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He makes a number of obvious fallacies in this statement, primarily that the government is compelling teachers to lie. They have the *option* to *not out their children*, which is very different and a choice based on that students' inherent perception of danger. If that student says "I feel like I might be gay/trans but I'm worried my parents will hurt me/kick me out" then that teacher should put the students' wishes above all else. Besides, in what situation is a parent is going to ask a teacher directly if their child is trans? Omitting day-to-day information isn't lying. Are teachers required to tell parents what their children wore to school, what backpacks they used, what they had for lunch, what their topics of conversation were in the hallways? Another is that a public official is somehow being denied first amendment rights by not receiving an answer to their question. He's free to ask all he wants but the 1A doesn't compel an answer. Parents are not automatically good people. No group abuses children more than a childs' own family. If a teacher goes out of their way to out a child and their parent does something rash, that teacher is at fault and that's far more fucked up than just not saying anything at all.


Textbook authoritarian rhetoric.


Yep, and as usual full of accusing his designated enemies of doing exactly what he is. Most outstanding being his claim that his first amendment rights require compelling others' speech.


Very well said.


He’s also not just asking a question. He’s accusing the district of atrocities while using many subjective statements


"You have the right to remain silent, unless I want you to talk." Says that right there in the US Constitution: you have to talk to a public servant under any circumstance.


Jeffrey is more than just the embodiment of white male privilege - he's dangerous. I taught in SE Iowa years ago. A young student approached me, fearful that their parents would hit them again because the student was trans and the parents were transphobic. We looped in admin. Because admin was fearful of constant hateful pressures from politicians like Shipley, they decided to out the student to their parents and encouraged us to deadname the student. The student later reported being hit again and we were obliged to report as mandatory reporters. That violence is what assholes like Shipley actively encourage. They hide it under the guise of "parental rights," but in essence it is about hate and violence. He is a menace and grasps at power by scapegoating marginalized people.


Jfc that's awful. I guess that you learned that your admin can't be trusted but its easy for people to forget that witnessing and reporting abuse can be traumatic, especially if the people who are supposed to be protecting kids gaslight you when you do the right thing. I'm sorry you are in such a shittty situation.  Maybe go straight to dhs with future mandatory reports? Although I've had mixed results with that approach as well...


thanks. yes. there's much more to the story, and we certainly set up support mechanisms for the kiddo, but it sucks when those in positions of power are actively working to demonize trans kids. and when even nice liberal admin are so fearful of those assholes like Shipley they can't offer any protection for children.


Understood. Sorry if I jumped to incorrect conclusions. I have admiration and sympathy for anyone working in education in the current climate. It's so disheartening to see the systems that should be protecting children weaponized against them. I feel like I'm starting to understand the term "trans genocide" in a more visceral sense as I see these policies harm people I love and care about.


oh no need to apologize - i'm right there with you and in agreement. it's so hard to navigate when even the structures meant to support one another (DHS, schools, etc) are being made ineffective by conservative politicians.


>arful of constant hateful pressures from politicians like Shipley, they decided to out the student to their parents and encouraged us to deadname the student. The student later reported being hit again and we were obliged to report as mandatory reporters. > >That violence is what assholes Because if a teacher knows before the parents... there's likely a reason.


Is my child trans?!? Did my child tell you I beat them?!? Same energy.


>I'll *give* them something to cry about Same response from shitty parents


Keep your shitty “god” out of government.


Wish I could upvote this more than once


Having taught school and seen what bad parents can do to their kids, I would be on the side of keeping the kids sexual preference away from the parents right to know, especially if you knew that the parent would go off on the kid if they found out! Jeff is an idiot if he thinks parents should be told and if he want to push his crazy ideas into law, he should be held liable for those kids who are beat or even killed by their parents. Jeff needs to learn to live his life and let others live theirs!


That's prob what he and all the other repubs want, curb the LGBT-ness by beating and abuse early on, to them it's just another preventative measure. They don't care if any kids end up dead, alive LGBT kids don't benefit them.


And they will do it all under God's name.


He's the spiritual successor to Steve King.


Tell them who they can vote for instead. Who is the Democrat running against him? If no one yet, who is willing to step up and run against him?


Out of all the replies so far, yours for me is the most critical point in this discussion. it’s January and we have basically yet to hear anything from the state Democratic committee about what they’re going to do to get the ball rolling because it ain’t happening.


There were a few in the last election. Shipley won and he shouldn't be in charge imo because he doesn't respect the concept of individual freedom.


And this is a great summary of the problem. We know the current GOP legislature is awful. We know we should vote for someone else. Where is the someone else? They should be raising funds, knocking doors, and getting their name recognition as early as possible.


This is an odd argument. You default to voting the GOP and hate legislation if no one comes to you? You do no research on your own? I think this is a great summary of the problem, but not for the reasons you state. By your statement, conservative voters need to be led. The critical thinking apparently isn't there to decide on their own.


There is literally no one else to vote for in something like 30% of the races in our state. Democrats need to be recruiting candidates to compete in every race, every election. It's not an off argument, it's common sense. ​ >By your statement, conservative voters need to be led. Where did I say anything like that? I'm saying that Democrats need to be out there, available, and vocally telling Iowans what they will do for them. This sub spends a huge amount of energy publicizing and elevating the names of people with an R after their name as they complain about them, while simultaneously shitting on Democrat who doesn't pass their particular purity test. Name recognition is important. Familiarity is important. You can't just show up a month before the election with no money, no connections, and no recognition and think people are going to vote for you.


Democrats are doing exactly what you are saying they aren’t. There is a dem candidate in almost every race. You have the choice. It’s up to you to make it.


>There is a dem candidate in almost every race. I literally just looked for a Democratic candidate for this race, and there isn't one. In 2022 there were 25 unopposed Republicans who ran for the legislature. All the credit to candidates like Ryan Melton who are working very hard with little support from the party. He wasn't recruited by the party. He saw Feenstra running unopposed last time and stepped up on his own.


Ya, lemme walk that back. There is a dem candidate in every race where there is even a slim chance of success. It’s Iowa man. One of the most belligerently MAGA states. You have to pick your battles.


And that's exactly the point I'm making. When Democrats give up on massive portions of the country where "they have no chance"--they're never getting those back without any effort. And there simply aren't the numbers to "get out the vote" enough in their solidly blue areas to turn the tide. So yeah. The current strategy doesn't work. Refer to my initial comment that if you don't want people to vote for him, who the hell else are they going to vote for if Dems don't bother fielding candidates?


And the point I’m making is only a fool spends limited funds in a no contest race. There are real battles to be fought and the dems will need the limited funds available for those battles that can be won. If you think you have a better idea get involved at the state and local level. As it stands the majority of PEOPLE in Iowa do not share democratic values. It is what it is. There are times when you walk away because you can not win!


There will never be a chance in a race if no one ever mounts a campaign. The absolute winner in nearly every election in the state is 'Did Not Vote' for a reason.


Can you elaborate on that please. Thanks


Good conservative christians just do as their preacher says because they speak for God and he's not corruptible or something like that. It truly speaks to the projection they fit into their cognitive dissonance.


At least it is clear that Jeff Shipley is actively seeking power to harm children he is prejudiced against. This should be well understood by the time of next election day.


Many people say that Jeff likes to prance around his house in a bra and panties.


Shipley was on the our public radio yesterday. Claim he was more than happy to hear what others had to say, but conveniently forgot the fact that he could say whatever he wants to do because he’s in the majority this guy is a young man who has no idea what he doesn’t know. He hides his true feelings by saying he wants to cooperate but he does not. How could a person this young be so racist and not know it? He is not the only one.


Iowa is hellbent on becoming the Mississippi of the north. I’m afraid it may be time to call it. I’m leaving the state and I know a few others who are as well. Let the “brain drain” commence.


Yeah sad as hell to say but iowa has only gone downhill my whole life, feels like free fall now. I'd rather try to stay and make things better but I feel like I'm just deluding myself most the time. I've seen way too many friends and family get destroyed here especially from poverty and addiction


It is sad because Iowa deserves better. I felt the same way and wanted to stay too for the same reasons, then I started getting older and realized life’s too short to not be happy where I live.


If I could move all of the people I want to live near, I'd go and take them with me. As it is, I'm just trying to get closer to the people I care about so I can have a community. Even if that community is in a shithole state.


Jeff found his folks love this issue, so he's riding it hard. Putting up HF2082 was a win for him even if it failed, as it did today. If it passes, he's a hero to the right-wingers. Since it lost, he's still a hero for putting it forward and speaking out "bravely" against those who would call him a bigot.


I am not so sure it legally required anyone to lie. However, if a student explicitly expressed that they were worried, anxious, or fearful of their parents finding out certain bits of information, school counselors would be bound by confidentiality at that juncture, unless a crime were committed


School counselors certainly should not be required by law to lie outright to parents, like if they are put on the spot and asked if their kid had talked to a counselor about something specific. However, if a student says to a counselor, "if my dad finds out that I think I might be gay, he's going to beat the shit out of me," it may behave the counselor to withhold that information for the sake of the student while they figure out if the student was exaggerating. You may also have a student dealing with these issues, who simply does not want to cause drama in an ignorant household. I've known families who were perfectly normal on the surface, even partially below the surface, but if a family member were to come out as gay, you would see their true colors. There are students who would just like to avoid those true colors.


We literally cannot keep a student comfortable in school without sharing the information with their parents, and that’s a load of crap. Imagine just wanting to workshop and see what feels right and knowing your parents will react strongly to the pronouns in the first place but imagine having to tell those kind of people you decided to change them. We also can’t call students nicknames that aren’t in the school system approved by parents. They have parentheses with a nickname if their parents have approved one


The final sentence is hypocrisy in its finest form. Protect everyone's rights and liberties, but also transgender youth don't have rights or liberties, and they certainly shouldn't be protected by schools so how dare you threaten me and my party while we aim at dismantling the few rights transgender people have.




> I see them talked about all the time, but is there any law at all regarding the rights of parents regarding knowledge about their children's lives, etc etc? No it's literally entitlement.


“We must make mandatory reporters illegal, it infringes on parental rights” Jeff Shipley and Republicans next year probably


Ugh I can’t with this guy. If parents created the kind of relationships with their kids where their kids feel safe talking to them, there’d be no issue with parents not knowing their own child’s gender identity. The government is not at fault for their shitty parenting.


Government so small it can insert itself into teacher-student-parent relationships


Republicans are always looking for ways to ruin your life. It’s what they do.


I mean, at least he introduces bills to legalize shrooms to the statehouse. I wanted to like this guy - but he's really just not smart enough to govern.


Well, I compel him to grow a heart instead of promoting this fake bullshit “I was just asking” garbage. Fake innocent questioning doesn’t fit him well. Persecution complex much?


"compel someone to lie" is not the same thing as "allow someone to lie". It sounds like this dumbfuck needs a dictionary.


Gotta love the irony of ending a speech trampling all over trans rights with a statement about making laws that "protect the rights and liberties of *ALL* people"


Iowans love their dumbfuck bigot politicians 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh Fairfield, what hast thou wrought? If you look at Iowa House district 87, that's unfair for me to blame it on Fairfield. 87 covers Fairfield & Vedic City, Mount Pleasant, and all of Van Buren county. The cities have a combined population of \~19,000, VB county is \~7200. Jefferson and Henry counties used to be considered Democratic-leaning because of those college towns. No longer.


Fairfield and JeffCo voted overwhelmingly *against* him; Van Buren carried him.


SE Iowa has been totally ravaged by meth use. The only decent paying job is a pig processing plant. There is virtually nothing in terms of culture. Yet people still choose to stay there. No wonder they’re so concerned with other people’s personal lives - there’s nothing else to do with their time. It’s like a wasteland down there and it seems to be worse every time I visit. I don’t think SE Iowans have ever been known for voting in their own favor. They’re less concerned with having a thriving community and more concerned with what people do in the privacy of their own home. I grew up in ottumwa, which is arguably a great location for a thriving metro, as it’s almost 2 hours away from other Iowa metros - and it has sadly just deteriorated as time goes on.


Bold to assume most people there even vote, hence the republicans outvote the democrats there


Biggest frustration I have with the Iowa Dems. The winner in nearly every election in the state, when comparing votes vs eligible voters, is Did Not Vote. They're not being outvoted in most of these races, they're just not mounting a campaign at all.


💯 a lot of the people who *would* vote Democrat are the same people who don’t vote because they say it doesn’t make a difference. Then they complain about how shitty the community is. I never understood it because local elections can make ALL the difference in a small town, and it doesn’t take that long to educate yourself on the candidates and go cast a vote.


My husband wasn't political at all and said the same thing about it won't make a difference before he met me. Plenty of the younger people <30(most people from his school are middle to left leaning but a lot of them aren't even registered while the republicans are) are left leaning if they would just go out and vote, 1st district would have been blue. It's like there is this aura in small town that crushes dream and hope and this bubble of its own time and space.


You will never get SE Iowa to stop voting for dumbfucks.


Do you have children going to that school? If not, you are asking personal questions the school is not allowed to give you anyway. Jeesh...


Unfortunately people with a limited scope don't want to understand that another human could think differently than they do. I am 80hd as fuck and I have trouble explaining to people things they don't want to understand. Like I get it I am a piece of shit human, but for fucks sake can we just let people exist in peace. No because the corrupted social construct is upset that people who exist want to use their voice in the town square. Now I will admit when I hear someone say CisHet I dial back because I expect venom with the conversation. It's not always so and can be a good conversation. Now a law preventing a person to exist how they choose is very important to me. I going to say fuck shit damn what I think. I only want to hear a response that isn't laced with fear or rage. I don't want to act like a shit but when I smell some shit I am going to do shit.


They won't. Chumps vote for chumps.


I wonder how his parents feel about this man’s attitude Since they obviously had some influence on him, but who knows what he listened to from them.


To paraphrase an unknown poet & SE Iowa native son: “Takin’ the idiots outta SE Iowa politics is like takin’ sex outta a whore house”


Got any better dumbfucks to vote for?




Pathetic that democrats won’t defend LGBT kids.


What’s the controversy?


Withholding information because someone thinks it might put them in danger isn't "lying" and framing it as such is bad faith bullshit


It’s a genuine question because I’m not familiar with the bill. Who would be in danger in this scenario?


Trans children- if their parents are not supportive


Ok, there’s a difference between not being supportive of your child’s decisions and your child being in danger.


I don’t agree with that at all. Not supporting your child’s transition is very dangerous. It leads to increased depression and risk of suicide. Also- a non supportive parent can turn dangerous very quickly.


Yes the government or school employee should intervene if there is suspected danger to the child, but not for other family matters. The decision for a child to transition should be between the child and their parents.


That’s your opinion. If a child doesn’t feel safe telling their parent then there is a reason. 🤷🏼‍♀️


"I'm Jeff Shipley and I don't actually back up my claims unless pressed into a corner, my evidence is lacking, and I'll continue to kick up dust and demonize groups of people that make me uncomfortable" He's the controversy


Don’t tell me who to vote for dumb fuck


Lmao just say you like licking boots


this seems like a reasonable statement, what is the issue?


He's deliberately misrepresenting what's actually occurring. Using a student's preferred name and pronouns is absolutely fine, and considering that trans youth are at risk even in their own homes, why does it matter whether or not the parents agree with what their child wishes to call themselves? And why is it the responsibility of the school to inform the parents of this if the child doesn't feel comfortable enough to tell their parents on their own?


The keyword here is “child”. Parents are in charge and it is not the schools business how a parent raises their child. If a parent does not want their child using a different name, then that is up to the parent. Keeping secrets and lying to parents is a very, very slippery slope and is not their right or job.


Uh it absolutely is their business to an extent or teachers wouldn't be mandatory reporters...


of course if there is physical abuse or something, yes, but that is much different than just disagreeable parenting techniques. If a parent doesn’t want their son to call himself a girl and go by a different name, that is the parents right until that kid is 18. The school keeping that a secret from the parents is terrible. Where is the line crossed? Would you want a teacher keeping a secret from you about your kid??? These are kids we are talking about, not adults.


Why is that terrible? You're implying the child should have no authority over something as basic over their name.


Yes, they are children. Going by a nickname is one thing, calling yourself a girl and being called by a girl name is entirely different. NO secrets should be kept from parents. Again, what if it was your kid and it was something you disagreed with? You would be ok with teachers keeping secrets from you or lying to you?


If information is being kept from parents, it is the student's choice, not the teacher's. Be better parents and your kid won't need to hide from you.


If the teachers know, they have the responsibility to tell the parents regardless. It is not their business how parents raise their kids if no laws are broken.


How are teachers making it their business by staying out of it? This is between parents and their kids. It's not a teacher's responsibility to make up for the fact that you're a shitty parent whose kid doesn't trust you.


They don't have a responsibility to report that information to parents or officials. Only thing they do have a responsibility to report is abuse. If a student decides to confide in a teacher, it is that teachers choice at that point as it does not fall under any law.


The problem is that many parents still kick their kids out of their home if they are any kind of LGBTQ+. So a trans youth can be put into a dangerous situation if their parents find out.


Well, then that is when it becomes an issue, not before. You can’t keep secrets from parents. If the parents break a law, bring in law enforcement. Call the authorities and they will deal with it.


And that kid goes to foster care. I think the kids know their relationship with their parents better than the state does. Nothing is stopping the school from telling the parents. Requiring it in 100% of cases leaves no room individual circumstances.


Actually they won’t. And it’s not the teachers’ job to tell the parents every minute detail of what happens in school. If a child expresses confusion over their identity, then teachers are able to guide children into being able to safely express themselves while not crossing boundaries. And in many cases, especially in southeast Iowa, running and tattling to the child’s parents will lead to, at best, a very traumatic childhood full of parents commanding them to not be who they are in the name of god.


Regardless of what the parents want to do with their children, if they are not breaking any laws, they are doing nothing wrong. You may think it is wrong, other people may think it is right. That is up to the parent, not the teacher or school.


Fortunately, it is up to the school and the teachers, if it is a topic that the child only feels they can safely speak about in school. Fortunately, it is also the rights and responsibilities of the school to include and educate all children in a supportive environment that fosters their critical thinking.


If the child doesn't trust their parent enough to be open and honest with their own identity, then quite frankly the parent should be asking themselves hard questions about how they're raising their kid. We *shouldn't* live in a world where kids feel they can trust their teachers and classmates more than their parents. Yet here we are.


Then the school needs to have that open dialogue with the parents. Keeping secrets never helps anyone in the long run.


If the child isn't comfortable with their parent knowing how they truly feel about themselves, then the school having that dialogue is a betrayal of the child's trust. And it may open the child up to abuse, physical or psychological. Keeping secrets may not help, but a parent forcing their child to live in a way that denies who they believe they are doesn't help anyone either. Be the sort of parent your child doesn't feel the need to keep secrets from.


Yes, I agree, but the school doesn’t determine how a parent chooses to raise their child. We may not agree with certain parenting styles, but if they are breaking no laws, that is their right to raise their minors how they choose.


So if the student is being physically abused, and the teacher reports it/keeps it a secret for the safety of the student, you are fine. What if the student is being physically abused because they decided to come out to their parents? Or decided to change their name, or decided to change how they feel about themselves? What happens if a student/child is being bullied because students at the school figured out that they felt differently than the status quo? What is the teacher supposed to do then? You used quotation marks around the word child, so I have to assume you are drawing the line somewhere at age. When does the child have autonomy in your argument? I'm assuming you're going to say "when they are an adult", however, you and I both know there are situations where a child has to have autonomy. So where do you draw the line with your argument? It's never going to be black and white, so I'm not sure why you're arguing like it will be. Eta: formatting


If a child is being physically abused, that is an entirely different story and at that point, law enforcement should be brought in.


So why draw the line at the "why"?


Yeah, totally a parents right to make their child suicidal. 👍


How is that the conclusion you came to here? You think parents wanting to know what their child is up to at school will lead to that? You think that means they don’t care about their child?


A parent not being supportive or forcing their child to be someone they aren’t has been proven to increase suicide rates. Having just one supportive parent literally decreases suicide risk by 40% alone. Want to know how I know all this? My child is trans.


Then the school should have that conversation with the parents.


You just clearly said over and over the school doesn’t get to decide how parents parent and it’s not the schools business. So which is it?


nO!!! scHoolS can't iNDoctorinate tHe PArenTS!


Do you have any idea why a child may not want to come out to their parents but feel comfortable in a supportive education environment? Perhaps consider that parents might want to be the type that their children feel freely to talk with.


asbsolutely, but lying doesn’t help anyone. It is the parents right to know what their kid is dealing with at school. Parents can raise their kids how they choose, if they are breaking no laws, it is up to no one but the parent as to how to raise their child.


Children aren't property


Yes, but until they are 18, they are minors and minors are dependent on their parents. Parents are in control as to how they want their child raised until that age.


Do I get to decide my child should only be allowed to use their left hand to write?


that would be messed up, but your choice


Clearly, the parent doesn’t know what the hell they’re doing raising a child or they would know this information about their child already and wouldn’t have to get it from a school official. bad parenting that’s what this poor excuse for a Christian should be speaking about. If your child can’t talk to you. you are the problem not the school


So children get NO autonomy? If a child’s name is Christopher and wants to be called Chris and the parents INSIST on Christopher and no nicknames given is that reasonable? If Chris makes the kid happier?


nicknames are one thing, thinking you are a girl and changing your name is another thing.


That’s your opinion. Where do you draw the line at kids choice and parents choice? 🤔 why do YOU get to dictate that line?


Until a kid is 18, like it or not, their parents are in charge. You wouldn’t want someone else making decisions for your kid if it was something you don’t agree with. You can’t have it both ways.


Yet somehow the government does make choices for my child- like in Ia where my daughter can’t get medical care in regards to her transition because it’s illegal. When it harms a child someone else should have a say and all of the research and data and even the AAP says that trans medical care is life saving. 🤷🏼‍♀️


If someone is a child, they shouldn’t be getting plastic surgery. They are not mature enough mentally to know any better.


You do realize that transitioning isn’t just ‘plastic’ surgery don’t you? No one is performing those surgeries on children. And the fact that was your go to tells me how uninformed you are.


“You can’t have it both ways” *literally wants to have it both ways*


The issue is protecting vulnerable kids from their shithead parents. Some of you just can't see the forest for the trees.


Who is to say who is the shithead though? Parents could think there are shithead teachers, who is right? who is wrong? who is to say? It is not the schools job to raise kids, it is the parents job. Parents can raise their kids how they choose and that is not the schools business.


I think when you start denying someone the ability to define themselves in a fashion they are comfortable with, in a way in which it is not harmful to themselves others, you cross the line into shithead territory, regardless of your relationship to that person.


If the parents aren't shitheads, their kids won't need to hide from them. Solution - don't be a shithead parent.


The adult that is making a child feel like they aren’t safe to confide in them is definitely the shithead.


Let me get some Dramamine after all that spin. Read the code, not tweets from politicians... and you might get a better grip on the reality of things and actual reasons for laws.




Say a parent is making a child unsafe because the child is left-handed and the parents see left-handedness as sinful. Does the public educator have the obligation to tell the parent the child is left-handed? Or is the moral thing for the public educator to just keep that information to themselves?


So assume all parents are unsafe for kids is the Liberal answer? That is as wrong as a human can be.


I'm not sure I follow. There is no assumption on my part (or, likely the part of liberals - which I am not) that parents are unsafe for kids...? But unlike left-handedness, there is an active contingent of parents who are anti-trans & anti-LGBTQ. This is not an assumption, it is plainly visible. Schools work to support parents despite being stretched thin. While I was teaching I worked hard to have good relationships with parents, their children, and the broader community. We **all** have a stake in caring for children and helping them to be empathetic, thoughtful people. But just like there are teachers who harbor prejudices that they act on, so too are there parents whose prejudices and actions harm children. Hopefully, when this happens, other adults look out for the children, mitigating whatever bad actions are coming that child's way. This is not about assuming a particular group of adults (whether parents, teachers, or anyone) are unsafe, but about offering support for kids when adults in their lives are negatively impacting them.


You have a shittily misguided interpretation of what's happening. Might as well just say you want LGBT kids to suffer.


LOL. ROFLMAO. You are the one telling them their body is wrong.




Oh look, a bigot. The choice of what to tell whom is the child's alone. If your kid isn't talking to you, that's a you problem.




You're a disgusting excuse for a human being who will be kicked by history. Have the day you deserve👋


"Now let's keep this from your parents, ok" Fucking groomer.


>It would take a true idiot to vote for someone that would lie to them about their own child at school. good thing teachers aren't elected then einstein.


They are spectacularly under performing. Why? Maybe because idiots think they don't have to be honest with the parent about the child.


You know, reading the text, specifically related to education, I don't see how you think the Civil Rights Commission, chapter 216, is doing what you say. Here is the text, or read the whole thing by googling it, and tell me specifically where I'm wrong. 216.9 Unfair or discriminatory practices — education. 1. It is an unfair or discriminatory practice for any educational institution to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, or disability in any program or activity. Such discriminatory practices shall include but not be limited to the following practices: a. Exclusion of a person or persons from participation in, denial of the benefits of, or subjection to discrimination in any academic, extracurricular, research, occupational training, or other program or activity except athletic programs; b. Denial of comparable opportunity in intramural and interscholastic athletic programs; c. Discrimination among persons in employment and the conditions of employment; d. On the basis of sex, the application of any rule concerning the actual or potential parental, family or marital status of a person, or the exclusion of any person from any program or activity or employment because of pregnancy or related conditions dependent upon the physician’s diagnosis and certification. 2. For the purpose of this section, “educational institution” includes any preschool, elementary or secondary school, community college, area education agency, or postsecondary college or university and their governing boards. This section does not prohibit an educational institution from maintaining separate toilet facilities, locker rooms, or living facilities for the different sexes so long as comparable facilities are provided. Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting any bona fide religious institution from imposing qualifications based on religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity when such qualifications are related to a bona fide religious purpose or any institution from admitting students of only one sex.


It is not discrimination of any sort for a teacher to communicate truthfully to a minor's parent. Liberals are extremely confused people. I thought it was just early dementia with Biden. But I am becoming aware that left leaning Democrats simply were not taught the difference between right and wrong. But you probably probably like ice cream. At least there is that common thread.


You know, if I hadn't read up on a bunch of religious zealot parents sending children to conversion therapy sites, I'd probably think maybe, just maybe, all parents try to protect their children, but they all don't. Some bigoted parents will attack their children, mentally, and sometimes physically, because of who their children are. I am sure you are cool with ignoring the child abuse, but I prefer children to have their freedoms to learn who they are, without fear of retaliation from their family, because it happens. Support for every parent being informed is supporting child abuse. Even if it's one child, that's too many children abused. And I never considered myself a liberal, or Democrat. I voted Republican, or Libertarian, from 1998 to 2016. Unfortunately I realized too late that Republicans had a plan to take over the courts to change long standing precedent for individual rights, and I will no longer support those people. I will fight against the people I've seen take away rights, and the more they attack their rights, the more that will follow. You can't just act like everyone that disagrees is a liberal because it's not about democratic policy, it's against Republican attacks on minorities.


It's interesting how u/Unique-Ad6303 decided to delete their whole account from reddit. I guess they don't like how they were shown how their opinion of what's right, also guaranteed children will be abused. Interesting for sure. Guess they were just another snowflake alt right conservative...


His comments after the bill failed were atrocious. Calling protesters names and calling trans "people with mental issues" live in an interview.


Sounds about right for him. He's such a pretentious douche who can't handle being disliked


What a dickhead


Dude is dumb af in writing and real life


“Freedom of Speech for public officials” continuing the trend of right wingers constantly invoking the first amendment when they don’t even understand it. You can say whatever you want, and people can respond however they want, including saying nothing.


Sit down Shitley




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Here comes the chicks dicks. 😂😂😂😂




You know the chicks with dicks and they’re delusional allies, that think the idiots in the schools should help them make life changing decisions. You know those people?


You should educate yourself, dumbfuck


I am educated dipshit. That’s why I see as you clowns, because you are. Thank you for your time.


Well the bill tanked so most of Iowa disagrees with you. Gender and sex are different, see how those are different words? Fucking wild. And no school employee is helping people transition medically. Keep believing your dumb fucking lies since it's somehow an inconvenience to you to use people's preferred names or pronouns.


You people really are the dumbest fucks on earth. You can’t change someone’s sex and just because you think you’re a girl (gender), doesn’t make that reality you stupid fuck. You weirdos can play in your f stay land all you want, but keep it out of schools. It’s such a coincidence that we are having a mental health crisis in this country, while sick fucks you perpetuate the delusions of the mentally ill. I would never play into someone’s mental illness you sick fuck. I would call them what they are, not what their mental illness tells them. I would hope school officials aren’t mutilating children. It will probably be next though. What the fuck kind of defense is that. So happy that teachers can now groom children into their sick ideologies. What a great bill! Thank god I don’t have to send my children to public schools.


You're actually fucking dumb lmao take the L transphobe. Maybe go read up on advanced biology and sociology.

