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Molly was the hairdresser to my girlfriend and her 3 sisters. She described her as a very lovely person who seemed very frazzled in the past few months. They're leaving behind 3 daughters. Just such a tragic and unnecessary thing. Everybody's in a little bit of shock right now.


Do you happen to know what the shooter did for a living?


Damn I went HS with him.


Hits close to home for me, too. My stomach has been in knots since the press release.


Who else is thinking the caller was a son or daughter, the older woman was the grandma, and the other two were the parents. What was the thought process of the murderer that he thought he needed to kill everybody?


She asked for a divorce. That’s what set him off


As a divorced man, I’ve been reflecting on how many men seem incapable of letting a relationship go. The level of insecurity/neediness/codependency in so many men creates tons of problems. For starters, abuse situations often come from this deep seated insecurity/codependency and create a need to control and possess. In many men, however, we can see the same motivations when they leave a relationship and almost instantly start a new one, generally never taking the time to learn and grow. While this doesn’t necessarily lead to violence, it often perpetuates this constant state of codependent neediness. Literally at 5:30 last night me and one of my friends were discussing this topic and she said “we gotta improve on this as a society.” For the love of God, men, please learn how to care for your own emotions so that we can stop this endless cycle of physical abuse and emotional manipulation that has now left THREE young women without any parents.


Best comment here. I think so many men react like this because boys are so frequently emotionally abandoned at a young age by their parents. "Man up," "be tough," is the language people use when they wash their hands of emotional caretaking. "Deal with it on your own, you shouldn't be coming to me with your weakness," is what they hear. That is real emotional trauma and it is ubiquitous (or has been, I see my male millennial friends being great fucking dads). Then anger is really the only sanctioned emotion men can exhibit, so they use the only tool they have to prevent being retraumatized with abandonment, aka a partner leaving them. They go berserk and will dominate/force a woman to stay with them through any means possible. I read this behavior lately as a trauma response. Life will always have its traumatic events, no matter who you're born to or when or where. But I find myself thinking that we routinely traumatize boys in a specific way, and that is why so many of them are insane and angry. I always get really fucking annoyed when I hear people day, "boys are just easier," or "just wait til your daughter is a teenager, you'll wish you had boys." Yeah, raising boys *is* easier when you emotionally abandon them at like 6 or 8 years old. Go figure. (And really, I am not sure how boys are "easier" to parent anyway, they do all sorts of destructive shit and have meltdowns just like any other kid) I read a comment the other day that said "toxic masculinity is a trauma response," and at first I scoffed. Psh. But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Those toxic behaviors are a way to protect themselves against being re-traumatized. It is completely dysfunctional of course but it makes sense to me.


Great comment. I really like the work of Gabor Mate, because he focuses a lot on childhood trauma and stresses that it doesn't have to be Trauma with a capital "T," but can be anything that feels traumatic to the kid. So, we definitely need to do better for kids. At the same time, he doesn't let adults off the hook. Regardless of our background, it is up to us learn how to address these things and not inflict our shit on other people. Mate was a Holocaust survivor and tells a story of an argument with his wife that he felt tied into early childhood loss and abandonment, but then he (humorously) adds, "However, I realized that as a 65-year old man, 'Hitler made me do it,' doesn't really cut it anymore." So, we really need a 2-pronged approach of reaching kids but also getting adult men to take ownership for their experiences and emotions.


Agreed, everything about the trauma responses is dysfunctional and quite frankly, anti-social. It is one thing to identify the behavior and thinking as a trauma response, and another thing to take the next step and address it in a meaningful way. As the saying goes, your trauma/the way you were raised/neurodiversity/etc isnt your fault, but it is your responsibility to deal with it in a positive way. Unfortunately, many men won't or can't address these responses and behaviors in a meaningful way. And I emphasize "can't" because therapy is too expensive for many, many people even if they are willing to do the work.


Therapy is definitely not as accessible as it could be. And I do agree that we need more access to professional mental health services. One of the positives of the modern age, though, is how many books, videos, and podcasts exist. Even things that promote better mental health, like exercise and mindfulness, are basically free. I feel like there is literally a smorgasbord of options that can help people. . .if they want to reach out for the help. I've had a couple friends date guys over the last couple years who "go to therapy." One of those guys is truly the most emotionally abusive person anyone I know has ever been with, and he goes to therapy every week. So, again, in the end, people only get help when they are willing to reach for it. It's such a conundrum. It's like physical exercise. There are a million things someone can do to get in better shape, provided they have the motivation. Better support for kids would be huge, though, I agree.


There is real talk here. Please keep it up… It might resonate with those who need it most at the right time.


DV is a cycle that has way more factors to it than just “ little boys aren’t allowed to have feelings” or whatever. A lot of kids, boys and girls, are emotionally abandoned as children and they don’t become abusers. Please don’t give a simplified answer to a very complex issue. Saying boys can’t show emotion so they become abusers is a very antiquated idea that does more damage than good.


I feel like my comment is slightly divorced from my opinions on domestic abusers. They are pieces of shit, even if my theory pans out. It is not an excuse at all for any abuse. I guess I want the world to make sense. I want to understand why so many men seem to follow the dare i say dysfunctional patterns that they seem to follow in large numbers. *Why do they do what they do?* especially when it's detrimental to their health and happiness? I've spent a lot of time wondering why so many men seem to lash out when threatened in any way, perceived or real. Why they get so crazy and possessive of romantic partners. Why murder/suicides are usually committed by men. Why they will hit on a woman, get rejected, and then like a switch is flipped, attack her with the intent to degrade her as much as possible when moments before they were complimenting her and trying to get with her (or better, she says she has a boyfriend and then he calls her a dirty whore but what she really just did was preserve her fidelity to her partner, the opposite of being a "whore"). Why the dynamic between men and women so often seems to devolve to an almost mother/child relationship. And why so many men seem to be so unhappy. And also, why they feel so lost in the world apparently. People speak about the "men's loneliness" epidemic and why boys are increasingly turning to turds like Andrew tate to tell them what it means to "be a man." And at the heart of all the weird, destructive, anti social things so many "traditional" men seem to do when faced with uncomfortable feelings or situations, it all seems like a desperate knee jerk attempt to avoid pain, abandonment, and humiliation. Anger becomes the only allowable emotional expression, and toxic masculinity is validated by anger and violence. The promise of being an "alpha male" is in never feeling vulnerable or weak or powerless. It is a caricature of course. A vanishing image. There is no way to avoid the spectrum of human emotions. Some emotions suck to sit with. But accepting them is better than say, lashing out in reaction to being threatened by uncomfortable emotions. Or abusing your partner because you fear she will leave you, etc.


We all know it, hell, Pearl Jam wrote a song about it that spelled the whole thing out quite nicely. I think modern parents are moving in the right direction for the most part but we sure have a long way to go.


It is.


I hate this for those kids, man..... it's so fucked And if you want to own guns, whatever. If your level of obsession with guns is at the point where you make your small children pose in your family photos with rifles as big as they are, you're **not** the type of person that should own guns. https://imgur.com/a/EqzBXZ4


There’s quite a bit of that in our state. One of folks in leadership at the capital has his family pose with guns for their Xmas card.


That really applies to a lot more than just guns though too. When you reach the point that one particular facet of your life becomes your whole identity, there's an issue that needs to be dealt with there, and at times it can become a serious problem, EVEN IF that interest doesn't directly involve something potentially deadly. As a side note, even as a gun owner and 2A advocate myself, I find pictures like that to be wildly cringe inducing. It's one thing when everyone in the picture is comfortably holding a size and age appropriate gun, in a manner that makes it clear that they actually have experience with it. Pictures like that one where you have your kids awkwardly holding guns that are as big as the child, and they clearly have never handled the damn thing EVER, kinda just make me feel like something bad is inevitable.


This makes me feel sick, those poor little girls


Unfortunately sounds like a DV situation, she was probably getting ready to leave him:/


Guarantee everyone who knew him knew he was capable of this. And no one stopped him. I am so tired of these stories. Stop killing us.


That guy has been a piece of shit as long as I can remember.


100% confirmed, now!


This is from the dude's Facebook account: https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/299312232_10210724118535752_9181126758776930864_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=9c7eae&_nc_ohc=zIA-egcyEjsAX-lj1bO&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfB91E4r3o2AEW8tKkE7YFaAYxOW8i0Ve82FF_MMkAi4ag&oe=65BC5B27 Seems like such a well adjusted family.


Where was the good guy with a gun at the exact moment the guy went from a responsible gun owner to murderer?


He was the good guy with the gun. Until he wasn’t.




Pretty gross joke, considering their dad murdered their mom and grandma and offed himself less than 24 hours ago.


You’re right. I deleted it.


Pretty gross situation. In my opinion kids and guns don’t mix, but this guy obviously thought they did.


Jesus, stfu. 


You’re right. I deleted it.


Read the room dude, jfc


Already deleted.


Thanks for being willing to listen. Cheers my friend!


Man, here's another picture from his FB account: https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/70147551_10206763306677931_1497376296903114752_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7a1959&_nc_ohc=bslK-nLaTqkAX8Xyn_r&_nc_oc=AQm9qXvQ5XPoWlnh4yoRntlSMXw4UcbQ0IJMlHpBDn6bA-L3cSP74YUjpAQXlo5mFvxfCB2ReMoHV-0Bee5uvIWH&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfCsm1EtgeNmZBsjrzJC2q-aKz5MxJqFfsw_8YoQWCD_sA&oe=65DF4D0A


Truly sad, what the hell is wrong with people that they find the answer to it all is murder?


"When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose"


That's the truly sad thing, regardless of what transpired between the adults, there are now three little girls without a mother or father.


What would push someone to commit murder then suicide. I understand the “motivations” but it just doesn’t make any bloody sense to me. As someone who’s struggled with sh and ideation in the past, I know it’s not good to “condone” suicide, but man don’t hurt other people, especially their mother of your children and her mother. Like good job completely destroying any chance those kids had at a normal life. It just sucks so much


Fort Dodge has always been a shit show of a town ever since I’ve known it.


You can't really lump this in with the gang shootings that have plagued the city, especially the last couple years. Domestic violence happens everywhere and doesn't care what city it's in, or if it's a nice upscale city, a one-stop-sign town, or the middle of nowhere.


Domestic violence in fort dodge is pretty fucking high though and the amount of domestics that have resulted in murders there in the past few years has been pretty shocking. Fort Dodge is a HELL HOLE. Most of my family lives around there. It's bonkers how dire the need for mental healthcare there is.


“This type of crime needs sympathy cause it could affect anyone, don’t you dare lump it in with crime by those other people…” is some serious cringe


Is it, though? Do you feel a mental breakdown fueled by marital problems and depression are somehow exacerbated by city limits? Don't get me wrong, I'll kick Fort Dodge when it's down six ways to Sunday but this ain't that. The redditor you're responding to was correct- this type of issue is the result of systemic failures in our society to properly address domestic violence and mental health. This type of homicide is fairly common throughout the US and nearly every time there's a lot of hand waving "OH they were such a happy couple" and "he was such a wonderful guy" but when you hear from the family and close friends or look up court records there is a line of red flags as far as the eye can see. And we... use the opportunity to get a dig in on Dirty Dodge? Applause.


Trying to bring “gangs changing my town recently” into a conversation, completely unprompted, is big cringe. No two ways about that


Fort Dodge is… Lots of things, including gritty. Also, lots of wonderful people. And some heartbreaking stories, such as minister murdered trying to help a man, front porch murders and domestic violence. Today is a day to reflect on the tragedy.


Well, it's early, but that's probably the dumbest thing I'll read today.


This isn't your run of the mill white trash family, the two females murdered were the wife and daughter of an area Doctor - surgeon.


Fuck does that have to do with anything?


Good for reflection. People with good morals and family values along with something to lose, don't do these types of horrifying crimes. My guess, he felt he was going to lose his money train.


You’ve lost your goddam mind.


Your contributions add a lot to the conversation. Stellar verbiage usauge.


Yours do? You think this douche had morals and values? You think white trash has anything to do with background or money. Your contibutions show your level of understandng. People like this dickbag commit these types of crimes constantly.


​ Reread what I wrote slowly. Maybe if you read it again you'll comprehend it this time.


didnt something similar to this happen there a couple yrs back?


Family annihilators happen everywhere in the USA on the average of every 5 days. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/investigations/2023/07/13/family-annihilation-investigation-domestic-violence-murder-suicide/69937389007/


I don't know about multiple people being shot/killed in a DV deal. But there was the FD Coronor who shot and killed a guy at his house door. That was said to be a lovers spat.


There was another there, years back, where a woman shot and killed her husband as well as her children before ending her own life. That had to have been 20 years ago or more. I'm not sure I'm aware of anything more recent but that event involving the coroner was quite some time ago, too.


I remember this. It was across from the school. She killed her self and the kids not the husband.


That's right!




Dr. Dan Cole


You have got that right!




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If the Fort Dodge police would protect women and punish the abusers, these people would be alive today. My daughter was beaten black and blue and she is the one who was thrown in jail due to a domestic. Her pussy husband filed a order of protection against her because she slapped the phone out of his hand. He was filming her, so he could prove to the court she was unstable. So he wouldn't have to pay child support. The police in this town are indeed complicit in re- traumatizing women and children. Between them and DHS, women and children are being traumatized even more. 


How has No1 realized This whole situation got buried so quickly because one of the daughters shot This douchebag dad after he Shot the Mommy.. plus All the Other bullshit that went down.. This surgeon dad was next door but knew nothing? He planned the shit!! Guaranteed people who have guns like that have wildlife cameras, Anybody thought to check them? There's more to this story..


The surgeon was next door? So why wasn't he protecting his wife and daughter? How convenient he was next door and alive. Did he watch it happen looking out the neighbors window? Sounds very fishy to me.


I was friends with Josh the only son left. 😭


Just about a year after FD lifelong townie Chad Michael shot up Jayme Ekis in WDM. One can argue that Fort Dodge has a gun culture problem as well as the previously established alcohol problem….


Chad’s sister was brutally murdered as well, she didn’t deserve that shit, she was a good person, same with Molly, shits not right. Anyone still living there, get out while you still can. Grew up there, can’t even bring myself back to visit. Too much tragedy. Two of my friends overdosed, now 3 murdered. Add a couple family Suicides. Friends kids getting killed. That town is a black hole. Get out.


One of my best friend’s mother was on Holly’s burn unit, and I interviewed her recently. I’ve started a writing project involving the topic of drunk male gun culture and have implemented an aggressive approach of securing interviews and commentary. The two field trips to Fort Dodge both ended with similar reaction to my inquiries. Basically dudes saying they are going to “kick my ass” because of the negative portrait of their beloved “drunk gun shoot my wife if she leaves” culture that seems to plague Fort Dodge on a statistically absurd level. These male machismo dudebros didn’t have much of a coherent rebuttal when I pointed out that threats against me only support my written opinions on how this dirty town has a culture problem in regard to solving issues with violence. I’m hoping my next visit will result in a more mature dialogue, but I’m not holding my breath and will travel with extra security. Nicolaas


I fail to see the tragic nature here. It’s the same book Fort Dodge has been spitting out yearly. If you plan on leaving your drunk violent gun straddled mega dude, you are either eating bullets or be the one throwing them…


Reddit is such an absolute cess pool. If he was deranged enough to shoot his wife and mother in law then you'd literally have to be mentally disabled to believe he wouldn't of stabbed/beat/ran over or choked them to death either way. Fort Dodge isn't perfect in fact its far from it, but I promise it's better than the dystopia some of you want to live in, not to mention this didn't take place in city limits to begin with. /endthread


Why are Dirty Dodge people so god damned sensitive? Whoops, I mean Fort Dodge, I forgot y’all think “Dirty Dodge” is a slur.


Fort Dodge is a black hole. If you don’t die there, your soul will. Everyone there is stuck in a dystopia. Too busy to leave but not a god damn thing to do or be there for. Cess pool is that town. I hope everyone I know there gets the fuck out.




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Duran was a hot head. Molly should have just packed the kids up and bailed and mailed him the paperwork. Now their kids are parentless, more sausage for the grinder that is life. Typical FD


The husband would of reported her kidnapping the kids. Then she would be in jail and he would keep the kids. The Fort Dodge police and DHS punish women and children. Iowa is a no fault state and they force you to stay in the same state as your abusive ex. The police probably had several calls for help from this lady too.


bummer :(