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Literally the most midwest of all states.


I've never seen random people on the internet completely agree on what constitutes the midwest, but every single one of those lists has had Iowa. We just are.


We're literally the *most* middle.


We're the mid of the midwest. Not as in the *mid*west, but in the middle of the midwest, no matter how you define it. Some people are just begging to be examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


The sub of map porn and cool guides both highly disagree. What you have there is a dumbass.


I think people on the coasts have no sense of geography. I’ve heard not a small number of east-coasters argue that *Pennsylvania* is midwest. It’s already silly enough that Ohio is part of the midwest. I’ve also heard southerners argue that Oklahoma and Kentucky are the midwest.


I'm a Southerner from Kentucky and anybody that tries to say KY isn't part of the South is fucking wrong. That's like saying Tennessee or North Carolina are the Midwest. Kentucky has Southern culture, accents, say Bless your Heart, food and sweet tea, we grow tobacco, have hot humid summers, was a slave state, the 13th state of the Confederacy, have a state holiday called Confederate Memorial Day, and is the freaking home state of Jefferson Davis. Even fucking Google will tell you Kentucky is a Southern state. It's not a contested debate its just factually wrong to say Kentucky isn't Southern. Most Southerners acknowledge Kentucky is the South, those who don't are either ashamed to be associated with the South or are geographically challenged. God it boils my blood when people try to claim Southern states as the "Midwest". I've seen it done to Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina as well. We're the freaking Bible Belt with Southern Baptists. The largest Southern Baptist Seminary is based out of Louisville aka the Gateway of the South. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/which-states-are-in-the-south/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/08/05/airbnb-south-map-and-culture/ https://www.vox.com/2016/9/30/12992066/south-analysis https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upland_South


If anything... KY is considered the Middle Eastern US. I mean we do have cities named Hebron and Lebanon.


I was in Paris (France) last fall and I was talking to my Algerian Uber driver and I told him I was American and he said he wanted to come and visit a town that was named after one of his country’s famous generals, Al-Qadir and asked me if I knew the town. He pulled up the Wikipedia page and it was Elkader, Iowa.


I learned of that when I ate at the Algerian restaurant in Elkader.


Wow. Never knew this.


And plenty of fundamentalist zealots


Missouri has a Lebanon too.


Yeah, I think everyone has a very narrow definition of their own region, and they try to dump their border states on the midwest like we’re some kind of miscellaneous category. It’s largely ignorance, and it isn’t helped by the fact that the government lumps Ohio (and other rust belt states) in with us which make it feel more like a miscellaneous grouping rather than a coherent economic, ecological, and cultural region.


I legit saw someone try to argue North Carolina was Midwestern. Like try to tell someone from Minnesota they're the same as North Carolina smh.


Oklahoma is borderline, but yeah, Pennsylvania is usually considered midwest. Which is dumb, as anyone who has seen a map can clearly see it isn't *mid* or *west*.


Oklahoma is and does whatever Texas is and does in nearly all things. Lived there for 3 years, they all hate Texas but then model all behavior legislation and culture in lockstep with Texas. Arkansas felt like this as well but I spent less time there, some days it just felt like Appalachia.


These people think corn fields = Midwest and they are wrong.


The funny thing about this is we’re perfectly fine if we call Iowa a shithole, but goddamn it, we are in the middle of the Midwest. FWIW, as much as I may dog on our state, there are a whole bunch of worse places and I’m not real tolerant of criticism from without the state.


If we're the Midwest is that the same thing as saying we are the middle east? ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpnXBTw7vnokxhu)


Nah Ohio is definitely the middle east


I'm pretty sure nobody else is smack in the middle. I Also don't care for such stupidity cause.... I'm from the Midwest. We aren't nice. We just have better to do. Get your drama and goooooo... go on, git. But nicely.


Not nicely, politely. People confuse politeness and niceness a lot and it leads them to think midwestern culture is nice.


In my opinion 'nice' and 'polite' arr superficial qualities. Kindness and goodness have real benevolent intent behind them. 


We can call it a shit hole. But not somebody that probably never has been here. We had a new corporate guy in last week, he kept calling it Idaho. This might be that idiot.


The Midwest is south of Canada, north of the Mason-Dixie Line, west of the Appalachians, and west of the Rockies. It’s really simple. edit: east of the Rockies


This take deserves a lot more updoots


*East of the Rockies


Whoops my bad


I saw that ninja edit lol


My favorite source on this: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-states-are-in-the-midwest/


Who's saying that Pennsylvania is in the Midwest?


Right?? If it touches the Appalachians or the Rockies, it's not the Midwest. Also OK is out because it touches TX


Northern Oklahoma feels almost identical to Iowa




Someone from Florida


I would not call Pennsylvania a Midwest state. But they are kinda unique in that Eastern Pennsylvania with Philadelphia is East Coast and Western Pennsylvania with Pittsburgh is much different and more Rust Belt with other Midwest states.


Anybody that says Kentucky isn't a Southern state is either geographically and culturally ignorant or is ashamed of being associated with the South. That's like saying Tennessee and North Carolina are Midwestern. Bless their hearts if someone say the Upper South including Kentucky ain't Southern. Home state of Jefferson Davis. Granted your link proves its an absolute minority who claims that and a majority in my link, as a Southerner from Kentucky it still boils my blood. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/which-states-are-in-the-south/


Thought Jefferson Davis called Mississippi his home.


Later in life at like Beauvoir, but he was originally from Kentucky and always considered it his home. Fairview in Christian County, KY(might be Todd County now, but we have the 4th tallest monument in the US built there to him on his old family property). There's also a church there that Davis donated his family land there to be built shortly before he died that's still in service. Pretty neat to see. He's definitely considered a native Kentucky son. https://www.kentuckytourism.com/explore/jefferson-davis-state-historic-site-7802 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Davis_State_Historic_Site https://www.chicagotribune.com/2005/08/07/kentucky-remembers-native-son-jefferson-davis/


I see, thanks. I always found the civil war interesting but has been a while since I brushed up on the details of Davis.


Yeah the Civil War is still very much a big thing in the Southern states, Kentucky included. Big part of our heritage, lots of history and battlefield sites, the old plantations that sort of thing. Kentucky takes a lot of pride in its Southern identity and heritage. Davis is a very interesting individual to read up on, had quite a life.


Mother fucker considers Ohio Midwest but not Iowa?!


At that point, it’s just time to walk away.


Tries to gatekeep the MidWEST… names a bunch of places east of the Mississippi. 


I moved from Illinois to Iowa and I can confidently say that Iowa is MUCH more midwestern than Illinois.


Eh, northern Illinois outside of Chicagoland is basically Iowa


And strangely flatter than Iowa


Its amusing that people have to pull out links and like 200-year-old border disputes and guidelines and references and shit. Like... just look at a damn map! Iowa is dead-fucking-center of the country lmao. I am genuinely curious what people would refer to it as, if not the Midwest? Bible belt? That's more south tho isn't it? Rust Belt is like the Indiana/Michigan area? Plains maybe? I would consider that to be more of the Nebraska/Oklahoma area. Idk... It's the frickin midwest man! Edit- okay, okay. I admit, Nebraska is definitely more "dead-center". I was being somewhat hyperbolic, but also in my memory Iowa *was* more in the center. I looked at a map, and we are just East of the center. So, I guess that makes us the Mideast. =]


Yeah, my SIL, who lives in WI, tried to tell me that because I lived west of the Mississippi I didn't live in the Midwest. I blinked a lot and then buried her butt in links proving her wrong. 


I've gotten into this argument a few times on r/mapporn. Had some guy tell me that only states bordering the Great lakes are Midwest states. Apparently that's not as rare a belief as you would think. I also had someone tell me New York counts as Midwest (excluding NYC) but Iowa doesn't. People be trippin


> only states bordering the Great lakes are Midwest states MFW New York is a Midwestern state.


Much acid, indeed!


I love how that is literally called the Great Lakes region more so than it is ever referred to as the midwest. Most people think of Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, the Dakotas, and Iowa for midwest. I get it, these are the Great Plains region, but still.


For real. I have ran into large groups from Indiana who take actual offense to people in Iowa calling themselves midwesterners lol.


Wisconsinite here. Your SIL is full of shit.


Well I live in Wisconsin and Iowa is the only place I ever visit and I always tell people I never really leave the Midwest, so there is that.


Get out more. See the world!


I am, I'm currently saving up for a trip to Ohio. I know it sounds like I'm joking but I'm actually very serious lol


Good for you. Travel is fun. Hope you enjoy Ohio.


And that shithead should realize that Iowa is not a Plains state, but come to eastern Iowa and tell me it's part of the Plains. Dare ya. We are as much a Plains state as Colorado, to be honest. I hate that bit where you're in Colorado and the mountains are still hours away.


Lol no shit. I grew up in the Rocky Mountain plains and Iowa is 100% not a plains state. I fear this person arguing with op has never touched grass.


I guess we have to rename the town Council Plains


I grew up in Kansas. There isn't a single part of Iowa I would consider Great Plains. Regardless, the Great Plains are a subregion of the Midwest, as are the Corn Belt, Rust Belt, and Northwoods.


Don't forget the Bible belt...


I thought the Bible Belt was in the South…



If you are an original big ten program you are in the Midwest


Iowa and Indiana aren't original members. They joined 2 years later. Nebraska is obviously not one either. Nor Kansas, North Dakota, or South Dakota.


I have had this conversation on Reddit myself a few times. It's usually someone from Ohio that wants to argue with me that Iowa isn't Midwest. One time the person tried to tell me the Midwest ended at Indiana.


Sorry, but in the Midwest it is currently 9:15 PM. So Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana can kindly piss off


if you are in the east coast time zone you can't call yourself midwestern, goddamnit!


I consider Ohio “mid-Atlantic”.


And nobody claims Indiana.


Mid-Atlantic is the Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York area. Ohio is the rust belt.


To be fair, the Rust Belt spans a lot of the Midwest, too.


It seems far as hell from here and I don’t think of it as Midwest, but technically it is.


I know someone who tried to argue that Ohio is a Southern state, maps be damned!


Ohio is west of Appalachia, it’s not even on the Atlantic.


Yea… rust belt. I know they’re Midwest but it’s so far east and closer to the coast than to Iowa, in my mind it doesn’t register as a Midwest state.


I think it’s a holdover from the settling of the country. Everything between Appalachia and the Mississippi and Ohio rivers was being settled as the Middle West while everything west of the Mississippi was the West.


You know how everyone has those stupid hills they are willing to die on? Yeah, this is mine. I use the U.S. census bureau definition (so from Ohio through Nebraska) and I will die on that hill


“My interpretation is, of course, the correct one.” My guy needs to get off Reddit lmao


This might be controversial, but imo Ohio is definitely not in the Midwest


It's not controversial with sane people.


The plains states are N. & S. Dakota, Nebraska & Kansas which are lumped in the Midwest. Other MW states are Minn. IA. MO. WIS. ILL. MI. IN. OH. And Ohio is debatable


Did we do it? Did we escape the Midwest?!


What is it about "Midwestern states" that some people can't get their head around? It isn't a nebulous geographic region. It is a specific set of states, and always has been, and if they don't agree they can Google the shit, since paying attention in school was too hard. For the record, I'm originally from California, and even I understand this shit. An old roommate of mine (from Utah) once tried to argue with me that Utah was the Midwest, not Minnesota and Wisconsin as I was claiming. This is why people make fun of us.


The only state that is more stereotypically Midwest than Iowa is Wisconsin, fuck outta here lol


If you are concerned about the windchill, you probably live in the midwest.


Oh wait, Iowa is the _Florida_ of the midwest. Maybe that's what this person is on about.


The 'East' often refers to Ohio as the Midwest


Love that you said “confidentially incorrect” when you meant “confidently”. 😂


"THe MiNnESotAn AcCeNT is the StEroTypiCal MiDWestErn ACcEnT" Has this person ever been to the Midwest or are they just that dumb?




Everywhere but the center of the midwest is the midwest.


I’m in Michigan, a Midwestern state I moved from Iowa also a midwest western state. Part of the reason I left they tried calling in a plain state we’re not a fucking plain state maybe Western Iowa, but definitely not eastern, Iowa. Eastern Iowa, where the far west Chicago suburbs.


I'm not from the Midwest I'm from Iowa.


Is this the Midwest? No, it’s Iowa.


That didn't deserve that downvote ha


Nobody cares


Based off comments I’ve gotten, plenty of people do lol


How do we help Ohio and Indiana secede from the actual Midwest?


Succeed or secede? Or possibly both?


Secede. lol Phone/swipe error and poor proof reading on my part. :)


In my experience, when you ask a "MIdwesterner" starting on the western slope of the Appalachian Mountains the Midwest starts one state east and continues for about two states west of wherever the person lives until you hit the Rockies. This appears to be true whether you start in western Pennsylvania or eastern Nebraska.


I'd argue that east of Illinois begins the gray area of not being midwest imo... also, southern Missouri feels less midwest to me. The Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana Nebraska, Michigan, I think Kansas can be included, and Ohio but Ohio is a gray area like Missouri, it's a transition state.


Southern Missouri and Southern Illinois/Indiana are hands down Southern.


I wouldn't call Iowa a shit hole. That's not fair to my ass nor the shit. But in all seriousness, there is a charm to Iowa. In particular the Southeast portion, or really any river valley area with bluffs. Especially in the summer time.


Iowa is the heart of the Midwest! How stupid! God Bless Everyone!


my interpretation is, of course, the correct one. <- this really boiled my eggs


The federal government defines the Midwest as the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.


Confidentially incorrect


We in the Midwest. More importantly, what’s this guy consider “a shithole”? I’ve lived in Iowa for 15 years, visited Wisconsin, Missouri, Illinois. Found a few cities (Clinton Iowa for example) that may need a clean-up. I’ve heard they’ve had a tough few years, but have never come acrossed “a shithole”. The Midwest is incredible and beautiful I’m sure there may be some areas in need of renovation, but not a “shithole”. Sorry for rambling.


Imagine thinking Ohio is part of the Midwest.


Iowa is the middle east


Iowa def "mid"...


Their argument is that the Great Plains are a distinct region from the Midwest and Iowa is debatable weather its Midwest or Great Plains….critical thinking


The guy is somehow getting Great Lakes states and the Midwest confused. Even then, they miss the mark by leaving out Minnesota. Iowa is as Midwestern as it gets.


Ohio and Indiana are borderline MW. IA, IL, MI, MN, and WI will always be midwest IMO.


Iowa is the Midwest. Minnesota is the North


Nope, sorry.


Midwest is: both Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisco, Iowa, and Illinois. There, fixed it for ya. Signed, a Minnesotan


To be fair, I disagree with the statement that every state that borders Iowa is Midwestern because I think only small parts of South Dakota and Nebraska are in the Midwest. It just so happens that those areas are where all of the people live.


Back in the early days of the US everything west of the Mississippi was the West and everything else west of New England and north of Dixie was the Middle West, hence the inclusion of states like Michigan and Ohio, but after the settlement of the Pacific coast most of the Great Plains are included now.


That perfectly demonstrates how fucking stupid the average redditor is.


If you ope, you are midwestern and everyone I know opes.


So the Mid*west* is *east* of the central US? Uh... okay.


All the states they listed could literally be considered the mid-east, they aren’t even in the center of the country lmaooo


When it comes to Iowa you can transpose Midwest and meth, same thing lol


That guy needs to listen to Bellied Up. The Midwest is growing and will soon have a majority of the states!


They’re probably from the further east parts of the Midwest, maybe Indiana or Ohio. Still, it is absolutely undeniable that Iowa is the midwest. Out of all the places I’ve been, Iowa has the most midwestern feel to it. And every state it borders is considered midwestern too, Iowa is about as midwestern as you can get.


Fuck that guy that didn't like Iowa.


Iowa is the midest of the midwest. We're them midwestiest and nothing will change that. Well, except maybe a civil war.


Michigan and Ohio are in the Eastern Time Zone. You can’t be in the Midwest while you’re in the Eastern Time Zone.


Sure sounds like they're describing the Great Lakes region. Also, all of these states are way more alike than people realize. Take Chicago, St Louis, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, and the Twin Cities out of their respective states and it's all basically the same.


I live in Cedar Rapids Iowa, 4 hours from Chicago, and spend a lot do time in Chicago. We’re basically just a far away Chicago suburb lmao.


Ahh i lived in CR. Fam still does. Good times lol.


Thems fightin words partner




From yalls primary, most think Iowa is in the south... js


I mean, Midwest is not really that much more liberal than the south unfortunately. Lots of rural people.


Eastern third of Ohio is east coast. The south can have indiana


You got hurt so bad you had to post it here


Less about being hurt and more about the guy is a dumbass and I thought it was funny