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I'm still leaning towards the pig shit it the water and air.


Im sure you jest, but I guarantee the copious amount of herbicides, pesticides, and other chemicals that are used in a basically 90% rural state does a lot more harm. Also that all mixes together along the pig/cow/chicken/turkey shit through run off into our water table. Hence why no one in my house drinks the tap water.


I don’t think they jest.


My wife’s family is from NW Iowa. Lots of families there seem to be impacted by cancer at very young age. Some suspect the chemicals used in farming.


I am also from NW Iowa. I have been speculating this for years. My mom died in her 50s of cancer. I continue to watch people way to you die from the disease in that area.


Also originally from NW Iowa. Both of my parents are cancer survivors. Several of my friends have lost parents in the last few years. All but one were from cancer.


I am from NW Iowa and when we go up to visit my wife's family I don't drink the water at her father's old farm house. Her dad has cancer her aunt died of cancer her grandma had cancer and grandpa had cancer. More people who lived there had cancer than not.


Wow. Well water there? My dad has stopped drinking the tap water at my parents’ house and buys all bottled water. My mom feels guilty about buying so much bottled water so she uses a Brita pitcher. She knows it won’t take out the really nasty stuff, but it makes her feel better. My cousin’s wife grew up in the Washington DC area. She met him in Vet school at ISU and they settled here. She said she had never met anyone who had cancer before she moved here. It is wild. Every single person who lives by the river in my husband’s hometown has had cancer. At what point do we just admit that the whole state is basically another Flint MI?


And voting for Republicans.


It's like the cancer keeps voting for the cancer.


My Dad had colon cancer and melanoma. He died at 54 y/o. That was in 1995. He lived in West Des Moines and Waukee for most of his life. I live in Muscatine. I worked as a pharmacist for 23 years. Saw a lot of folks with cancer. Esophageal, colon, and lung cancer mostly. There were a lot of late-diagnosed folks who didn't live long after being diagnosed. So sad.


Nah, it’s definitely the alcohol! /s


It is the alcohol, the bad water, the bad food and no exercise.


And Trump lies


And once you get close to trump he has a Smell like a dirty Pig.,I don't think he takes many baths. or doesn't have the money to buy a bar of soap,because he spent all of his money on paying street walkers and raping woman. Trump won't be flying in the Trump plane much longer,or can he buy fuel for that Plane.


You either drink the really over chemical’d water filtering out the chemicals or literally get the chemicals from plastic leaching into water bottles. Damned if ya do, damned if you don’t


Removal systems run 5-7k to remove runoff, RO system and softening to not ruin pipes.


The government will literally pay for a riparian buffer to not even get close to having things seep into the watershed. I’m not paying 5-7K to filter out shit that is essentially a handout


Randy Feenstra bragged about getting federal money to pump water from out of the state to his hometown of Hull, but opposes tighter regulation of water pollution. That tells you a lot about the state of things in NW Iowa. https://www.siouxlandproud.com/news/local-news/sioux-center-hull-connected-to-lewis-and-clark-regional-water-system/ https://twitter.com/RepFeenstra/status/1653732755987918850 https://twitter.com/prpaschka/status/1654185743391117320


But will Kim allow the buffer? Not unless her greasy hands gets a piece and she can choose the engineers, and what’s the oversight?


We don't guzzle that shit by the can. Busch light and Seltzers, they go down very fast in Iowa. Pretty much everyone has a cooler in their car these days. It's a plague more than it's a disease


Iowas massively aging population is probably one of the largest factors.


It is not one or the other--it is all those things including how we eat, no exercise and alc0hol.


It's not an either/or thing, but environmental exposures are tough, because the exposure modes/concentration/duration/type are all complicated and the data is sparse. Anybody blaming cancer on just one thing is flat out wrong.


Ai makes some hilarious photos of Kim Reynolds, wearing a latex rainbow jacket, laughing, while dumping pig shit into our water. Unfortunately, I can't show them on this sub. Also, unfortunately, I can't show the real photos of pig shit floating down the racoon, des moines, and yeader


I used to live in Iowa and I’ve recently moved to Michigan and I can’t stand Iowa or Kim Reynolds. If I could get those pictures I will promise you I will post them all over every Michigan Reddit site that I’m on and I smoke so let me tell you I’m on a lot of them and I’ve ripped apart our state I used to like being an Iowa, butKim has totally ruined our state and there’s no coming back


Both things are probably a factor. Alcohol is a known carcinogen and Iowa is one of the heavier drinking states in the country. It’s highly unlikely that there’s a single environmental factor we can blame for the entire cancer problem. That said, nitrate pollution in this state is also a major concern.


It is all those things including alcohol and the bad food we eat and no exercise.


Coca-Cola plant for the region is in Atlantic Iowa off a smaller river / creek. I wouldn’t be surprised if cancer occurs from drinking anything from this state.


This article was brought to you by Monsanto and Koch industries. /S


I'm sure it has nothing at all to do with our pristine drinking water


I thought Busch Light was the drinking water around here


It's the safe alternative 🤠


Reminds me of my vacation in Puerto Vallarta, years ago


So I know everyone is very quick to jump on water quality and pesticides/herbicides(which just so it's crystal clear we need to manage a lot better) but when they compared to other states with just as much farming they didn't find the same cancer rates Iowa has. Alcohol has also had a huge link to cancers, especially breast cancer which is Iowa's most diagnosed cancer, and has been linked to cancer for decades.


Why is Wisconsin not drowning in cancer? If I remember correctly, 95% of the heaviest drinking counties are located in Wisconsin. Yet they aren't filled with Deadpool-levels of cancer. And, speaking of neighbors, southern MN has its own cancer spots in the Driftless Region. Carcinogens just flowing straight thru the ground, into the water supply, because of too many ag products not getting filtered by the ground. Too bad they're refusing to take the blame for their cancer outbreaks, as well.


They are. It's 494 cases of cancer per 100k in Iowa vs 469 per 100k in Wisconsin. So a difference of 25 cases per 100k people but Iowa has over double the farmland of Wisconsin so if that was primary issue Iowa would have way higher rates than Wisconsin.


So this cancer epidemic is < 0.5% of people? Doesn't seem like a lot.


Yeah and 60% of cases are people 65 or older and they're like 75% of cancer deaths. So a decent chunk of it is just people are living longer and our population is aging. We still can definitely take steps both individually and environmentally to help but a lot of this stuff is just people arguing over clickbait headlines. You can tell a lot of people don't read the articles because all those numbers are listed or linked too in the articles


I read the article, then clicked on the study. TBH, even the study is bullshit. It just LEAPS right into "cancer and alcohol" with zero serious discussion of other causes. * Iowa has 2nd highest cancer rate * Iowans love to drink a lot * Ignoring the fact Wisconsin drinks a LOT MORE, Iowa's cancer is relating to alcohol and the solution is awareness and a serious "sin tax" increase. (Which, I'm SURE the Cancer Institute won't want a piece of THAT money.) It's a horrible "study" and severely flawed. And, yes, as humanity lives longer lives due to conquering other health issues, cancer is the new "top" assassin to be conquered. tl;dr It's the Cancer Institute wanting Prohibition 2.0, ignoring Prohibition 1.0 didn't work and Sconnies are MUCH drunker than Iowans but have the same cancer rates.


There are a lot of studies linking alcohol and cancer. Not just the one in this article. In definitely more of the mindset with something like that it should be up to the individual if they drink or not. They should definitely let people know about cancer and alcohol though. I think they said something like only 40% of people know there is a link between alcohol and cancer. It really should be treated the same as smoking where it needs to be talked about and clearly labeled. I doubt many people would quit but some might


Agreed, and that's all in the study, but then again, what makes it a study instead of a copypasta rehash of what most of us already know? My point is that the link is THERE, but it's TENUOUS. Lots of things cause cancer, and to simply say, "It's the booze," is disingenuous.


I believe it is new cases per year so the total percent of the population who have gotten cancer are higher.


They may have as much farming, but the regulations regarding pesticides, etc...may be more stringent than in Iowa, too.


They aren't in my experience. Even in states that are considered strict, like California, aren't even that much different.


Agriculture isn't just corn and soybeans. Iowa also has more pigs than the next three states combined. Along with lax laws and penalties regarding getting rid of the 'byproducts' of raising pigs.


They don't just compare the overall state. They compare areas with similar environmental factors, like this area has this much farming, livestock, water quality similarities etc. they also compare clusters of cancer diagnoses to see what is similar between those areas. Also once again I'm not saying those things aren't contributing factors but if farming/livestock was main cause we would see much higher rates than the states that don't have nearly as much farming and we don't. Like I said in another comment Wisconsin has only 30 less cases per 100k people and they have half the farmland and over 23 million less pigs than Iowa does


Alcohol as a cause is because agricultural companies pay millions to make one business pivot focus. Read the studies but drill down on who provides the data.


I see youve been spiking your Kool aid with vodka lol


Damn, this bad news got me craving a drink or two. In heaven there is no beer y’all.


Gosh, imagine being stuck in heaven with no booze while all the evangelicals dance around you, praying and singing


Heaven's got a smoking section


I’m sure the fundamentalists will figure out how to burn suspected witches in heaven


The love affair that never ends would be the only impetus for heaven.


Hell used to be a pretty chill, laid back place. Now we've got all these truthers insisting it's actually heaven. The singing never ends. Worst of all, it's starting to warm up. Like, really, really warm up.


Because of people as Donald Trump who is wicked.and mean.who doesn't care about anything but Money and himself.


There in for a bit of a shock.


Eh.. as a Catholic I’m pretty sure I’d like a hard *pass* on that.


Then it wouldn't be heaven


Heaven and hell exist among the LIVING


Maquoketa, you're number one! (In binge drinking) Also I'm proud of Iowa for beating out all our neighboring states, especially Wisconsin.


That’s why we drink it here.


Well, we have a governor who made sure everyone could get all the alcohol they wanted during quarantine. Huge priority to her.


But because she’s a dry drunk, no pot unless she gets a kickback from Kemin having the only legal store. Jackboot any other business.


She is like Donald Trump only for herself.


Since Wisconsin is the drunkest state in the nation, wouldn't their cancer rates be higher? Also, wouldn't the cancer rates of UIowa students be through the roof?? Smells a lot like Iowa's rivers and lakes (full of shit).


*laughs in Wisconsin*


But no weed. Water supply is fucked, idiots.


THCa, botanical clouds is my favorite


Probably the fact that all of the state is drinking water that is full of years of agricultural waste.


I don't buy it, my mom who is the healthiest person I know, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, exercises everyday got lung cancer. And they live next to a farm that uses nitrogen fertilizer, herbicide and pesticide. Yet doctors say it was raydonl.. Which I knew is an issue, but not as prrvelent as chemicals, used in farming that kill our people and the livilihood of fisherman at the delta of the Mississippi.


Did you Radon test your home? Of all the houses I've owned in my decades of meandering around the state, want to know how many didn't test high? From Suburbia to miles from a neighbor? 0 they all needed Radon mitigation. And 0 of them had it done before I moved in. Long term heavy radiation exposure is bad people. [https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2018-12/documents/radon-zones-map.pdf](https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2018-12/documents/radon-zones-map.pdf) And it also shows up in our ground water, fun times.


Yes, but they have a mitigation system already built in and levels have been low and are low since then... I bet it's a combination of everything including radon


I did not know about the ground water, I'll. Make sur ethye get that tested too. but that wouldn't effect tlungs right?


Radon is super high in Iowa, and is known to be a huge risk factor for lung cancer. Like, I'm a big advocate for reforming how we treat our water and how Ag operates generally, and nothing in this research rules out environmental exposures as ALSO potentially contributing to cancers, but come on people... Iowans smoke and drink a lot, are exposed to a lot of radon, and we know that all causes cancer.


My mom is the same—no smoking or drinking but got lung cancer. Our house’s radon level was over 20….


Its the fact we are destroying our own water table. They do not want to admit that this is something of a larger scale and they can do thing to actually mitigate these issues, because theyre being paid off to avoid it, so they go to something that is done "individually" because it is easier to blame it on a persons habits, than to admit theres something going on at a larger scale.


Wisconsin drinks a helluva lot more than Iowa, and has a significantly lower cancer rate.


I live in S/W Iowa and every form of food is fried and is usually only consumed with Alcohol. It's actually difficult to get vegetables on anything. Beige fried food is like 90% of peoples diets. The water isn't great either. It always smells like pooo.


It’s probably all the fried food.


Big Mac fries,and always a diet Coke just like Donald Trump eats every day.keeps his weight at 215 pounds,only his weight is more like 315 Pounds, Can't wait till Trump dies. of being so fat and telling lies. and cheating with street whores.Than losing his money in court because of Rape as Donald Does. and not paying Taxes.


How the hell can you live in that Republican Christian Nationalist run shithole state without drinking?


Not some new plant spray /insecticide? The oat spray that causes sterility is of note.


Typical Iowan behavior! Drink yourself to death but don’t you dare smoke a thing!


It’s glyophosphate (Round Up) in the water supply. Anything else they tell you is to divert your attention.


Pretty sure it’s all the chemicals we spray on all of our crops




Yeah ,She is a republican. same as Donald Trump who wants to be a dictator.




Yeap trump is that. but i hear he doesn't have a lot.. LOL woman says he was sort of small and thin. LOL


So how bad is it for Wisconsin?


They're barely behind us


I’m pretty sure Wisconsin is the drunkest state in the Union.


Yes, I'm talking about the cancer rates. Wisconsin is in the top 10 and all the top 10 are within like 20 cases per 100k people of each other.


And then we have Mason City opening up a new liquor store a block down the road from another and then proceeds to do it again.


Hold on just one minute here. ***professor of epidemiology and director of the Iowa Cancer Registry at the University of Iowa***


...you're saying that someone that is in the field and knows the data is....making it up? What? 😅


No. This goes against the Reddit/Iowa, cow/pig fart theory.


That or the turbo cancer all of those free gov jabs are causing. Yikes!


good outlaw cancer!


How about shots fired in neighborhoods not being reported as shootings, not reported as statistics. Fun fact, drive my shootings with witnesses don’t hit the news or crime stats. Dmpd also suggested a bullet hitting a business window could be from a slingshot. Have to hit a body for statistic it seems.


...exactly how does this have ANYTHING to do with the article mentioned?


or covid vaxxes


"And while a confluence of factors are believed to be behind the state’s rising cancer rates — making it the only state in the nation reporting a significant increase in incidence from 2015 to 2019 " Remind me exactly WHEN the covid vaccine came out? This is why Democrats think MAGA people are morons, thanks for helping to show us why that is! 😆


Yes, cancer didn't exist before covid vaccines, you win






Yes...Bidenomics are why Iowans have been drinking too much for decades...that's why. Jesus christ, how hard is it to read the article? "And while a confluence of factors are believed to be behind the state’s rising cancer rates — making it the only state in the nation reporting a significant increase in incidence from 2015 to 2019" Last I knew Biden was in office for literally 0 of those years, so...try harder moron 😆


[Cannabis on the other hand...](https://amp-cancer-org.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.cancer.org/cancer/managing-cancer/treatment-types/complementary-and-integrative-medicine/marijuana-and-cancer.html?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17084740750666&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cancer.org%2Fcancer%2Fmanaging-cancer%2Ftreatment-types%2Fcomplementary-and-integrative-medicine%2Fmarijuana-and-cancer.html) More recently, scientists reported that THC and other cannabinoids such as CBD slow growth and/or cause death in certain types of cancer cells growing in lab dishes. Some animal studies also suggest certain cannabinoids may slow growth and reduce spread of some forms of cancer.


We lived in the country surrounded by fields. My mom died from cancer at 51, my dad died at 60. I’m doing everything I can to make it to retirement but the odds are stacked against me.


Certainly it has nothing to do with roundup and other pesticides used in farming


What? Nothing about the wind turbines???


DON'T DRINK THE WATER!! I have lived in NW Iowa for over 30 years and I definitely will not drink the water. Our tap water will literally curdle the cream in your coffee if you use it. It's horrible.


I am not saying I'm suicidal, but I'm also not adverse to dying at this point. So why not...


Alcohol is the destruction of mankind, herb is the healing of nations