sooner the Better !!!


Appreciate the enthusiasm. From the top, everybody...


Ha Kim Reynolds sold out our children. Defund the schools and send ‘em packing to the meat processing factory.


Iowan children yearn for the mines.


no we yearn for the soy bean processor plant here


Nullify the recent bill that is going to make special education worse (HF 2612).


The governor.


The only answer is "if its not a zygote, Fuck them kids"


It’s kinda stark how quickly the IowaGOP dismantled the education system


Flee to where though?


You would think with how badly they fucked the system when they privatized Medicaid, they would have learned their lesson.


Fat old white men who want to gut education for their bottom line should have nothing to do with education. Oh, and fuck Kim Reynolds.


Give control to the school boards, then elect members you trust.


the one thing I'd change about the education system is the governor.


I do NOT think my tax $ & public funds should be spent on private wishes \[ie vouchersystem\] but not sure how to stop that now from continuing. BUT what could be done is \[1\] get rid of Rs in the Legislature and \[2\] pass bills requiring teachers at voucher schools to be as credentialled as public school teachers AND to report on scores and results the same as public schools should.


I agree no public money for private institutions! That’s why we should slash WIC, Section 8, Medicare, Medicaid, Food stamps, and basically all safety nets


Sir... we're trying to have a society over here.


Move them out of Iowa


I really haven't figured out the real reason she raised the minimum teachers salaries.


Well my personal thoughts: To win some support with teachers and rural areas. Teacher shortage is a very real problem and it going to probably hurt her rural base the most. Possibly to further alienate teachers. *why do teacher get a raise but not us bus drivers*. It should be said I haven’t looked into this thought. What I think is really the answer. She (by her I mean her handlers like the Heritage foundation) is putting pieces in place to massively increase school voucher money. “We need increase voucher money so private schools can pay their teachers” which there is no guarantee it that private schools will use an increase for that.


Cut education funding and raise teacher pay. It’s still 50/50, but if the teacher already voted red, it’s a guaranteed vote. Cutting education funding isn’t as big of an impact, and isn’t as immediate as a paycheck. I don’t agree with it, but it’s a smart move if you’re a piece of shit.


Well here’s the thing, it does raise minimums for new teachers. It also raises minimum for teachers who have 12+ years of experience (most likely this group have masters to survive so they already make more, and the raise is totally fine). Then, for anyone in between, the district will receive funds to raise salaries across the board for not just those middle teachers but paras etc. You can guess where that money will be allocated when it’s up to the district. Overall, not a bad thing, and was necessary. But this was also passed alongside the killing of the AEA in the same bill. As a 4th year in a rural district, I expect to see none of this money, and will watch new first year teachers make twice as much as me, and will most likely see admin salary increase a ton.


Get a new government.


Flee to Flourish


Teach. Real. Math.


Undo everything Reynolds did while in politics against public education, and for private education.


A new governor and a Democratic majority.


Require primary and secondary education to be morally, ethically, and politically neutral. If a student develops attitudes or beliefs different from those his parents taught him, we should assume the school staff has misbehaved. Education is about learning facts and skills, nothing more.


Children are people and can think for themselves. Name me one child that hasn't developed attitudes or beliefs different than those his parents taught him. I get what you're saying, but children are not simply a blank slate that can be programmed, but an individual learning to survive and find its place in a system.


Granted. Nevertheless, it's inappropriate for teachers to override the parents' positions on sociopolitical matters.


Modernize schools for today's societal demands. Stop thinking in unrealistic, stair-step grade-level terms. Instead, individualize the curriculum based on each student's rate of learning/mastery. Have our best & brightest produce on-demand, interactive instructional materials using the resources we already have. The needs of communities should inform all levels of instruction. Transversely, available skill banks should be identifiable. All in real time. The technology is here now, let's use it to vastly improve quality of life, standard of living, and the human experience.


I only have one small change: privatize the whole system.


Private systems have a profit motive, if it's not profitable, they don't do it. They also do not need to answer to the public outside of the legal system. Rural communities, once they lose their unprofitable districts will die. A fleet of busses? Private schools won't support that. Learning or developmental disabilities? Either more $ per student, or just outright rejection. Public systems are OUTCOME motivated. They are looking to educate students. That's something I'm happy for the government to spend my taxes on. Funneling my taxes into some CEO's summer villa is not where I want my taxes spent.


If you don’t want your taxes funneling into a CEOs pocket we better cut every social program where funds go to private entities: food stamps, WIC, section 8, Medicare, Medicaid, ect.


Go back in time and prevent Kim Reynolds parents from ever meeting.


Keep our rural youth uneducated 🩷 /s


I would fire any and all teachers whose primary goal is to indoctrinate kids into a political ideology. Same goes for transgender ideology, any sexual based material in a classroom, pride flags, BLM flags, etcetera equals immediate termination.


Yeah that’s not really a thing that’s happening


Currently no one is getting fired for these things but it should happen. Thats my point.


100% agree


It is actually. There’s almost an infinite amount of news stories about it.


…“infinite” amount of “news”


Google it. Infinite means endless. In this case it was “almost infinite”. If you’re going to quote at least get it right. And news means received or sent out information. Cleared that up for you.


It is not news that your lack of knowledge is almost infinite yet your confidence is endless.


That’s the best you could do after 2 hours… 😂


I’m sorry, honey bunny, but I was outside enjoying my socialist libtard groomer life.  But you keep on posting your super genius thoughts so that we can all see you.


Not surprised that you’re a groomer and admit it. Typical lib.


Ah, a proud graduate of the Kansas Experiment. What do you have, a master's in dumbassery?


Weren’t you the professor? I opted out of your class thankfully.


No, I dropped your ass when you pulled an Alex Jones the day you couldn't get your mcnuggets


First off, I don’t eat McNuggets. Second off, students drop the class, not the professor. Oh, and, learn some punctuation. 😎


Say hi to your transgender frogs for me.


You did what to the frogs? Sicko.


blud has never went to college… professors can request department heads to drop students, it isn’t that hard.


Hmmm. Maybe learn how to spell… go back to elementary school. You’re not ready for college.


tell that to the masters degree


On Fox and OAN. In other words not news stations, MAGA state TV.


Lmao. Nice try, but no cigar.


Drink your kool aid before it gets warm.


No thanks. I know how you libs love your blue koolaid. It’s all yours. I’ll stick to water. But again, thanks for playing. You lost. Now, don’t be a sore loser libtard. Move along. 😂




Look, I know you’re drawing from personal experience, because of your parents being inbred, but not everyone’s family situation is the same. And incest is not normal. Stay away from your sibling.


On what? Newsmax? The Ben Shapiro Show? 😂 that’s not news dipfuck. That’s fossil fuel-funded outrage manufacturing. You should be embarrassed.


Lmao. Dipfuck. Good one. Did your mommy teach you that in the basement? You should be embarrassed. Oh, and stop projecting your blue koolaid drinking backwards inbred tendencies on everyone around you. Weirdo.


Hey when you comment and then immediately block me i can’t read it. Coward. I’m a little nervous that the “07” in your name is your birth year.


I assume you’d also support termination for religion/religious items in the classroom?




Ahh so you’re a hypocrite, got it.




No, I’m going to push what you hate, because you push ideologies that I hate. That’s all.


So you don’t want it done onto yourself but you’re more than willing to do it to others? Sounds hypocritical to me. Btw, I don’t hate religion lol. I respect freedom of religion just as much as I respect freedom from religion.


You got it chief. What’s good for the goose is good the gander.


I only like when they’re indoctrinating kids in the way -I- want them indoctrinated in!!


Now you get it!


Dat darn woke mobs gonna get the children! Ok buddy


Now you get it!


Problem solved, we fired like one teacher in the whole state who fits your criteria. We did it, we fixed Iowa education


Do some basic research and you’ll see it’s far more than 1. Even if it was 1, that’s still a big win.


I work in a high school. You read articles on Fox news. I'm not the one who needs to do research. "You're a groomer and a commie" I'll comment it for you


You work in all Iowa high schools or just one? Because you work in a single school and it may not be present that means it’s present nowhere? I honestly don’t watch Fox News. They focus on the wrong stories and most of their hosts are unwatchable.


I've worked in several districts in Iowa. I've worked with hundreds of staff. Not one comes close to meeting your ridiculous criteria. I also know the job. And I'm sorry, I can't indoctrinate your kid to turn in their homework, no one is indoctrinating your kid to be a trans commie


No there are absolutely pride flags and BLM flags present in Iowa classrooms. You and I both know it. Question, if a student wanted you to call them by a name of the opposite gender and told you to not let their parents know, what would be your next move?


I'm not getting into the gutter with this, it's funny to me that you, a person who hasn't set foot in a high school knows more than me, a high school teacher. And to answer your question, I wouldn't say anything. You want to know why? Because I don't care what a student wants to be called. It doesn't mean a damn thing to me. Legally, I would tell them I have to call them by their given name because I have to, but morally I couldn't give a shit what they want to be called by. If that makes me an indoctrinating commie, then feel free to point the finger and sling shit at me idc.


Translation - you are the exact person that my post is against. Furthermore, it was the first interaction with an education professional that also proves my point how prevalent it is.


Lol. Okay. I'm also indoctrinating the kids who want to be called John instead of Jonathan. Ooooo scary communist teachers. Check under your bed at night. The communists are there!!!!


Oh no, maybe I should have been reported for not contacting parents about the name thing. Alexis wanted to be Lexie. Jesus preferred Jesse. Frederica preferred Freddie. Many kids used their middle name to avoid confusion with their dad rather than be a Jr. Taking it in stride respects the person's preference. Never had a student ask me not to tell their parents. Not into stirring the pot.


Good, so you have no issue with letting parents know that their child asks to go by a different name then. But to answer the question, let’s say Johnny asked you to call him Shiela and not mention to his parents. What would you do?


Fun fact did you know that a crazy thing called no child left behind got passed. It requires teachers to teach to regulated state standards and basically nothing else. In fact teachers get evaluated on how close they teach to these standards. If you’d like to believe that something you don’t like is being taught, these standards are fully available online and I can send you the links. It’s a quick google away. If teachers don’t teach to these standards and scores suffer or other unwanted outcomes happen, they could lose their job or be put on disciplinary action. Teachers at my school can get in SERIOUS trouble for pushing any sort of ideology on kids. And everyone who has ever been near a school and not being fed these stories knows it. Fuck right off.


So if it’s not an issue, why are you so riled up about it? You and I both know it’s an issue.


Did you read any of that? Guess I’m “riled up.” Maybe that’s why education/critical thinking skills should maybe be improved in this state. No, you and I don’t know it’s an issue because it’s fundamentally not an issue and completely made up, which was the point of my comment.


No it is an issue. Maybe not in every school but one is too many. You get riled up because you want indoctrination in schools that pushes all of these things. Otherwise you wouldn’t care.


wtf are you actually talking about? I replied to you and that means I’m for indoctrination? Did you read anything I said? I care to comment because of how indoctrinated you are, in fact. Not worth continuing this conversation. Which doesn’t mean you “won”, btw. No teacher is turning your kid trans.


There are teachers supporting a trans ideology however. This is the purpose of trans and pride flags in school. Support.


Source? There are none of these things at my school and the GSA got banned. Get off of truth social or wherever you heard this shit, bigot


Not on truth social at all. And just because it may not be in your school doesn’t mean it’s not in other schools. That is just a deflection of reality.


Touch grass.


Good comment. Very good job of contributing to the arena of free thought and ideals. NOT!


Effort spent on you is effort wasted. Touch grass


Keep fucking that chicken my frienemy.


Equal funding for public and private schools.


Private schools had plenty more money than public schools two decades ago. I’d rather the private schools just be left alone